Am I the only one who notices this?

Am I the only one who realizes you can't spell. Realises? Realy? How is TNA my company? Am I dixie Carter? I think not. And I never said WWE was worried about TNA. I said I thought it was funny WWE is throwing jabs and if anyone else noticed it or not.
And when did I ever say WWE copies TNA? I never did so your post was a bunch of B freakin S. Yes I did know that Kid Kash was called mr. TNA.

I didn't know Taker used to call his fans creatures of the night so thanks for the info guys.

LOL... Dude in no way is it a good idea to spell something wrong when you are trying to smash someone's spelling! Realy? That is spelled wrong homes!!!!

But anyway... Your welcome for the Undertaker "Creatures Of The Night" info...

He started cutting longer promos and talking much more after Paul Bearer betrayed him and joined with Mankind. So the Creatures Of The Night thing was started sometime in there... Did you watch the video I posted?
just to add something else:

Watched Smackdown just now, and right at the start of Kaval vs Drew, Matt Stryker said something along the lines of "we all know that kaval has made a low key start..."

Just made me chuckle, and i'm sure no-one was having a pop - it's all harmless banter isn't it?

Oh, yeah REALLY don't slag someone's spelling dude, if you find it hard to open a dictionary yourself.. *hands you a cloth to wipe the egg away*

"Realises" was correct anyway =)
I agree with Phillb01. I think Vince is trying to send a message to TNA that they are keeping an eye on them and I also think Vince might be mocking TNA for the small company they are. I personally like TNA but i agree that this is not accidental and no you are not the only one noticing this.
Dude, seriously!!

English person here, English speaker. I'm sure even in Kentucky you realise that the language you speak is known universally as "English". Hence, the English spelling of the words is the original and correct version - pre American bastardisation.

Anyway I should, perchance, make a vague semblance of replying to the topic instead of elucidating upon a minor matter that a previous peripatetic of yours should have made plain! . Umm no... you're not the only person to notice as is shown by previous posts, but as many people above have mooted their thoughts I'd be simply regurgitating already articulated hypotheses... so I shall not =)

**of course, the post that this post was responding to was taken down**
When Tazz first arrived in TNA, he always made "Vintage" references which I thought was hilarious. I knew he hated Michael Cole just like everybody else. The funny thing is I dont even remeber Tazz helping Cole out any time he got attacked.

TNA always makes referrences to the WWE. Its called envy.
hello fella's i think the reason why is because wwe wants to show how little they fear tna and they have the right to do so, they are the pinnacle of the wrestling buisness and tna are below them and wwe knows this
for the creatures of the night comment i know hardy uses it, just gotta remember he was with taker in the ministry back in the day i think he uses out of respect for him, everyone in the industry respects taker for what he has done, but i have to agree that wwe keeps an eye on tna and vice versa

Am I the only one who REALISES :lmao: that Hardy wasn't in the Ministry. He was apart of the NEW Brood with Matt and Gangrel after The Brood separated from the Ministry and Edge & Christian left Gangrel and was replaced by the Hardy Boys after turning on their manager Michael Hayes
If anything, I think it's mostly just people reading too much into things. The only one of those that really comes close to being a shot is Kaval's comments during the second season of NXT and even then it's something of a stretch.

As for Big Show mocking Hogan, it's something that Show has done at various times over the years as a gag. Show and Hulk Hogan are really close friends and have been since The Show first came into wrestling. I honestly don't believe that Show would do something like that in a legitimately mean spirited sense. It's just not his style and never has been.

As far as the Creatures of the Night deal, The Undertaker did indeed refer to his fans as COTNs on a regular basis back in the 90s and still does occassionally. I've got at least one Undertaker DVD in which he's giving an promo on Raw with Vince and Paul Bearer in the ring and he refers to his fans as Creatures of the Night. When Paul Bearer turned on Taker, Bearer began calling Taker fans Leeches of the Night for a while.
People need to quit pretending the Undertaker's creatures of the night stuff was anything more than something he failed to get over. Yes, it did happen but it certainly was not lasting. The only reason people even remember he did that now is because Hardy presently got the gimmick over. If there is something wrong with Hardy and creatures of the night, then there is something extremely wrong with Laycool. Yet, when WWE mentions taker's blip on the radar with creatures of the night, it is a sophisticated message or is merely a coincidence, while when TBP deliver a reminder to Laycool it is second rate and derided. Take of the mark glasses already. You cannot have it both ways.
I wouldn't read much into those things, but one thing that did dawn on me last week watching Smackdown! were in the lyrics of the opening theme song. Am I crazy or is one of the lines "Do you really want to cross the line?". I don't know if the song was made specifically for Smackdown or not but thought it was interesting nontheless.

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