All Things X Division


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm going to use this thread to talk about the X Division and nothing but the X Division and I want peoples help in molding what the X Division should look like.
What I've been noticing is that some people's offense isn't up to par with others and some people just can't get over or aren't seen the same light as others. Also size and quickness seems to be bothering me, especially David Vs Goliath type scenarios. I hate those in the X Division. You don't see those in ROH, right? They have a place in wrestling, don't get me wrong. But I was really impressed how Low Ki, Aries etc came off. It was stiff and well coordinated. Low Ki and Aries have good chemistry in the ring and Evans added the finishing touches.

I want to start off with AJ Styles, Kazarian, and Daniels. Should AJ compete in the X Division? I think he's more a wrestler now, but I'm sure he can still go with the other X Div guys. Do you feel like it's a demotion though? I feel Kaz and Daniels are more so wrestlers as well and I don't like their body frames/personalities in the X Div for some reason.

I'd like to see Dinero added as a heel to the X Division. He adds some color to the division and I could see him bringing interesting storylines to the division as well as having some good matches there. As well, I don't want to see Douglas Williams in the X Division anymore. I don't think his style suits it.

Samoa Joe: Don't even know where to put this guy.

Alex Shelley: I hate his name. He needs to get on the mic/do skits and jog people's memories on why he has so much potential. He is a solid X Division character when he does that and I'd like to see him in some feuds for the title.

Amazing Red: I liked the idea of Sangriento(didn't like the name or costume that much.) But I liked the idea of turning him into a luchador. He doesn't talk well and doesn't have an amazing look and I thought they should go full blast and give him an authentic lucha costume, even give him the creepy contacts they all wear. He's good in the ring and that's all he needs.

Austin Aries: Awesome! Awesome in-ring ability, so far so good on the mic. This guys makes me want to see more ROH guys in TNA, like Davey Richards. Really looking forward to this guy and I hope he's used/pushed well.

Brian Kendrick: I don't like his move set and I don't usually pay attention to his stuff, but maybe it's because he was up against guys like Abyss. He is very creative on the mic, but it's just not my thing, but he has character and I think that's good for the Division. He's a good fit for the Division, but I think there are more suited to be champ. Interested to see what his feud will be like against guys his size who can talk.

Chris Sabin: They need him back. He's a good wrestler, better in-ring then Shelley and he should be a main stay in the X Division.

Eric Young: I like the character, always have until he became serious during the World Elite days. Maybe he should stay out of X Division and fight David vs Goliath in other divisions as he is because he'd ruin a competitive serious X Division match. I rather see a guy like Eric vs Abyss were you can write a story around it kind of like X Pac/Kane. EY's character is to silly for the X Div, but is perfect for the show and against other wrestlers, if that makes sense.

Kid Kash: The guy's a bit old, but he's good from what I hear. I've known of him for awhile, but don't remember alot. I think he's the type of guy I'd like to see in the X Division as I hear he's a great heel. Plus he's a vet. If he can keep up, he should be good for the Division.

Robbie E: Needs to be moved out of the X Division. He's big enough that he doesn't need to be there. He's kind of in the same boat as EY. He's a character and there's no reason he can't face the rest of the roster. He doesn't bring anything special to the ring, but his character and cookie can help add to storylines whichever division he's in.

Shannon Moore: Nothing special, better then nothing. Has a unique look and isn't what he use to be, but can still go in the ring. I don't mind throwing him in 3-6 way matches, but he isn't my ideal X Division type guy.

Now as for guys I'd like to see signed/brought back for X Division...

Low Ki: I want to see this guy in TNA. I like the idea of seeing him feud Pope, Shelley, Kash, Red, Kendrick, Aries and whoever else. He really impressed me at the PPV and was pretty good on NXT when vs'ing much bigger guys.

Jack Evans: They need to bring him back. I wouldn't want to see him in one on one matches, but he's great for those 3-4 man matches. He doesn't seem to have the best mic skills, but his move set is novelty enough for the X Division.

Extreme Tiger: TNA has shown interest in him before and TNA has sent a lot of wrestlers over to AAA in the past year, I'd like to see what fans thought of Tiger here.

Teddy Hart: Is this impossible?

Anyway, that's all I know for now. I don't think Zema Ion is solid enough all around for TNA right now.

What is your vision for the X Division and who would you sign, add or subtract from the division?
I dream of a day where TNA actually uses the talent they have. I dream of turning on my tv & seeing the X Division actually wrestle instead of having a ppv just to show us what we are missing.

The talent is in place already, TNA just needs to pull the trigger & let them do what they do. Keep Abyss away. Picking up Aries is a step in the right direction, but i fear they will deflate his push in no time. TNA has a bad habit of mis-using talent.

Keep Evans & Lo-ki. They can pull of some great matches with Daniels, Shelley & the rest. Whatever TNA decides to do, it needs a storyline structure. Build it up. Otherwise we just have more random matches with no meaning.

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