Amir Khan could beat Floyd Mayweather


Staff member
I genuinely believe that.

Now, given that I am not the biggest boxing fan on the face of the planet, I know that I am opening myself up to some ridicule with this assumption but I feel that, at this point, there is enough evidence to support the claim. Let me just type out some ideas and you can all tell me how ridiculously stupid I am being.

Zab Judah, like him or not, was a World Champion boxer. He was not some old horse that should have been taken out the back of the barn with a broken leg and shot. For all intents and purposes, he was on the same level as Amir Khan before the fight last night. Both of them were walking into the ring with Championship affixed to them. Whether you care to rank the IBF, WBA, WBO in any order, you have to respect that they all reward fighters for being the best in their weight classes and that is exactly what Zab Judah and Amir Khan were and are.

However, last night, Amir Khan showed me and the rest of the world that he can mix it with the best. Not only did he make Judah look like a man on the down-slope of his career, he made him look positively amateurish. There was no trace of the Judah that had 15 Championship fights and two different Championship reigns. No, Amir Kahn made him look like your average fighter that you find at your local boxing club.

Amir Khan, whether you like him or not, has the talent to take on anyone that matches his weight class. Whether you like it or not, that does include Floyd Mayweather.

He has phenomenal hand speed that only a few fighters seem to have. Mayweather is another fighter that could keep up with Khan and that is why this fight needs to happen. Mayweather wants to fight more than once a year and Khan wants to fight him. After last night, I think that Khan has nothing left to prove to the American populace and that a fight with Maywerather would be the most productive outside of a fight with Manny. It is going to sell itself and no one is going to come out of the fight as a loser. The fans are going to be overjoyed to see a fight that will excite them after such a depressing time in boxing recently.

But more to the point, I think that Khan has both the speed and the talent to take Mayweather the distance. I have a feeling that, at this point, Khan is good enough that he could make it a very interesting fight and could even pull out a win against Money Mayweather. When you also take into account that Freddie Roach has taken Khan to a whole new level, you have to think that he at least has a chance of beating Mayweather?

Anyone care to weigh in on this one?
I like Amir Khan and think he's an extremely talented boxer. I wouldn't bet on him beating Floyd Mayweather though, if the fight happens.

I've swallowed plenty of disappointment from putting faith in British boxers in big fights and actually thinking they might win. So I don't think I'd let my nationalistic pride get in the way again if this fight was to happen.

Of course Amir Khan has a chance of winning this fight if it was to happen, I wouldn't dare underestimate Mayweather though.
As much as it pains me to say this, Mayweather is the best boxer in the world. Now that I said that, he is getting older and he has been having major legal problems and has been out of action for some time all of which will provide some rust and mental weakness which I think will show for a couple more fights. If Mayweather gets by Ortiz and goes on to fight Khan in his next fight, i'd say Khan has as good a chance as anybody to dethrone Mayweather. Khan is riding high right now while Mayweather is under constant pressure and scrutiny which will adversely affect him. Khan has as good a chance as anybody not named Manny to beat him though which is weird to say considering how young he is.
You definitely have great supporting evidence, with an argument like that nobody can call you stupid. Even though you do have great facts and I think Khan is a fabulous boxer who could give Mayweather a great fight I can't see him winning that fight right now. I hate Mayweather and would love nothing more than seeing a guy like AK finally give him a whooping, but I think he needs to grow a little bit before taking on a heavy task like Floyd. He's only 24 and while he has a good record against solid competition, he's still somewhat raw and I would like to see him tested against some more guys like Judah. With time, and gaining some experience along the way I think I could see Amir Khan beating Floyd Mayweather in a matchup a year and a half or two years out.
The prime Floyd Mayweather Jr. is pound for pound perhaps the greatest boxer who ever lived. Amir Khan would never, ever be able to beat Mayweather in his prime.

However, I don't think Money May is in his prime anymore. His last fight, plus the insecurities he has shown as of late, lead me to believe that Mayweather's career is winding down and that he knows it is.

The fight against Mosley, while a dominating performance by Mayweather, was still ugly. First of all, Mayweather got rocked early in the fight, and while he went on to win every round after that, he took ZERO risk that entire fight. And since Mosley fights like a complete cunt these days, it was a very easy victory for Mayweather.

We will see against Victor Ortiz what Mayweather still has to offer at this point in his career. Victor Ortiz isn't the most technical boxer, but he's young, fast, powerful, and VERY aggressive. If Ortiz doesn't choke, he won't give Mayweather a second to catch his breath that entire fight and in the later rounds, we'll really see just how good Mayweather still is at the age of 34.

Basically, what I'm saying is... I must see Mayweather's next fight before I can claim Amir Khan has a shot at beating him. If Mayweather can dominate an aggressive Victor Ortiz with ease, then I will know for sure that Mayweather has a ton left in the tank and is still the best boxer alive. Until then though, I have my doubts about the guy, and yes, I do believe Khan stands a chance of beating the version of Mayweather I have in my head right now.
I agree entirely with jmt. Khan can't beat Mayweather if Mayweather is still capable of producing his best, not a chance, De La Hoya couldn't do it and he was far tougher than Khan will ever be.
The question is how much does Mayweather have left in the tank. Personally I don't think he's been the same since he came out of retirement. He seems to have lost a step and doesn't seem to have quite the same power either. At the moment I'd still be extremely confident that Mayweather would dominate on the cards but give it a year and then we'll see. I don't see this fight happening, Mayweather won't risk a fight he could lose when Pac is still around.
Zab Judah had talent, but wasn't on the level of Khan when they fought Saturday night. Not even close. While it was a good fight for Khan, to think that Judah could have really challenged him is funny. Judah has never put in the work that he needed to to take his game to the next level. But that's another discussion for another time.

As far as thinking Khan could beat Mayweather-well, I side with most and say no, at least until I see what he looks like after his fight with Ortiz. Listen, Khan is a great young fighter and has the potential to become the best pound for pound. But he hasn't reached that level yet; and if Mayweather looks anything like is dominate self against Ortiz then I say Khan doesn't stand a chance. This isn't a knock on Khan as much as it is giving credit to Mayweather and respecting his ablilities that I have yet to see diminish enough to start thinking he could lose to someone like Khan.
I am a BIG fan of Amir Khan's and not because both he and i are Pakistani and have the same surname (LOL) but because he is truly a great boxer who has the skill and talent to beome a boxing legend.

Now on the subject of Amir fighting Floyd Mayweather, I for one like many others would love to see this happen. If a potential fight between Mayweather and Paqquao doesn't happen then i would to see Khan v Mayweather. Even tho Khan is still in his prime and (i feel) needs to a few more fights with other boxers before he fights Mayweather and many consider Mayweather to be the pound for pound fighter in the world, i truly believe Amir would beat Mayweather. As iv said before, he shouldn't rush into fighting Floyd. He should fight a few other fighters first then fight Mayweather. He shouldn't underestimate Mayweather as he is a great boxer.
Amir Khan could beat Floyd Mayweather......I genuinely believe that.

The significant question is whether Mayweather thinks there's a chance he could lose. If so, the fight will never take place.

Great fighter or not, Floyd Mayweather has a heart the size of a pea. Refusing to engage in fights that present a challenge put him at the bottom of the list of true sportsmen.
I think Khan is an excellent boxer, and will continue to get even better but if Mayweather turned up at his best, then Money would certainly come out on top.

I dont think we will be seeing this fight for a while yet, so I would have to look at Mayweather's next match before making a proper judgement. How much has he still got left? Will his risk his reputation on a match with the up-and-coming Khan?

Will this be yet another British boxer who ALLLMOST gets to the top and just fails, like Ricky Hatton did against both Mayweather and Manny Pacqiouo, and David Haye did against Vladamir Klitchko?

I wouldnt get my hopes up for a Khan win, but he would have a chance. I would definitely love to see him have a shot at Mayweather when he is ready, just to see Floyd get his ass handed to him
Against the Mayweather that knocked Hatton silly? Not a chance, he wouldnt be able to live with him. Mayweather now, well, you never know with him do you? As the others have said you'd need to see his next fight to have any idea and even then it's only an idea, if he struggles with his next fight my moneys on him coming back stronger still and beating Kahn, if he wins with ease my moneys on him beating Khan. Not a knock on Khan, but he's not on the level that Floyd used to be and probably never will be, also Mayweathers work ethic could see him staying at or returning to that level for a while yet.

So basically my moneys on Mayweather.

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