Amir Khan fight controversy continues

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
In December, Lamont Peterson defeated Amir Khan in Peterson's home town of Washington DC on points. Immediately following the fight, the Khan camp made an issue of the referee penalising Khan for pushing his opponent on two occassions.

Now there is some controversy over an unidentified man who made his way next to one of the judges and appeared to converse with Michael Welsh over his scoring.

I'm not too savvy with the rules and regulations, but would this lead to a re-match? Would Lamont drop the belts? Will Michael Welsh be suspended/fired?
If there is enough proof, which there isn't as yet, then the match would probably be counted as a no-contest and Khan would get his belts back. If Lamont Peterson was found to be part of a conspiracy to take the belts from Khan in some terrible misguided means, then he would likely have his license taken from him. More than likely indefinitely.
Question: Are judge's scorecards routinely photographed like that? I can't recall ever seeing an image of a judge's filled out scorecard before, I am curious as to how the BBC was able to acquire it. I have no clue if the fix was in or not, but the fact that they have an image of the scorecard itself seems rather suspicious to me, just because I wouldn't think it was something that doesn't get photographed. It's just curious to me. To those that watch a lot more boxing than I do, is this something that actually does happen, and I just didn't know?
I'm not sure to be honest. I know Sky Sports have shown the scorecard several times before on their news channel so it doesn't seem like it's something only the BBC have done.

I'd guess that scorecards would be documented so that if there was an argument about how the scoring was handled, they could then show how the scoring was broken down. Whether or not they are obliged to say why they scored a boxer the way they did, I have no idea.
I firmly believe this is just Amir Khan looking for an excuse as to why he lost. I don't know shit about boxing and all this mysterious person controversy but he's been whinging ever since he lost, he should just accept the defeat and try again/move on. David Haye also whinged about something when he lost too. It's just arrogance, they think they're the best ever and when they get beat they look for a reason/bullshit excuse as to why they lost.
Boxing is just so ridiculously fixed at this point. It deters from the actual fights. I really hope that boxing can get its shit together and cut out all or most of the shadiness that goes on behind the scenes.
I firmly believe this is just Amir Khan looking for an excuse as to why he lost. I don't know shit about boxing and all this mysterious person controversy but he's been whinging ever since he lost, he should just accept the defeat and try again/move on. David Haye also whinged about something when he lost too. It's just arrogance, they think they're the best ever and when they get beat they look for a reason/bullshit excuse as to why they lost.

Ehhh, this has more merit than Haye and his stubbed toe. Khan might have a case here, though I'd say a rematch is pretty much going to happen at some point regardless (unless Peterson is stripped of his lisence, let alone the belts).
Saw the fight, Khan has a point some merit to his case just from the point deduction alone, this mystery man that Welsh won't name just makes it look even better.
There are a lot of questionable things about that fight and he's absolutely right to want it investigated.

2 knockdowns in the first round, only one counted
2 points taken away for pushing, I've never seen that
The way Peterson was allowed to bully Khan and lead with his head
Some very questionable things going on with the cards and the amount of time it took to count them
and now this guy from Petersons camp talking to the judges which is completely against the rules.

There was talk before the fight of Washington being a very questionable place for boxing and this whole fight seems extremely dodgy. I'd wipe it from the records.
There are a lot of questionable things about that fight and he's absolutely right to want it investigated.

2 knockdowns in the first round, only one counted
2 points taken away for pushing, I've never seen that
The way Peterson was allowed to bully Khan and lead with his head
Some very questionable things going on with the cards and the amount of time it took to count them
and now this guy from Petersons camp talking to the judges which is completely against the rules.

There was talk before the fight of Washington being a very questionable place for boxing and this whole fight seems extremely dodgy. I'd wipe it from the records.

I agree with all of this.

It's astonishing how some people still have the gull to try and pull off a robbery in a sport like boxing these days with the technology and social media we all have access to. It's just not possible to do without a heap of backlash.

That said, while Khan was clearly ROBBED, he did fight a shit fight. I'm glad he got away from Freddie Roach. It just wasn't a right fit for him.
That said, while Khan was clearly ROBBED, he did fight a shit fight. I'm glad he got away from Freddie Roach. It just wasn't a right fit for him.

It's pretty hard to fight clean when someone is charging into you and holding your arms. The ref did absolutely nothing about it so Khan is left with 2 choices, just let Peterson punch you or push him away and be penalised. I can't stand Khan but it was a ludicrous fight.

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