All or Nothing: Vega & Theron Daggershield vs. War and Death

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Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits


Also featuring special guest: Vire Silverclaw!



Scene opens to a dark hallway in the crystalline castle of the Shadow Sage, Elora, ruler of the New Church of Shar. A minotaur bound in chains shambles along followed by a dark knight with armor nearly as black as the onyx crystals lining the walls of the castle. In one hand the knight yanks at the chains, in the other he grips a greatsword enchanted by fire magic in the other.


Dark Knight: The judgment for your failure is coming, minotaur. Are you ready to face it?

The minotaur trembles, knowing that his time in this world may soon be coming to an end. He is silenced by fear, causing the dark knight to shake the chains in an attempt to get an answer out of the prisoner.

Dark Knight: Stop being such a coward and speak! Know that the Shadow Sage is far less lenient than I am!

Tenesko: It w-w-w-wasn't my f-f-fault.... Vire Silverclaw said no!

Dark Knight: No? NO!? "No" is not the correct answer! Grignak, your fool of a brother, suffered for another's failure, I just wish I could have been there to see it. It would have been such a pleasure to watch his pain. I cannot wait to witness what our queen has planned for you. You who failed on his own!

Tenesko: Vire Silverclaw chose to n-n-not become a p-p-p-protege of The Shadow Sage.... What else was I supposed to do....?

Dark Knight: I hear whining. The queen commanded you to MAKE Vire Silverclaw accept her offer, not ASK him to join, you fool! The Shadow Sage took the time to confer with you personally, and you speak to me of "NO"!? Elora selected Vire Silverclaw to be her disciple as her top choice and what Elora wants, Elora GETS! Your fate is sealed, Tenesko! Now The Shadow Sage awaits, and we mustn't keep her waiting....

They continue walking and stop before the forty foot tall door leading to Elora's chamber. The dark knight opens the large door, enveloping the pair in an intense melody that comes from the room, dragging Tenesko inside by pulling the chains behind him.


The dark knight and the minotaur approach a large lilac colored throne within a chamber covered in skeletal remains of previous visitors, the walls are full of torches burning a flame with an ominous purple light. Sitting on the lilac throne is a woman whose beauty would reduce even the most strong willed of men to a love-struck puppet, her eyes show an evil so intense it strikes fear into the heart of the bravest of warriors. She is Elora, the ruler of The New Church of Shar, known by her followers as The Shadow Sage.


The minotaur is brought to Elora, who glares at him with a look of impatience.

Elora: Why is Vire Silverclaw not with you?

Tenesko opens his mouth to speak, but says nothing.

Dark Knight: Speak, fool! Your empress has asked a question, now answer!

The dark knight drops the chains and goes up to stand at the right of his queen. He looks at Elora, and then faces Tenesko.

Tenesko: I asked Vire Silverclaw to reconsider your offer.

Elora: And....? You better have good news for me, or else I'll make you suffer a degree of pain so ruthless you'll wish I had gone as easy on you as I did your brother. Remember what happened to Grignak? He fell victim to my Dark Thunder spell, right before your very eyes in this exact chamber not too long ago. Now tell me again. Why is my new protege not here?

Tenesko: I t-told Vire Silverclaw of your offer.... He.... H-h-he s-s-s-said n-no....

Elora snapped up to her feet.

Elora: He did WHAT!?

Thunderstrikes are heard in the background. Silence fills the room for a moment until the dark knight chooses to speak.

Dark Knight: Clearly he must be punished. His weakness is intolerable.

Elora slowly turns her head to face the dark knight.

Elora: Of all my subjects, you should know better than to speak out of turn. You're lucky I appointed you my Knight despite your being the twin brother of Theron Daggershield, who now has gathered nearly half of the elemental artifacts of Mystra. If you know what's best for you, Feron, you'll remain silent unless spoken to. Keep in mind I know everything you put this vessel through before I took her body as my own!

Feron: As you command, my queen.

Elora turns her head slowly to face forward at the minotaur again.

Elora: Now, as for you.... What do you suppose should happen to you, minotaur? Failing an order from your ruler, that just cannot be overlooked, can it?

The minotaur is paralyzed by fear. Elora glares at him for a moment before speaking again.

Elora: Surely you see why this angers me. Vire Silverclaw was to have risen to the ranks becoming a leader of one of my Shar Shrines, just as Davkas Diamonddeath and Beardacus have become. He was SUPPOSED to be convinced, by YOU I might add, to join them in a triumvirate formed for the sole purpose of dominating the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation. The three of them together outnumbering Theron Daggershield would force him into a three on one handicap battle at the Everybody Or Nobody gladiatorial event that he could never survive. NOW thanks to YOUR failure at recruiting Vire, this means Theron Daggershield will have Vire Silverclaw as his tag team partner against the team of Davkas and Beardacus. This is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

The minotaur falls to his knees.

Tenesko: Please!!!! Spare me, Shadow Sage!!!! Give me another chance!!!! I'll do ANYTHING!!!!

Elora: Anything....?

Elora's facial expression changes from irate to a sinister grin.

Elora: How would you like to be granted a second chance at life as a new breed of monster for my army.... My very first Sharran Angel....

The minotaur, still on his knees, looks up at his queen.

Tenesko: I accept.

Elora sits down in her throne again. She grabs her malachite gem encrusted mirror and looks into it, which begins to glow a bright jade color.

Feron: My queen, I must protest. Tenesko failed you, after you personally chose him to bring you a prized disciple.

Elora, completely ignoring her knight's statement, continues to gaze into the mirror, still grinning.

Elora: Feron, leave us. I want no one else in the room while I cast this spell of transformation on the Sharran Angel.

Feron Daggershield leaves the room. The music fades out, as Elora stands up again. She puts down the mirror and it stops glowing.

Elora: Keep your eyes closed and stand still. Any sudden movement while I cast this spell will kill you.

Tenesko closes his eyes and remains still. Elora raises both of her hands above her head. Beams of violet colored light begin eminating from her fingers and her eyes glow the same hue as the beams. Scene fades out to black.


The screen remains black for a moment, then an image of Theron appears on the black screen, next to an image of a man who looks similar to Theron only he wears black rather than red and has a massive scar on his face. The image of Theron snaps his finger, making a small ball of fire appear from his index finger. A couple of attractive women run up to the image of Theron. A blonde elven girl hugs him from the left, a brunette human girl hugs him from the right, both have smiles and looks of admiration. The image of the other man looks over at the image of Theron with a look of envy and creates a fist with his left hand.

Theron: (voice-over) Feron was always jealous of me. We are of the same bloodline, but while I received Fire Genasi abilities upon birth, he did not. I was always the more gifted one in combat. Lastly, I am the better looking of the two of us. Between him unable to conjure fire, him not being proficient in several fighting styles, and him not having a long line of attractive women being interested in him.... I can easily see the sources of his jealousy. I wish there was something I could have done about it, to not let him become corrupted by his negativity.

The two girls' images fade away. The images of Theron and Feron face forward for a moment and then they too fade away. The screen remain black as Theron's voice is still heard.

Theron: (voice-over) I know exactly where it started. Feron's path toward darkness began in a citadel located deep within a cavern the sun never reached. No matter how much I try to come up with a way in my mind to prevent the events of that day from happening, it was inevitable. Nothing could have stopped the transformation of Feron into the monster he became. It all began that day, back when we were still teenagers on one of our first quests.... It was myself, my brother Feron who was an apprentice Chain Fighter at the time, Teepo the Kobold Dragonfire Adept, Mosquito the Silent Rogue, Fabiola the Bard of Moonsea, and Ba'Deep the Gnome Cleric who thought he was an Illusionist.


An eerie melody begins to play and repeats through the following scenes as the scene fades in to the depths of a cavern. Brown stalagmites grow out of the ground parallel to the walls, the ceiling has a near equal number of stalactites, most of which with bats sleeping on their tips. There is a door in the wall. A noticeably younger Theron Daggershield walks up to the door. He tries to open it, but it is locked.

Teenage Theron: Mosquito! Check for traps on this locked door!

A rogue clad in a green cloak covering his whole body, with only his eyes and arms being unclothed, walks up to the door and begins inspecting it. After 4 seconds, he turns around and gives a thumbs up to Theron.

Teenage Theron: No traps, huh? Alright.

Theron turns to his left.

Teenage Theron: Guys! Come on! This must be where the Tree Bearing Cursed Fruit is!

The rest of the party walk onscreen. First is Fabiola the Bard of Moonsea, she has her enchanted violin out, ready to begin playing. She is followed by Ba'Deep the Cleric who is smoking his pipe with a stoic look on his face, Teepo the Kobold Dragonfire Adept who is showing as much energy as a dog chasing a bone, and a teenage Feron Daggershield walks in last, so as to provide protection for the casters. Mosquito goes to stand next to Ba'Deep. Theron faces the others.

Teenage Theron: Alright, this is it. I wouldn't have made it this far without you, my Merry Band Of Misfits!

Teepo: I soooo exciteds!!!! Me no likes the long times in the caves!!!!

Ba'Deep: The great and powerful Ba'Deep appreciates you acknowledging his mighty omnipotence.

Everyone rolls their eyes, ignoring the Cleric, who blows smoke and continues smoking his pipe.

Teenage Theron: Riiiight.... No, really though. This may be where our quest ends. I thank you all.

Fabiola: Theron, it is I who should thank you, for all you have done as our leader.

She goes to shake his hand.

Teenage Feron: Cut the crap and let's bust down that door! I'm ready to fight the monsters guarding that room!

Teenage Theron: That's a good idea, brother. It is locked, so the two of us together should be able to get it open.

Screen freeze frames. Adult Theron is heard in a voice-over for a moment.

Theron: (voice-over) Breaking down the door was easy between the combined strength my brother and I, despite how young we were. What caught us by surprise was what we ran into on the other side of the door.

Screen un-freezes. The teenage brothers take a few steps back, then make a dash for the door, tackling it open upon impact. They each take a moment to let their strength return, and then the Merry Band Of Misfits enter the room. The camera shows their faces, rather than what the room contains. Their expressions all turn from excited to surprised instantly, other than Ba'Deep who has the same stoic look he had earlier.

Teenage Theron: Ummmm.... I think I spoke to soon. This is definitely not where the Tree Bearing Cursed Fruit is.

Camera zooms out to reveal that there are four terrified goblins in the room.

Ba'Deep: The great and powerful Ba'Deep has identified these things as young goblins.

Teepo: So precious.... They's all so precious....

Fabiola: Oh, hi goblins....!

Teenage Feron: What a load of garbage. Well, so do we kill them and move on?

The rest of the group glares at Feron dissappointed at his remark. The goblins understood what was said, they cower in the corner, showing more fear than previously. Fabiola goes over to them.

Fabiola: No little ones, we will not hurt you.... Let me sing you a song.

She takes out her violin. She is interrupted before she is able to play anything.

Teenage Feron: Wait, so we're not killing them!?

Teenage Theron: Of course we're not killing them, brother! They are still kids, it wouldn't be right!

Teenage Feron: We kill monsters all the time. Last time I checked, goblins are monsters, therefore these things are monsters despite their age. Should we not kill these monsters too before they can grow up into larger monsters!?

Fabiola walks back over to Feron.

Fabiola: These goblins, they are innocent, they need not be harmed.

Teenage Theron: Fabiola's right. We cannot just leave them here. Someone should stay to look after them for a moment to make sure they don't get hurt. The rest of us need to continue looking for the tree. Any volunteers?

Feron raises his hand.

Teenage Theron: No. Any OTHER volunteers? Feron can't be alone with the goblins after what he said. Anyone else?

Ba'Deep takes his pipe out of his mouth to speak.

Ba'Deep: The great and powerful Ba'Deep will stay to look after these goblins.

Teenage Feron: I'll guard his back. Ba'Deep ain't gonna be safe alone. You take the others on to victory and I'll watch Ba'Deep!

remain also. Ba'Deep is not safe on his own. There are only two fighters in this group, and you must lead the others to the tree, right?

Teenage Theron: How do I know you won't hurt the goblins?

Teenage Feron: Come on, brother. Don't you trust me?

Feron's eye shows a sinister glow for a split second. Theron turns his head to the side slightly, crosses his arms, and lets out a sigh before moving his head back to its normal position.

Teenage Theron: Alright. I trust you. Fabiola, Mosquito, Teepo.... Let's go.

Scene fades to black and adult Theron's voice is heard in a voice-over again.

Theron: (voice-over) Not a single day has ever passed since that day, where I don't wish I could go back to that moment and forced Feron to come with me. We found the Tree Bearing Cursed Fruit and defeated a crazy druid who had been using the fruit for his own gain, but he paled in comparison to the horriffic scene we returned to. I cannot bear to think of it anymore, it was so awful. Blood everywhere. All of the goblins had been mercilessly killed, and Ba'Deep was badly injured. Feron was nowhere to be found, but I know he did it. That look in his eye when he told me to trust him.... It was the first time I had ever seen it. Almost as if he had finally given in to his feelings of envy toward me, and surrendered to the dark side. It makes sense.... He was never the same again, and it was all my fault. Maybe if I had bragged less about my superior abilities and been more supportive of him, he might have turned out different. I have been skeptical of trusting others, with the exception of Kirilah, ever since.

Scene fades in to a view of a lounge in the manor of the Lady of Thunderbelle. A young Theron Daggershield, no longer a teenager but still noticeably young, is seen sitting on a couch with a nervous look on his face. He taps the armrest of the couch with his arm to the melody of bardic tunes. Adult Theron's voice can still be heard speaking as the scene unfolds. The music continues playing.

Theron: (voice-over) I didn't see my brother again until I found myself in the town of Thunderbelle to seek out a Weapon-Master to train under. Of my current allies, only Davivel the Drow Cleric had joined me at this time. Davivel and I ran into my brother Feron one day while exploring the city and he claimed he had changed since the day he slaughtered the goblins. He introduced us to his girlfriend, a red haired bard named Larrigan.

A red haired bard matching Larrigan's description enters the room that young Theron is sitting in, she goes over to speak to Theron but the only sounds heard are adult Theron's speaking and the music that continues playing.

Theron: (voice-over) Things looked to be turning around for my brother, until Davivel spotted him at a tavern buying drinks for a completely different woman. This girl clad in a black robe was Maelionni, a mage who lived in the swamps surrounding town. Upon hiring a local rogue to follow my brother for a week, we learned he was courting these two girls simultaneously.

A woman matching Maelionni's description walks into the room, while young Theron and Larrigan are still speaking. She joins in on the conversation, which while it cannot be audibly heard, takes a negative turn seen by the looks of shock and disbelief in both girls. Adult Theron continues speaking over the scene.

Theron: (voice-over) Things worsened when we also found out Feron had planned to end both relationships to be with a third woman he had been seeing behind both of their backs, the beautiful Lady of Thunderbelle herself. I wanted to save my brother from turning into the type of man that manipulates women, so I did what I felt I had to do. I told each of these girls the truth.

Larrigan and Maelionni both begin crying and run out of the room, Larrigan to the left and Maelionni to the right. Young Theron takes half a dozen long breaths. The look of anxiety on his face now shows to be of a greater degree.

Theron: (voice-over) The most difficult one to break the news to was the Lady of Thunderbelle, as I found her extremely attractive myself. Out of being nervous I could hardly speak when around her on a normal day, let alone when having to make this revelation. So, I decided to tell her seperately, after confronting my brother about it.

Feron Daggershield walks into the room. Young Theron gets up, with a look of determination replacing the anxious expression he had a moment ago. The brothers' conversation can be heard.

Young Feron: What's up, bro? I can't talk long, I have a date tonight!

Young Theron: With which girl?

Young Feron: Why.... Larrigan, of course. Remember, you met her already?

Young Theron sighs.

Young Theron: Brother, I know what you have been doing to those poor girls. Davivel hired a rogue to follow you, we know everything. So do Larrigan and Maelionni. I told them merely minutes ago.

Young Feron: Why the hell would you do that!?

Both brothers' anger can be seen on their faces and heard in their tone.

Young Theron: Because it was the right thing to do! This deceitful lifestyle is not what our family taught us! Significant others are to be treated respectfully and to know they are cared for. I haven't told the third woman yet. I am giving you a way out. Be honest with her and tell The Lady of Thunderbelle the truth.

Young Feron: Have you gone insane!? I ain't doing that!

Young Theron: If you don't, then I will.

Feron shows some hesitation.

Young Theron: Do the right thing. I will give you until midnight tonight to tell her. If you don't, she will be told everything. If you care about her, you owe it to her to have no secrets.

Feron silently hesitates, and takes a moment to ponder his decision.

Young Theron: Can I trust you, brother, to do what is right? You claim to have changed since the day you killed those goblins. Show me proof of that change.

Feron grins.

Young Feron: Of course you can trust me, brother....

The moment he says the word "trust" Feron has a sinister glow in his eye. Screen freeze frames. Adult Theron can be heard in voice-over.

Theron: (voice-over) There it was again. That evil look in his eye, the same one he had the moment he decided to take the lives of those goblins. The Lady's life was in danger now. Things only spiraled downward from there, but unlike my brother, I hope to save Vire Silverclaw from the darkness consuming him.

Scene fades out to black.



Scene fades in to a training room in the basement of the arena in Thunderbelle. Theron Daggershield is preparing himself for his tag team match with Vire Silverclaw against Davkas Diamonddeath and Beardacus at the Everybody Or Nobody event hosted by the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation. He is practicing new styles and maneuvers he recently mastered. Vire Silverclaw walks into the room.

Vire: Ready for our match, kid?

Theron sheaths his sword and turns to face Vire.

Theron: That depends. Can I trust you?

Vire: Do you honestly think I rose to the top of the Chaos Division by earning people's TRUST!? It sucks, doesn't it? It looks like it is eating away at you right now, knowing that I am your only option. As much as you hate to admit it.... you need me right now.

Theron: No, Vire. I think you are the one who needs me. Why can't you see the light? You see.... You remind me of my twin brother. He too was being consumed by darkness from within him, but in the end he was unable to see the light. I couldn't save him from becoming the monster he is today. That is where the similarities end, Vire. My brother is no different than Davkas or Beardacus, he was manipulative and merciless. I was not able to save him. I put it upon myself to save you from a similar fate. You HAVE good in you, Vire! Otherwise, you'd have joined the Shar Cult when they offered, and Kirilah would have detected evil within you. Come into the light!

Vire: Are you done? I'm tired of hearing about this light you claim to see in me. I deserve to be engulfed by the darkness and become a black hole. Your brother and I have more in common than you may even realize. Another thing, a good shepherd never leaves his flock. Where are your friends? Who will your sheep follow without their fearless leader around?

Theron: They are at the Blixt Tower. With the two of us facing the leaders of that chapter of the cult, it allows my Merry Band Of Misfits a chance to sneak in to obtain the next artifact of Mystra. They didn't all go though. Kirilah is at the arena, so she can watch our match.

Vire: Not smart. They might not come back alive. However, what I care about right now is getting revenge on Davkas and Beardacus for what they have been putting both of us through.

Theron: I am trying to do the right thing and give you the benefit of the doubt. My younger self would never have given you another chance after some of the things you have done. However, I am confident that we can win this match. We'll make a great team. I trust you, Vire.

Vire: Whatever you say, Theron. I'll see you in the ring.

The two shake hands. Fade to black.
Note: This is Theo's RP, and comes first!

The desert sand blows in the wind as War and Death, Dr. Zeus and The Beard struggle to push forward through the treacherous winds. Zeus comes to a halting stop.

What is it Doctor?

Beard is puzzled as he struggles to get his words out.

This is it. My vision is here.
The place to sacrifice my fears.

His breathes are short and his words aren’t without pause as his words come out as if they are questions.

The place for all my demons to rest,
So we can prove that we are the very best.

His words have become more rapid, more confident as Beard stands on, still puzzled. Beard takes swig from his water canteen, showing signs of exhaustion.

This may be the heat talking Doctor, but have you lost your mind?

Zeus takes a large gulp from his canteen as he wipes away the residue from his face as his eyes show concern for Beard’s question.

It is not my mind that you should be worried of.
It is my compassion and my ability to love.
For Theron and Vega know nothing of sacrifice.
And now our knowledge will have to suffice.

Beard runs his fingers through his stringy hair, still confused over Zeus’s words. Zeus walks ahead a few yards before he sets his bags down and points ahead.

Do you see it Beard, just up ahead.
For that will be my final bed.
Crucifixion is our answer my friend.
So tie me to the board until the very end.

A mixture of fear and sadness has come over Beard. Zeus kneels in front of his partner as he presents him with a bundle of rope. Beard is puzzled as he looks at Zeus with tears forming in his eyes.

An old friend once told me that whenever you begin to doubt or question what is happening to take three deep breathes.

Beard pauses as Zeus begins to question his partner’s faith. Beard closes his eyes and breathes deeply, one after the other until reaching that third breath.

A lot can change in three deep breathes.

Beard bends down and picks up the supplies, accepting Zeus’s gesture. A feint smile comes across the Good Doctor’s face as he and Beard head towards the cross. A stool awaits Zeus as he stands atop it as Beard ties the rope around Zeus’s wrists and waist. Beard removes the stool and ties the remaining rope around Zeus’s ankles. Zeus has a calm over him as his eyes are closed and his head propped against as he awaits Beard’s delivery of the nails.

Are you sure you want to do this Zeus?

Zeus is silent as he nods confidently. Zeus still awaiting the blow as Beard again takes three deep breathes. Upon the third breath Beard turns his back on his ally.

Listen here Beard, are you mad?
Look back at life at what you had.
Great friendships and a loving wife.
You had such a wonderful life.

Anger has taken over the words of Dr. Zeus as Beard stands with his back to his partner with his head down.

And they come and they take it all away.
They don’t care about you, no matter what they say.
You say you should be feared, a man so vicious and wild.
Look at yourself, realize you’re nothing but a frightened child.

Beard breathes are heavy as Zeus’s words become more hurtful.

Ezekiel created a monster, but I have molded you a man.
Now all I see is a coward lying in the sand.
Rise above Beard, destroy the earth.
She never loved you, for what it’s worth.

Beard lets out a howling scream as he charges the doctor, fist in the air.

You’re not mad at me Beard, are you insane?
The world is not your playground, no need to be vane.
Let your frustrations onto the shelf
Take them out Beard, free yourself.

Beard’s eyes fill up with tears as he grabs Dr. Zeus. In an effort to render Dr. Zeus unconscious, The Beard starts punching Dr. Zeus with hard rights to the head.

You took her from me!

Beard shouts as he drives another punch. Zeus' head whiplashes into the oak board behind him, as a little trickle of blood falls. Dark red blood, which drips in The Beard's hand.

You took my world….

Another punch as Zeus’s blood is splattered across Beard’s whole body. The Good Doctor tries to smile and ignore the pain, but with each blow he fades.

And you crushed it.

Another punch, this one forcing Zeus head into the Crucifix, and causing the wood to fracture a little..

And now I’ll take yours.

Beard drives one last blow to the head of Zeus, who gasps for air, and falls unconscious. Beard’s frustrations have become Zeus’s sacrifice.

For the biggest sacrifice of all is destroying the ones you love.

Beard kisses Zeus atop his forehead as he drives the final nail into the fading body of the Doctor. Beard steps back as he watches the blood drip out of Zeus’s motionless body. Beard’s breathes are rapid as he steps back slowly before turning his back on his friend and walks into the howling wind.

In the words of John Greenleaf Whittier,

I bow myself beneath His hand
That pain itself was wisely planned
I feel, and partly understand.

The joy that comes in sorrow's guise,
The sweet pains of self-sacrifice,
I would not have them otherwise.

And what were life and death if sin
Knew not the dread rebuke within,
The pang of merciful discipline?

The howling winds accompany Beard’s whistling as he disappears into a cloud of sand, as nothing remains but a crucified Zeus and a trail of his drizzling blood.
When Dr. Zeus finally comes to, in the middle of the desert, he wakes up with a throbbing headache, absolutely dehydrated by the overwhelming heat of the desert. His eyes rolls back into his head, as the pain in his head begins to stretch to all of his appendages. A trickle of dried blood hangs from his head, now dried by the blistering sun. His back is riddled with agony, as it has been supporting his now drooping frame, hanging from the cross that now sinks slowly into the sand. His body wracked in pain, Zeus attempts to wiggle his fingers, to sustain feeling. His fingers move, barely, as they prove to weak for even the simplest motion. Zeus tries with all of his might to hang from the cross, to prove his suffering for all. For this is his act of love; For this world, he offered his body, to save those from the demons on the horizon. Zeus had witnessed the power of Vega... A worthy foe, that any other day, might have bested God's chosen warrior. And come All or Nothing, Vega would only be bolstered by The Warblade, a demon Dr. Zeus had yet to handle. To prepare himself for the crusade to come, Zeus began desperate attempt to show his willingness to suffer. For Dr. Zeus knew that the Father of All was on the horizon. Dr. Zeus felt that The Beard was going to be the one to lead the battle for the world's safety... There was nothing more he could do prepare Beard for the war to come. But all that Zeus needed to do was hang upon the cross for three days. He would sacrifice his body, for the sake of the world's morality. Now was the time to absolve the sins of the weak, and bring them to the light. And though he had failed with Vega, perhaps his sacrifice could absolve the sins of the wayward souls that were still prone to the Father of All's reach. His spiritual sacrifice would shield the sinful masses.

For that is the power of Zeus' mercy; there is kindness in his cruelty. And when he was released from his sacrifice, Zeus would unleash his cruel kindness upon Vega and The Warblade.

Zeus' eyes searched the abyss of the desert, feeling a dark presence among this barren wasteland. Zeus tensed, almost preparing for an impending fight. But Zeus was left with no ability to fight, bound and bloodied to this wooden post. Though his spirit was as strong as ever, his body needed all of it's strength just to keep functioning. His heart pounded faster and faster, and even in this scorching heat, Zeus could feel a sharp chill on his arms and legs. It was the first sign of feeling these body parts had, as Zeus waited for the incredible power source, heading his way. Perhaps this was indeed the Father of All. Closer the evil force approached, as Zeus fought to keep his eyes open. Zeus needed all of his mental faculties, just to keep his eyes opened. But as the force grew nearer, Zeus grew weaker. His head bowed, Zeus eye's closed, before opening once more. The heat had reached it's most unbearable, but Zeus fought to maintain consciousness. With his last ounce of strength, shouting to the heavens, he fought to keep his neck upright, and his eyes awake. He unleashed an inhuman cry, which rattled the heavens.

But the weight of the world's sins had taken it's toll on Dr. Zeus. He bowed his head, as his neck was no longer strong enough. His eyes closed, as Dr. Zeus withered in the heat, waiting for whatever was to come to take him... Be it good, or evil.

Dr. Zeus awoke in the dark of night... And as his eyes slowly closed, he felt weightless. He attempted to pick up his head, and to his surprise, he did so with ease! Dr. Zeus could prove his sacrifice worthy to his lord, and prove that he was worthy of vanquishing Vega and Theron Daggershield. But the relief Dr. Zeus felt quickly turned into despair. His stomach began to churn, as he began to realize how he managed to lift his head so easily. Dr. Zeus' chin was being easily held by a gigantic head. Zeus felt the fingers of the hand slowly, tightly constrict around his throat, as he grimaced in pain. Zeus looked down, to make eye contact with the being holding his head up. His eyes widened, with the sight of a suit clad behemoth standing before him. The giant stood with a smug grin on his face, cigar poked tightly into the left corner of his mouth. The face was one that Dr. Zeus could never forget.

The face was Alistair, resurrected from the dead.

"I..... Sent.... I...." Dr. Zeus panted his words with a desperate fatigue. Every fiber of his being wanted to release himself from his cross, to unburden himself and dispose of the foul demon before him. Alistair laughed a deep laugh, and lifted his other hand, to gently slap Zeus in the face.

"Wake up, son... It's time we went to school..."

Zeus tried to fight his neck away from Alistair's grip, but pulling his head back meant banging in the high bar of the cross. Dr. Zeus hoarsely began to speak, with every word trembling with anger and grief.

"I sent you back to Hell, how could this be?
Lord, hear me from the heavens, hear my plea."

Alistair used his hand to grab Zeus by the throat, as Zeus choked up a little blood.

"You thought I'd forget what you did to me?! No... No, what you did was exorcise me. Send me back to Hell. But here's something you didn't pick up in your little Latin textbook... Exorcisms send me back to Hell. But the Father can send me back."

Dr. Zeus kicked wildly at the demon who held his withering frame. He began to grunt, as it appeared as though Alistair was merely toying with Zeus. Zeus screamed, with as much reserve as possible.

"You've broken my body, and made me bleed!
So go ahead and kill me, and finish the deed!"

Alistair smiled a wicked smile, as he throttled down on Zeus throat. Zeus gasped for a final bit of air... Before Alistair relinquished his grip. Alistair turned his back to Dr. Zeus, as Zeus looked on in wonder. His life spared, he made wild attempts to free his limbs, and escape. Alistair began to speak, though, and Dr. Zeus listened intently.

"As much as I'd love to," he began, puffing his cigar, "I'm afraid I have orders to follow. Dad didn't want me to do it. Hell... He didn't even want Vega and Theron to finish you. Wanted you bloodied, but not killed. No... No, when Father's done turning these sinners into pathetic worms, his final act as a conqueror will be to smite you. You're to be bloodied and humbled... But not killed. That's all his job."

Zeus spat dried blood at the demon, cursing his name.

"And if those are orders that you will adhere,
Then what is the purpose of you coming here."

Alistair turned his head, as pulled the dying cigar from his mouth.

"Crush your spirit, of course." He ruefully retorted, with his condescending smile spreading again. "You see, Vega and The Warblade are great competitors. But the thing you still have is your spirit. You have this... Conviction that you believe you can take down the forces of Hell. Admirable..." Alistair threw his cigar butt to the ground, "but sadly mistaken. And as you yourself see, Vega doesn't have conviction. He's out for personal gain. Great for a mercenary... But I don't need mercenaries anymore. You've escalated this to all out war, and I need soldiers!"

Zeus moved his head from one side to the other, making sure to always keep an eye on Alistair. But even in the face of his potential demise, Dr. Zeus couldn't help but offer a forced, sarcastic smile.

"So pair him with Theron, and hope that they gel?
That's the best you could come up with in Hell?"

Alistair seemed dismayed by this, and walked around Zeus' crucifix... Kicking at the base, for every lap he took. "The Warblade is a fine soldier. But even demons have... Ideals. Dreams, hopes. We, too, were human, you know." Alistair picked another cigar from his coat pocket, and stopped in front of Zeus once again. He put the cigar in his mouth, and created a flame from his very hands. "And as skilled as Theron is... He isn't ready for the violence of Hell on Earth. Nor is he ready for God's soldiers, together."

There was a quiet, as Alistair took yet another drag.

"See, you and your new solider... Beard? You two have Theron's conviction, and Vega's brutality. And we didn't know how willing you were willing to go to prove yourself. But this little stunt..." Alistair puffed the smoke of the cigar right into Zeus' face. "Caught our attention. We thought we could take it all from you... Your family, your life, your happiness... But then you just have to keep thinking of more to give, don't you?"

Zeus laughed, in spite of his precarious position. Alistair looked at him, somewhat amazed, and somewhat angered. Zeus spat blood, this time managing to get close to Alistar's shoes. He coughed, as he started to speak. First weakly, and growing stronger as his conviction grew.

"So they've sent fools to do the king's job?
And the fools come together to form a mob.
Did you ever think what's a mob to a king?
Pawns... And that's the funny thing.
Ever wonder what is a king to a God?
To a God, a king is an absolute fraud
Sitting upon his throne of lies..."

Alistair grinned as he interrupted. "And what's a God to a nonbeliever?"

"A worthless bastard, about to die!"

Dr. Zeus spat blood, this time hitting Alistair square in the face. Even in the face of near death, Dr. Zeus demanded that Alistair fight him. Zeus screamed at the demon, as the demon wiped the blood from his face. He reached out his hand, to throttle Zeus again. But before he caught hold of Zeus' neck, he reeled back, and saw a colossus shadow, in the distance. Alistair winced at the sight. "Something wicked this way comes..." Alistair placed his hand away from Zeus, and turned to the looming shadow, that was walking towards them. Once again, Zeus fought for his consciousness. Every ounce of his being tried to stay alive, as Zeus was losing consciousness. Alistair howled an unearthly scream, as the powerful force ran towards him. But as the towering shadow became barely visible, Dr. Zeus began to lose consciousness again. As he did, Alistair was backing away, from whatever came their way...


At the Doctor's office, Zeus finally begins to gain movement. He slowly opens his eyes, and feels the same pounding headache as he felt in the desert. The world around him is dark... Very dark in fact. He can hear the heavy breathing of someone in the arm. Perhaps the Father has come, for what is sure to be his final fight. Zeus balls his hands in a fist, as he looks around. He sees no one, but can hear someone's presence in the room. He can hear steps, as someone comes toward him. Zeus still lays down, weakened by his sacrifice in the desert. He will still fight, though, for what he believes in.

As the steps get closer, Dr. Zeus looks up, to find it is none other than The Beard. Chastity is at his side, as they both look down at the Doctor. Zeus is confused by all of this... Before The Beard speaks up.

"I refused to leave you out there... Our mission is still not fulfilled. I am sorry... For I was weak..." The Beard bows his head, as Chastity places her hand on The Beard's shoulder. The Beard looks as distraught, as Dr. Zeus gingerly sits up. Zeus looks enraged... But then begins to think. He looks at his soldier. Dr. Zeus places his hand on The Beard's chin, to force his face up. Dr. Zeus looked into the eyes of The Beard... And smiled.

"Fear not, my brother, we've achieved our goal.
We made the sacrifice to purify the soul."

The Beard looks at Dr. Zeus, completely puzzled.

"I'm sorry, Doctor... I... I don't understand-"

Dr. Zeus smiled, and looked to his protege, as well as Chastity.

"We made our sacrifice purely out of conviction
An act, to purge the world, and bring forth contrition.
And if that's the kind of pain we're willing to endure,
Imagine what we'll do, to destroy the impure."

Zeus smiled a manical smile, as he gingerly stood up. He walked to his desk, attempting to gain his bearings.

"To absolve Theron and Vega of their sin,
We'll unleash the conviction we hold deep within.
And herein lies this teams' tragic flaw.
Neither man are willing to die, for the sake of their cause.
If they're not willing to win at any cost,
Then the truth is, for their team, the war's already lost!"

The Beard, still confused, interrupted. "Doctor... Doctor, I refused to let you die..."

Dr. Zeus got a wild look in his eye, as he reached for a blowtorch. He grabbed two images... One of Vega, and one of Theron Daggershield. He put the two images close to one another, on the ground. Zeus fell to his knees, as he smiled with a glee.

"Which teaches me that, no matter the strife,
We trust one another with the other one's life!
We're were to save each other from the flame!"

Dr. Zeus lit his blowtorch in the air, still looking down at the pictures,

"Do you believe our opponents can say the same?"

Dr. Zeus went back to his desk, and grabbed rosary beads. He placed them on the floor, in between the two pictures of Vega and Theron.

"At the first sign of trouble, I know Vega will run away..."

Dr. Zeus kicked away the picture of Vega, leaving Theron Daggershield all alone.

"And when that happens, all Theron will be able to do... Is pray..."

Dr. Zeus started his blowtorch, and set the picture of Theron Daggershield ablaze. Dr. Zeus laughed a maniacal cackle, as the rosary beads caught on fire. The Beard and Chastity huddled around Dr. Zeus, as they both grabbed Zeus. They both grabbed at a different arm, picking up Dr. Zeus, as he laughs at the image of Theron Daggershield burning.
Dr. Zeus motions towards the entrance way... Where Chastity is standing, with the bloodied body of Alexis. She carries the limp body of Alexis, as the crowd gasps. Vega's mouth is open, as he can't believe what he's seeing... Alexis' lifeless body, hanging between the arms of Dr. Zeus' flunkie. The Beard smiles a great smile, as Dr. Zeus laughs a blood curdling laugh. Theron puts an arm on Vega's shoulder... Who can't even seem to form any emotion. He stands, completely paralyzed, as Theron tries to speak to him. He shakes Vega... Who's face has turned to a rage, like no one has ever seen before! Vega runs at Zeus, and tackles him, throwing forceful punches at the grounded Doctor. The Beard attempts to break this up, but is dropkicked by Theron! Theron clotheslines The Beard over the top rope, as The Beard falls over! Vega is throwing hard punches, bloodying Zeus' nose in the process., Vega screams to the heavens, and rolls outside of the ring. He rips a chair from ringside, and enters the ring, standing over Zeus.


Vega slams the chair down hard on the back of Zeus! And again! A third time! Vega's sunglasses have fallen off, showing that his eyes are welling with tears. His face is blood red, as he brings the chair down on the back of Dr. Zeus, once again! A fifth, then a sixth time! Vega screams in pure anger, as Chastity looks on in horror from the stage! Vega winds back one last time... And this time, hits Vega in the head with the chair! He takes the microphone he dropped, and looks to Theron Daggershield.

Vega: Hey! You want to make these fuckers bleed out?!

Theron is taken back by the violence in Vega's voice, by the rage consumed in him.

Vega: English, motherfucker, do you speak it?!

Theron nods his head.

Vega: Do you want to get rid of this piece of crap?!

Vega points down to Dr. Zeus, as Theron once again nods.

Vega: Then at All or Nothing, you have a partner. You and me... Versus them...

Vega kneels down to Zeus, and gets right in his face.

Vega: How's that sound for a sacrifice...

The Beard climbs back into the ring, as Theron and Vega roll out. The Beard takes the lifeless Zeus in his arms, as Vega's face is still blood red. Theron can't seem to believe what he's witnessed.

Connor: My God... War and Death against Theron and Vega?

Cohen: I think Vega has a death wish...

Connor: We have to go folks! All or Nothing! It's coming in two weeks! My God! What will these four men do to one another...

The WZCW copyright information pops up, as the last image we see is Vega's blood red face, streaming with tears, as he turns around to go check on Alexis.
Two Days Later...

The heart rate monitor beeping every couple of seconds is the only sound in the white hospital room, with white walls, white floors, and the white curtains closed shut. Alexis lays in the bed, the white sheets pulled up over her, with her eyes closed. Various cuts and abrasions on her head, face, and arms have been stitched up, patched up, and bandaged. One of her fingers is clamped with a device connected to the heart rate monitor, the beeping coinciding with Alexis' pulse, which seems normal for now. Vega stands there, looking exhausted, at the foot of the bed, arms folded, with his eyes focused on Alexis.

Just then, the sliding glass door opens, drawing Vega's anxious look. Expecting a doctor, his look grows more annoyed as he watches Tiffany, Theron's girlfriend, walk into the room instead. She has a concerned look on her face as she pays more attention to Alexis than Vega. She walks up to the bed, and gently brushes some stray hairs away from Alexis' face with the back of her fingers. Tiffany looks on with a pained stare, feeling sorrow for what has taken place.

How is she doing?

Vega looks annoyed with the question.

Great. She's just playing pretend right now.

Sad, you still find wit and sarcasm necessary at a time like this.

He remains silent, as if all of his options for how to speak have just been taken away.

You use your wit as a tool to deflect. If you never have to truly answer someone, nobody will ever truly know you. But two weeks ago, at the church, you finally stopped deflecting. Don't start again now.

Two weeks ago this hadn't happened yet.

So you think it'd best be served for you to revert to old ways?

It's worked for me in the past.

Until it didn't.

Vega bites his lips as he reminisces on his many recent failures.

And it hasn't, for a long time now. This is no losing streak, Vega. This is not just a slide, or a rut, or tough luck. Don't you see it, Vega? This is your life, everything you've ever known, falling apart. For the first time in your life, you are reflecting instead of deflecting. Reflecting on your past, reflecting on your sins, and striving to improve.

Improve? I don't want to improve. Maybe two weeks ago, but not anymore. I no longer seek improvement. I only seek revenge.

Revenge? Or justice?

Is there a difference?

Vengeance needs no righteous justification. Revenge is taken purely for the selfish purpose of placating your own mind. Justice, on the other hand, is sought after for the sole purpose of defending what is right. Justice doesn't care what emotions the outcome produces. It only cares that it be served. You know very well that even if you get everything you want come "All or Nothing," even if you and Theron defeat Zeus and Beard, even if you beat them within an inch of their life, and Zeus stares into your eyes and begs for mercy... you know your heart will still ache.

Tiffany looks down towards Alexis, as she reaches out and holds onto her hand.

None of it will matter, because this is all your fault.

Vega takes an aggressive step towards Tiffany with an angry look in his eyes.

What did you just say?

What? I'm only telling you what I'm sure you've been telling yourself since the moment Chastity dragged Alexis' blood bathed body out onto the stage. It doesn't matter if I tell you what I really believe. I believe this is not your fault, and we've only Zeus and Beard to blame. But if I were to tell you that, you would pay me no mind. See, when Vega makes up his mind, nobody can convince him that he's wrong. I've realized this about you, Vega.

Then why do you stick around? Why are you here?

I've abandoned preaching my religion to you, Vega... but I haven't abandoned you.

I want you to.

You expect me to. It's what you would do. Ignore your conscience.

Conscience... Conscience is a human invention. A social compass. A weakening instinct we're all born with. The few that learn to suppress it... they are the ones that thrive.

Is this what you call thriving Vega?

My problem isn't that I have no conscience....

I know. Your problem is that you always have...

Vega stares down at the floor, feeling defeated. He speaks with a somber tone in his voice.

What do I do?

Tiffany looks confused, and a little surprised.

You're asking me what to do?

One simplified definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. My whole life I've done things my way, and here I am. The last thing I could think of ever doing would be asking a nerdy devout Christian role playing girl for advice at the most vulnerable state of my life... so, if doing the opposite will counteract my insanity, then yes... Tiffany, I'm asking you... for help.

She smiles.

Well, you know who I always look to when I need help?

Don't say God.


Ugh, that's worse.

Well, God too...


And in a case like this, I think both would be appropriate. Alexis' health is out of your hands, Vega. It is in God's hands now.

I don't think that's the doctor's name, but okay...

You're deflecting again.

Tiffany reaches out with her right hand, her left still holding onto Alexis' right.

Come here.

Vega walks over to the bed, across from Tiffany, as he reaches over and grabs her hand. With his other hand, he grabs Alexis', as both he and Tiffany bow their hands and close their eyes.

Dear Lord of mercy and Father of comfort. You are the one I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with child in this illness. It is written that you send out your word and you heal. So then, please send your healing word to your child. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from his body. Dear Lord, I ask you to turn this weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy... and pain into comfort. May your child trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this suffering. Let him be filled with patience and joy in your presence as he waits for your healing touch.

Please restore your child to full health, dear Father. Remove all fear and doubt from his heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified through his life. As you heal and renew your child, Lord, may he bless and praise you.

All of this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.


Tiffany opens her eyes to find Vega's still closed. After a few moments, he opens them slowly, and looks directly into Tiffany's with a smile on his face.


Vega let's go of Tiffany's hand and diverts his attention to Alexis.

I thought we we're praying for her.

We did.

In your prayer, you said "him." The appropriate pronoun was "her."

Tiffany smiles.

No. I got the pronoun right.

Vega stares at Tiffany with a confused look. She, however, is staring at Alexis.

She loves you, Vega.

No she doesn't.

Of course she does. And you know it's true. You're problem, Vega... is that you've always loved yourself more than you've loved anybody else. In fact, after your mother's death, I'm sure many would say you've never loved again. But we'd both know that they'd be wrong. You are still capable of love. For the first time in a long time, you're learning to feel what it's like to finally love somebody else more than yourself. Alexis isn't dying, Vega. Sooner or later, she's going to wake up. And when she does, she's going to need you to get better, too.

Vega stares at Alexis, unable to come up with the words to respond.

The nurse told me she hasn't noticed you sleep since Alexis was admitted. That was two days ago. You need to get some sleep, Vega.

Tiffany leans over Alexis and kisses her on the forehead. She smiles, and walks towards the sliding glass door. She opens it, but before walking out, she turns around and looks back towards Vega.

Trust in Theron. He can help you... if you let him. He's a good man, Vega... and so are you.

Vega stands there, holding Alexis' hand, contemplating Tiffany's words as she exits the hospital room, and lets the sliding glass door shut behind her. Vega stands there, looking down at Alexis, with a broken look in his watery eyes. A tear rolls down his face. Slowly Vega holds Alexis' hand in his hands. He leans over, and places his forehead on the back of her hand as he gets down on his knees. Vega buries his face in her stomach, openly weeping in the empty room.


As Vega's head remains buried, he feels a hand caress through his hair. He jolts his head up immediately, and quickly gets up to his feet and takes a couple of startled steps backwards. What he sees before him has shaken Vega to his core. He stands there, mouth open, unable to formulate a single word, unable to hold onto a single racing thought. Confused, and afraid, he watches as another woman, not Alexis, lays on the hospital bed. This woman slowly sits up looking happy and healthy, as she smiles at Vega with a loving look in her eyes.

Hi, Will.

Is that really you?

Vega can't comprehend what is happening. The woman extends her arms towards him, still smiling.

Come give your mother a hug.

Vega can't make sense of anything. Slowly, he walks towards his mother, and sinks into her embrace. Tears stream down Vega's eyes and onto his mother's shoulder where he rests his head as she holds him tightly.

I've missed you.

She lifts his head up to look into his eyes. Vega listens to his mother speak as she gently wipes the tears away.

I've missed you too, son.

Vega seems to have calmed down, but with a look of sorrow in his eyes.

I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry for turning out the way I did. It's not your fault I am what I am.

Oh, I think it is. I used to take great pride in that.

Pride? You're proud of what I am?

I'm proud of what you were. I'm proud of what you're capable of.

People are usually afraid of what I'm capable of.

People fear "Vega." I don't know who this Vega. No, you see... the person I'm proud of is named William, son of Elizabeth De La Vega. William is capable of far greater things than Vega. William was capable of trust and compassion, capable of happiness... capable of love.

I lost a lot of that capability the moment you jumped off the roof.

You know what's worse than seeing your mother kill herself?

What could possibly be worse?

An eternity watching it slowly break your child down into pieces.

Vega looks down, feeling shameful in front of his mother.

My death created a monster. And it took him meeting another monster, one crueler and more far gone than he, to bring him back to humanity. It took the sacrifice of the one person he has ever fallen in love with. It took Alexis' downfall for you to realize you have a heart... because you can't break something you don't have. Alexis is a good person, and she deserves a good man. She deserves the man you're capable of being. Maybe, the night I died, so did you son... and Vega took your place. The difference between us, is that you can still be resurrected.

Vega looks up towards his mother.

And you?

Me? I go back to sleep.

Elizabeth leans back and lays flat on the bed.

Sleep? No... I-

I know, baby. You don't want me to go yet, but I'm getting tired.


It's okay, sweetie. I'll be watching.

Vega grabs her hand as his eyes begin to water again.

Make me proud.

She closes her eyes. Vega lowers his head and falls to his knees in sadness, burying his head into his mother's stomach. She places her free hand back on his head, gently caressing his hair.

I will.


I promise, I will.

Vega feels the hand stop moving, it no longer caresses his hair.

You will what?

The new voice forces Vega to jolt his head up immediately. He quickly gets up to his feet and takes a couple of startled steps backwards as he stands there, mouth open once again, in a bit of déjà vu. Confused all over again, Vega stares towards the bed, as now he see's Alexis, eyes open, staring right back at him.

Is this real?

Alexis grimaces, as she brings her hand to her head and holds it in pain.

Feels real.

Vega looks off to the side thinking, almost talking to himself.

You were talking in your sleep.

She felt real.

Who did?

Never mind.

Alexis' is confused, but seems to be paying too much attention to the injuries she's only now realizing she's sustained to continue questioning Vega about it.

What happened?

I'm not entirely sure. All I know is I was in the ring and-

I... I remember walking down the hallway, wanting to get to a monitor to watch your match, which was starting soon. Then... oh no.


Dr. Zeus.

What about him?

I remember running into him.

I don't think that was a coincidence.

Then, Beard grabbed me from behind while Zeus locked in the Euthanasia...

Vega closes his eyes and clinches his fists, trying to hold in his anger.

...I don't remember anything after that. And now...

...we're here.

Vega looks back towards Alexis, as if just realizing something.

This was before my match with Zeus?

Yeah. I never got to watch the match. Did you win?


Alexis doesn't seem too upset about the loss. Neither does Vega. He's too busy lost in thought.

Dr. Zeus didn't give me the ultimatum until after our match.

What was the ultimatum?

To sacrifice you.

The two are silent for a couple of moments, both contemplating the situation.

That means, Zeus and Beard knew all along.

Knew what?

That I wouldn't do it. No matter how many people I've wronged in the past, after all the ugly things I've done throughout my life, all the wrong I've been responsible for... they knew I could never hurt you. So they took it into their own hands. Zeus plan... it was never to recruit me. He knew something about me before I ever knew it about myself. He knew that I was good. And I don't mean good in terms of skill. I mean good. Good, like you.

Like me? You just said you could never betray me, Vega. Well, I did. I betrayed you. I went to the authorities to try and bring you to justice and it didn't work. You were one step ahead, every single time. Just like you always are. Just like I know you always will be. And still, you stand there, staring at me... calling me the good one. What on earth makes you believe that I am any good?

Vega takes a couple of steps towards the bed, closer to Alexis.

For a long, long time... I've lived this life without a conscience. I've always felt that, since the day I met you, you've kind of been my conscience. You've always been the best part about me.

Conscience? Please, I've been helping you pull jobs ever since '94.

Jobs, yeah... not assassinations. You've always known I've been capable of them, but ever since we've been on the run together, all we've done is steal from rich people, museums, corporations, or the government. No more innocent blood spilled at my hands. No more needless sorrow. No more pain.

Then why do you still hurt?

Me? You're the one laying in the hospital bed.

And I will heal.

Alexis winces in pain as she tries to sit up. Vega holds onto her, helping her up.

But, what about you?

What about me?

I need you to heal, too. It's why I did what I did. I thought I failed in trying to help you, trying to heal you. I thought some form of justice might be the key, but I realize now that it wouldn't save you, because it wouldn't save me. As much as you need me, Vega...

She places her hand on his face looking deeply into his eyes.

I need you.

He stares deeply back into hers.

Call me William.

TD Garden
Boston, Massachusetts
"All or Nothing"


Ready for our match, kid?

There Vega sits, in the locker room of the TD Garden, moments away from the most emotional match of his career. He taping up his fists as he glances up towards his partner, Theron Daggershield. Theron is on his feet, standing at a safe distance, already fully prepared for the match, watching Vega get ready.

That depends, can I trust you?

Vega laughs.

It's a little late for that, don't you think?

What do you mean?

I mean were minutes away from the fight of of lives, and I'm asking you a simple question. Truth is, kid, at this point you're either ready or you're not. You either know what you're made of, what you've got inside of you... or you don't. You? You've never questioned that a day in your life. You're always doing the right thing. Always on the right side of good and evil.

And that's something you look down on, isn't it.

I used to.

And now?

Vega gets up while cracking his knuckles. He wears a sly smile as he begins to stretch out his legs.

You know, you remind me of my brother.

Oh no...


You're about to go into some story now, aren't you?

Why do you say tha-

Nobody says "you remind me of" so and so without wanting to go into some boring and convoluted story about said person. You want to tie me into a part of your past in order to connect with me in the present. Listen Theron, you need to realize that right now, at this moment, there is a long and winding road that you and I have left behind us to get to this point. You have your shadows, your demons, your secrets, and your regrets... and God knows I have mine. I remind you of your brother... great. I don't know shit about him, but I bet you feel like you once let him down, and now you see me as your means to right a wrong.

In one day I've had what felt like the three most sincere conversations with the only three people I've ever trusted in my entire life. I don't know why I trust your girlfriend, but she seems to have my best interest in mind. That's why, I hope you can trust me Theron. Whether or not you can isn't up to me. All I can tell you, is that I have no idea if I should trust you... but I'm putting my faith in you. Faith... has always felt like some sort of unjustified trust or confidence. It's why all religion depends on it.

Tonight, I put my faith in you.

Vega walks right up to Theron and looks him in the eyes.

So, I ask you one last time... ready for our match, kid?

Vega sticks his hand out... Theron looks at the hand, and then back at Vega, accepting his handshake with a determined look in his eyes.

I'm ready.

We make a great team... and I trust you, Vega.

Vega smiles.

The name is Will... nice to meet you.

Vega walks towards the locker room door, but turns around before he walks out.

See you in the ring.

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