Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Congrats to all the winners, and the rest of you absolutely suck! But try harder next year to not suck.

Best Wrestler of the Year: Showtime

Worst Wrestler of the Year: The Angel

Best Storyline of the Year: Tied: Callahan's Conspiracies, Vega/Titus and Mayhem, The Power Glove Saga

Worst Storyline of the Year: Angel kills a child

Best Match of the Year: War Games

Best PPV of the Year: Kingdom Come

Worst PPV of the Year: All Stars

Best "Show Episode" of the Year: Supershow III

Tag Team of the Year: Saxoteur

Moment of the Year: Celeste's first title win

Surprise of the Year: Ricky Runn becomes #1 contender

Title Reign of the Year: Vega/Mayhem

Feud of the Year: Tie: Zeus/Kurtesy, Alhazred/Krypto

RP of the Year: Drake Callahan, LL

Title Win of the Year: Barbosa, WZCW WHC

Rookie of the Year: Zeus

Breakthrough performance of the Year: Ricky Runn

Favorite Creative Writer: Kermit

Favorite Guest Writer: Our wonderful overlord, KB

Favorite RPer of the Year: Jglass

Best use of a NPC: Backstage Bob, by Miko
So I've won an award without actually being in this organization.

I'd be world champion in a month.

At the award show we did (Aftershock) I planned a skit where Lucy the Rabbit ate the face of a jobber, while you accepted your award.

A member of creative told me to go to bed, and the skit never happened
At the award show we did (Aftershock) I planned a skit where Lucy the Rabbit ate the face of a jobber, while you accepted your award.

A member of creative told me to go to bed, and the skit never happened

They're fired. Seriously that would make me want to do more with you guys.
Would App be short for application?

That would be app, our loving dig at the sheer stupidity of WWE.

If you want the segment, I just sent it to you.

Edit: For those that won't see it, it involves DC, a bazooka gun, and a rabbit. You do the math.
Here's the segment, for all to see. Remember; this is, in fact, the show where we thew Baller's head into the audience. So if that gives you any idea what frame of mind I was in...

Backstage, Becky Serra is with microphone in hand, at the Aftershock Awards, episode 32

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight, we gave out WZCW awards, for the best and brightest. Now, with me at this time is a special guest, a man by the name of Klunderbunker.

A rabbit hops on camera, ear twitching as it looks around. Becky looks around, very confused.

Serra: I.... I can't say that I see this man, I was told Klunderbunker...

???:'Scuse me.... But that's my papa!

The voice comes down from the rabbit, and Becky looks around, even more confused, and now nervous.

Becky: I... I'm sorry, but did you just talk.

Lucy: My papa couldn't be here to accept the award, so he told me to come and get it, on his ahalf.

Becky stoops down, to speak to the rabbit.

Becky: Er... Little bunny, did you mean, behalf?

We see a shadowy figure slinking in the shadows, holding a very large item.

Lucy: First, he'd like to thank the 'Cademy, all the widdle people...

The camera pans to the shadowy figure... To reveal DC, bazooka gun in hand. He tiptoes towards Becky and Lucy, and when he notices the camera, he points his fingers to his cameras.

DC: Shh..... Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. I'm hunt-

But Lucy the Rabbit has already attacked! She has sprung up, and has begun jumping on DC's head! DC hollers in pain and fear, as the rabbit attacks him. DC begs for help, as the rabbit screams out

Lucy: You won't be hurting any more wabbits, you mean, mean man!

DC screams like a girl, and runs away, rabbit still jumping on his head, as Becky looks to the camera and shrugs.
I'm honored to have received moment of the year. I probably couldn't have brought myself to retire the character without at least one title reign.
I'm surprised All-Stars was nominated for worst PPV given it's a non-canon PPV that was created for some fun to give people a break.
Better than Apocalypse getting it for the third year in a row... plus, no offense to the guys who wrote it, but only one match on that card was memorable. Half the matches would've been fine for an Aftershock show but for something as off-the-wall as All-Stars, it didn't match.

Anyway, with guys like SHIT & Saboteur being created from All-Stars and other roster members competing on the card, it should be considered among our official PPV schedule. It's basically NXT for one round.
Better than Apocalypse getting it for the third year in a row... plus, no offense to the guys who wrote it, but only one match on that card was memorable. Half the matches would've been fine for an Aftershock show but for something as off-the-wall as All-Stars, it didn't match.

Anyway, with guys like SHIT & Saboteur being created from All-Stars and other roster members competing on the card, it should be considered among our official PPV schedule. It's basically NXT for one round.

Ah, I see. When I first joined we had Civil Revolution in the cycle as well as the main six, but we dropped it because it made the year longer and everything would fit into an almost perfect year with just six PPVs.

All-Stars was created when Coco-Gate happened as a way to let off some steam and have some fun when things got tense, I didn't actually expect it to become an annual event, but to be used when it was needed. Not to mention this year's build up to KC had the Supershow and the new Wrestlezone Weekend.

Obviously it's up to Creative what to do with All-Stars, but I would recommend dropping it just to keep the calendar year tight so events happen sooner. It can always be brought back if things just need to fun for a round.
With post-PPV breaks, flexible rounds and the semi-regular "creative needs a few extra days to churn out shows" stigma that's been happening for a very long time, keeping a tight ship concerning schedules isn't really a worry any more so All-Stars is affordable.

You also have to consider the new group of RPers who can churn out some excellent comedic gold as well as serious storyline arcs. Removing All-Stars would be a sin to most as it gives people a chance to switch up their style once every WZCW calendar year and go for something completely opposite of what they were doing. I know there has been and still is a lot of silly things in WZCW but if we contain the most over-the-top shenanigans to one night so regular WZCW doesn't seem too far-fetched, why not?

Although, your point about hosting All-Stars during any occasion rather than a set date is very intriguing. If it can be done, I'd play along happily but similar events such as the Lethal Lottery & the Roulette Rounds only happen once a year for a reason.
Ah, I see. When I first joined we had Civil Revolution in the cycle as well as the main six, but we dropped it because it made the year longer and everything would fit into an almost perfect year with just six PPVs.

All-Stars was created when Coco-Gate happened as a way to let off some steam and have some fun when things got tense, I didn't actually expect it to become an annual event, but to be used when it was needed. Not to mention this year's build up to KC had the Supershow and the new Wrestlezone Weekend.

Obviously it's up to Creative what to do with All-Stars, but I would recommend dropping it just to keep the calendar year tight so events happen sooner. It can always be brought back if things just need to fun for a round.

Nah I just had the idea for something fun to do, it had really nothing to do with the Coco thing. And the first one was so successful that it got to the point that everyone looked forward to the event the next year, so we ran it again. It's been almost a proving ground for potential next HoC as evidence of Numbers and Falkon running the first and second ones.

I wouldn't drop it either, it brings outside interest into the fed and has produced characters that end up jumping to the full time roster. It's unfortunate the third All Stars was a miss, but that'll happen from time to time.
Nah I just had the idea for something fun to do, it had really nothing to do with the Coco thing. And the first one was so successful that it got to the point that everyone looked forward to the event the next year, so we ran it again. It's been almost a proving ground for potential next HoC as evidence of Numbers and Falkon running the first and second ones.

I wouldn't drop it either, it brings outside interest into the fed and has produced characters that end up jumping to the full time roster. It's unfortunate the third All Stars was a miss, but that'll happen from time to time.

Ah yeah, my bad, think it was the timing of events being near that it lead me to believe it was caused by it, when it was a while after.

But you bring valid points, so I rescind my previous statement about All-Stars.


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