Am I The Only One That Noticed. . .


Pre-Show Stalwart
. . . when Vince said WWF tonight? I'm not trying to be a douche, but I just noticed it and thought it was interesting. Especially the reactions. I love how Vince smoothly just kept the promo rolling as if nothing happened. Plus, when the camera cut to the side, you can clearly see Cole and King laughing and talking, but you can't hear what they're saying. They were probably saying, "did he just say that?". Once again, it was just an observation, just wondering if anyone else caught it. Thoughts?:lmao:
I caught that too but didn't know if I should post a thread about it haha. I didn't want a spam point.

Funny after all these years he still makes a slip. Wonder if it ever happens backstage or the boardroom.
He should keep saying it, he does it every once in a while when you'll be least likely to notice it. I remember he did it on a promo a couple of years ago, a taped promo at that. Vince saying "WWF" is like an easter egg (for you video gamers) on WWE TV.
I didn`t actually hear it but I gotta imagine it was pretty funny, epecially coming from Vince himself. Everybody seems to slip up and say it once in a while, it just feels better to call it WWF.

They should say it more. It shouldn`t be so taboo.
Glad, I'm not the only one.. I thought I heard him say WWF, but wasn't sure.. and didn't feel like rewinding just to check..
How about at the beginning of the show when Cole was talking about Cena's tweet about being future endeavored? He was pointing to a blank sheet of paper taped to the announce table, and was moving his finger along while talking, as if actually reading from the paper itself. The cameraman clearly showed us the paper was blank. Awesome.
I was always amazed the organization rolled over to the World Wildlife Fund, but they tied their hands back in '94.

The agreement between WWF and WWE basically took WWE to the cleaners on the subject of brand marketing the WWF initials outside of English speaking countries. Vince (and others) can still occasionally drop the WWF
2.1(6)(b) of the agreement
, but based on that document, once the WWE went global, it was only a matter of time before WWF sued.
i wish it was still WWF that was the days that were amazing as of late i've been very proud to be a wrestling fan but tonight when vintage Vince arrived (for all you cole miners) i was very pleased to hear him slip the WWF because it reminded me of a simpler time
Hahaha... I noticed it. It does happen from time to time, especially when you have a legend or and old timer on the show.

How about Vince's sweet purple jacket? :)
He did it before on ESPN during the famous double booked event with Raw and the Denver Nuggets playoff game.

Can't really blame him when he was used to saying WWF for 20 years.
I definitely noticed it....and had to rewind my dvr to see if I was correct.

I also noticed a few weeks back on the Raw Roulette wheel they had the old school WWF logo on it.....thought that was kinda odd.
come to think of it i caught that as well, however, i think that may have been what he meant to say to be honest with you. the wwf was the original name of the company, and since vince was there when it began, the fact that he would call it the wwf, isnt entirely wrong, definately struck me that he said it, but i wouldnt mock it, and it felt right hearing him say it. a rather touching promos on cena, VKM, and hhh's parts, they definately did excellent. they totally sold it!! however reading what happened after the show, i think we may not have seen the last of VKM just yet, he might come back and do something, like manage his team, or maybe he will even wrestle? i could see him trying to take a new backstage role at some point even? it could be a possibilty? im actually curious to see if they do anything with it.
I LOL-ED when he said that. And the reactions of Cole and Lawler made it even funnier. They looked at each other like '?'. I don't even think Vince realised he said it.

If any other person had said it, they would have become a jobber ! Or fired if they were already a jobber.

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