Amor Caecus Est

Minor League Brian

Master of the Legendary Triple Post
I know there was a topic awhile ago on a simliar topic, but shit; I can't find it and...I'm bored...and this was going to waste and I couldn't think of any topics to make or anything to comment on. Oh, and I couldn't use the Column Section.

Tis 'bout Mayne an' Wuv.

P.S; The ending...blows.

P.S.S; Yeah, I wrote it.


Amor Caecus Est
“Love is Blind”​

Man; A simple creature, completely content when in possession of a good woman, a beer, and something to waste his time on. Although men can vary from person to person, one thing remains constant: the need for a significant other. Natural selection has seen fit to grant us humans with emotions; the most prominent of these being the ever allusive and alluring love.

While in nature’s infinite wisdom we simple men were granted with such an emotion, one has to question our ability to comprehend it; are we capable of understanding something this complex? What is it? What are its causes? Could I be under its spell? Such questions have been asked through eons of critical thought, and will continue to be asked until the end of time. Much like the meaning of life; for all we know they could be one and the same, but we will never have a true universal answer. At best we must make do with a bit of reason and try to find our own individual answers in the time given to us.

Now, before I can take you to where we are going, I must show you where we’re coming from. What I’m telling you is by no means an absolute; absolutes are a rarity in this world, but to understand my presented scenario, you must understand my mindset; hence this prologue.

The name, the word we associate with that all-mighty euphoric feeling, love was derived from the Sanskrit language. In common tongue it would be pronounced as “lub”, which loosely translates into ‘brutal envy’. Maybe this explains the misconceptions of love. A new word, perhaps, is needed for the common use of the word today is much closer to its ancient description.

Love is something sacred, so much so that the cliché use of the word in our modern world is sickening. It’s something so powerful that a word truly can not capture its power. It can bring the strongest of men to their knees, and lift the heaviest of souls to the heavens. True love is the ability to sit with someone for hours on end, and not have to say a word. True love is the ability to argue to the point of tears, and still say I love you before you say goodbye. True love has the ability to be conveyed through any means, no matter the median. True love is something everyone has, but is unique to you.

In many respects, love can be compared to a drug. We start off small, just experimenting with this new and exciting feeling before slowly, but surely slipping in larger amounts without any idea of the consequences. It begins to dominate our lives, and once we realize our mistake, it’s too late. We finally realize that we’ve become addicted, and the fear of losing it becomes overwhelming. All the while, it continues to grow, until it hits a point. We can no longer go any higher; the next level of euphoria is just out of reach and all we have to do is take one step, just one, but we hesitate - why? This next step is an all or nothing, do or die, step. We either achieve the next level, or we self destruct along with that feeling.

Maybe that’s a bad connection; love and drugs, because it throws love into a darker light but everything has its dark side.

Anyway, with that out of the way, I think it’s time to dive deeper into the subject. I know earlier I said that men are simple creatures, and that holds true, but women also appear blind to the complexities of love. Women are complex, they understand and comprehend things better than men, and for the most part have a better understanding of things like emotions. Yet they seem blind, however, to the affects of love on men.

We’re simple creatures, no doubt, but as soon as the drug known as love is present in our systems, we take on whole other levels of complexities. The problem is that being initially simple we find it hard to handle this new level. Our minds lose the ability to comprehend reality and get stuck thinking about the only thing in our world that really matters at that point: her. Love dominates our thoughts; we can’t think about anything else because our simple minds aren’t initially designed to deal with such a complexity.

It’s at this point that we start to question things. We being to question if this is really love? And if it isn’t, then we question we're feeling. We do this so much, and we think about the 'her] so much that we start to become fearful of our own feelings. The feeling of being too clingy. We question if everything were seeing is through a perverse view point; if everything done is a message to ourselves. To put it bluntly: We get 'creepy' in our behavior.

To be fair, however, it’s not always our fault. Women make it worse for us; whether they do this on purpose or just don’t realize the implications of their own actions, is beyond my comprehension.

"You lull us with your smooth words, giving us false hopes. You’ll lean your head on our shoulder, walk arm in arm with us, wait patiently for us to come by, and you fill our mind with words that would melt even the coldest heart. You go out of your way to be what we all love and hold dear to our hearts. Do you not understand that such things bring down the walls surrounding our hearts? Such actions are a man’s kryptonite? We have no defense against it; our already over-worked mind can’t see the difference between friendship and love."

"So we nurture the hope, the hope that what we feel isn’t just a one way street. That we can be your other; that we’re the only one that truly matters. The pressure on our minds is relieved some. We allow ourselves to fall deeper into those feelings. We become confident, the feelings from our heart out weighing our better judgment, and we finally confess our feelings. Even though we know you already have someone, we believe we can sway your feelings that we can bring forth what was already there."

"Then it happens. Our hopes and our dreams are crushed as you throw down the wall to your heart, and so we’re thrown into a state limbo. We question everything. We ponder if you were just pawns in your own personal scheme, if possibly you just wish to gain a better control over your “true” love. We wonder if you just wanted some poor insignificant soul to toy with. We try to rationalize it; we can’t explain that no matter how badly it hurts; we still have those feelings. We try to think up excuses, trying to explain how you had changed and that it wasn’t our perception on reality that had been changed. We do anything in our power to not except the truth; our love for you is only one way."

From this point we begin to question what we’re feeling. Is this love? Could this possibly be lust at its strongest? Our feelings waver as we try to push them away. We try to denounce them, and play along as if they aren’t there but like the Hydra of lore, the more “heads” we try to cut off, the harder we have to try to kill it, and the quicker and stronger it returns. We grow fearful, because what if this really isn’t love? Can there be something more powerful than this? We dwell further, eventually falling into our own self-pity. We’re brought to our knees by a single person, who isn’t even aware of what they're doing.

We reach a point where we can go no lower, and we’re forced to look at everything and ask ourselves, "Is she worth it?" This is the apex; the point where we must draw the line between lust and love. We may snap - lose complete control and release all of your emotions at once, but the truth remains the same; she is worth the agony. No matter how far we fall - no matter how bad it gets, we know she’s worth it simply because even if those feelings aren’t mutual, she’ll be there for us.

All those feelings we had put aside to embrace our anger, sadness, and jealousy come crashing down on us. The unfathomable amount of emotions we feel is mind numbing, yet invigorating. We wish we could just stay in that moment forever, to feel this way eternally - indefinitely, but we know that if we don’t let go, then we’ll snap. We’ll never be able to recover. We’re forced to fight the tide, all the while wishing she could experience what we have experienced.

Finally the flood begins to lull, and reality sets in; the feelings slowly fade from mind as the consciousness tries to grasp at the wisps of what it had just experienced. As the emotional swarm leaves, a feeling of emptiness is left inside of us. We feel as if a weight has been lifted; the stress that had been building-up is finally gone but we don’t understand why we feel worse than we did before. For the second time we’re forced to ask ourselves if it’s all worth it, and this time the answer isn’t as easy to find. The emotions that drove us before aren’t as easy to grasp; we’re forced to look at them with a mind no longer fueled or energized.

We push away from everyone, trying our best to shield ourselves from the world. We alienate ourselves, all the while trying to understand our own feelings. With our distances come even more questions. In our solitude we’ve lost the ones we trust most of all. We take to the shadows, running mostly on auto-pilot as we try to figure out exactly what’s going through her mind. Meanwhile, we simultaneously try to understand our own feelings. It taxes our simple minds and we’re forced to devote our every emotional resource to such thought.

This is the point where the line is drawn, where every man is forced to make that one and final choice. We will either accept our state in life that we will never be what we so dearly wish to be, or we move on. Either way, we must accept that no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, we can never overcome free will.

This is where my story ends, and yours begins. It’s at this point that every story I’ve played apart in; every time I’ve seen this scenario played out, has changed. This is the part where the man finally has to answer the question. It will be set in stone; a do or die answer, perhaps. No longer can he play in the past, or question all that has occurred, he must move forward and come to terms with his stance on life.

I can offer no guidance here, but in retrospect, what gives me the right to offer any guidance at all? I am, but a child, and haven’t lived long enough to understand the world in all its majesty. That does not change or devalue, however, what I have experienced. This is why instead of telling you what you should do, I will tell you what I have done.

I’ve come to a realization while writing this; something I didn’t expect would happen. I had started off writing this with the goal to enlighten readers on the plight of my own and others like me, and as a way to alleviate my own excess of emotions. This was meant to be my venue; a place that I could express what was truly happening to me. Instead, it’s given me a sense of clarity. I won’t say that I have come to terms with my state; I can’t allow the hope to die for that would mean defeat and I will not concede defeat. No, I have finally realized a simple fact - life goes on!

I know that nothing I can do will ever change 'her feelings' towards me. I can’t force her to have love for me, and I won’t, but I’ve realized that it doesn’t matter. [I know I can’t change the fact that she’ll never love me as I love her.] I know that I will have to live with the fact she’ll fall for other men, some will be good while others won’t deserve her affection. None of that matters, though. The reason being that no matter how many times her heart may be broken, or no matter how many times she will fall, I’ll be there to help her to her feet. I will pick up the pieces of her broken heart and patch them back together.

Some would question why I can be content with this, and I can tell you now; every man must find his answer to that question, "Is she worth it?" And no matter how many times I may be forced to ask myself this in the days to come. No matter how many times I may stumble from the path, I will always know that the answer I picked was the right one for me; "she is worth it."

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