American "Death Note" Remake in the works - Zac Efron to play Light?

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The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Anyone who knows me knows I am a major fan of the anime/manga/movie series Death Note. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. JMT, Scotty, and several others can back me up.

In fact, it was JMT who alerted me to this, what looks to be an American-made remake of the first film. I mean completely reshot, not just dubbed.

Efron says it's "not on the front burner", but the fact remains that he was tapped to play Light. It seems like he's wanting to play everything these days...

Anime News Network said:
Actor Zac Efron (High School Musical, Hairspray, Me and Orson Welles) answered a question from the website regarding his possible involvement in a film adaptation of the Death Note suspense manga. Efron said, "I love Death Note, and we were, kind of, working on it right now. You know, it's not…it's definitely not something that would be coming up soon. [Turns to Me and Orson Welles director Richard Linklater] What's the classic answer, Rick? 'It's not on the front burner.' No, no, it's something that was … I feel like, regardless of whatever I say, it's going to be [interpreted by the media to be] my next movie. No, it's not. It was an idea. Who knows? I had a meeting on it."

This...well, I'm not sold on the idea. I get that he's a big fan of the series, but he's Zac Efron, for crying out loud! I highly doubt he has the acting skills.


I will be the first to admit that he looks like a great Light, but we need an extremely versatile actor to reflect the emotions that Light goes through in the movie/series.

I'm not even liking that they're making an American version in the first place. I feel that they might take out some of the subtleties, or try and make it generic instead of the masterpiece it is.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?
Should there be an American remake?
Who would be a better Light?
Will the American studios handle Death Note well?

Please keep all spoilers for the movies and series in spoiler tags, including anything about L. Don't want to ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet.
the problem with any anime or comic book adaption is two fold, the script and the acting credibility, the only film that has actually made good on its claim is watchmen.

efron would bring the little girls and milfs to the movie but in regards to being classed as a serious genre movie then im afraid that wont happen.

This film will be kept on the backburner for now though so aint worried
The thing is, Deej, Death Note is absolutely not a movie for little girls and milfs, and it's already been adapted into two incredible Japanese films. It explores some interesting concepts regarding morality and is really a movie that makes you think as well as thrills you. If they're really going to make this American remake, it needs to have a cast that can understand and perform with all the subtleties and excellence of the Japanese cast, or they could not make it at all.

The only plus I really see in this movie is the CGI being a little more realistic. I hope "putting it on the backburner" means "never making it, ever".
Maybe when Zac Efron means putting it on the back burner while some one else remakes it. Seriously, Zac Efron is a terrible choice for Light Yagami. If they have a serious talented actor this movie could become an American Classic. Death Note has a terrific story and if given the proper chance to be a serious movie and not a Summer Blockbuster, this could maybe become one of the greatest American movies made.

On a side note, I have found myself a Death Note T-Shirt at Wal-Mart of all places.
I'm torn on this. I haven't seen the original Death Note movie (not even the English dub; I haven't found any on Youtube) but based on what you've told me, Doc, it's something I should watch and something an American remake could never do justice to.

At the same time, I'd LOVE to see an American remake. Problem is, I don't like Zac Efron. I don't feel he can pull off the badass creative genius that is Light Yagami. He's got the look, that's for sure. But that's it. I dunno though. I'd love to see it but maybe get a different Light Yagami (not sure who though, to be honest).
I think you guys are being a little too hard on Zac Efron. Exactly, what work of his have you seen outside of that High School Musical crap? I'm willing to bet none of it.

Now, I have seen 17 Again, and let me say... Efron, believe it or not, does give a good performance in that. Critics have also praised his work in Me and Orsen Wells. Unfortunately, I have yet to see that, but I'm sure it's good.

The fact of the matter is though, Efron does look the part, perhaps more so than anyone else can come up with (I saw someone someplace else mention a guy who stars in Gilmore Girls who also VERY much looks the part, but fuck that; I can't take someone whose biggest achievement so far in his career is playing on a shitty sitcom that's attracted towards women.). That, plus the fact he's actually a fan of the series, and also that he does have some acting ability.... I wouldn't mind his casting of it one bit. Really, I'd just be more suspicious on the writers and director more so than the actors.

Speaking of which, the writers should be associated with either the series or the live action remake. That's it. Do not hire Hollywood hacks to watch the show, and then come up with something. That will fuck over it more than anything else.

As far as the director, Gore Verbinski would be my first choice. He did such a fantastic job with the American remake of The Ring, but moreover... in the Johnny Depp Pirate films he shows he knows how to use CGI, so I know he wouldn't fuck up Ryuk or Rem.

Now, to the casting.... like I said, Zac Efron doesn't bother me. If it's written correctly, and the guy has a good director to show him how handle the character, he would do just fine. He would also bring a huge fanbase to Death Note, which of course is always a good thing.

But, let me say that he would never put on the level of performance Tatsuya Fujiwara did in the Japanese live action film of Death Note. Listen, that guy is simply phenomenal. I watched the first Death Note film just because he starred in it, and he did not let me down. The dude is an incredible, incredible actor. Perhaps even my favorite Japanese actor period, the more I think about it.

Anyway, for "L"... I mentioned this in the Bar Room, but I can't picture anyone better to play him than Emile Hirsch. Not only does Emile look the part, but the dude is simply a FANTASTIC actor. Watch Into The Wild, Imaginary Heroes, The Mudge Boy, Milk, and Lords of Dogtown for proof of this.

Misa Amane... man, Anna Kendrick, easily. Megan Fox perhaps looks the part the most, but she can't act worth a shit, unfortunately. Kendrick though, not only is she just adorable, but she has an Oscar nomination to her name now, so of course she can act. I have yet to see Up in the Air, but I'm sure she's great in it (I did see Rocket Science, and she was by far the best thing in that piece of shit).

And lastly, I would give my main man Kyle Chandler the role of Soichiro Yagami. Chandler is a bit younger than Soichiro, but that can of course be easily fixed. I just can't think of anyone better to play that part.

But, that's how I would do everything. What the studios will do, who knows. However, I don't mind them doing this at all, even if it turns out to be complete shit. Sure, that'd disappoint me, but it would in no way ruin the two Japanese Death Note films that I have come to love. But the risk is worth it if the remake turns out to be amazing.
First i don't no why they would want to make a Deathnote movie it already has 2 successful Japanese films and an anime series and a manga series and a another 2 movies about the story through the eyes of Ryuk so my question is why make a movie and why put Zac Effron in it this will ruin the feel of the anime.

I personally am an Anime freak love anime and wont go into too much detail about myself but one thing that I don't want to see is an American version of Deathnote and I don't want to see Zac Effon as Light while they do look alike I would much rather see someone who hasn't got a big name in Hollywood.

If this does end up happening then I'm not looking forward to it at all if we go back in time and watch the DBZ movie that was an absolute disaster in my eyes and while it didn't ruin the anime it really lowered the name of DBZ and for people who haven't seen Deathnote and go and see the movie will give Deathnote a bad name.
Anyway, what are your thoughts?

Zac Efron would have never been my first pick to be casted as Light. Just for the simple fact that when you say Efron, I am reminded of the cheery, bright-happy joyjoy that was...High School Musical. To do Death Note would be a complete 360'.

Should there be an American remake?

Honestly, I say no. The Japanese-casted Death Note I thought was a great film; it wasn't over-dramatic and didn't get as much recognition that it should have, but it was still watchable unlike other Live-Action American adaptations *cough DBZ Evolution cough*.

Who would be a better Light?

Someone that was Japanese; would fit the character perfectly :lmao: My Opinion anyways.

Will the American studios handle Death Note well?

Because of DBZ: Evolution, I highly doubt it. But time will tell and I won't bash the idea- not until Death Note comes out and I see it in the U.S.
Has there been any mention as to who would else will be in the film character wise if Zac does end up as Light does that mean we will end up seeing a more credible actor for L?

How do they plan on doing the shinigarmi and what point of view will they be portraying?
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