Am I the only one who finds Dean Ambrose boring?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
I normally don't complain about what I see, because I realize that every single wrestler has insane talent. Unfortunately, I just don't get the fascination with Dean Ambrose that a lot of the IWC has. I understand the Roman Reigns love. I think that Seth Rollins is the most well rounded member of the group, but I digress, back to my topic.

Dean Ambrose is apparently the next big thing on the mic. Who knows, now that Punk is gone he may be considered the best on the stick by many in these forums. I find him to be rather loud and annoying with an extremely raspy voice. He seems to over elaborate on his words and just seems overall disturbing when he speaks. I understand this is part of his gimmick but I find it all unnecessary.

Maybe I haven't seen enough of him in one on one action (kind of sad for a singles champ), to make a judgement on his in ring skills, but I find that he sells way to much. Much like Ziggler, Flair and Michaels. Not knocking either of those 3, just stating that I would like to see more offence out of Ambrose (who is supposed to be the future of the business). Sorry for my negativity, this has just been bothering me for a little while.

Am I the only one who could go on without Ambrose?
this thread has been done over and over, Ambrose is good, entertaining, does a great interview, wrestles well. The problem he has is where once he was viewed as the leader of the group, both Rollins and Reigns have really come out of their shells and are looking to be opushed also. Ambrose never defending his US Title also rubs fans up the worng way. This guy isnt being handled well by the booking team, but he certainly isnt boring.
The Shield itself is starting to get a bit stale.
I think Ambrose is going to have a very strong career as a mid-card freakish heel.
His mic work alone is going to keep him around for a while. I'd like to see him feud with Ziggler, Rhodes, Sheamus, or Big E. in the near future.
Am I the only one who could go on without Ambrose?

Probably not. I've found that there are many people on forums who have developed opinions. Your opinion, in fact, is probably shared by at least one other person of the thousands of others who have joined a wrestling forum.

Now if we expand your inquiry outside of forums and into the entire fanbase of WWE, in which millions of people who have developed opinions, then, oh boy, you'd have quite the community of people who happen to find Dean Ambrose boring.

And I happen to disagree with all of you.
Ambrose is great. But i understand that its a type of character that doesnt appeal to everyone.

In some way, ambrose is kind of dying breed. He is an old school heel refashioned to fit in present day. He has the right amount of cockiness, confidence, heelish manerism, and he cut promos with a sense of realism, his promos sounds natural to me.

Dean is in the same group of characters/gimmicks like jake the snake, mick foley (heel persona), rody pipper, etc.

So i think is safe to say that there are a lot of people that dont find him appealing.

I, on the other hand, find him as pure gold on the mic, and with his in-ring performance.
I don't think Ambrose is boring, but he's in the state of being out-shined a lot of the time in the ring by Rollins and Reigns. Rollins has the advantage of being apart of some of the more brutal bumps in the matches, while Reigns is usually the the one using the high impact offense. Ambrose has the strength when it comes to his mic work, but in the ring, the way things have been going Rollins and Reigns definitely have the advantage. That isn't to say that Ambrose can't wrestle, because he most definitely can, but he's sort of the odd-man out when it comes to in-ring work which is really what puts people on notice. Talking on the mic is good, but if you're apart of a stable with 2 other possible WWE Champions, and the others are apart of some of the bigger parts of the matches, it's hard to look at Ambrose, and not see him as 'boring'.

I don't find him boring at all, if he's given the chance, he can deliver, he's not the power-house like Reigns is, isn't the high-flyer as Rollins is (and the fact that I'm more of a fan of Rollins here, I'd say I like him and think he's better than Ambrose in-ring), but he's definitely a guy that can put on good matches with the right people. Problem is right now, he really is the odd-man out, he's the only man in the stable with a title, but he's hardly ever defended that title at all, he's hardly had much of a chance to do much with that title or outside of what Rollins and Reigns have done. Rollins had a fantastic match with Cena which put him on notice, Reigns had a fantastic run in the Royal Rumble, Ambrose is still going strong, but he's yet to have the right booking that puts him on notice, at least that's my take on the subject of that.
Ambrose cuts a great promo, so I don't find him boring at all. For the people that do, I think you'll have a change of heart once it becomes official that Reigns is out of The Shield and feuds with Ambrose & Rollins. I don't know if it's going to be a handicap or if Ambrose will face Reigns one on one, but it's going to be great imo. This match could honestly steal the show at Mania.
As some have said; He is being out-shined somewhat by the other two due mostly to their in-ring work and in another thread I did on Dean Ambrose, many forum members said he was being limited in the ring by Creative due to his gimmick.
His promos are very good,lMO. The one he did on SmackDown this Friday was brilliant when he challenged the Wyatts. Interested to see how he is used as a singles wrestler.
I can understand why one would think he's boring, but I don't necessarily agree. His mic work is pretty stellar, though. It fits his psychotic-type character; makes him sound menacing. As a heel he definitely fits in his place, which is why I think he's often the least favorite: the other two retain some face-like qualities (Seth has highflier elements in his moveset, Roman does a lot of pop-worthy spots). Ambrose plays his role to a T as a heel.

I love Ambrose as a worker: I watch his singles matches almost solely for all his little mannerisms. My biggest complaint of him though is that he needs more big impact moves/spots in his offense. Reigns has the Superman Punch, spear and can abuse his power game to make for some good spots. Seth is a highflier, has that sick turnbuckle STO and has some of the best finishers of the roster (Sethwalker DDT that he doesn't use much, Blackout stomp he got his Survivor Series pin with and that launching knee strike). Ambrose matches don't have that oomph moment because his offense is a bit too cerebral, which I don't completely mind, but I know others may find very boring. It works well for him in multi-man matches (MiTB he did a solid performance in) but otherwise falls flat sometimes
Dean Ambrose
-unique look
-hell of a worker
-great promo man

Pretty much the complete opposite of boring.
I love Ambrose as a worker: I watch his singles matches almost solely for all his little mannerisms. My biggest complaint of him though is that he needs more big impact moves/spots in his offense. Reigns has the Superman Punch, spear and can abuse his power game to make for some good spots. Seth is a highflier, has that sick turnbuckle STO and has some of the best finishers of the roster (Sethwalker DDT that he doesn't use much, Blackout stomp he got his Survivor Series pin with and that launching knee strike). Ambrose matches don't have that oomph moment because his offense is a bit too cerebral, which I don't completely mind, but I know others may find very boring. It works well for him in multi-man matches (MiTB he did a solid performance in) but otherwise falls flat sometimes

That's what it comes down for to him. I think the general problem is, Ambrose isn't adapting well to that "WWE-style" he's still working the kind of work he'd put in places like CZW, he's brutal, which not a lot of people can latch onto. You can latch onto the power-game from Reigns, because that's been a staple in WWE for years, you can latch onto Rollins because he's a high-flyer, and pretty much one of the few good ones they actually have on the main roster, all the while being a high-flyer, he has the moves to make an impact (Blackout is a perfect example, it's simple, it looks good, and it has an impact to it). I think limitations on his ability affects him (it effects most), but it's something that both Reigns and Rollins have found themselves able to adapt to, but something Ambrose hasn't.
Dean Ambrose is awesome, he has pretty much all the tools to be a main event star in WWE. His promo's are decent, he's not the best on the mic of all time but he's still pretty damn good and in fact better than many of WWE's top heels such as Randy Orton. He has the best mic skills of The Shield, Roman Reigns is starting to improve also so I think with time he will become better in every aspect. I still say Roman Reigns is the best out of the three and overall package.
Dean Ambrose
-unique look
-hell of a worker
-great promo man

Pretty much the complete opposite of boring.

Great and simple point here on Ambrose.

Personally, I think Ambrose is much better that Ziggler...and there are a lot of people who think Ziggler is great.
Dean Ambrose
-unique look
-hell of a worker
-great promo man

Pretty much the complete opposite of boring.

Unique look? He looks like your average white guy thats losing his hair

Hell of a worker? Well hes clearly the worst out of the shield members. He's never even had a GOOD match in wwe so umm NO

Great Promo man? I also disagree with this. Piper was great, Punk is great, Rock is great, Austin is great. Ambrose isn't even close to any of these guys, he is slightly above average to me. Nothing special. Playing insane is by far the easiest character to play .
Dean Ambrose is easily the worst of the Shield. He's not even mid-card caliber, although, initially he was the one with all of the hype.

The problem is Ambrose is that he's only really good at one thing, and that's holding buzzsaws against opponents' heads. He's an indy spot monkey, and I don't like seeing him in the WWE.
I like his work been following him since his indie days then his fcw days he is in my opinion one of the best on the mic I've seen top ten which include in this order
1 jake Roberts
2 raven
3 Shawn michaels
4 Steve corino
5 william regal
6 dean Ambrose
7 krimson (indie wrestler not the former tna star)
8 Damien sandow
9 bray wyatt
10 Lanny poffo
I don't think I'm going to have many agree with my bottom half of my top ten but I do believe that Ambrose is a good to great worker saw him live in glens falls in 2012 and he drew good heat vs zack Ryder he reminds me of a young terry funk he will be around for awhile
no you are not the only person to find him atleast partially boring. I too don't think much of him, his inring ability is ok but on the mic he just sounds dull and like he always has a cold or is out of breath, hardly leader material.

soon as Reigns got to talk he was clearly the dominant, short sharp and get the job done member. Seth is just along for the ride as far as i'm concerned, he hasn't excelled at anything since he held the NXT title and went to the main roster. Sure he's great at selling moves and taking bumps and can talk but otherwise nothing special.
Its the uniqueness that people like about him, no one really sounds like him so it sets him apart from most. I haven't found him ever boring to listen to infact he's one of the few guys I would listen too on mike.

In ring he's nether powerful like reigns/cena nor is he athletic like Rollins/bryan. But they play on him being smart and cunning kinda shtick I guess it works ok, nothing special Ill give you that.

All round no I dont find him boring
I think that at the moment he does seem boring when next to the shining stars of Reigns & Rollins. Unfortunately he came into the Shield looking like the stronger of the 3, however has somewhat suffered while putting over the other two.

I also think part of the problem is that he is currently playing the character that he will be once the shield is finished, however he still is confined by being apart of the shield.

Once they break up it will be interesting to see what gimmick they give him to match his intense, creepy, insane mantra.

I for one, think he is great on the mic, and I enjoy the creepiness his puts into some of his moves, facial expressions and comments while in the ring - just needs the gimmick to match.

All in all, the next 2-3 years will be exciting with Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Langston competing at the top. I must say, the E has done a great job on building some stars slowly and properly for once.
I normally don't complain about what I see, because I realize that every single wrestler has insane talent. Unfortunately, I just don't get the fascination with Dean Ambrose that a lot of the IWC has. I understand the Roman Reigns love. I think that Seth Rollins is the most well rounded member of the group, but I digress, back to my topic.

Right right right, the old "I usually don't complain, but" preamble to a big ass complaint thread. You just don't get the fascination that the IWC has with Dean Ambrose? Oh, no shit? If you did as much research into the IWC as you would apparently want me to believe, you might be able to pull up an explanation from one of them. For example, "Dean Ambrose looked great in his match against" and then break down why their adoration was misguided. We must have missed your episode of Biography on A&E, you'll have to help us out on what makes you determine that someone deserves love or is well rounded. You digress? Well, *checks his fingernails and straightens his hair* I didn't realize I was in such a refined thread.

Dean Ambrose is apparently the next big thing on the mic. Who knows, now that Punk is gone he may be considered the best on the stick by many in these forums. I find him to be rather loud and annoying with an extremely raspy voice. He seems to over elaborate on his words and just seems overall disturbing when he speaks. I understand this is part of his gimmick but I find it all unnecessary.

So basically, you're annoyed that his raspy voice only shares overly elaborate thoughts in a seemingly disturbing way. How this constitutes boredom is beyond me, you'll have to help me out with that one. If you can grasp that many straws in a shit attempt at negatively criticizing him as boring, then you probably should have just abandoned this right after typing that paragraph.

Maybe I haven't seen enough of him in one on one action (kind of sad for a singles champ), to make a judgement on his in ring skills, but I find that he sells way to much. Much like Ziggler, Flair and Michaels. Not knocking either of those 3, just stating that I would like to see more offence out of Ambrose (who is supposed to be the future of the business). Sorry for my negativity, this has just been bothering me for a little while.

I think you've seen plenty of Dean Ambrose, you just have the attention span of a fucking gnat. Yeah, he hasn't had many singles matches. Good one Sherlock, he's part of a popular stable and has been filling seats participating in six man tag team matches. No need to apologize for your negativity, your negativity wasn't what made you look like a complete moron. Starting a thread bent on proving to yourself that a popular star isn't exciting enough to meet your high standards, and then using an explanation that reeks of arrogant stupidity is what you should be apologizing for. Don't apologize to me or any other fan of Dean Ambrose, apologize to yourself and maybe slap yourself a few times.

Am I the only one who could go on without Ambrose?

You know the easiest way to go on without Dean Ambrose? Don't pay attention to him. If prompted by someone for an opinion on how boring he is, do share. If your only requirement to validate your bullshit is a "yup" from anyone else the internet can cough up, then you obviously don't think that your word stands for very much.
Ambrose has personality traits that remind me a lot of Curt Hennig. Handled correctly, the man will fly. Reigns has the look but will become another one dimensional star like Cena.
People will love him for turning out the same reliable, kid pleasing crap for years to come.

Dean Ambrose needs to be used in a loose cannon style gimmick like pill man or Austin.....

Ratings anyone???
He has the looks of a wild card, can be very good on the mic and can go in the ring. If handled well, he can really be great for WWE. I think he can benefit a lot from feuding with one of the remaining veterans such as Rey Mysterio, something personal. US title does nothing to him, he is the longest reigning US champ yeah but never defends the title. It will be very interesting to see him outside the shield. But again, much will depend with what he has to work with creatively.
I haven't seen all the posts in this forum, but am I the only one thinking Ambrose vs Reigns for the US title at WM?
Yes I'm entirely bored from him.He is great on the mic and decent in the ring but he can't make the fans excited like the his tag partners Roman Reigns {with the spear & now the superman punch & his heroic performances - recently on the rumble and on Raw last week} & Seth Rollins {with his high flying maneuvers - every time he is facing Bryan this is great to watch} and Ambrose just doesn't have it.He could be in the ME scene one day - but I will still be bored by him each and every week until he will indeed retire.

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