American Rocker

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I played a game with a friend once, and we were talking about music one day. He asked me a question I had a hard time answering. What American Rocker would I want to be. I had a hard time thinking of this, Would I want to be Jimi Hendrix? He had chosen Jim Morrison, so I didn't want to pick him. I didn't think it would be fun to pick someone modern, so I stayed clear of that. I didn't want to be Chuck Berry, or Elvis. Who would TM be?

I chose Don Henley. Yes, TM choose Don Henley. I am still alive to this day, I have more money than STDs. I am famed, but I could probably get away with walking down the street. Great solo career, Great career with my band. My voice is recognizable. I donate to charities, I am an activist. I am married to a model, and have been for 14 years. I have had very minor problems with the police. And I seem like a great guy. Don Henley is the way to be.
I would choose to be Stevie Ray Vaughan, fellow Texan and one hell of a guitarist. All of his guitar melodies and lyrics, with their electric, bluesy style, just seem to fit the spirit and feeling you get when you think of Texas.

I got a link to a vid to his song "Texas Flood," which kinda hits me close to home because my hometown and many others were devastated by a huge flood in 1998...Plus there are other lyrics in there which speak of longing for home, to be more frank, Texas.

This was a guy who almost single-handedly built the Austin music scene into what it is today, playing there almost exclusively his entire career. Now, I think the scene there sucks, because a lot of emo and punk bands, but when I think "Texas," I think "Stevie Ray Vaughan."


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