Am I the only one that thinks...

Unsold Bacon

Shucky Ducky Quack Quack
TNA's Titantrons are all a horrible piece of fail

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The MCMG theme song here is epic though

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a WWE Titantron

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Abyss and Styles used to actually have clips of them in it
They all had clips from like 04 to about 08? but then they probably had budget cuts
The only way TNA can improve their Titantrons is if they have the stick figures with cut outs of the wrestlers heads doing animated bits of actions. Another thought would be clip art looking kids like South Park doing the action int he opening vids for the wrestlers, itd beat looking at a different kaleidiscope each time someone approaches the ring.
They can't afford their own footage?

they can't afford the footage now with paying for Hogan, Bischoff, flair and Dixie's orgies in the 4 season hotel every 3 weeks and then paying the nobodies that hang out in the locker room to go play video games to keep them off camera... hell, I'd LOVE to be the accountant that balances TNA's books come the next Tax Season. I'll change my name to IRS for them, please HR Block, hire me, I'll go down to Orlando and audit them.

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