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All the ECW superstars become free agents in 2 weeks


Championship Contender
So like Christian said last night, every ECW superstar will become free agants in 2 weeks so my question is who do you send to raw and who do you sent to smackdown? So here how i would distribute the talents on each show


Christian: Yeah, i believe Christian would be better off on Raw then smackdown for the moment since on Smackdown, he would be in the shadow of Edge. If Edge get drafted to Raw after Wrestlemania then maybe have chrisstian sent to smackdown but for now, Christian would be better serve on Raw.

Ezekiel Jackson: Personally, i don'T care about this guy really much but seeing how much of the big guy are on Raw, why not send him there with Regal as his manager and destroy most of the mid-carders before getting in a feud over the u.s. championship.

The Hurricane: Hurricane will pretty fit the current product that Raw is bringing every week then the smackdown product plus with Helm situation right now, it would be a good punishment for him to get beat up by the raw locker room.

Vance Archer: Here a guy that got a lot of potential but lack charisma but he his a big guy and a lot more talented then Ezekiel and vladimir so why give him a try on Raw.

Vladimir Kozlov: Again not a big fan of him but is a very physical type of wrestler and his very funny when he wants to. I see him getting sent to Raw and be in a tag team with Santino Marella.

William Regal: I would send him to Raw only to continue managing Ezikiel Jackson


Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu: Has a tag team, these 2 guys are great comic relief and let'S face it, Goldust doesn't really serve a purpose anymore so why not let him continue helping out Yoshi.

Zack Ryder & Rosa Mendez: Zack as really become one of the most entertaining thing since joining ECW last year and ever since Rosa got traded to ECW, i actually able to like her. She way less annoying then when she started plus you gain another heel diva on smackdown which they really need right now.

Shelton Benjamin: Send him back to Smackdown, it really doesn't matter where he ends up, he probably be stuck in the mid-card area anyway and be use to put over some of the guys they want to push to the main event level.

Tiffany: That kind of a hard choice for me to predict where she would end up but since she got an history with Teddy Long i wouldn'T be surprised if she get put in the middle of the Teddy Long/Vicky Guerrero storyline.

Savannah: Probably going to replace Tony Chimmel has the smackdown ring announcer since Tony is only there because they didn'T have anybody else to but in that spot.

Free agents

Abraham Washington & Tony Atlas: These guys have been somewhat entertaining as of late but since Abraham dosen'T actually wrestle, i don'T see where they could fit on the current product.

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta: Personally, i don't like these guys, they are talented young guys but they look to much like jobbers and the fact that nobody seem to care about them make me say that maybe it would be a good thing to send them back to FCW.

Tyler Reks: I'm surprise that he wasn'T release yet but since he's oviously still on the ECW rosters even through nobody seen him for a while now, i see him stay were he his right now and that's FCW.

Josh MAtthews and Byron Saxton Josh will probably continue doing the backstage interview on both show while byron probably going back to FCW

That what i would do with the ECW rosters, so now what would you guys do with the ECW roster?
Awesome thread, I was thinking of making it myself. I will share my thoughts on each member of the roster as to where I would send them and some ideas for pushes.

Christian goes to Smackdown. Yes, he would still be overshadowed by Edge.... but he could be the mega-face of Smackdown. He was doing that on ECW and cannot take Cena's place on Raw as the top face, not gonna happen. Christian would be sent to Smackdown and gets into the world title scene as soon as Wrestlemania is over.

Ezekiel Jackson:
I'd send him to Raw to keep him separated from Kozlov. They are both good monster heels and one shouldn't be booked stronger than the other right now.

The Hurricane:
He'd fit in on Raw alongside other cheesy characters like Santino or Hornswoggle. So, he goes to Raw.

Vance Archer:
I'd send him to Smackdown for an INTENSE feud that he loses, before he gets future endeavored.

Vladimir Kozlov:
His run on Smackdown could have worked, so he goes back there for a second chance. I'd have him move up the ranks slower this time though.

William Regal:
Regal goes back to being a GM on Raw, ending the idiotic guest host angle. I would also restart his tendency to do stuff like turn the lights out or end Raw in the middle of a match, he would get a lot of heel heat for doing things like that again, and could occasionally still wrestle a match.

Either roster, but he will be jobbing.

Yoshi Tatsu
Sent to Raw to form a high flying tag team with Evan Bourne.

Zack Ryder & Rosa Mendez:
Ryder will be sent to Smackdown. His character has a better shot at surviving beyond the midcard if he is built up on Smackdown. An Edge feud could be cool too since Ryder used to be one of Edge's two clones in 2008. Rosa will be his manager for a while.

Shelton Benjamin:
He'd be sent back to Smackdown and staying in the midcard for life, nothing changes here.

She would become the new GM of Smackdown. Long has been doing it way too (for lack of a better word) long. She's getting better on the mic and pretty, having a diva be the GM on one of the two main rosters would be something somewhat new.

Sent to Smackdown for making backstage interviews.

Abraham Washington & Tony Atlas:
Abe could bring his show to either roster. I guess Raw, the time that goes to the guest hosts could go to the Abraham Washington show.... Atlas would still be there too.

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta:
These guys would be sent to Smackdown to feud with the Hart Dynasty and help start the building of a true tag team division

Tyler Reks:
Future endeavored, he'd be a member of Smackdown long enough to lose a quick squash match to Kozlov or some other midcard heel.

Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton
Matthews and Saxton would become the new Smackdown announcing team.... Striker is promoted to Raw (which becomes a 3 man announcing team with Cole and Lawler) and Grisham goes back to backstage interviews because he is boring at announcing.
Christian, Helms and even Regal would be better served on Smackdown. Have you seen RAW's product lately? They don't deserve to ruin anymore talent on that show. Swagger is being misused. As is Bourne. And you want to send those three there for further punishment? I'm sure Christian doesn't have to worry about Edge's shadow. Plus, even if he did, I think he'd rather worry about Edge's shadow than he would Cena's, Orton's, Triple H's, Shawn's, etc.
I had assumed that the ECW roster would have remained static, minus the veterans, but apparantly that won't be the case. I'll follow your lead and analyse each person in turn.

Christian: I think Christian is going to wherever Edge isn't. As long as they are on the same brand and both faces, people will wonder why they aren't teaming up. If one of them turns, then they'll wonder why they aren't feuding. Christian will go to the brand that Edge doesn't.

Ezekiel Jackson: I think Jackson will go, with Regal as his manager to Raw. Raw doesn't really have a monster heel because the Big Show and even Sheamus have a bit of character depth, so he'll fit into that gap reasonably well.

The Hurricane: I think The Hurricane will be off our screens for a while. Helms will go to Smackdown as the backstage announcer, and that may lead into something, but right now, no.

Vance Archer: I really don't think he's done much at all. He has the potential to be the Mike Knox of Raw, that is the big guy that always loses, but I think he may go back to developmental.

Vladimir Kozlov: Apparently he's going to be a part of Santino's sit com, in which case I think he'll turn face into Santino's straight man. They will then become a jobbing tag team for a while.

William Regal: See Ezeikel Jackson.

Goldust: I don't know which brand he'll go to, but wherever it is, he will be maintaining his current role of putting over new guys. He's pretty good at that, and is always good for comedy segments. He bombed on Raw last time, so maybe he should go to Smackdown.

Yoshi Tatsu: He's popular, but not being able to speak English is going to cost him dearly. I could see him being stuck with Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang in the pointless comedy tag team mould, unless they go full racist, give him a ridiculous Japanese gimmick and put him with Kung Fu Naki. I wouldn't be surprised if they do that.

Zack Ryder & Rosa Mendes: Mendes has helped Ryder develop, and he has been reasonably entertaining on ECW. I think I'd probably put him on the lower end of the card of Raw, because he's more entertaining than people like The Colons.

Shelton Benjamin: I think Benjamin is going to Smackdown. The mid card there isn't as big as the one on Raw and he's pretty much guaranteed to be a solid pair of hands in that division. He's never going to move upwards, but he's always legitimate enough for a MITB spot or mid card title reign.

Tiffany: Tiffany is going back to developmental and she may return as a diva down the line. For the time being, she's not going anywhere.

Savannah: I think she'll be released. She's worse than the Bella Twins at ring announcing and therefore entirely pointless.

Abraham Washington & Tony Atlas: I think they might stay on at NXT. While I think Abe is dogshit, the show has certainly allowed newer stars to develop thei mic skills, and whatever the format for NXT this show could feature in some manner.

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta: I think they'll probably go to Raw. Once Legacy dissolve, there isn't a single team there, so I think you pretty much have to assume that someone is going to get put there. These two haven't been bad, and nobody really cares about tag teams anyway.

Tyler Reks: Released. How long is it since he's been on TV? Too long to make a comeback, unless he gets repackaged.

Byron Saxton Saxton will be going back to developmental, but I'm not sure in what capacity.

Josh Matthews The most likely think is that he will become the Raw backstage announcer. I do think there's an outside chance that he'll rekindle his partnership with Grisham, which I feel has brought Grisham's best work, and then Striker will join the Raw team, because that Trio worked well at the recent PPV. That way, JR can return to Smackdown and make it another three man booth.
a lot of guys will probably head down to Florida for reinvention...

Regal will be a "trainer or head judge" on NXT... without doubt, he is WWE's Simon Cowell after all... you can't have a reality format without one...and he clearly knows the way to stay employed in WWE.

Shelton Benjamin best being part of NXT IMO... I could see him being "The man to beat", in that the series winner gets the feud with him... so they get a strong start...

Helms is on his way out... his taxi ride from hell has probably been his final ride in WWE... he doesn't work as a backstage reporter anymore... best he can hope for is jobber status..

Yoshi... I think he will actually do ok on Smackdown... i do hope they avoid the comedy that they used with Tajiri (in fact, just bring him back Vince...) but I could easily see Yoshi replacing guys like Jimmy Wang Yang who have clearly passed their sell by date.

Goldust - Cody has to happen, who better for Dustin to have a last hurrah with as himself than his own bro... Either a tag team gone wrong or Cody chiding Goldust for being an embarrasment... It has at least 3 PPV matches in it... I could also see Dustin as a part of NXT, showing guys what its like to "live a gimmick".
Christian- I was interested in his match with Sheamus, and was kind of dissapointed that it ended so fast. But for what it was, it was good, and I would love to see Captain Charisma on RAW to feud with Sheamus, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels (assuming he completes the heel transaction), Cody Rhodes, and The Miz (wow, those promos between the 2 would be amazing!). After all, I am a peep, and would love to see him on RAW

Ezekial Jackson- I would also send Jackson to RAW to be a heel there, and have Regal as his manager. Maybe he can continue a feud with Christian here on RAW.

William Regal-Basically manage Jackson for the time being

Shelton Benjamin- I would like to see Benjamin RAW again for the first time in years, but he's probably going to Smackdown. He will be in the Intercontinental/United States title hunt where ever he goes. Plus he is a face again, and the last time he was a face, he was on RAW, and that worked well for awhile.

Zack Ryder w/ Rosa Mendez- These two should go to Smackdown, here he could feud with John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Kane, and Finlay. Then we'll see where he goes from there.

Vance Archer-He should go to Smackdown and try to establish himself there because he won't get it done on RAW. Sheamus already did that

Vladmir Kozlov-He will go to RAW and team up with Santino for some comedy spots. Kozlov a face and funny? We'll see...

Goldust&Yoshi Tatsu-Here is a tag team that should go to Smackdown, but a team that I also see getting lost in the roster and just used for random spots on Smackdown (like Cryme Tyme)

Croft&Baretta-I see the same thing happening with them that's going to happen with Goldust&Tatsu

The Hurricane-More likely to end up on Smackdown in my opinion and just be used for backstage crap. Maybe join Punk's Society after his recent arrest?

Abraham Washington- Go to RAW and feud with MVP. After that, I have no clue...

Tiffany-She could join Long and be the GM assistant there, or maybe go to RAW and try and be a diva. We'll see where all this leaves Tiffany. I'm thinking Smackdown to continue her leadership role in some way.

Tony Atlas-Will probably be released pretty soon knowing WWE.

Tyler Reks-Uhhhhh, I guess have him go to RAW and see what he can do there... Yeah, let's go with RAW.

So at the end of the day Christian, Ezekial Jackson, William Regal, Vance Archer, Vladmir Kozlov, Abraham Washington, and Tyler Reks to RAW (7 supertars), and have Shelton Benjamin, Zack Ryder w/ Rosa Mendez, The Hurricane, Tiffany, Goldust&Yoshi Tatsu, and Croft&Baretta to Smackdown (9 to Smackdown) Sounds pretty even to me since of the 9, 4 of them are in a team. I'm hoping for the best mainly for Christian and Shelton Benjamin!
I like the idea of this thread. One question I have is: Will some of the wrestlers that are now on ECW be sent to NXT?

Anyway, assuming no one will be sent to NXT:

Christian: I can definitely see him going to Smackdown!. He is currently in the middle of a 6 month(198+ days) ECW title reign, and I think that he deserves to be on Smackdown!. On RAW this week, he had a great match with Sheamus, but I just can't see a feud between these two. I can see a feud between Christian and Batista or McIntyre in the near future, though.

Ezekiel Jackson: I'm not a huge fan of his, but he should go to RAW and feud w/ Miz, MVP, Swagger, etc. for the US title. He could be used in the same way as Mark Henry, winning lower-mid card and comedy matches, and losing upper-mid and main event matches.

The Hurricane: It seems like this guy is in trouble. He will probably be used as a jobber for the next 2-3 months, until after 'Mania. He will probably end up on RAW, and lose against people like Miz and Swagger.

Vance Archer: I see this guy as a future IC champ for some reason. He has that "intense" look, and I think he is still undefeated. It's 50/50 whether he'll end up like McIntyre or Kozlov. I see him going to SD and feuding w/ Morrison and/or Kane.

Vladimir Kozlov: I dislike him, but since it was mentioned, I see him going to RAW and forming a tag team with Santino, maybe becoming the tag champs for 1 week.

William Regal: Put him on Smackdown!, where he hasn't been in about 3 years, and have him feud with Morrison or even Finlay. I hope he goes back to using the Regal Stretch or Plex, I dislike the Knee Trembler or whatever.

Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu: They should be considered as a real tag team, and a threat to the titles. They will probably end up on Smackdown!, and feud with The Hart Dynasty. Once Goldust retires, Yoshi can go to RAW and go for the US title. How come it seems like about half of the former US champions are either black or aren't from the US?

Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes: Zack Ryder is easily one of the best 3 on ECW now, and Rosa helps him out a lot. They should stay together forever, and go to Smackdown! to feud with Christian (if he goes there), and Kane (that Homecoming Qualifying match was pretty good), and finally pick up a win against one of them.

Shelton Benjamin: He has no charisma as a face. Maybe he can go to Smackdown! and reform the World's Greatest Tag Team with Haas, who is also doing nothing.

Tiffany: I think she can become the manager of someone... I feel like it should be a white guy (no offense) that is around 200-240 lb. and has no mic skills. She looks like she'd go with Miz, but Miz is great on the mic. Maybe Ted or Cody once they break apart from Legacy.
Also, when Dagger said "Long has been doing it way too (for lack of a better word) long.", I found that hilarious, and I agree with that, because I like Tiffany as a GM and she might fit as the GM of Smackdown!.

Savannah: Either release her or have her in a storyline w/ Hurricane.

Abraham Washington and Tony Atlas: 1) Have Abe and Tony split. Abe goes to Smackdown!, continues his show, and feuds with some mid-carders, while Tony goes back to managing Henry. OR 2) Have Abe and Tony remain together, form a short-term tag team and feud with anyone. OR 3) Have Abe go to either show with Tony, turn on him, and pick up his first win in his first match.

Baretta and Croft: I like these two. I saw them in matches before they came up to ECW, and I've always liked them. They are great as comedy-like heels, that can get serious. Much like a less-stupid version of Festus. Have them continue the tag team, with the same gimmicks, and they can go to RAW and feud with Santino and Kozlov if Kozlov goes to RAW, or something else there.

Tyler Reks: Who actually cares? Have him continue his WWE online show or whatever it's called or get released.

Josh Mathews and Byron Saxton: I like these two together. They hardly ever make mistakes, and after a while, I see them being the new announcers of RAW, once The King retires.
With the end of ECW, beginning of NXT and the WWE Draft approaching, many superstars are already hinting at possible moves to other brands. The obvious one is Christian going to Raw. Shawn Michaels hinted at moving to Smackdown because of The Undertaker. I have already thought of other superstars that sould move threads whether it be a promotion, Christian to Raw, or a demotion, Bourne to NXT :banghead: .

I want to know who you think will be moved to Smackdown and Raw from ECW and who from SD! and Raw will be moved to NXT. Who do you think will be changing brands during the Draft? Who do you want to see in another brand because you think they don't belong in the brand they are currently in?
Well one I don't see anyone moving from SD and RAW to NXT. I think for the most part NXT is going to be a bunch of FCW guys, hopefully and maybe some of the guys still on ECW.

Regal has been on RAW and done a good bit and a change of pace to Smackdown will be good for him. Christian I think he is a better fit for SD, where he won't be held back by the guys on RAW. Abraham Washington to RAW maybe to move his show onto RAW, doesn't really fit SD or maybe he could be a mouthpiece for someone. Tatsu just looks like he will fit pretty good on SD.

As for HBK moving to SD, I'm not sure it would happen as a full time thing, but just for the Undertaker/WM storyline.

As for other I guess I wouldn't mind seeing Bourne move to SD, along with Jack Swagger for something I think he desperately needs. Than maybe move Cryme Tyme back over to RAW.
I want Christian to go to Smackdown instead of raw. he will get lost in Raw. There are plenty of superstars like HHH, Cena, Orton, HBK, Big Show, Sheamus at raw so Christian will not have any chance to be in the main event at Raw. most likely Edge will move to Raw and Christian will go to SD. He will have better chances to capture the gold at SD instead of Raw. I want randy to go to SD at next draft. That will freshen the things up. If they going to send HBK to SD then its better to send Undertaker to Raw that will maintain the balance of the stars of both brands and by sending taker to raw we can lot of big feuds like Taker/Cena, Taker/HHH, taker/Sheamus, Taker/Miz amd lots more.
I predict that Edge will move to Raw and challenge for the WWE title. If so, Christian should go to Smackdown. Edge and Christian should be kept apart anyway....they are too strong in their own right to be on the same show, given their "past". Christian would do amazingly well on Smackdown anyway. He could feud with the likes of Batista, CM Punk, Jericho and Ziggler. I also hope that Christian finally gets the push that I've wanted him to have for years.
HBK will never go to SD. I hear it's because he attends regular tuesday mourning church near wherever he lives, so don't count on him moving. As for Christian, yes there is a strong possibility he could move to RAW, but SD has so much better options for him. First, he won't be put behind guys like Cena, HHH, HBK, Orton, Big Show, heck as awesome as a champ that Christian has been The Miz is probably ranked above him in WWE's mind. Christian going over to RAW propbably means he'll be the next MAtt Hardy over there. Now Christian going to SD, so many better variables. His brother Edge, and Jericho, both men he has feuded with many of times. A less challenging roster to crack through (although I guess Shamus threw yoke into that logic). The point I'm getting at is I like Christian, and I really wish WWE would give him that push, but I think his career would be better suited on SD instead. As for HBK, this isn't a draft. It's free agency. Only the ECW stars are moving which means... the newer ones will stay, the young ones will get mini pushes, and the older ones are a new set of jobbers. Christian... he at least has a chance.
Looking at the rosters for ECW, Raw and Smackdown here are who I belive would need a change of scenery.

From Raw
Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, Santino, Chavo, should be moved to NXT.
Keep hornswoggle and let him sell merchandise or something.

Evan has gottend lost in the shuffle and Cody I think personally hasn't gotten enough of a chance to show his talent. Maybe have him fight against the FCW guys who come up to NXT then move him back to one of the shows as a mid-card wrestler who could go after the U.S or IC title. Same thing could be for Evan Bourne who would be a great U.S/IC champ. Santino and Chavo would be great trainers for the up and comers. Also, I would say bring back the Cruiserweight title and have that defended on Superstars and NXT. You could use Superstars to show the up and coming wrestlers to people and other wrestlers who don't get any time on Raw or Smackdown.

Put back together Carlito and Primo so they can go after the Tag titles cause you need more tag titles. Also, I would say unify the womens titles and have that title defended on all the shows.

From Smackdown
Curt Hawkins, Jimmy Yang, Dolph Ziggler, FU Naki. Put all these guys on NXT.

Also, reunite Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin as a tag team and give these guys the belts. Or they would be great as I.C/U.S champs. With Shelton hopefully being pushed into Smackdowns mainevent cause RAW is to crowded with maineventers.

From ECW
Yoshi Tatsu, Tyler Recks, Vance Archer, Zach Ryder, Vladimir Kozlov. Move to NXT.
Christian can compete in the mainevent, also he could be in the U.S/I.C title picture if the mainevent is too crowded after ECW becomes NXT.
Ezekiel Jackson would be in the I.C title hunt.
Goldust-I.C/U.S title picture
Regal-Same as Goldust, or could be like Jericho and could fill in as a mainevent wrestler if needed. Or could be a manager for an up and coming wrestler or keep him with Ezekiel.

Move Cena to Smackdown he's fueded with just about everyone on RAW or you could move Triple H for the same reason. But, if you move Triple H he needs to be Heel cause thats the best role for him. Then you have to turn Jericho or Edge face.

Other than these wrestlers I've named/talked about I would keep the rosters the same as listed on WWE's website.

Keep it up everyon I love this sight and everyones feedbacks and topics! Thanks for letting me share my 2 cents.
If HBK goes to SD, it's only temporary. His ego wont allow him to be on the second tier show.

Christian has to go to SD. Like others have said, he'll get lost in the shuffle. He's already jobbed to Sheamus, so what future would he have on RAW? Christian fits the mold of the SD wrestler, so he's just a better fit there. For anyone who thinks they'll give Christian a world title push.. it wont happen. I dont think McMahon has faith in Christian to carry a top brand. I think he'll be good to have in the mix on SD, but his best years are behind him.

For the next draft, Jericho to RAW, MVP to SD, Swagger to SD, Truth to RAW. Just my guesses. Maybe, just maybe, Punk and his group.
Yeah like most people I'm going to have to go the exact opposite direction as you here and say that Christian will be the one heading to Smackdown---atleast I really, really fucking hope so. As someone else said, Christian would be lost on Raw. They had him jobbing to Sheamus already, a guy who can't get a clean or decisive win over a single main eventer, so he'd likely not stand a chance being booked in feuds against the likes of the Raw roster in Triple H, HBK, Cena, Orton, etc. Could be some really good matches, but I want Christian to suceed and excel in the main event, and not just make a few trips to it.

HBK I wouldn't mind going to Smackdown, as long as he was there to put people over like he's done since his return. He could really give a lot of credibility to someone like John Morrison or R-Truth just by feuding with them for a month or two. In fact the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of HBK on Smackdown. Imagine a program with CM Punk, with Punk bringing up HBK's infamous partying Kliq days? That has gold written all over it.

But if I had to choose only one of the two to go to Smackdown, it would be Christian, because he'd get a fair shake at the main event and he wouldn't on Raw. Wherever Edge ends up is likely going to be a big factor in where Christian will go because, I mean atleast if the WWE was intelligent, they'd be getting ready for an epic Edge-Christian reunion and/or feud. I hope they don't wait around too long on that one.

HBK will likely stay on Raw, and Christian will (hopefully) be heading to Smackdown.
Unlike a lot of people i hope Christian goes to RAW. I think if him and Edge(through the draft) go to RAW as faces that will open up a TON of story lines between them. Edge and Orton have a history, they could go for the tag team championships again. They could team up and go heel against John Cena or Trips. I also think Jericho will be heading to RAW. I think the Miz gets shipped to Smackdown along with either Swagger, Bourne, or both where he can feud with Morrison for the U.S. title(if he holds it that long, hopefully he does). I would love to see how Drew Mccantire does on RAW, though i can't really judge how he's doing on Smackdown because the Intercontinental championship is being wasted on Smackdown, i don't think any mid-card title will ever do well on that show. Like i said Swagger and Bourne will hopefully be moved because they do not fit on RAW's star studded roster. I think a lot of people will be moved from RAW for that reason, there is way too much talent. I think Yoshi Tatsu, Shelton Benjamin, and the round table should be moved to Smackdown. Maybe put Kozlov on RAW and split the round table. I don't think I would mind a Kozlov vs. Sheamus match after Sheamus drops the belt which i think he will soon IMO.
So likely all of the current wrestlers on the brand will go to Raw or Smackdown, with the exception of a few. So who would you send to Raw, Smackdown, or release? Here's my opinion:


Christian: He's ready to go for the world title, and as we all know, the Raw main event REALLY needs some diversity.

Shelton Benjamin: I think he would be an interesting addition to the mix of the mid-card division to face guys like Miz and Swagger, those would definitely be 2 great feuds.

Goldust: I'd REALLY like to see him in a tag team with Cody.

Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta: Although Raw is pretty bad lately, it's really been developing an impressive tag team division. Maybe they could face the team mentioned above.

Jackson and Kozlov: Monster jobbers. Who cares?


The Hurricane: He'd just seem to belong there.

Yoshi Tatsu: Best place for him to develop.

Zack Ryder: Same as Tatsu.

William Regal: His veteran skills might be useful to help the young guys on the mic.


Tyler Reks and Vance Archer: I have to admit that I don't even know who these guys are. I guess they haven't done anything significant since I do watch ECW from time to time.
Hmmm which ECW stars should be moved to where? Since I'm really not sure the extent of NXT or if it is even a legit brand so I'm just going to suggest who should move to Raw or SmackDown!

Christain-SmackDown! Christain has proven he can carry a show and would definitely do well in the Upper Mid-Card and eventually work his way to the Main Event. There's a lot of potential with him and not to mention before he goes into the Main Event people like him can do for the IC title that Rey and Jericho did for it last year.

Goldust-SmackDown! I think this would be a good move for Goldust as he can be really active in the Mid-Card roster and definitely help with the talent enhancement on that show. And why not give Goldust one more IC title run or find him a decent partner and see what he can do with the Tag Straps for a little bit.

William Regal-Raw. While most people think Regal would benefit from a change of scenary being on SmackDown I don't think it's needed. Because of suspensions and what not I think Regal kind of ruined his chances of ever sniffing the Main Event so why not let Regal do as he pleases in the U.S. Title division and actually give him a couple of runs with the belt. Regal is a great heel and can really help that division out big time.

Ezekial Jackson-Raw. Might as well keep him with Regal as he too can spice up the U.S. title division and can actually be directed to be an upper mid-carder until he finally breaks through with some decent fueds with Cena, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels. A Mark Henry Vs. Ezekial Jackson fued could be interesting.

Vlamir Kozlov-Raw. Now if all else fails this is my reasoning for putting Kozlov on Raw. Re-unite him with the Round Table cause Kozlov isn't doing much without them. With the Round Table Re-united you can put Jackson and Kozlov after the Unified Tag Titles and Regal after the United States Championship. Definitely would be compelling for those three and can actually do a lot with the divisions.

Shelton Benjamin-I can go either way as this would be a good experience for Benjamin to test his chops again. I think ECW has humbled him and he can be ready to move to Upper-Midcarder especially since he is a face he can give that a run and see how it works for him. He also has good tag team partner options on either show and it'd be nice to see him work towards something again.

Zak Ryder-SmackDown! Hopefully to be re-united with Curt Hawkins his singles gimmick doesn't seem to be working too well and I thought the EdgeHeads were a good tag team and WWE could benefit from more teams in that division.

The Hurricane-SmackDown! Anywhere else would severely hurt The Hurricane. Raw would eat him up alive where as on SmackDown he could actually have the chance to capture a belt he has always wanted to capture. The Intercontinental Championship. Also if all else fails they can put The Hurricane and Matt Hardy together as their past chemistry can help make a real good team.

Paul Burchill-Raw. More or less to be that guy in the U.S. Title division that can help people move up the roster. Unless somehow he gets into the Round Table and gets a rub from that.

Yoshi Tatsu-Outlook not good. I truly believe that a gimmick such as the one that Tatsu has will only work for him on ECW. I think no matter which Roster he would be eaten alive as his personality doesn't reach the same bar as his in ring work. I guess he can have a better chance on SmackDown since he can be ahead on the Midcard pecking order where on Raw I don't think he'd be able to hang with MidCard talents.

Barreta and Croft-Put them anywhere. Best part about them is there a tag team so just keep them in that division and they'll be worth their weight on any show. Although on Smackdown I can see them having a nice fued with Cryme Tyme.

Vance Archer-same as Shelton Benjamin minus the Main Event capabilities.

That's all I can really remember at this time but that is what I'd like to see done with them.

Oh yeah as for Shawn Michaels going to SmackDown! That would be a very temporary thing if anything considering his church meetings. Unless he decides to change up his schedule(I mean at the end of the day we all have to make a living).
Who is to say that all of them are moving? If NXT is ALL new guys, the show is going to TANK in the ratings, and they should be smart enough to realize that. Therefore, I think what we're gonna see is some of the younger guys stay on the show, with some of the more important ones moving.

Christian - I think he's going to want to stay with Edge, and since Edge is on Smackdown, he'll probably go there. He COULD go to Raw, though, so that's tough to call. Either way, he's just going to end up in the MITB match at WrestleMania.

Ezekiel Jackson - He's probably going to stay on NXT.

The Hurricane - Does it matter? He'll be a jobber.

Vance Archer - Let's see here. The people backstage are fans of him, and nobody else is really seeing that talent, right? Well that means he's going to Raw lol. That's what always happens. Look for Archer to show us how intense he is on Monday nights in between the recaps of what Cena did lol.

Vladimir Kozlov - Raw to tag up with Santino for that stupid show idea.

William Regal - Honestly, I can't see him fitting anywhere. I guess he probably stays on NXT as Ezekiel's manager.

Goldust - Smackdown.

Yoshi Tatsu - Stays on NXT.

Zack Ryder - I hope he goes to Smackdown and teams up with Dolph Ziggler.

Rosa Mendez - Follows Zack I guess.

Shelton Benjamin - They seem to like him more on Smackdown, but idk.

Tiffany - Stays on NXT.

Savannah - Stays on NXT.

Abraham Washington & Tony Atlas - Stays on NXT.

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta - Stays on NXT.

Tyler Reks - Released. Without a doubt.

Then they probably bring up a bunch of developmental guys like Danielson, Kaval, Heath Slater, and so forth. Word is, they want to do a sort of hybrid between FCW, Tough Enough, and the New Talent Initiative aspect of ECW, so they'll probably have the whole thing revolve around the younger guys that have no real personality built into them. IE, I doubt they'll put Hennig, DiBiase, the Rotundas, Brisco, and the Fatus on NXT.
Here is what I would do with the current ECW superstars. First, I will say where I would assign each superstar, and for some, I will say where I think they will end up.

Christian: I would obviously put him on Smackdown. I always wanted to see Christian on Smackdown, and when he was drafted to Smackdown in 2005, I was ecstatic. But then he leaves to go to TNA. I was disappointed to hear him say "I think my RAW peeps were starting to miss me." So, I think he will likely be signed to Raw.

Ezekiel Jackson: I'd say put him on Raw. He's been on Smackdown before, I see no need for him to go again. He has potential to be one of the few people to get drafted to Raw and actually receive a push. He seems like a good fit for Raw, in my opinion.

Goldust: He has never, ever been on Smackdown and for the entire 7 years that I've been watching wrestling, I have yet to ever even see him wrestle a single match on Smackdown. I would love to see it atleast once. However, WWE will likely put him back on Raw.

Shelton Benjamin: I'd say Smackdown. He's been on Smackdown and Raw before, and he's done pretty good on both shows. He can really be on either brand, but I'd put him on Smackdown due to the simple fact that I think he'd have better fueds there.

The Hurricane: Go to Raw. This time around, as The Hurricane, he isn't nearly as over as he was the first time around. If he goes to Raw, and somehow is able to build some momentum and regain more of his fan base, then he can go places. However, with his recent arrest...

Tyler Reks: What ever happens to that guy? I was quite impressed by some of his in-ring abilities, but that is all. I really don't care much about where he ends up.

Vance Archer: Send him to Raw. This guy is one "interesting" and intense dude. When you look at this guy's face, you have no clue what he's thinking. He has a lot of skill, which can only take him so far. If he can make it on Raw, he can make it anywhere. However, I think he will be assigned to Smackdown.

Vladimir Kozlov: I really don't like him as a face. He just doesn't seem right being a face. If he remains a face, then I'd put him on Smackdown. If he's a heel again, like he should be, I'd put him on Raw.

William Regal: I prefer him as a singles wrestler. I don't really like him as solely Ezekiel Jackson's manager. I really enjoy his in-ring work for some reason, so I'd sign him away from Ezekiel Jackson. So, I'd put him on Smackdown.

Yoshi Tatsu: I never really liked the guy, but I assume WWE will sign him with Goldust. So, if Goldust is signed to Smackdown like I desperately want, I'd assume he'd also go to Smackdown.

Zack Ryder: I'd put him on Raw with Rosa Mendes. I find it quite funny to hear "Woo, woo, woo" on Raw every week... it's cool! They're romance on Raw seems like it would get old fast, so that's why I think WWE will put him/them on Smackdown.

Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft: Those fools annoy me for some reason. I'd put them on Raw so they don't contaminate my TV every Friday night.
Christian: I agree that he should be kept away from Edge...for now. I think down the road, these two will have a great rivalry, but not right now. Make the people wait for it, anticipate it. NO MORE INSTANT GRATIFICATION!

William Regal: I guess I am alone in thinking this guy has the capability to be a MONSTER HEEL. He is one of the best mic guys in the business, and his slow, grind it out style in the ring is perfect for a heel. I have always thought this guy has a tremendous amount of talent (especially in the last two year), and have always been curious why he doesn't get a WWE/WHC title reign. Send him to Smackdown, he could be a top heel over there, and they are lacking in the talent dept. in comparison to Raw.

Shelton Benjamin: I guess I really just don't care about this guy. I don't care where he ends up, because he will never have a meaningful feud anyway, he's not good enough on the mic.

Ezekial Jackson: I feel the same way about this guy that I do Benjamin (except he is nowhere near as talented as Benjamin in the ring). Send him where ever, or fire him, I don't care.

Ryder: Could be a good singles talent, but I would team him back up with Hawkins and help to re-build the basically non-existent tag division.

Yoshi/Goldust: I cannot stand Yoshi. I'm sorry to all you Yoshi-lovers out there, but I can't. He can't talk and I really don't find him that interesting in the ring. Goldust needs to be repackaged, or create a new Sunday night heat for these two.

Barreta/Croft: Put these two on Raw or Smackdown, anywhere just to get the tag division back up and running. Not a real big fan of Croft, but I really like Barreta. I think Barreta (barring personal issues like Ken Doane) can be a HUGE star someday. He is terrific in the ring, and has personality. If he can put on 20 lbs. of muscle, I really see this kid wearing big time gold in 5-10 years. But I hope they don't rush him into a push, let him mature in the tag division (here's hoping they actually create one).

Christian- I would personally LOVE :worship: to see and E&C reunion now that edge is possibly face?
Vladimire- I think he would be good on the SD brand away from Regals group.
Yoshi- He would be a great match in a team against Hart Dynasty. Good hi-flying.
Tony Atlas- maybe a manager for Cryme Tyme, good humor.
Tiffany- I think SD is in DIRE need of some face divas.
Josh Mathews- stick to being a backstage interview person. announcing is not his thing.


Shelton- I'd LOVE to see him against Orton or Legacy.
Vance- Cause he's INTENSE...lol
Hurricane- if Burchill is on RAW, it'd be great to see them do a character vs character fight.
Ezekiel/Regal- have them run roughshod over like Cena, and Swagger, and Miz.
Goldust- I think it'd be great to see him LIVE when they come through my town.
Z.Ryder- I'd want to see him get into a rap battle with Cena. :lmao:


Savannah- I guess someone has to be an announcer, if they have one?
Baretta/Croft- I really can't stand these guys, I think they need to work on some more in the early ring shows. This arena might benefit them.
Abe- I'd have to see his work here before putting him on one of the bigger 2 shows.
Tyler Reks- umm..I blinked and missed him the last two times he was on. He needs this place, and a new gimmick besides surfer dude. Hopefully developmental could do the trick.
Rosa- as funny as this shopping obsessed diva is, its a flash in the pan. I think she needs some more physical ring work, and maybe a chance to rework her image as well. The valley girl thing gets old kinda fast.
Byron-um...dude...please practice your jokes. Maybe if he is a wrestler, he would take the NXT stage to work on that.

That's my :twocents:
Christian: To be honest, he could go to either one. He's one of the most over people on the roster, and could make a great and fresh face in the RAW main event scene. I disagree with X's assertion that Christian "jobbed" to Sheamus. Losing =/= Jobbing.
He could also go to Smackdown and team or feud with Edge. The IWC would have a collective orgasm, myself included, were this to ever happen.

Ezekiel Jackson: I see good things in his future. He may not be a main event guy, but he could make a great midcard champion, especially with a mouthpiece manager like William Regal who is gold on the mic. Zeke has the look, a good personality, and his style in the ring looks painful.
I actually wouldn't be averse to a small title reign if he were built up properly.

The Hurricane: I want him to succeed, I really do. I am a HUGE fan of the Hurricane gimmick as I like superheroes and Gregory Helms, and I think he could be great on Smackdown as a way to get the crowd pumped up.
Heck, he may even team with someone to make a superhero tag team. Lord knows I'd love to see that again, especially if it was with someone like Evan Bourne who is currently doing nothing.

Vance Archer: As GuyCompton so humorously put it, SKW: Soup Kitchen Wrestling.
I see nothing in this guy, though funnily enough I've realized today that we care about him more than someone like Kozlov. Sure, we may make those "INTENSE" jokes, but at least we're paying attention to what the commentators are saying about him. I wouldn't mind keeping him around just for the jokes about his intensity.

Vladimir Kozlov: I don't care. I really don't. I used to care, but then they epically failed his Smackdown run, and now I don't. I say stick him in the Santino Show and take him off my TV.

William Regal: Would make an excellent mouthpiece for Ezekiel Jackson. Managers don't only need to be for wrestlers who have no charisma or personality. Jackson has both and would still benefit immensely with a manager that enhances his character as well as Regal's. Basically, Regal does the talking, Jackson does the smashing.

Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu: Keep them as a tag team and send them to Smackdown. I like both wrestlers a lot. Goldust is a veteran who can still go and is still over, and Yoshi Tatsu is a hot rising star. However I don't see either of them doing anything but jobbing when split up, so maybe keep them as a losing tag team and move Cryme Tyme out of that spot, or maybe make them legit contenders that never quite make it to the top.

Zack Ryder & Rosa Mendez: Smackdown, easily. Zack has a ton of potential and a great character, and pairing him with Rosa only made him better. However, he still has things to work on, like making his offense look more realistic and developing more natural mic skills. On RAW he'd be buried. On Smackdown he can hone his craft and become a good midcard heel.

Shelton Benjamin: RAW. Recently I haven't cared about him, but when he was chasing the ECW Title he seemed to really step up his game. Maybe if he were traded to RAW and put in a program for the US Title he would recapture some of that passion and finally realize that he needs the passion all the time.

Tiffany: Smackdown, to work with TEddy Long. Having her as GM was an admirable effort but I think she'd work a lot etter with Long by her side. If they were an actual GM team instead of being Long and a pretty face, they could make for some good television.

Savannah: Fire her. Tony Chimel is doing an excellent job as announcer as is Justin Roberts. Savannah may be better than the Bellas and Lauren Mayhew, but that really isn't saying much.

Abraham Washington & Tony Atlas: Free agents. I'd love to see them show up anywhere together, as their show is hilarious and a good way to advance feuds. Eventually, though, Washington will have to wrestle, and he's actually pretty good if you look up videos of him. They could have him as a singles guy with Atlas as his muscleman.

Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta: Smackdown, which is seemingly home of the tag teams. If they let them flesh out their characters I see good things in their futures. Those good things are nothing more than tag team gold, but there's nothing wrong with having a plain old tag team.

Tyler Reks: Fired. Just...fired.

Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton Poor Sax. He was getting pretty good, and Josh Mathews isn't bad at all. I don't see them sticking around as anything other than backstage interviewers to be honest, unless the matches on NXT need commentary. Then I suppose they would provide.
I wouldn't mind seeing Striker either replace Cole on RAW or join the RAW booth to give it a three-man commentary team, then moving Mathews and Saxton up to Smackdown. Grisham isn't dreadful but he certainly isn't that great. I they don't move Grish they could at least give SD a three man commentary team as well with Mathews, Sax, and Grish.

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