All Things SuperMan Thread.

Final Form Snyper.

GOAT Human Being
I Figure everyone has one, why not follow the line, or any other thing that means following everyone else. It's not really an appreciation thread to myself just for of a ask me questions and I live daily updates on it.

Enjoy, I don't have the most exciting life updates. Some will be funny, some will be weird but I hope this can be a defining thread that gives me a name on here.
It's a shame that TAS from the 90s went out on such a high note. That final fight with Darkseid was fantastic, the comment about him being God was nerdgasm worthy, the moment on the rooftop with Lois was well earned, and his first ever straight punch to Luthor was the icing on the cake. I wish they'd have had another season or five to hash out every possible piece of the aftermath to that and run the show into the ground so that I didn't so desperately want more. I'd be able to sleep much easier if they'd gone that route.
^^ I don't understand it.

You killed the thread.

Today was abit crazy in the International Airport after a passport fraud was caught yesterday, They were reported to police on sight, then told to give a report to the airport to investigate. I also know that the Police will ask for a report then the 2 parties will meet to go over the reports to check for inconsistencies. It was frantic at the start of the day with workers abit worried for repercussions on yesterdays arrest, as the day went on people were generally normal and life went on as usual.

Then I got home to discover a crying baby. Good times......good times.
It's a shame that TAS from the 90s went out on such a high note. That final fight with Darkseid was fantastic, the comment about him being God was nerdgasm worthy, the moment on the rooftop with Lois was well earned, and his first ever straight punch to Luthor was the icing on the cake. I wish they'd have had another season or five to hash out every possible piece of the aftermath to that and run the show into the ground so that I didn't so desperately want more. I'd be able to sleep much easier if they'd gone that route.

I agree, they should have ****ed it out like they did with BTAS, and had 2 spinoff seasons and done a futuristic version where he knocked up Lois and had kids, depending on whether you follow the Brodie or the T.S theory from Mallrats. What did you think of Smallville? Interesting series that cast new light and realisism on a generally brushed over part of his life, or complete anal rape of all that most fans held dear and loved?
I agree, they should have ****ed it out like they did with BTAS, and had 2 spinoff seasons and done a futuristic version where he knocked up Lois and had kids, depending on whether you follow the Brodie or the T.S theory from Mallrats. What did you think of Smallville? Interesting series that cast new light and realisism on a generally brushed over part of his life, or complete anal rape of all that most fans held dear and loved?
I really enjoy Smallville. Granted it doesn't stay all that close to source material cannon but that's OK with me as I feel it's still a good vehicle for the characters. The only questions I have for that series is when will it end and will he be in the suit with his full set of abilities or not?
What always surpirsed me was that they never considred a similar series for "Puny" Parker. Giving even a moment's thought to the idea would reveal a teen/high-school aged show would be a natural fit for Marvel"s top interest (especially since EiC Quesada absolutely hated the adult marriage to the point of removing it from history via the supernatural). The only case one could make is that they don't want to flood the market with the character and therefore they've decided to keep him in the domain of full-length features. I wonder if this will change now that Disney cracks-the-whip?
Anyway back to Supes; here's hoping Returns' follow up won't be total shit and actually bring some of the luster back to the franchise. If not, scrape the project and maybe consider moving Welling and the rest of the cast up to the majors at least once and see how it performs financially.
There's going a follow up to Returns?

That's fine. I didn't want my reboot anyway. The '70s film has aged sooo well.
You did though unwittingly, this is the All Things Superman Thread is it not? I hope they make the sequel soon so they see if people wanna keep Brandon Routh, or move Tom Welling to the big league in time for the Justice League movie.
You did though unwittingly, this is the All Things Superman Thread is it not? I hope they make the sequel soon so they see if people wanna keep Brandon Routh, or move Tom Welling to the big league in time for the Justice League movie.
I say keep Routh as he has matured as an actor over the past few years, but seriously consider dumping Singer.
I heard at one point that Nolan would be contributing in some form to a reboot. But taking that with a grain of salt is probably best, as rumors involving Nolan and comic book films seems to have become some people's bread and butter.

I loved Routh as both Superman and Kent despite hating the film. It's a shame they'll probably look for a new Supes if they're going the reboot route, as he was almost ideal for me.
The rumour I heard wasn't Chris Nolan but his brother.
Kryptonite batarangs and it's done.

But yeah...I fully admit that a mere mortal shouldn't be able to beat the Man of Steel. You'll never get me to admit it outside of this one post, this one time though. Don't even try.
With the right author anything is possible, but "realistically" he shouldn't.

I'm pretty sure that in both the reasonable JL cartoon and in the comic books they covered that Batman has A) a contingency plan for all of the other superheroes if they go rogue, and B) a stash of Kryptonite somewhere, so Batman would probably kill superman if he wanted, he's smart enough to find a way to do it without getting himself killed. Maybe a Robin will die though, but he seems to loose one of those every 3 to 6 months lol
The Batman/Superman team up comics are awesome.

Though for some reason a lot of people shit on them, whereas it's one of my favourite series in DC.

The team ups they have in both Animated Series are pretty damn awesome as well.

Bats/Supes v Luthor/Joker

Supes poses as Bats and works with Robin to take on Bane, Riddler, Mad Hatter and later, Brainiac

Ra's Al Guhl tries to steal Supes' life force and Bats has to rescue him.

All classic episodes......
I'm pretty sure that in both the reasonable JL cartoon and in the comic books they covered that Batman has A) a contingency plan for all of the other superheroes if they go rogue, and B) a stash of Kryptonite somewhere, so Batman would probably kill superman if he wanted, he's smart enough to find a way to do it without getting himself killed. Maybe a Robin will die though, but he seems to loose one of those every 3 to 6 months lol
As I said, it's a great story to tell if its written well and thought out but in all likelihood Superman could end Bats whenever he wanted and there really wouldn't be a damn thing he could do about it. Honestly Supes could float miles above the earth into outer-space, use his telescopic/heat vision to locate and fry the Bat at the speed of light before Bats even knew what was going on.

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