All-Stars 2: The Rating Game


Proud LSN mentee
So, with All-Stars 2 now done we would like to hear from you the fans. What did you think of the event? Was it something you expected or were you let down? This is such a huge event that we need to know what was wrong and what went right.

So, please take a few minutes of your life to rate All-Stars. To make this a bit more interesting we also have a couple of questions.

1. What was your favorite moment?

2. What was your least favorite moment?

3. What was in your opinion the best match?

4. Which match was to your least liking?

5. Who was your favorite wrestler? (Not in WZCW)

6. Favorite Vixen?

7. Favorite line of commentary?

8. Who did you dislike the most?

9. Would you like another All-Stars?

10. What did you think of WZCW's own Cohen performance?

11. In a scale from one to ten what would you rate All-Stars 2?

Again we would like to thank you for supporting WZCW. We hope that you enjoyed the show and had a wonderful time viewing it.
1. What was your favorite moment?
Tough, call. I'd say that the brawl was a great non match moment.

2. What was your least favorite moment?
There really were no bad moments.

3. What was in your opinion the best match?
Excluding my match, which would still probably fall in 2nd, it would be J writing the tag match between the Dance Party '95 and The Morality Menders

4. Which match was to your least liking?
No match was bad but I felt like the match between Yellow and Pierce was the most bland. It was a decent match, it just didn't have the over the top feel others did.

5. Who was your favorite wrestler? (Not in WZCW)
Facecrush McSpinesmash

6. Favorite Vixen?

7. Favorite line of commentary?
My pony lines obviously. I really enjoyed J and FalKon breaking the 4th wall.

8. Who did you dislike the most?
Brock Edwards, because it was a rip off of an already plain wrestler in Lesnar

9. Would you like another All-Stars?
Yeah, I'd love if it became a yearly thing

10. What did you think of WZCW's own Cohen performance?
It was a pretty good performance, and totally fit with his persona

11. In a scale from one to ten what would you rate All-Stars 2?
A very solid 8.5
1. What was your favorite moment?
4th Wall Breaking

2. What was your least favorite moment?

3. What was in your opinion the best match?
J's match was awesome

4. Which match was to your least liking?
Yellow vs. Pierce

5. Who was your favorite wrestler? (Not in WZCW)
El Genio

6. Favorite Vixen?

7. Favorite line of commentary?
4th Wall Breaking

8. Who did you dislike the most?
No one.

9. Would you like another All-Stars?
Yes please and with pie.

10. What did you think of WZCW's own Cohen performance?
Awesome. Glad Brock was involved him.

11. In a scale from one to ten what would you rate All-Stars 2?
A good 8.8

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