Alter Bridge - Blackbird


Dark Match Winner

After Alter Bridge launched their debut album in the fall of 2004, the last thing that Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti, Scott Phillips, and Brian Marshall could have expected was the need to start over yet again. Perhaps things do happen for a reason, because what could have been a curse turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Alter Bridge’s first album, One Day Remains, was certified Gold by the RIAA and was met with critical acclaim. The band set off on tour in the fall of 2004, playing through the end of 2005 for fervent crowds all over the world. Simultaneously, however, cracks began to tarnish the relationship between the band and its label, Wind-Up Records. Believing that their label did not share the same vision, the band determined their only recourse was to ask to be released from Wind-Up. The label's objections prompted Tremonti and Phillips, using their personal funds, to successfully negotiate and buy the band out of their contract.

Much of 2006 was spent writing new material and interviewing with potential labels. The band was eager to explore their newfound freedom and excited to start recording. After growing tired of waiting, they again dipped into their personal funds to create the album that they wanted and needed to make. For the first time in their careers, no one was looking over their shoulder. It was now just about Alter Bridge and their music.

Alter Bridge recruited producer Michael “Elvis” Baskette. The recording process began in Nashville in February 2007. “We began negotiating our recording contract at the end of 2006, and knew it may take a while to come to mutual terms,” Scott Phillips reflects, “but the opportunity, and window of availability to work with Elvis made the decision easy for us to pay for this album ourselves. When all the stars aligned with us, as a band, a producer who could capture the essence of what we had become, and the songs we felt we had, it was agreed that this album had to be made right then and there. We knew we’d eventually have a great label to call home.”

The band's focus and determination was rewarded in June 2007, when they finally signed with Universal Republic Records. "We’re thrilled to be partnering up with Alter Bridge," states Monte Lipman, President of Universal Republic Records. "They're an incredible band, and they have a strong vision that we share together. When Tom (Mackay, SVP A&R) and I met with the group, we knew instantly that they were the type of talented people we’d want to be in business with.”

Out of the chaos, tumult, and uncertainty, Blackbird, Alter Bridge’s sophomore album, was born. “We’re very excited about beginning this chapter in our lives and careers,” comments Mark Tremonti. “Universal Republic is a perfect home for us and we’re excited that our fans are finally going to hear all the new songs we’ve been working on for quite some time. This material is really aggressive and I think it’s the best work we’ve ever done. We can’t wait to get back in front of our loyal fans later this year.”

There are many differences between One Day Remains and Blackbird. Most notable is the full integration of Myles Kennedy as a guitarist and songwriter. One Day Remains was largely written before Myles came on board. This time around, it was a collaborative effort with Mark and Myles sharing the songwriting duties, while all four band members worked on the arrangements. “It’s a natural evolution after three years of working together. We knew Myles was an amazing singer, that’s why we hired him. What we found out when we toured the first record was that he’s also an incredibly gifted guitar player and songwriter, as well as a vocalist. It would have been a crime not to utilize all that talent. We wanted to use every weapon we had in our arsenal for this album,” Mark states.

“Musically,” Myles says, “Mark and I really complement one another, especially when you juxtapose his powerful style with my dark and emotional approach. On top of that, we have a common goal, to find the best melody possible. This is really the first time in all my years of writing that I had the opportunity to do a true collaboration with someone. We make a fantastic team.”

Lyrically, the album touches on many themes. The subject of addiction is broached in the hard-hitting “Buried Alive” and the beautiful, yet melancholy, “Watch Over You.” “Having watched people around me suffer through this issue... It is the realization, from my perspective, that you really can’t help someone who refuses to help themselves,” Myles explains.

“Before Tomorrow Comes” became a personal mantra for Kennedy. “It definitely challenges my tendency to be apathetic at times. The line ‘We could be so much more than we are’ is meant to ask the questions: Have you reached your potential? Are you doing everything you can to make a difference?” Regarding “Rise Today” Kennedy states, “We are just asking the question: Could this world be a better place? It may be idealistic, but it’s from the heart. The last thing we want is for people to misinterpret this song as political in nature.”

Kennedy’s lyrics for the title track “Blackbird” were written for a friend of his who had been fighting an illness for some time. “As we were completing the music and arrangement of the song, I had received word that his struggle was coming to an end. Lyrically, this was a very difficult song to write. It was my wish for him to finally find some peace and move on to a better place.”

Bringing Kennedy into the fold as a guitarist allowed Mark Tremonti to shine throughout Blackbird. Whether it’s the soaring blues based solo on “Brand New Start” or the intense but tasteful lead on “Come To Life,” Tremonti shows his evolution as a player. On the title track, both Mark and Myles display their contrasting styles against a sonic tapestry that is sure to take the listener on an emotional journey.

Alter Bridge’s efforts will culminate this fall when Blackbird is released and the band eagerly returns to the road. “First and foremost, we’re a live band," Mark exclaims. "We give it our all every single night no matter how many people we’re playing for. We love playing for the fans more than anything in the world. It’s why we make records.” Mark concludes that because of ownership rights and the transition between labels, “there were no Alter Bridge sites, or MySpace sites, so what sustained our fan base was our fan sites. What sustained us was our fans. Our fans took over and carried us through these tough times. So to our fans, we say 'Thank You!'”

Album comes out in a matter of days, and I can't lie.. I'm hanging out for it. I've listened to 5 or 6 of the songs on the album, and it's definitely got the potential to be better than One Day Remains.

I haven't heard anythig off of it yet, but I am definatly interested in it. I liked a few of the songs off of One Day Remains so I'll probably wind up getting this album once I hear some songs off of it on myspace or something.
From memory, Alter Bridge currently has Rise Today (the Unforgiven 2007 themesong) and the Ties That Bind up on their myspace. Both are quality songs.
Seriously....I've got to ask. What is the appeal of this band? They sound exactly like Creed....but even worse. And I didn't think it was even possible to be a worse band then Creed.
^ Let's not start the whole religion thing again (which you were probably dying to elaborate on in that post). Music was made to love, not hate (credit to...someone for that one.) Don't like a band? Then leave it for others to enjoy. Seems to me like an ex-mod would know what spamming was also. Maybe one needs to refresh their memory...

Personally, I have loved every sound off this new album. It definitely seems to have a delightful mix of both sentimental music (something 'punk rock' bands clearly would not know the first thing about. "Hey, that band is singing about something other than 'getting laid'. They must be religious and a shit, talentless band!") and heavier music than from One Day Remains. There is a ton of variation in this album, which is something hard to find amongst the legions of generic albums these days.

I can tell one thing though, and that is that when Kennedy and Tremonti write lyrics together, you know it is going to be an awesome song. Although X, I can give you one Creed/AB comparison that has actual fact supported by it, and that is that on One Day Remains (their first album) a lot of the songs were originally designed to be performed by Creed and had none of Myles Kennedy's input (most songs anyway.) So in that sense, Blackbird could be seen as a completely different album lyrically and musically to One Day Remains, and one of the first 100% Alter Bridge albums.

There's some great reviews going around for the album, and while people shouldn't rely on hearing other people's opinions, I think that speaks for itself. Blackbird is an album worth walking down and buying. I ask for people to make somewhat justified opinions on this album, instead of spurting out some random insult directed at the band in a thread specifically designed to discuss their latest album. All I'm hearing from you X, and have heard previously, is something along the lines of 'Hey, this band is made up of mostly ex-Creed members. I hate that band, so I'll hate this one as well! And hey, why not just say that the two sound exactly the same, even though I've probably been too ignorant to listen to what they're actually playing."

Sorry for spouting off on some rant destined to be retaliated on, but I'm not in a good mood. Right now, insulting the band I love means that you are insulting me. I hope it's understandable as to where this is coming from.
^ Let's not start the whole religion thing again (which you were probably dying to elaborate on in that post). Music was made to love, not hate (credit to...someone for that one.) Don't like a band? Then leave it for others to enjoy. Seems to me like an ex-mod would know what spamming was also. Maybe one needs to refresh their memory...

Personally, I have loved every sound off this new album. It definitely seems to have a delightful mix of both sentimental music (something 'punk rock' bands clearly would not know the first thing about. "Hey, that band is singing about something other than 'getting laid'. They must be religious and a shit, talentless band!") and heavier music than from One Day Remains. There is a ton of variation in this album, which is something hard to find amongst the legions of generic albums these days.

I can tell one thing though, and that is that when Kennedy and Tremonti write lyrics together, you know it is going to be an awesome song. Although X, I can give you one Creed/AB comparison that has actual fact supported by it, and that is that on One Day Remains (their first album) a lot of the songs were originally designed to be performed by Creed and had none of Myles Kennedy's input (most songs anyway.) So in that sense, Blackbird could be seen as a completely different album lyrically and musically to One Day Remains, and one of the first 100% Alter Bridge albums.

There's some great reviews going around for the album, and while people shouldn't rely on hearing other people's opinions, I think that speaks for itself. Blackbird is an album worth walking down and buying. I ask for people to make somewhat justified opinions on this album, instead of spurting out some random insult directed at the band in a thread specifically designed to discuss their latest album. All I'm hearing from you X, and have heard previously, is something along the lines of 'Hey, this band is made up of mostly ex-Creed members. I hate that band, so I'll hate this one as well! And hey, why not just say that the two sound exactly the same, even though I've probably been too ignorant to listen to what they're actually playing."

Sorry for spouting off on some rant destined to be retaliated on, but I'm not in a good mood. Right now, insulting the band I love means that you are insulting me. I hope it's understandable as to where this is coming from.

Wow. Just wow. Really, could you have been any more immature about this? Have you yet to recognize my posting style after all this time? I wasn't insulting you at all and said nothing directed at you, and you just reply with a nice post full of subtle little flames and insults to me and music I may enjoy?

I'm sorry that you like Alter Bridge and Creed. I really am. Because they are terrible. Godawfully terrible. Last time I checked, this thread was for discussing Alter Bridge. So I am. I am discussing how terrible they are. And I was also asking a serious question as to why people like this music.

And why did you bring up religion? Did I say anything about religion? What does religion have to do with this at all? What, because Alter Bridge is a Christian band thats why I don't like them? I listen to plenty of Christian music, Johnny Cash was a die hard Catholic and I listen to plenty of hardcore bands with religious lyrics. The thing is though; Alter Bridge do not understand how to put together a cohesive and enjoyable song. Of any genre. It just sounds terrible and like everything else on the radio. I could switch to any modern rock station and they'd all the sound the same compared to Alter Bridge.

Downward Spiral said:
Personally, I have loved every sound off this new album. It definitely seems to have a delightful mix of both sentimental music (something 'punk rock' bands clearly would not know the first thing about. "Hey, that band is singing about something other than 'getting laid'. They must be religious and a shit, talentless band!") and heavier music than from One Day Remains.

You know absolutely nothing about punk rock obviously. Because I would be willing to say that 99.9% of punk music is not about getting laid. At all. Whatsoever. Infact its usually the opposite. Punk music is usually about politics, RELIGION, government, and other social issues. Not about getting laid. You must be thinking of crappy Van Halen or nu-metal, or you don't even know what punk rock necessarily is.

I listen to all kinds of music. I listen to the Beatles, to Bob Dylan, to Miles Davis, to Marvin Gaye to The Smiths (look at my signature; all the Smiths ever fucking did was sing about emotions and feelings) so don't insult my intelligence by pretending as though because I listen to punk music that obviously means I must be close minded in my taste.

I like all kinds of music. Every genre. Just not crap. And thats what Alter Bridge is.

This is the last post I will ever be writing directed towards you DS. I have never found you to be even in the slightest bit helpful in your posts to me or anyone else for that matter. So you're on the ignore list. Please do the same to me and everyone here can get along fine.
I have listened to a few of their songs. I dont think that I will be purchasing the album, but I may LEGALLY download a few of their songs that I havent heard.
Seriously....I've got to ask. What is the appeal of this band?

Mark Tremonti's tight, melodic, groovy hard rock, flawless rhythms and well composed shred guitar solos. Myles' great vocal range (4 Octave), and overall tight musicianship and catchy sing alongs.

They sound exactly like Creed

Um, no they don't. They share a few minor similarities, but if you think they sound 'exactly' like Creed, you've got hearing problems.

I like all kinds of music. Every genre.

After reading all that bullshit you spewed, you come off with this absurd, laughable comment.

Every genre? Ok, help me out here. What are your favourite Latin Jazz, Traditional Bluegrass, Drone Doom, Reggaeton, Neofolk, Symphonic Black Metal, Urban Jazz and Ambient Dub artists?

Oh, and with all that said, Blackbird isn't very good. One Day Remains is fantastic though.
Mark Tremonti's tight, melodic, groovy hard rock, flawless rhythms and well composed shred guitar solos. Myles' great vocal range (4 Octave), and overall tight musicianship and catchy sing alongs.

Um, no they don't. They share a few minor similarities, but if you think they sound 'exactly' like Creed, you've got hearing problems.

After reading all that bullshit you spewed, you come off with this absurd, laughable comment.

Every genre? Ok, help me out here. What are your favourite Latin Jazz, Traditional Bluegrass, Drone Doom, Reggaeton, Neofolk, Symphonic Black Metal, Urban Jazz and Ambient Dub artists?

Oh, and with all that said, Blackbird isn't very good. One Day Remains is fantastic though.

Bullshit hmm? Because I don't enjoy one of the absolutely worst godawful bands to ever be introduced to the world in Alter Bridge? Who are you and why did you feel the need to necro a month old thread just to start an argument of opinion?

And yes actually, I do enjoy every genre that I've heard. Never heard much Latin Jazz or Drone Doom, but my favorite bluegrass band would be the Yonder Mountain String Band. Favorite neofolk band is much harder, thats a toss up between This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb and Mountain Goats. Symphonic Black Metal? Would you consider Celtic Frost to be of that genre? I do listen to them quite a bit. Urban Jazz is easy, the great Miles Davis hands down, with Herbie Hancock's free-form urban jazz coming in close at second (Head Hunters is one of the best albums of all time). Ambient Dub I'm not a big fan of, but I do enjoy listening to some of the dub they play on the local college station here, though I wouldn't say I seek out Ambient Dub bands.

Reggaeton on the other hand, I do not like. Though that really is not an actual genre in my opinion, it's just another subgenre of rap and hip hop with Spanish and Jamaican mixed in that somehow makes it "reggae" (not at all).

But if you really want to be a big fucking asshole, should I continue? Because I really do listen to every major genre; rock, rap, folk, country, reggae, blues, gospel, metal, punk, soul, R and B (the real kind, not what you hear on the radio these days thats passed off as R&B), pop. You name it, odds are I like the genre.

But Alter Bridge just sucks. I'm sorry, but they have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. They're like Zakk Wylde from Black Label Society, great technical musicians, just absolutely no fucking soul whatsoever and couldn't write a good song if their lives depended on it.
my favorite bluegrass band would be the Yonder Mountain String Band.

Sweet. They're one of my favourite bands, seen them live twice. What's your favourite album/why?

Symphonic Black Metal? Would you consider Celtic Frost to be of that genre?

No I wouldn't. They've got a much stronger Thrash/Death Metal influence, their ties of Symphonic music and Black Metal don't cross in any their music.

Urban Jazz is easy, the great Miles Davis hands down, with Herbie Hancock's free-form urban jazz coming in close at second

Do you even know what you're talking about? Neither are in the slightest related to Urban Jazz.

Both of their most prominent works are at the opposite spectrum of Urban Jazz, if anything.

Reggaeton on the other hand, I do not like. Though that really is not an actual genre in my opinion, it's just another subgenre of rap and hip hop with Spanish and Jamaican mixed in that somehow makes it "reggae" (not at all).

Except it's history, amount of artists and popuarity is big enough to be considered a genre.

But Alter Bridge just sucks. I'm sorry, but they have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. They're like Zakk Wylde from Black Label Society, great technical musicians, just absolutely no fucking soul whatsoever and couldn't write a good song if their lives depended on it.

So they have no musical talent whatsoever? But they're great technical musicians? So, being a great technical musician = no talent?

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