An actual real CM Punk return a possibility?


For all you humanoids out there...
So I went ahead and searched "CM Punk return" today, just out of boredom to see if there are any rumors out there. Low and behold I found something with some promise. I read an article that said he is already in talks with WWE and there was a rough plan in place...

I am a newbie here, don't know the policy on posting links, other sites stories, etc... so I didn't post any links to what I saw.
If this is OK I will be happy to put a link.

But the story says that He will return at about the time Sting makes his debut. With him being set up as a party crasher for Sting's debut. Rumor has it that he will interrupt a story line that has Sting challenging Lesnar at WM31. Rumors also indicated that Roman Reigns may be thrown into the mix too.

I've never been a huge Punk fan, but he would bring a lot back to WWE and make it better, on the whole for sure.

What does IWC think? Any believers or doubters in a Punk return?
Anyone like or dislike him spoiling Stings WWE debut storyline?
I actually wish Punk would return, Sting would debut and fight Taker in a wheelchair match, Cena would turn heel, Ziggler would win every championship in pro wrestling and every single wrestler would be a cool heel thats bad but still gets cheers.

Seriously though, these threads are beyond the point of annoying. CM Punk is not going to return to interrupt Sting's debut party. We have no idea what Punk is planning to do or when/if Sting is going to show up. He needs to just so everyone can shut up and be disappointed and move on.

I actually looked up this bullshit rumor and it is an actual rumor and not something this guy made up. Nothing more than to get a few internet fanboy's wet dreams riled up. Nobody should believe anything in wrestling until it actually happens. Anything can and will change on the fly. It's one thing to read reports and have a chuckle but it's another to take them as God himself's word only to be upset and complain online that it didn't happen.
Well I don't see why they'd have Sting show up, a guy who's never wrestled in WWE just to have him get interrupted by Punk, a guy who left the company about a year ago(if the plans are for Wrestlemania season). Granted, Sting v Punk could be interesting. Plus they could still set up Reigns v Lesnar. But here's my problem with this, Sting can't come out and say he's number 1 contender when the Royal Rumble winner would be. So flaw there.

I actually was thinking about Punk returning on Raw when Stephanie said Nikki was number 1 contender. I was like AJ would get cheated out of her spot, and next week she shows up and says well I know someone who knows how to work the strings, knows what it's like to be screwed out of what you deserve. Punk comes out and says if you want me back I want a shot against Lesnar(which the ending segment would tie into being as Trips "wants someone else for Lesnar") and AJ gets her match against Paige(which would then turn into a fatal 4 way for the belt which hopefully wouldn't go to the Bellas)
Probably what you read might be non-existent for once, and even if you did read it somewhere, it is probably old news, maybe from back in 2011...

Even so, it seems highly unlikely at this point for Punk to return. I can't see him returning, at least not soon and definitely not as a part of a storyline.

There have been so many "Punk returning" threads, and jsut a heads-up, it would be good if those would quiet down. If anything your thread could be banned for duplicating topics, but I digress.

It was fun speculating if Punk would return during the first months up until Wrestlemania, because it could all be a storyline. 8 months later, nothing has been said and it seems that their relationship is over.

I don't completely deny a possibility that he might return, but he seems to be in a good place right now, doing other fun stuff. I don't think he would come back and risk his health etc, except if it was for a big time match at the main event of Mania, along with a big paycheck and a flexible schedule.

At this rate though, WM31 already seems to have its main event pretty much set, between Lesnar vs probably Reigns, Cena, Ambrose or someone like them. Cm Punk is hard to be imagined as a guy to main event WM31, since they will try to create a new star at that time.
Maybe WM32 would be a good choice, but it is still far away and you can't know how things will be.

Bottom line is that it seems that Punk has quit for good, and by seeing how bad the product is, how much bullying goes on backstage, how many politics is going around and how Vince treats his employees and the fans, I'm quite amazed by how long he kept being with the company. After all, Heyman said that he struggled ever since WM29 to find that passion to keep going, but he gave up after the Royal Rumble.
Sure, Punk coming back would be awesome, but I'm past the point where I'm dying to see him return. I made a thread about why can't he come back as a commentator or an agent/trainer, but no one seemed inclined to respond to my idea. Besides, at the end of the day, it's all up to him about when he wants to return. I just hope it's kind of like the Jericho return where they keep it a secret (at least as secret as it can get in this day and age) and where we legitimately don't see it coming. For the time being I don't see why we can't enjoy this new generation of superstars whose future is bright (with the obvious exception of whoever they choose to feed to Cena). Like I said earlier, Punk is a great athlete and a great talker, so there's no reason he can't come back at some point and either use those skills to help a young athlete or at the announce table.
I miss Punk but i agree with alot of the other posters on here who have said CM Punk will never wrestle again in the WWE.

I don't even think he'll be on WWE TV ever again. I think its simple if he even came out to do a retirement speech or something there would be an overwhelming response of people chanting "one more match' or whatever, and it would just never really end.

Bottom line is - a man doesn't walk out on Wrestlemania if he believes in the back of his mind he'll be back one day. I think everybody is right. CM Punk is done and he will never wrestle again in the WWE.
"An actual real CM Punk return a possibility?"

CM Punk is done with the business for the foreseeable future; I can say this because there's more than enough sufficient evidence to validate it. He's gone, and any fantasy scenarios of his return are just that - a fantasy.

The possibility of his return will increase (as will speculation) given years, but the chance of it now is probably completely nonexistent.


He's gone. He's done. Finished. No mas. He's busy putting the plow to AJ and sitting around not abusing his body anymore. I think it's pretty safe to say nobody would mind seeing him back. But until that music hits and he actually steps through that curtain, I personally don't want to hear his name and the word "return" in the same sentence ever again. Between this and the people saying Bray Wyatt is being "buried," I'm ready to shove a steak knife through my taint.

Enough of CM Punk return threads. Nobody. Gives. A. Shit.
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Punk is done honestly he's done and I can't see him returning but if he did then here is hoping he would get a push but Punk if he were to return then he would instantly be babyface but who could Punk feud with that he hasn't already feuded with
I don't think Punk will return. He's done, even for Sting - I don't think he'll comeback.

He had a great career. He pretty much peaked. The longer he stays out, the harder it would be for him to be in a position he'd like. New younger stars are being made - Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Rusev, etc.
please stop posting like this type of topic. Its hates me a lot. Nowadays you guys make repeated type post. You guys even post this thread in 2050.
So here's the deal with CM Punk - I was going to post this as a seperate thread but you have to have so many posts first and I can't be bothered at this point.

Let me set this up as I have a bit of knowledge of the situation and I'll tell everyone a story of what went down back at WM19. WWE was about to go public on the NYSE and there was a lot of pressure to ensure the IPO was strong. Turns out at this time Stone Cold had decided he couldn't physically continue and was ready to retire. But there was not a mention that his match at WM would be his last. Why not you ask, a big retirement match for Stone Cold could main event the show and probably help sell a lot more PPV buys. Well the answer is the public knowing that Stone Cold was leaving in addition to the Rock already heading out to Hollywood would mean their 2 largest stars would be gone and this would have negatively impacted the stock IPO. So it was just never mentioned. Stone Cold left without a big announcement and left fans to this day wondering if he is still going to wrestle a last match.

Fast Forward to January 2014 and you see the WWE in a similar situation with the Network about to launch and one of their biggest stars looking to retire due to his physical health and possibly a bit of displeasure with how things were running. No one knows what happened in the closed room with Punk, Hunter, and Vince but there is no doubt that announcing the departure of one of their biggest stars prior to launching their biggest venture which would directly impact their stock price, which fell apart anyways, would probably be a bad idea and would have resulted in much lower subscriber count than they achieved. Even leading to Wrestlemania the rumor of Punk showing up was alive. But it is not to be. The man has retired and has not been allowed to make the announcement or go out the way he wanted to due to financial reasons very similar to the circumstances surrounding Austin's departure. Imagine you have to retire from what you love, you dislike the product being produced and you won't be allowed to go out the way you want and feel your fans deserve. You might just walk away as well.
This letter that Punk's lawyer's reportedly handed Vince does not sound like a guy angling for an imminent return to the E. I think he is tired of the grind, and made enough smart investments that he really does not need the E. If he DOES return to the squared circle, it will probably be with the Juggalos (Which I can totally see), or a small Chicagoland promotion to help in its growth on a "need for some pocket change" basis. Who knows, he might have a small business that he is running right now.
After this 22 page lawyer attack on WWE over royalties, I doubt we'll see him anytime soon. If he doesn't get his money, we might not even see him on the network for all we know.
Just like others have said.... I thought for sure he would return but if it's true his lawyers sent WWE a 22 page lawsuit any chance of him returning before the age of 50 as just flown out the window

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