All or Nothing: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs (Tag Team Titles) (Participants Inside)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
This match is between Los Magnificos Dragones (c) vs. Cerberus vs. Young Justice vs. The Elite ("Showtime" David Cougar and Michael Winters).

Deadline is Thursday, April 24th at 11:59PM Central. Extensions available on request.

"Haven, you're familiar with dragons, right?"

"Sure, who isn't? Uh... why?"

"Warren stated something fairly... hmmm, bold prior to our match not long ago."

"Yeah? What'd she say?"

"'Dragons are the most lethal creatures ever to exist. They totally just annihilate everything they see.'"

"Well, she's not wrong..."

"No? You're not familiar with Icingdeath?"

"What is an 'Icingdeath'?"

"It's a great White Dragon in a D&D book. Know what happens to him?"

"No, what happens to him?"

"He was defeated, had a giant ice stalactite impaled through him, by the two heroes, Drizzt and Wulfgar."

"Oh. Okay?"

"How about Glaurung?"

"No idea what that is."


"Getting colder."


"Smaug I know. Uh... Tolkien, right?"

"Yeah, all three are Tolkien. All three are dragons. Do you know what happened to all three?"

"I know Smaug was killed by Bard, right?"

"Exactly... all three were killed by heroes."

"Why the literature test Jon?"

Jonathan Hyada pulled down the red and black Iron Fist mask over his face, the material instantly clinging to his skin thanks to the now pouring L.A. shower. His breath came out against the cold air, giving him his own dragon's fire for brief seconds at a time.

"The point is my friend, dragons fall. They are brought down, bested and defeated all the time in stories. Game of Thrones, Beowulf, Reign of Fire, Sleeping Beauty, all have dragons. And all have heroes who defeat these so-called 'most lethal creatures ever to exist.'"

Haven took a moment to glance over his shoulder at his partner.

"Yeah? And two of our opponents at the pay-per-view happen to be dragons."

"Yes... it just so happens that two of our opponents at All or Nothing are dragons."

Haven shifted his attention back away from Jon.

"And we do happen to be heroes."

"That's right... we do happen to be heroes."

Jon and Haven put their backs together as the camera pulled out from the pair in the pouring rain, revealing them to be surrounded by six individuals, all dressed in attire one might wear for a robbery. Each man wielded a small weapon of some sort; a couple knives, billy clubs or baseball bats. The six looked back and forth amongst each other, having finally had their fill of Young Justice's conversation. Sharing a nod, they all began to stalk in towards the pair, weapons raised and eyes full of violence.


* * *

Jonathan closed and locked the door of his apartment behind him, leaving Haven to rest on the couch for what had to be the hundredth time since opening his home to the man. He paused at his door, rethinking for a moment if he should head out tonight and leave Haven behind. The urge to unlock the door nearly took him, however he shook his head... he needed to think, he needed to clear his thoughts and he had no desire to tell his partner just yet of what he had done against a thief not too long ago. Turning from the door, he slipped his ear buds in, the song "For What It's Worth," started up slowly in his ears as he jogged down the stairs, pushing through the door that lead into his dojo. A second time he paused, icy eyes studying the various weapons on the wall used for training and controlled spars. He walked over to one of the racks holding nothing but wooden weapons, running his hand over the sleek and polished surfaces of the tonfa, daito and bo staff. The thought of taking one with him flitted through his mind but ultimately the former left them behind, locking his dojo and stepping out into the night.

Los Angeles at this time of night was blanketed by a cool fifty degree chill and the faintest layer of fog thanks to the ocean. Jon turned his eyes up towards the overcast sky, pulling the hood of his Punisher themed sweater down to acknowledge the chance of rain that was to come. Before beginning his walk, he unzipped his hoodie a bit so that he might slip his phone into the inside pocket, revealing the duo layer of clothing beneath the material; an unbuttoned black dress shirt and the red dragon of his modified Iron Fist outfit. Jonathan left his friend to clear his head... and he aimed to do it through the use of his fists. He brushed his fingertips along the surface of Haven's U-Haul, offering a silent thought of wellness to his recovering friend. Leaving the make shift base of operations behind, he headed out into the night towards the Fightclub Nightclub, a well known sports bar that moonlighted as a party hotspot.

* * *

Two scenes played out in the head of Jonathan Hyada, former mixed martial artist and current contender for the WZCW World Tag Team Championship; the first was the conversations with Nathanial since joining the wrestling federation. Every discussion he'd had with his closest friend had included the allusion to, or the outright statement that one half of Young Justice was holding himself back. The suggestion was not far off the mark from what he felt about his time as a wrestler, let alone his days since he left fighting within both a cage and a ring of blood thirsty people. If he were to be honest with himself, he truly missed unleashing himself upon his opponents. Not for violence's sake, for he felt he had no love for the darker side of himself, but had the thrill and push for competitiveness's best been forgotten?

The second of the two scenes focused on his dealings with the thief at the gas station. He felt torn with his actions, especially when he compared his demeanor from then to how he handled himself against the Dragon Queen on his own. With the thief, Jon had no question with how far he had been willing to go to make sure his message got across to the teenager that night until a bystander had witnessed what he was more than prepared to do. Contrast to that, he apologized to Amber Warren in the middle of the ring... and for what? What had the man who professes that the 'Fist is for Honor' had to feel sorry for to the woman whom had started this path towards escalated violence? With one event, he was more than ready to go the distance, the other saw him drop his guard and shy away, trying to hold onto honor like a security blanket.

Between the two situations playing in his head, Jon was beginning to realize that he had gone from one extreme to the other within the world of competitive fighting. All thanks to a beating he received at the hands of a deceiving duo and a pair of weapons.

The world is not lily white... but nor is it coal black.

It's full of shades of grey.

The fighter was beginning to understand that he needed to find the medium between emotionless violence, the blind pursuit of greatness, and the restrictive nature of his honor, the narrow vision of what should happen rather than what does happen. The balance needed to be found because neither side would help him when he'd step inside the ring at All or Nothing, let alone his personal life. If he snapped and receded into darkness he had no doubt he would do anything and everything he physically and emotionally could to make sure that not only would he walk away holding gold and leather, but those that stood in his way would be left in a state where they may not compete again.

More importantly to the former fighter however, he knew if he allowed himself to be swallowed up by the emotionless fighter, the Hunter for glory and competition he used to be, Haven would not stand at the side of that man.

If he tried to hold true to the line in the sand that he had drawn for himself upon leaving MMA, he knew his honor would yank back at nearly every opportunity he or his opponents would create for him to stand tall with his partner. Such was proven on Ascension and it would be presented live and in person yet again at the pay-per-view. With a ring full of monsters such as dragons, mythical creatures and legendary champions... holding back will result in nothing but injuries to the body, pride and striking down yet another loss.

Combined with that, the hero knew in his heart that if he held back, avoiding weapons, damage and danger to attempt to remain 'lily white,' he'd never feel satisfied in the ring. Every match in the wrestling federation he's had has been lower than his personal expectations of himself. Every match he's lost he felt he could have one if he had let himself hit just that much harder... and every match he's won he felt he could have done so more convincingly if he had just opened up a bit more.

Then there's the wild cards. The monkey wrench thrown into an already complicated situation. If I hold back... how in the world will I stand against a former world champion, the legend that has been entered into this story of ours. How do I...

His thoughts focused back onto Ramparte and Amber, phasing out the static that the Elite members brought to his mind's channel, the two having the most negative impact of his time as a wrestler. All six opponents would be dangerous, but he had to find a focal point. The Catalyst certainly lived up to the moniker, as Jonathan believed within himself that it was Ramparte who started the inner tug-o-war. Ramparte reminded himself of everything Jon could attain if he stepped out of the light, of the person he once was. That single half of Ceberus had been his first question on the test that WZCW handed to him. At times, he felt he had passed with flying colors, though there was always the lingering doubt... like some finger itching to press the big red button.

While Ramparte was more of a gentle push, the Joker's 'One Bad Day' to his Batman, Amber kicked the door in, or rather kicked his friend's head off. She, of the two, most made him want to drop back into the frenzy to match the price of glory she was asking. She had so easily shaken the foundation he had created over the past few years, ruining it like a well placed explos--



Jon's inner thoughts were broken up by the sound of glass breaking far above his head and the blood curdling scream that trailed it. He looked skyward, raising an arm to shield his head, just in time to see a man plummeting from a window six stories above him. With little time to react, one half of Young Justice rolled to the side, avoiding the descending man as he slammed into the roof of the cab Jon had stopped by.

Confusion was pushed aside to make room for instinct as he leaped onto the hood of the car to kneel beside the fallen man. While thankfully still alive, though such was most likely not the intended outcome, the suited individual was littered with more injuries than Jon could begin to count. He looked up to the hole in the side of the building where the glass used to be, spotting a pair of men standing at the edge. Both wrapped in black, one of them held a large gray bag with a dollar sign stamped on the side over his shoulder like it was some sort of championship trophy, the other connected eyes with Jon and gave him a mock salute before disappearing back into the building with his partner. Jon surveyed his surroundings, finding it both late enough in the evening for people out among the streets to be a rare occurrence and that the neighborhood itself might be an unlikely place to find a hero.

Except for one.

Making the appropriate 911 call, citing the American Bank building as where help was needed, he sprinted towards the main door of the building only to find it locked. He threw his weight into the double paned glass door, though it budged not a single inch. Turning from the door he found not a single object that could be used as a means to make an entrance so he sprinted towards the alley beside the building, hoping to find either the criminals' escape route or a means to get to them if they'd not come down to him. Reaching the alley, he found no vehicle meant for escape, however as he stared upward he turned to look in the distant sky... hearing the distinct sound of a helicopter in route.

With his back turned for the moment, Jon had no real way to prepare himself for the explosion that rocked the first and second floors of the building, ripping much of the inside structure apart to prevent inside ground access to the roof. Glass was sent erupting from the front of the building, peppering the street with broken shards and cutting into any cars that happened to be nearby. Jonathan was knocked towards the wall of the alley away from the building, rotating his body so that he impacted on his back rather than his face and chest. He slumped down for a second, holding his side but pulled himself to his feet, staring back at the building and searching for some way to the roof. He spotted a multi-tiered fire escape running nearly the height of the building, ending with a ladder that stopped a few feet above Jon's head.


He ripped both superhero hoodie and dress shirt off himself, letting it crumple to the ground, tore the ear buds from his ears and let his phone hit the ground. With a silent prayer he judged the distance of the fire escape and leaped, catching hold of the ladder's bottom rung and hoisting himself up. He climbed up the ladder and set foot onto the first tier of stairs just as the clouds overhead began to open up, letting the rain come down to Earth. He took each flight of stairs two by two, leaping up to pull himself to each ascending tier whenever he could, desperately trying to get to the roof before the incoming chopper which he believed had to be the escape vehicle. Jon had cleared five stories before his hands slipped off the wet metal while trying to haul himself up to the final flight of stairs. He hit steel back first, the padded Iron Fist body armor absorbing much of the impact which allowed him to recover quickly. Wiping the rain from his eyes Jon re-assessed the distance and leaped again, this time taking hold of a piece of metal grating on the side of the stairs rather than the railing, making sure he had a secure hold he pulled himself up and took off up to the ladder that lead up to the roof.

Leaping over the ledge, his feet found firm ground beneath them at the height of his climb. Just as Jon made it to the top he saw the door on the roof leading down into the building be kicked open, the man who saluted him running out into the open with a radio held to his mouth. Behind him came the second man, carrying the prized sack of what could have been thousands of dollars... if not more. The pair paused as they spotted the red and black clad hero standing in their way, cutting them off at the center of the roof. Due to some trick of the light perhaps, wafting off of Jonathan Hyada seemed to be a deep indigo aura as he stared holes into the two men.

"You're going to want to stop there... I'll not let you go any further." Jon clenched his fist, the material of his gloves tightening against his flesh, laying his threat and promise out into the rain.

"Heh... what are you supposed to be? Get a load of this guy Charlie." The man who saluted Jon spoke to his accomplice.

"Seems he's read too many comic books I think." Charlie replied.

The salutor peered out into the sky to see how far away their escape was before stepping forward up to Jon.

"Alright Mr. Hero, you've lived out part of your fantasy, time to run along and leave the profess--"

The man's words were cut off by a well placed right cross, staggering back to hold his jaw and glare at Jon. Just as he and his partner began to retaliate, the sound of police sirens in the distance stopped them in their tracks. They shared glances of anger before returning their sights on Jon.

"I won't tell you again."

The man who seemed to be the leader of the duo lifted the radio to his mouth.

"Get up here, we have a situation."

From the door the two criminals emerged from came four more, all carrying large duffels of cash.

Jon narrowed his indigo rimmed blue eyes at the realization of the situation, finding himself alone against six other men at the top of the mountain.

Issue #7: *Thud*

A soft thud perturbs a green hero’s slumber. We see Haven, in his normal hero attire, sitting up on couch. He looks around in an alarmed fashion to find the source of the thud, but he is alone in the apartment. Haven slinks back in a laying position with a throw blanket covering his mid-torso and below. He proceeds to rest his right forearm on his brow covered in cold-sweat. His eyes shift back and forth across the ceiling.

For the first time in about 3 weeks, Haven’s mind is clear. No dizziness and no headaches. The concussion was a setback, indeed. So much precious time for training was lost due to his injury. He thought Hyada would surely be upset over this. However, while Hyada was certainly upset over his injury, it had nothing to do with the preparation time that was lost. It had everything to do with Amber Warren, and a self-burdened guilt Hyada placed upon himself.

Sometimes, in the cold dead of night, Hyada would slip past Haven on the couch and make his way out the front door. Unbeknown to his tag team partner, Haven saw it all. The costume, the anger, the internal conflict, and his compassion. You see, while Hyada would only sneak out every other night, he would always set a glass of water next to his green friend before heading to bed. This wasn’t something Haven asked him to do, or even anything the doctor instructed, but Hyada did it out of loyalty. Hyada saw his friend hurt and in need, so he helped him.

Haven begins to ponder these things as his curiosity over the source of the thud begins to fade. Setting a water next to him was the smallest of things that Hyada had done for him. Hyada willingly opened up his home and let Haven rest on his couch. If he was being honest, Haven felt bad for taking up so much space and feeling unproductive these last few weeks. However, anytime Haven would try to get up he would feel dizzy and nauseous. Hyada would insist he lie down and take it easy. He would sternly add on, “You’re no good to me if you are brain-dead.” Haven knew that was his way of saying he cared.

Haven smirks as he continues to stare at the ceiling. However, his smirk quickly fades as he begins to dig at the reason for Hyada’s hospitality.

Haven: I was so careless...

Amber has her masked face turned down and away from Haven who tries to say thank you, but Amber suddenly delivers a brutal super kick, knocking Haven clear out.

Haven: How many times before have you told me to always be on guard before that happened? A million times…

Haven clears his throat.

Haven: And how many times did you tell me after you saw me injured? Not once… You would never say, "I told you so." And now you feel responsible. I see it on your face every time you walk past me. And you punish yourself by going out in the middle of the night to do God knows what. I’m sorry, Hyada…

Suddenly, Haven remembers the thud from earlier. It echos in his mind. He looks over at the door. He then shoots up from the couch and makes his way to Hyada’s room. He knocks on the door, but no answer. He cracks it open and finds the room empty. Haven stares into the emptiness as the scene cuts out.


We transition over to a shot of Haven walking down a sidewalk that is glowing under auburn lights. He is sporting his normal hero attire, with a black hoodie around his torso and head. The sound of rumbling churns in the sky above as Haven looks up and sees the already faint starlight begin to fade behind some clouds.

An aerial view paints Haven as ant as he stalks down the streets through smog and fog of a business sector. The tall cityscape hugs the sidewalks and tower over all those who walk beneath them. The further Haven walks down the street in search of his friend, the more he is overcome by a mixture of two emotions, admiration and guilt.


The door entering Hyada’s apartment living room closes shut as Hyada rests his back against it. Haven wakes up from the couch and notices his partner’s arrival.

Haven: Hyada? Hey, man, how did it go?

Hyada doesn’t speak, but slowly drags himself to a chair near the couch. He plants himself down and rubs his forehead vigorously.

Hyada: I couldn’t beat her, Haven.

A small silence occurs as Haven tries to gather what to say, however, his mind is still cloudy.

Haven: It’s alright, buddy. You win some, you lose some.

Hyada grits his teeth and stands up in a jolt. He doesn’t accept defeat so easily, but he refrains from retorting so angrily to his wounded friend. He walks away towards some counter space as he sets some keys on it.

Hyada: Furthermore, there has been an addition to our Tag Team Title Match at All or Nothing. The team of Showtime and Winters has been added. As if there were not already enough variables to deal with.

Hyada plants his hands on the counter space with his back turned to Haven. Haven can tell that his partner is stressed. He begins to get off the couch.

Haven: Well, let’s get to work. We need to start preparing if we are going to win those tag titles-

As soon as Haven jumps up from the couch, he stumbles forward and drops to his knees. Hyada rushes to his partner.

Hyada: Haven!

Haven: I’m fine. I’m fine!

Hyada helps him up. Haven sets back down on the couch.

Haven: I just got up too quick, I promise.

Hyada: You don’t need to worry about planning right now. You just need to worry about getting 100% better.

Haven looks up at Hyada.

Hyada: Let me worry about them for now.

For the last three weeks, Hyada has had to carry the burden of this upcoming match while he has patiently waited for me to get better. He has accepted fault for my injury when in all reality it was a mixture of my carelessness and Warren’s attitude. It’s almost too much for any man to bear alone.

Haven rubs the temple on his head.

But now he won’t have too… The fuzziness is gone in my mind. I feel great. I feel prepared for whatever lies ahead.


The sound of glass breaking and explosion going off takes Haven by surprise as he crouches down into a defensive position. He scans around the street, but it is bare and desolate. Almost instantly, a fiery glow begins to glisten around and through the creases of the buildings. The fog veils it, but it is noticeable from where Haven is. The faint sound of a fire alarm ringing echoes down the street. If the glow and alarm wasn’t enough, the sound of sirens and two speeding police cars turn onto the street Haven is on and zoom past him. Haven gives chase!


We see Haven walking up to a large burning building. Several police cars and ambulances are out in front. Someone is being wheeled via stretcher into the back of an ambulance. Haven tries to run over to see who it is, but a police man stops him.

Police Man: Sorry, but I’m going to ask you to step back. The firetruck is almost here. We need to clear space.

Haven: What happened here? Who is that being wheeled into the ambulance?

Police Man: Sir, please.

Haven steps back, but as he does he steps on something that cracks. He looks down and it is a phone setting on top of a hoodie. Haven picks them both up and is alarmed to discover that they both resemble items he has seen Hyada use before.

Haven: Hyada is here!

Haven looks around in a panic, trying to discern the scene.

Suddenly, a man up in adjacent building hangs out of his window. He yells at the cops.

Man: Hey! You guys! There is a fight going on up on the roof.

Haven hears this, but then sees a Police Chief address it.

Police Chief: Great, the robbers are up top, but we can’t get through the middle floors. I want half you up on top of the surrounding buildings, now!

Several policemen yell “yes sir” as they run towards different buildings. Haven looks at the burning building and gazes at the side of it nearest him. He sees that there are several pipes, fire escape, and window ledges decorating it. Haven puts back down Hyada’s hoodie and phone, and then unzips his own hoodie. He sheds it as he sprints towards the side of the building. One of the policemen tries to stop him, but it is too late. Haven begins ascending the steel staircase.

As he gets to the top of the staircase, he leaps up and grabs a pipe. He swings on it and shoots himself up to a ledge, which he grabs and climbs onto. From there, he jumps up to a higher ledge and repeats. We see him climbing up the side of the building as the storm clouds rumble high above him. Suddenly, a piece of fiery debris falls out one of the burning windows. Haven dodges it as he hangs from one of the ledges. He nearly falls, but regains his grip. He sports a determined look as he continues his trek up the side of the building. As he gets closer, he begins to hear grunts and groans coming from a brawl on top. The sounds make Haven move faster. Finally, he reaches the top and leaps onto the roof ledge. He lunges forward and into the middle of the six men beating down Hyada with weapons.

First, Haven runs up and kicks the ribs of one man holding a baseball bat. That man goes flying off to the side. One of the other robbers nearby swings a knife at Haven, but Haven grabs his forearm to stop him. He then proceeds to kick the individual back. The introducing of Haven into fight also allows Hyada to get an upper hand on a couple of the robbers himself. He knees one in the gut and shoves him back. Then, he headbutts another to send him staggering backwards. The remaining two back away to pick up their comrades.

Hyada spits out some blood as he addresses his partner in a fury.

Hyada: What the hell are you doing here?

Haven: Well, I couldn’t let you come out here and have all the fun.

Haven sees that Hyada isn’t in the mood for jokes.

Haven: Seriously, though. I feel better. Like, 100% better.

Hyada pauses for a moment and then wipes away some blood on the side of his mouth. He then gives a smirk.

Hyada: I believe you.

Haven smiles.

Hyada: And boy am I glad to see you.

The two clasps hands together in an epic team-like gesture. They then turn to face their opposing enemies.


Hyada: "Haven, you're familiar with dragons, right?"

Haven: "Sure, who isn't? Uh... why?"

Hyada: "Warren stated something fairly... hmmm, bold prior to our match not long ago."

Haven: "Yeah? What'd she say?"

Hyada: "'Dragons are the most lethal creatures ever to exist. They totally just annihilate everything they see.'"

Haven: "Well, she's not wrong..."

Hyada: "No? You're not familiar with Icingdeath?"

Haven: "What is an 'Icingdeath'?"

Hyada: "It's a great White Dragon in a D&D book. Know what happens to him?"

Haven: "No, what happens to him?"

Hyada: "He was defeated, had a giant ice stalactite impaled through him, by the two heroes, Drizzt and Wulfgar."

Haven: "Oh. Okay?"

Hyada: "How about Glaurung?"

Haven: "No idea what that is."

Hyada: "Ancalagon?"

Haven: "Getting colder."

Hyada: "Smaug?"

Haven: "Smaug I know. Uh... Tolkien, right?"

Haven: "Yeah, all three are Tolkien. All three are dragons. Do you know what happened to all three?"

Hyada: "I know Smaug was killed by Bard, right?"

Hyada: "Exactly... all three were killed by heroes."

Haven: "Why the literature test Jon?"

Jonathan Hyada pulled down the red and black Iron Fist mask over his face, the material instantly clinging to his skin thanks to the now pouring L.A. shower. His breath came out against the cold air, giving him his own dragon's fire for brief seconds at a time.

Hyada: "The point is my friend, dragons fall. They are brought down, bested and defeated all the time in stories. Game of Thrones, Beowulf, Reign of Fire, Sleeping Beauty, all have dragons. And all have heroes who defeat these so-called 'most lethal creatures ever to exist.'"

Haven took a moment to glance over his shoulder at his partner.

Haven: "Yeah? And two of our opponents at the pay-per-view happen to be dragons."

Hyada: "Yes... it just so happens that two of our opponents at All or Nothing are dragons."

Haven shifted his attention back away from Jon.

Haven: "And we do happen to be heroes."

Hyada: "That's right... we do happen to be heroes."

Jon and Haven put their backs together as an aerial shows a shot of the 6 robbers standing around them with their weapons in hand. The six look back and forth amongst each other, having finally had their fill of Young Justice's conversation. Five of them look at one specifically, who is the largest of them all. Sharing a nod, they all begin to stalk in towards the pair, weapons raised and eyes full of violence.


The largest of the set yells out.

Large Man: "Now!"

The five smaller ones attack. The two with baseball bats go after Haven, while one with a knife and another with a billy club attack Hyada. Hyada makes quick work of the knife-wielder as he grabs his wrist and twists it out of place. He shoots a palm up into the robbers nose and sends him back with blood spewing out of his nose. The billy club holder goes for a swing, but Hyada dodges to the side. The billy club holder tries to react, but Hyada lunges from a crouched position and drives a fist up into his gut. The blow sends him flying backward.

Hyada proceeds to look over to check on his partner, and he sees that Haven is trying to avoid being choked out by a robber holding a bat over his head and up to his neck. Meanwhile, another bat holder picks himself up from the ground, presumably having already been knocked down from Haven. Haven is peril as he is vulnerable to the approaching robber. As he approaches, Haven kicks at him, but the robber grabs his leg and shakes his head in a “nuh-uh” gesture. However, he quickly finds himself spitting out teeth as Hyada slugs him across the jaw. The punch takes the robber trying to choke Haven off guard and it allows Haven to acrobat himself, via swinging on the bat, behind the would-be choker. Haven then sweeps his legs out from underneath him.

Haven: Ha!

Suddenly, a large hand hooks Haven's collar from behind and yanks him away from the crook he just knocked out. Hyada tries to react to help his partner, but it is too late. While Haven is trying to unclench the large man’s fist, he suddenly finds himself being flung like a torpedo over the edge of the roof! Haven tries to grip onto the side, but his land slips off as he falls!

Hyada: NO!!

Jonathan stops dead in his tracks. The large man wheels around to face Jon. He chuckles evily as he slowly walks over to Hyada, who has now dropped to his knees in shock. The large man tows over him like a giant with a sadistic look of glee painted on his face. The mountain man spits down on the vigilante and laughs at Hyada’s look of distress. Then, he beckons the former fighter to stand up and let him finish the job.

Large Man: "Stand up you coward!"

Jonathan slowly stands up in silence as the rain pours down on him. He slowly lifts his head and stares at the large man with indigo fueled eyes. He fists begin to clinch as the fog of the night wafts off of them.

What Ramparte had initially started... what Amber had shoved into motion; this man had finished it by killing his friend.

Jon takes a step forward.

Hyada: "That man, my friend, wouldn't quit as long as he could still draw breath. Me? I have a different kind of problem."

Another step forward.

Hyada: "For three years I've felt like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die."

A final step, putting him inches from the mountain before him.

Hyada: "But you can take it, can't ya, big man? You've just given me every reason for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am!"

Jon strikes first and hard while envisioning Haven's fall, Ramparte, Mussel, Amber, Califa, Winters and Showtime; all of them being the ones who drove him to this. He slugs the giant hard across the jaw with a right hand, and then ducks under an attempted grab. He follows up by connecting with a second blow, this time to the ribs.

The persona of a wrestler is shed in this moment as Jonathan unveils his underground fighting roots. He is more than willing to see that this man didn't leave the rooftop alive. He swings and swings and swings, and swings! Kick after kick, punch after punch, and accepting any blows the giant throws at him just so he could hit him some more. Finally, he sweeps the legs out from under the giant. The large man is deeply bruised, but is still trying to get back up. Hyada sees a metal pipe lying on the ground nearby. He walks toward it and picks it up. He then turns to the monster he is fighting and lifts the pipe high over his head. There is no hesitation as Jon brings it down, crashing on the man’s skull.

Haven: "JON! HELP!"


The metal pipe reverberates off the man's now broken clavicle. His screams of pain dull Jon’s body as he rushes towards the edge of the roof. He peers over the edge and sees his partner hanging by a single hand off the edge of a stone hanging out underneath the roof’s edge. He is quickly losing his grip on the wet stone as fire dances out some windows down below underneath the falling rain. The fighter reaches down and takes hold of Haven's hand.

Hyada pulls Haven up onto the edge. Haven quickly scoots off of it and plants himself on the inside the rim of the building in a sitting fashion. Hyada sits next to him on the edge of the roof.
Haven takes a moment to collect himself before surveying the slew of knocked out men on top of the roof.

Haven: Hey, we didn’t do too bad, huh?

Hyada cuts in with a serious tone.

Hyada: We’re going to beat them, Haven.

Haven: Uh, I think we already won, buddy.

Hyada: No, I am talking about everyone in the TLC match at All or Nothing.

Haven looks up at his partner sitting slightly up above him.

Hyada: And you are the reason why.

Haven: Me?

Hyada: You are the reason we are going to beat everyone, Haven. Because you are the reason I fight. You are the reason I am going to be able to control the beast from my past in a way where we will end up victorious.

Hyada stands up and steps out in front of his partner.

Haven: And why is that?

The rain has now shifted into a light drizzle as it falls down on the team of Young Justice. Hyada proceeds to slowly peel off his wet mask. He then turns to look down at his partner.

Hyada: Because-

Hyada reaches a hand down towards Haven.

Hyada: You are my friend. And I’ll do anything to protect you.

Haven smiles as he takes Hyada’s hand and allows him to help him up. Haven sports a big goofy grin as he holds out his arms.

Haven: Come on, this has to be a hug moment?!

Hyada: No way! Get bent!

Hyada laughs as he puts his mask back on and starts sprinting towards the other side of the building.

Hyada: Race you home!

Haven laughs as he begins sprinting after his sideikick, partner, friend.

Haven: Get ready to eat my dust!

Haven and Hyada leap from the roof in good spirits as a police helicopter suddenly enters the scene and shines a light on the beaten-down robbers on top of the roof. The scene goes black.
***Note: Read JAM's RP first before reading this one.****

Amber had been persistent. She wanted to do things her way at All or Nothing in the TLC Match, what was El Califa to do? He did not agree with her ways, but in the type of match they were going to be in, perhaps she was right. He lowers his head and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall as the thoughts run through his head.

Amber: Well? Are you going to answer me? It's a simple yes or no.

Amber stares up at El Califa through her mask, placing her hand on the wall next to El Califa's head, leaning in close as she whispers alluringly to him.

Amber: Give in to your violent side Califa. I know you have it in you. All you have to do is tap into that side, and I guarantee we'll remain tag team champions.

Califa leans his head away before looks back up and towards Amber, slowly nodding his head. She was right, it was time to bring back the El Califa that had put Drake Callahan in his place.

El Califa:'re right Amber Warren. El Califa has to do this. He must get in tune with his inner dragon just as you are! If he wishes to survive TLC and hold the Tag Team Titles with you one last time, then so be it! A vicious dragon is what is needed to become World Heavyweight Champion.

He brushes past Amber and walks briskly to his office in the gym, unlocking a hidden safe in the back of the room. He soon withdraws a mask, walking out of the office and back to Amber. He holds the mask up, this mask completely different from his normal mask. Instead of the fangs there are ruby red sharply pointed eyes, the fangs now lower on the mask, flames spreading off on the sides and sharp horns spreading up at the top of the mask. The mask is black other than the ruby eyes and the red flames.

El Califa: If the Dragon Queen believes it is the only way for us to win, then it is time that WZCW feels the wrath of El Demonio Dragon!

Amber tilts her head, mocking El Califa's own mannerism. A laughter escapes her as El Califa now tilts his head in confusion.

Amber: And prey tell me Califa, where in the blue hell has that mask been this whole time? El Demonio Dragon? Please.

Califa lowers his head, looking down at the mask, his hands almost trembling as he recalls the story.

El Califa: I have been doing this for quite some time Amber Warren. Earlier in El Califa's career, he was a completely different man. He went to war in every hardcore match he could, wanting to deliver pain and punishment anyway he could. El Califa Dragon, became simply El Demonio Dragon. The Demon Dragon destroyed all in his path, but his thirst for blood was never quenched! The fans turned on Califa, he had become a rudo and they hated what he had done to their favorite wrestlers. They cried out for El Califa to return, but the Demon fell deeper and deeper into his mind.

Califa turns his back to the camera, sliding off his mask before putting on the El Demonio Dragon mask. He ties it quickly before turning towards Amber, his breathing heavier suddenly as he places his hands on the side of his head. He speaks, though his voice is not the smooth Mexican accent, it has become deeper, a rasp caught in this throat with each word.

El Califa: Well? Does this not suit his Dragon Queen? The fact that she drove such a simple man to return to his darkest hour?

Amber watches with an earnest interest, a sinister smirk forming on her lips as her eyes grow wide.

Amber: Doesn't it feel glorious though Dragon? Don't you feel so much better letting loose? We want to destroy everyone in the TLC match, and whether you're in or not, I will make that happen.

El Califa suddenly begins laughing, almost in a mocking way at Amber's boasting. He keels over as he laughs harder, clearly irritating Amber as she goes to shove Califa backwards.

Amber: What's so damn funny?

She tries shoving him again but Califa catches her hand and pulls her close, his mask inches away from hers.

El Califa: Little girl, do you realize who you're messing with exactly? I am the Demon Dragon! I have fed the nightmares of people just like you in the past.

Amber: What do you mean people like me? Let me go!

Amber struggles but El Califa's grip is almost inhuman as he keeps her in place. A mocking laughter escapes him once more.

El Califa: People like you that think that a little bit of violence towards your enemies suddenly makes you greater than everyone else. Are you prepared to end them? I don't think you truly understand what must be done in a match like TLC.

Amber: I will do whatever it takes.

El Califa: Oh good. I'm looking forward to it. But please allow me to say this "Dragon Queen". I bow down to no one. In fact that peasant Califa could not even control me. I grew bored as no one was left to challenge, so I gave him back his career. You have me excited now! I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins! Tell me, our opponents, do any of them stand a chance? Will any of them really put the effort into winning?

Amber listens intently, her look of anger forming into almost pure bliss at his words. She contemplates his words, how to take advantage of this new Dragon.

Amber: Every single one of them wants our tag team titles. And we won't let them take our belts now won't we El Demonio Dragon?

Califa pulls her in closer, his hand wrapped around her waist, his eyes casting up and down her.

Califa: I could get used to being in control again.

Califa laughs as Amber wraps an arm around his neck, clearly enjoying this new side.

Califa: Tell you what, Dragon Queen. Once I'm done holding your hand in the proper way to destroy someone with every weapon at your disposal, I'll carry you all the way up the ladder so you can hold the belts up high. But do be careful with your words, you wouldn't want a demon hunting you down now do you, my "queen"?

Califa looks straight into Amber's eyes, and all Amber can see is the ruby coverings on his mask. The severity of the situation suddenly dawns on her as she withdraws from Califa, stepping back into a defensive position.

Amber: What are you talking about?

Califa shrugs as he leans against the wall, his arms crossing as he stares her down.

El Califa: You're the one that insisted upon this Dragon Queen. You have awaken the demon, now you must prepare to deal with the consequences. Be on your best behavior, and perhaps I'll let you walk out in one piece.

Amber's eyes widen as she stumbles backwards at the threat. She takes a deep breath as El Califa stands up straight.

Amber: So All or Nothing....

El Califa: We'll dispatch of the foolish other six. We'll take care of the Elites, the dogs, and the wannabe heroes. I'll see to it personally that they are left broken. Is that good enough for you, Queenie?

Amber nods and grins evilly once more. She skips off towards the door of the gym, stopping and looking back.

Amber: Did I mention I really like the new Dragon?

El Califa: I hope you come to know me even better soon Dragon Queen.

Amber smirks and exits the gym as Califa walks into the middle of the gym, making sure she is gone for good before turning his back once more and sliding off the Demonio Dragon mask and returning the El Califa mask.

El Califa: Turnabout is fair play Amber Warren. El Califa does not need to fall back into his old ways to get what he wants at All or Nothing.

He turns back around, looking around his gym, the equipment all in perfect order, the rings completely empty, and silence envelopes the entire gym other than the creaky sound of fans running. Califa sighs as he walks along the four sided ring, running his hand along the ring apron.

El Califa: El Califa has spent many years in Mexico, working his way to the top of the lucha libre tradition. He has succeeded in every way possible in his home country. Now he stands on the precipice of completing his life long goal. The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

He climbs up onto the apron, walking along the ropes before flipping into the center of the ring, leaning in the corner of the ring with his head down.

El Califa: It has been a long journey, from wrestling in front of twenty people for twenty pesos, struggling to eat, to selling out Mexico City night after night. He has seen it all, he has done it all. El Califa did not ask for this opportunity, he was merely doing what he always does, and that's go out and put in every ounce of effort he has. He did not see the World Heavyweight Champion, he did not see the number one contender to the title. He saw another opponent, another road block in his way that he had to cross. El Califa did just that, and due to his hard work he has been rewarded.

He pulls himself up to a seated position on the top rope, slowly standing as he stares into the center of the ring, as if picturing the World Title Match at All or Nothing.

El Califa: He knows that Amber Warren will succeed, she has proven that she no longer needs El Califa guiding her. He is sorry that it has to end in this fashion, but perhaps one day she will understand that an opportunity like this comes so rarely, that El Califa MUST take advantage of it. He has proven himself in the eyes of WZCW fans. In the eyes of management, and most of all, in the eyes of Ricky Runn and Triple X!

Califa walks along the ropes for a moment before springing off, rotating in the air and landing perfectly on his feet in the center of the ring. He brings his arms up and places his hands together, his head lowered to his finger tips as he meditates.

El Califa: Ricky Runn has no honor, he brings shame upon such a title. El Califa will be happy to bring glory back to the World Heavyweight Championship. He needs others to do his work, and while he was off doing what ever Ricky Runn wishes to do, El Califa was busy preparing, defeating Triple X! However, it was not completely clean, and that infuriates me Ricky Runn! El Califa wished for a fair fight against Triple X, and it was not to be. Triple X, El Califa apologizes for that, but he does not apologizes for locking you into The Dragon Lock and making you feel such pain. You may have defeated Amber Warren, but you will not defeat this veteran by catching him off guard.

Califa lifts his head up slowly, his arms spreading out and then one arm comes up, opening his hand slowly before dropping to his side. He nods his head confidently, looking up to the ceiling.

El Califa: Amber Warren wanted to see the demon inside El Califa Dragon. He no longer needs to return to that anymore to succeed! It will be the man...NO! It will be the Dragon of pure heart that will stand tall at the end of All or Nothing.

Califa chuckles to himself as he lowers his head a bit, looking to the long scar on his right arm, slapping it a bit.

El Califa: And when it is said and done Shaylina, your brother can finally say he is WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! For he is El Califa Dragon.

Califa lifts his head up looking right towards the camera, bringing his arms up into a fighting stance.

El Califa: And they shall hear this Dragon's victorious roar!

The feed cuts out.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

The angel walked back and forth in the sky. The sun kissed her red hair in a way that would have been like candlelight if she were visible to the people below her. From the height of skyscrapers she stood and kept her eyes on the belfry in the distance. Its bells loomed over the church's exterior like a beacon to the believers; it's brass shine illuminating the city in a way her own fiery locks could not.

Her green Givenchy dress billowed against the cool breeze. Erin bit her lip, vexed and perplexed.

What was he doing in there? Why there of all places?

The curious angel thought of the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and how his most famous work, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", likely portrays Cerberus's most innermost thoughts. A Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match for the coveted gold would surely end in bloodshed and career-altering injury. She worried about the human that caught her eye.

Roading...Ramparte, what could possibly be going through your head right now?

Flex Mussél jogged the staircase with his gym bag slapping against his back. Strapped to his arm was his newly bought music player, and on his 80s playlist the song "Sister Christian" by Night Ranger was in it's chorus line:

♫You're motorin'

What's your price for flight

In finding Mister Right?

You'll be alright tonight!!!♫

The Healthiest Man Alive frowned while the upbeat music pulsed from his earbuds. Ramparte was a mystery now and then to him, yeah, but hiding out in a church?

The Monsieur of Muscle shook his head. His buddy must have finally lost it.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.​

"The Catalyst" Godfrey Ramparte leaned out of the balcony from where the bells stood tall; his gloved hand resting on the marble made warm by the rays of the sun. Lost in thought, he did not hear the other half of Cerberus make his way up from the stairs.

Now I would say I'm good at Hidden Object games. I've found Waldo and I've scourged the bloody earth in search of Carmen Sandiego back in the day. Blues Clues ain't got shit on me, let me tell ya Rambo. But all of those times playing detective would not have had me ready to find you in church.

The Man in White smiled in spite of himself.

Ramparte: You found me pretty quick to not suspect me here.

Mussél: The white horse-drawn carriage out front doesn't really scream "inconspicuous". Keeping a low profile doesn't suit you.

He nodded and glanced back outside; transfixed on something he couldn't see, but was sure was there. Flex cleared his throat, turned off his player, and sat his bag down.

Mussél: So what's with the disappearing act, Rampadre? You're no Jimmy Wonder. Something eating at you?

Ramparte: Lacerations. Concussions. Head trauma. A black eye. Any of these things can happen to me. TLC isn't our normal playing field. Sure as hell isn't mine. They'll want to hurt me there. And worse- they'll want to disfigure my gorgeous face.

Just look at me.

He gestured from his chin to his forehead.

Ramparte: I have the most to lose at All or Nothing, Flex. This face will not look pretty once a chair meets it by the hands of Hyada. It won't be so stunning once Haven gives it an Iron Justice through a table. I can't even imagine The Elite double-teaming it with a ladder, I just can't.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.​

Mussél chuckled good naturedly.

Mussél: Don't forget the champions themselves, bro. A match like this just screams for a Lucha Libre-like jump from atop a 30 foot ladder onto any one of us. Wouldn't put it passed Amber Warren to jump with a chair in her hand.

Ramparte: It isn't funny, Flex.

The look The Catalyst gave him suggested as much to him. From The Father of Fitness's perspective, the poetic narcissist looked like he was on the verge of tears.

Mussél: Hey now, I didn't come to throw salt onto your ivory-ladled wounds. I brought you something. I know you like pomegranates, and the nutritional value on this sucker is awesome, so here's something from me.

He unzipped his bag, reached in, and pulled out a dark red bottle. Tossing it to his partner, Flex grabbed another one and met him at the balcony.

Ramparte ...a POM Wonderful?

Mussél: Packed with potassium. Drink up; it'll make both of us feel better.

Taking a dainty sip, The Man In White found it to be to his liking. Gathering his thoughts back in order, he wondered on something.

Ramparte: Why did you come looking for me?

Mussél: You're my buddy and I worried.

Ramparte: "The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."

Why did you really hunt me down? To train before the big night? You know training isn't something I take pleasure in.

Flex chugged his POM Wonderful and peered out from the bell tower.

Mussél: I need your help in springing out Svetlana.

Ramparte drummed his fingers against the cane that was out of Flex's peripheral vision when he had first walked in.

Ramparte: Why, pray tell, would I want to do that?

Flex held his bottle of juice in both of his hands, looking down on it from his perfect 20/20 vision. He squeezed the POM Wonderful dangerously close to collapse. His biceps popping a tiny vein that was on top of a tiny vein.

Mussél It's because, err...

Because I love her, Rambro. I love her and want to break her out.

The absurdity made Ramparte snicker. When he stopped, the laughter eerily kept going in an oily echo.

Really, Ramses? You'd rather listen to this bullshit than to break away and become a true star?

Isaiah "Isis" Israel, the holder of The List of The Slain, ceased his smoker's hack of a laugh and entered Cerberus's view.

Isis: Hiding out in a church...making plans that would have you arrested...this isn't you. This isn't completing your List of The Slain. I should have spoken up sooner, but now ya made me play my hand.

Ramparte regarded him coldly.

Ramparte: What business is it to you how I complete The List as long as it is completed?

Isis: It matters. You're not thinking of The Big Picture, here...

You stand no chance at obtaining the gold. You are about to shame the very name of the beast whose name you both have stolen. Give up this charade, Catalyst. You could have been a power player by now. IF you had chosen your allies more wisely...

Taking offense, The Monsieur of Muscle stepped up to Isis. Fury clenched his brows intently as he locked eyes with the demon wearing the soiled cravat.

If...If I may have a word, sirs.

From the stairs another man stepped into view. Tired and clutching his stomach, Ramparte's elderly butler Joseph "Morley" Morrel slid his hands over the walls of the belfry to keep balance.

Morley: I too have been quiet for far t-too long!

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.​

Heaving, Morley took one exhausted step after another to reach his employer. Godfrey Ramparte kept his hands firmly clasped on his mahogany cane; surprised at the fortitude his generally quiet and mousy servant was showing now.

Mussél went to his aid. Wrapping one feeble arm around his boulder of a shoulder, one half of Cerberus faced off against the other half.

Mussél: Listen to this man you abuse, Ramparte. What he says might be worth our time.

Morley: I've stood and watched your childhood die, Mr. Roading. I would have been a more braver man if I had known what would have become of you, I assure you. I've been under the employment of the Rampartes for over forty years. I knew what kind of man Esau was. But I didn't help you. I was a coward.

I thought it was penance to serve you after keeping silent for so long. But it would serve you best if you listen to me this one time.

This man, Francis Mussél, is your friend. Not your partner. Not your ally. Friend. You never had a true friend until you met him. Help him. He has helped you in more ways than one. You were never the social type until you met him. He is somebody that you can trust. Not this...

Morely turned to face Isis; new-found bravery setting in like an adrenaline rush.

Morley: Whatever deal you made can be unmade Ray Roading, surely. We are only humans in this world. Cerberus is eternal. They call their pay per view All or Nothing, don't they? You two give it your all and let nothing keep you from becoming WZCW Tag Team Champions.

Saying his piece, he let go of Flex and stood before Ramparte. The Catalyst looked to him, to Isis, and then to his partner.

Mussél: Friend, Partner..will you help me?

In the recesses of his mind, the cruelest of scenarios played out in his head. From his dull blue eyes a twinkle escaped like the madness that was soon to unfold. Smiling to Isis, he took one more glance out from the balcony and gave Morley something nobody expected:

a hug.

Holding him close, Ramparte whispered gently into the dead man's ear.

Ramparte: Shouldn't have called me Roading. Now fate will decide.

All or nothing...

With those final words, The Catalyst wrenched Morley towards the balcony and hung him over the railing.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.​

Frenzy set in very much like the frenzy soldiers find themselves in during battle. Morley screamed as he held onto him; one hand clutching the silver spider lapel pin. Mussél yelled and yelled, but Ramparte couldn't hear him. Malice painted Godfrey's face in brilliant strokes. Gritting his teeth, he started lowering his butler to certain death.

But then he saw her.

The sun was caught in her crimson hair; her gown lit aflame. The rush of wind swept her skirt in emerald fire. She was there- the woman that spoke so softly in his ear. The one who came to him in dreams. The angel appeared to him now in tremulous splendor, and only one word escaped her divine lips now.


Within that one word was something The Catalyst had never felt: hesitance. His eyes dropped down in contemplation and his grip on his servant tightened.

So she isn't some dream...

Ramparte yanked his butler back up onto the balcony and pushed him into a wall, leaving him writhing in fear and pain. Having seen what his partner saw, Mussél backed away, dumbfounded. Isis stayed eerily quiet.

The Catalyst gathered his senses as Erin faded away. He turned his sights on Morley.

Ramparte: It appears you have a guardian angel.

He bit his lip, deep in thought. Ramparte spoke up again, this time to his partner.

Ramparte: That settles it, then. I will help you in your absurd quest, friend.

Not truly understanding what transpired, The Healthiest Man Alive shook it off and nodded.

Mussél: Okay, bro. Thanks...

Smiling, The Man in White turned to speak to Isis, but he was already gone.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night...​

Ramparte: Now is the time for revelation.

Ramparte circled the brass bells one by one, sliding his hand over them.

Ramparte: Now is the time for The Third Head to wake.

He mildly taps the side of one. A very low thrum was heard.

Ramparte: For far too long we have played this game half-cocked. A Cerberus needs to be completely alert. Now is the time for The Third Head to open their eyes.

Mussél: Our mutual friend is on the horizon, Rambro. We need to give them a reason to get in the game. A win at All or Nothing would make a good catalyst, no?

Ramparte: Superheroes, dragons, and elitists. When their time is up, who waits for them in death?

Mussél: The mighty Cerberus!

With that, Flex grabs on to the lid of one bell and with all of his unholy strength, pushes it. The harsh tone of the bell is heard loudly. Morley winces from his fetal position; hands over his ears.

Ramparte: Los Magnificos Dragones's roar has been heard. Their roar deafened the world! But that roar was heard from deep below, and guess who has come knocking?

Getting into the spirit of things, the muscular teammate started punching the bell as Ramparte started striking it with his cane.

Mussél: Cerberus Knocks.

Ramparte: Protect me, Mussél. Protect me and I can take you to heights you have never been before!

Leaving the bells alone, Mussél finished off his pomegranate drink and gave his partner a respectful look. Tonight will be the night Svetlana is free and finally in his arms.

Mussél: Let us waste no more time. We will sneak through untold peril just like we will at All or Nothing. Nobody expects us to take the gold. Nobody suspects us to break her out. We are that dark horse err hound, eh? Those Hounds of Health.

Ramparte nodded and ceased his percussion. Morley gathered his senses and walked down the flight of stairs without a word to them. Mussél placed his music back into his ears as Night Ranger played some more. He too left for the white carriage.

Coming to the head of the exit, the narcissist stood abruptly still. Breathing in the atmosphere he could tell Erin Amarthe was there, listening. Eyeing him. He then heard her end the poem she had been reciting.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.​

Ramparte: Good~Night.

Scene fades to white.

Alone, confused, and shocked; all emotions felt by young Franklin as he stood motionless in disbelief that the love of his life Svetlana had just been carted off to jail by the F.B.I. He kept hoping it would be some horrible nightmare he would wake up from but after hours of waiting he realized he was just smacked with a cold hard piece of reality. He began to wonder the halls of Cholestoralia looking for his fellow campers in hopes they could console each other and find out what the next course of action should be. He searched everywhere he could think of, the weight room, the cabins, the fitness lounge; even the chapel built for the nonstop praise of Svetlana was empty. Flex couldn’t believe that all of his peers had left so quickly, it was almost like they were being held against their will.

Franklin proceeded to sulk into the wild forest that kept the camp hidden from the rest of the world. He began to reminisce on the camp’s annual Starving Games where campers would fight for Svetlana’s amusement. He was always victorious, however with her imprisonment all of his accolades meant nothing now. He couldn’t go home due to his parents abandoning him and subsequently forgetting about his existence. He had no family, no friends, no love, and no purpose to live on for.

Soon after he wandered the streets among the common man and became the Healthiest homeless man alive. He tilted cars and sung renditions of Journey songs for spare change. For a short period of time he even had a homeless buddy who fancied himself an alien. It wasn’t long before he abandoned Franklin as well in hopes of making in the big city at some place called WZCW. He continued wandering the streets using whatever minimal amount of money he had to get an eight minute abs workout. He’d religiously pan handle the corners and instead of looking for shelter, food, or even a job. Instead he worked to maintain the body Svetlana had provided him.

One day he was very fortunate to save up enough quarters to pay for half an hour on the treadmill but was interrupted by a middle age man who needed his help getting in shape for his tenth anniversary. That man turned out to be Bill the Executive (who currently has control over the financial part of Flex Fitness) and to reward Franklin’s favor he got him cleaned up and stuck him in a nice little condo. Soon after he realized how remarkably fit he was for a homeless man and used the sympathetic story to build a brand of fitness products for the common and unhealthy man. Flex Fitness shops began opening up all around the country bringing in money from people of all unhealthy shapes and sizes.

Franklin used his newfound wealth to secretly reopen Camp Cholestorlia to keep the memory of his forgotten love alive. Despite all that he had earned in his time away he still didn’t have any true friends, nor did he have the woman he loved.

The retrospective of Flex’s early life comes to a close as he withdraws from his flashbacks and back into reality. His focus is then drawn to his partner Ramparte who has seemingly been attempting to get his attention for some time now.

Ramparte: Are you finally done day dreaming?! We’ve got preparations that need to be made.

Flex: Apologies, I’m just very conflicted about these prices and deals.

The small squabble between the hounds of health becomes miniscule as the scene pans out to reveal Cerberus inside a home depot.

Flex: I mean the” buy three tables get the fourth free” sounds good but how can you leave out the “all ladders must go sale”? Don’t even get me started on the chairs….

Ramparte: Flex, I consider myself a pretty mysterious man but nothing has been more puzzling lately than your behavior. I mean aren’t you worried? I certainly am, and it’s not just about my face but also about us. Our reputation, our hopes and desires, all these things can be crushed in an instant as six other men look to take away everything we’ve worked so hard for.

Flex: Trust me Ram I realize the severity of our situation. A lot of people doubt us, they think we don’t deserve this shot, they believe we’re the weakest part of the tag division and that we just can’t compare to our competition. The Dragones have beaten us, Young Justice has beaten us, and even two thirds of The Elite has had us licking our wounds.

Ramparte: You’re not helping my confidence buddy.

Flex: Relax, I used to be a motivational speaker, this all has a purpose.

The monsieur of muscle clears his throat to continue his speech.

Flex: The gist of what I’m saying is none of our previous setbacks matter, if anything people doubting us should just make us even more motivated. You see I’ve done my research and there’s only been one tag team TLC match before. At Kingdome Come IV Runn Reynolds Runn defended the belts against B.L.T and Strikeforce. The Dragones are obviously triple R, two individuals who are a widely successful team but will soon realize their deep seeded jealously of each other will be there downfall.

Ramparte: El Califa will have to be worrying about his World title match later on.

Flex: A match I’m sure Amber Warren would rather see herself in. Young Justice is B.L.T, two well intentioned, talented, fun loving guys who just can’t see past their on foolish bravado. Once they realize winning the titles are just not an option for them they will be forced to go their separate ways.

Ramparte: Well that only leaves Strikeforce left, however there are two more teams in this match.

Flex: Correct you are, statistically speaking Showtime Cougar has more accomplishments alone than anyone in this match let alone combining his efforts with the rest of The Elite. Their new found alliance is the exact reason I’ve been trying to convince you a third head of Cerberus isn’t just wanted, but needed. We cannot let the hypocritical views of three veterans with a superiority complex hold us down. We need Svetlana. We deserve this opportunity Ram, after all you’ve been through, and after all I’ve endured in life. We can't wait around and let success just find us we have to climb to the top and take it. You see we don't want this because we're bad guys who hope people we don't like fail, we want this because life has caused us great pain in the past. I know there are some things you're not ready to share with me Ram but those things have done damage to you as a person. Me on the other hand, I was neglected, ignored, ridiculed, and homeless until a stroke of luck got me to the place I am today. I don't need luck anymore, all I need is a partner who is just as determined as me to succeed in life despite the obstacles thrown at them. I'm not just using you to get what I want, I want to help you become the happier person you're suppose to be buddy. I love you Ram!

The monsieur of muscle embraces his partner in a passionate hug. The catalyst would have quickly shrugged him off if it didn't look so heartfelt and real. It's almost quite embarrassing how much emotion the prophet of health is putting into it that Ramparte can't help but be moved by his words. Despite that, he still attempts to keep his cold demeanor.

Ramparte: Fine, I get it, I would love to give life the middle finger for what it's done to me. I also realize just how much of a threat the Elite alone is not even mentioning the Dragones and caped crusaders. I’m not happy about it but we do need someone watching our back. But shouldn’t we be figuring out how to break into prison rather than shopping for home renovation supplies?

Flex: Today we’re killing two birds with very weird looking stones my friend. We both need to become very acquainted with tables, ladders, and chairs before our epic encounter. So we will be using them to break my love Svetlana out of prison.

Ramparte: You’ve got to be kidding me…

The prophet of health quickly pulls out a credit card and flags down someone who works for the store.

Worker: Can I help you sir?

Flex: Indeed you can, take my credit card; I’ll be purchasing all your tables, ladders, and chairs.

Worker: Um….okay. I’ll need to find some of my coworkers it might take a little while to carry all that out.

Flex: No offense but do you guys even lift? I think I can handle this. Ramsy, tell Morley to back up the van near the entrance.

The catalyst calls his butler into position and opens up the van doors as the Flex stacks layers upon layers of the weapons that will be used in their title match and lifts them up. His pure strength is unmatched as he moves all the objects into the van. This process is repeated a few more times and within a minute or two the back of the van is filled to the brim with the appliances that will be used for pure destruction come All or Nothing. Flex takes back his card and Cerberus piles into the front of the van as Morley takes off.

Ramparte: Into the abyss we go it seems…

About an hour later

Cerberus and Morley can be seen in the van scoping out the area surrounding the minimum security prison while also finalizing plans.

Flex: If the schematics of this facility are correct, Svetlana is being held directly in the middle. We intend to enter the courtyard and trudge our way through from there.

Ramparte: If we do get her out how exactly do we plan to get away with this? Our professions don’t exactly allow us to escape the public eye.

Flex: I’ve got that covered my friend.

The prophet of health reaches into his duffle bag and emerges with an El Califa replica mask he hands to his partner and a Haven mask/cape he proceeds to apply to himself.

Flex: El Califa and Haven can’t compete at All or Nothing if they’re arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Ramparte: Our enemies can’t start the race if they can’t show up for it, brilliant Mussél.

Flex: I would have had Morley dress up as Amber Warren but his figure is all wrong.

The catalyst nods and dons the facial wear of the luchador as the hounds exit the vehicle and open up the back of the van where Flex unloads the tables, ladders, and chairs and tosses them over the barbed wire fence of the prison. The pair leaves one extra-large ladder they set it up against the fence and Ramparte uses his agility to quickly scale it and jump over the obstacle. However, as the prophet of health attempts to quickly scale the ladder and meet his partner on the ground the Haven cape is caught on the fence trapping Flex in mid-air and choking the life out of him. Ramparte struggles to help him but eventually the cape rips in half and he’s free much to his respiratory system’s delight. The pair of hounds unfortunately draw too much attention to themselves in their plunder and are met by a pair of guards targeting them with dart guns.

Ramparte: Are those tranquilizers?

Flex: *GASP*….*Cough* hope not, I pride my body on being free of harmful substances.

Guard #1: Put your hands behind your head and lie flat on the ground now!

Flex: Fear not keepers of the imprisoned, we are not your enemies but your heroes! I am Haven! Graduate of the Hero Academy, often seen with my equally annoying gamer sidekick Jonathan Hyada. Together we form Young Justice….the team that can easily be found and arrested at the TD, Garden of Boston Massachusetts at All or Nothing. You know…in case we should ever do something against the law…

Ramparte: Yes….and I am El Califa Dragon! Acclaimed wrestler, one half of the tag team champions, and also just by coincidence can be found in Boston Massachusetts for All or Nothing.

Guard #2: Something feels off here…why are you not with Amber Warren?

Ramparte: Well…um….

Flex: Obviously because he realizes she is inferior to him and therefore is focusing more on winning the world title than keeping the team intact.

Ramparte: Yes, let it be known to everyone that El Califa is superior to Amber Warren and are therefore handing the titles to Young Justice even though they are inferior to the team known as Cerberus.

Guard #1: Okay this is ridiculous on the ground now or we will put you down!

Cerberus quickly lunges for a table to shield themselves from the dart attack and charges the two guards squashing them in between the wooden weapon and the brick wall. They quickly recover but Ramparte bounces a steel chair off the face of one while Flex tackles and pins down the other. The monsieur of muscle waits for Ramparte to set up a table and then deadlifts the guard off the ground to power bomb him through it. The pair poses in dominance but the celebration doesn’t last long as other guards start to pour out into the courtyard. The hounds grab a ladder and use it to joust their way through the opposition and escape through a door leading to the inside of the facility and Flex uses his strength to barricade the door with the ladder.

Ramparte: I can’t tell if this is going according to plan or not.

Flex: Just wait buddy, by tomorrow morning a warrant for the arrest of Haven and El Califa will make our jobs much easier, coupled with Svetlana watching our back victory shall be sweet.

The conversation between the partners is interrupted as they notice a massive group of female inmates are standing behind them and they don’t seem to be pleased by the appearance of the men. The women all have crosses around their necks and most even have Michael Winters tattooed across their forearms.

Ramparte: I think we may have just met the religious zealot’s fan club…

Flex: It’s just as I feared, the power of The Elite knows no bounds!

As the inmates begin to close in looking to make their hero’s job easier the massive group of guards finally overpower Flex leading to a massive brawl with Cerberus caught in the middle. Ramparte attempts to cover his face but to no avail as fists, batons, and steel chairs run rampant in chaos that becomes insurmountable even for him. Flex grabs a steel chair and crawls through the violent frenzy to drag his partner away to safety. Battered and beaten with half torn masks just barely concealing their identities the friends continue on their misguided journey to save the monsieur of muscle’s love.

Flex: We're almost there!

The pair sprint and turn a sharp corner as a guard charges at them with a baton but Flex tosses a chair to him which he catches and Ramparte leap frogs over his partner and drop kicks the chair into the guard’s face! Flex grasps his legs and swings the guard into another one coming their way to clear their path.

Flex: It should be right around here!

Cerberus makes it to cell Svetlana is being held in but a gigantic lock is keeping them on the outside.

Ramparte: Don’t worry; I have a technique for this kind of stuff.

Flex: Fuck technique, I have muscle!

The healthiest man alive uses a steel chair to smash the lock to bits and he opens the door to an emotional brace from Svetlana.

Svetlana: Franklin my love! I didn’t think you’d ever come. Why are you and your cohort wearing such ridiculous masks?

Flex: My name’s Flex…but yes my dear I have come to save you. Ignore our disguises, just cloaks of our future fallen enemies.

An alarm immediately sounds that drowns out the conversation of the reunited lovers and scars the ears of Ramparte who hisses in displeasure.

Svetlana: They’re locking down the prison, we must escape immediately!

The trio sprint through the facility attempting to make it before the steel bars trap them in but they close before they even make it halfway.

Ramparte: What do we do? We’re trapped in here!

Svetlana: Stand back, no amount of steel can stop the combined strength of Franklin and Svetlana!

The two bodybuilders speed up their sprint and lunge themselves into the steel bars smashing through it to their escape. Ramparte follows closely behind as he signals for Morley to start up the van. The trio just narrowly piles in and Morley takes off before the guards can pursue.

Svetlana: Franklin, make love to me right here, right now!

Flex: Your wish is my command…






Flex: Wha…what happened? Where’s Svetlana?

Ramparte: You charged into the front door with a steel chair and were tazed. Lucky for Svetlana you having a seizure and distracted most of the faculty long enough for her to choke out a guard and escape through the sewers. While they were busy scrambling I dragged you back into the van and went back to my place.

Flex: So essentially we still succeeded right?

Ramparte: More or less…yeah.

Flex: Whoooo hoooo! Everything is going according to plan my friend! Step one completed; now we just focus on winning TLC.

Ramaprte: Well how do we intend to find Svetlana so she can help us?

Flex: I have a feeling the sight of shiny gold belts dangling in the air will be our Bat signal come All or Nothing.

Ramparte: I really hope this all works out in the end.

Flex: This battle is just the first of many my friend, this is the beginning of a true war for tag team dominance. A war that will end with Cerberus standing tall.

Ramparte: Hounds of Hell united.

Flex: Dragons, Heroes, and Elitists alike will realize when you cut off one head of Cerberus, more will continuously grow in it's place until the goal is accomplished.

Ramparte: Come Flex, destiny awaits us at the golden gates of glory. Cerberus will knock, and our prizes the tag team titles will answer.

The pair of hounds hi-five before leaving the room to continue their calculating preparation.
We open up to a scene where the double doors of El Califa’s gym have swung open bringing in with it the sun’s mighty rays. Lighting up that part of the gym, the camera pans around to show that the gym is empty except for El Califa lacing up his boots right on the ring apron. Through those double doors came his partner, Amber Warren. The two dragons share a nod to acknowledge each other’s existence. Amber sets her gym bag down on a nearby chair before wrapping her hands with tape.

El Califa: Is Amber Warren ready for today’s training?

A smirk forms on Amber’s face while she shakes her head. She bites off the last bit of tape she needs before placing it back inside her bag. She goes up to El Califa, almost sizing him up if you will.

Amber: First of all, let’s get something straight here El Califa. I’m only here because we need to be at our best for the TLC match we have at All or Nothing. Those other teams will be targeting us for sure and why wouldn’t they? We’re the superior team clearly.

El Califa simply stands still taking in what his tag team partner says. He folds his arms showing his intent on listening.

Amber: Secondly, we have to change what we’ve been doing in the ring. No more of this honor stuff. It just gets in the way of our real goal here and that’s to retain our tag team titles at any costs. That’s been working for a while but that’s because we’re just that damn good. But no more playing around El Califa. By any means necessary, get it?

Amber looks at El Califa looking for any indication if her tag team partner understood what she just said. El Califa still stands there with his arms crossed. Amber even clicks her fingers right in front of the masked warrior’s face to get any reaction.

Amber: Seriously El Califa! We have to start doing things my way. Haven’t you seen what my way has gotten us? Because of this new found aggressive side, I didn’t need you by my side. Not only that, but it allowed you to be in singles matches where you beat the #1 contender to the world title and the world champion himself!

The young dragon has a smile on her face. She pats her partner on the shoulder who clearly doesn’t share her enthusiasm.

Amber: You can thank me later for that by the way.

El Califa: No.....

Amber raises an eyebrow showing her displeasure at the response of her tag team partner. She shoots El Califa a stare as if she was asking for an explanation.

Amber: No? What do you mean no?

El Califa: El Califa does not agree with your request Amber Warren. What Los Magnificos Dragones has been doing in the ring is simply credited to the fact that we as a team are a well-oiled machine. Together, there is no team that can divide us. No team that can get us off our game when we’re on the same page.

Amber stays quiet letting her tag team partner say his peace.

El Califa: El Califa cannot abandon his honor. El Califa has not been impressed by Amber Warren’s immature and aggressive behavior lately. If that is the way that best suits Amber Warren then by all means, but that is not the El Califa way.

With that, the female dragon warrior shows her temper as she swats away the nearby chairs causing a ruckus. El Califa simply watches her throw a tantrum.

Amber: You know what El Califa? I’ve had enough of this. You never listen to me. Ever. We always have to do things your way. Your god damn way. Why can’t you ever listen to me for once? I know it’s not because I’m wrong because I sure as hell know that my way is working.

Amber’s voice grows intense with each word she spurts out. She is left breathing heavily a bit after having her say. However, a joker-like smile forms on the face of the young dragon.

Amber: I know you’re not a stranger to your violent side El Califa. I saw what lengths you went to to make Drake Callahan’s life a living hell. I loved that side of you El Califa. You think I made this match just to destroy the challenges that await us? Wrong. I did this not just for me, but for you as well.

El Califa tilts his head confused as to what Amber meant.

Amber: Yeah, you heard that right. I called for this TLC match because hopefully, it’ll bring out the best El Califa we’ve ever seen. I know how you are deep inside El Califa, you can’t fool me. Like I said, I saw what you did to Drake Callahan. I saw the hate you had for him. I saw how far you could go to achieve what you wanted with him. Hell, I think we only saw a glimpse of the kind of person you really are El Califa. I’m certain there is more than meets the eye.

El Califa holds the side of his head. He massages his temple with the first two knuckles on his hand. He remembers those dark times. These memories were all in the past but El Califa can remember them clearly.

Amber: You know what’s the best part about that El Califa I remember from the past?

Amber moves even closer towards El Califa who lowers himself a little since holding the side of his head.

Amber: He enjoyed causing pain. He enjoyed ensuing chaos for all those that have wronged him. Not only that, but you were almost lost in that dark hole you were in. I question why you even got out of there when everything was going right for you. You went to many extremes to get what you want but you cowered out at the end.

El Califa: No! You’re wrong......

Amber: I’m not wrong El Califa. The only reason you’re like this is because you remember. You remember how much fun it was back then. You need to cut this honor act you’ve going on. It’ll take you nowhere as far as I’m concerned. Plus, you owe me.

El Califa: El Califa owes you?

Amber: Yes, El Califa owes me. You owe me this as your last act as my tag team partner. Now that you’re abandoning me, the least you can do is just do what I say for Christ’s sake!

El Califa lowers his head once more. He had his hands on his hips as he’s in deep thought. Before long, El Califa balls his fist and pounds on the ring apron to vent his frustrations.

Amber: Listen to me El Califa. We as dragons need to be unleashed. We need to be hard-hitting, we need to be aggressive, we need to dismantle, we need to conquer our opponents in that TLC match. Aren’t you excited? Doesn’t it get your blood pulsing at how much damage we can do to our opponents?

With every word, Amber’s tone seemingly grew more and more excited.

Amber: Don’t you know that there’s a chance that someone’s career will be shortened in our match? Someone career could end in that match! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will El Califa. And the best part about this is that they won’t have anyone to blame but themselves. It’s their fault for going after our titles. If they really think they can pry these titles away from me, then they’ve got another thing coming to them.

A maniacal laugh escapes Amber as she looks directly at her partner.

Amber: But if for whatever reason you choose to be selfish like I think you will, then you’re on your own El Califa. You’re leaving me and Nate behind. You’re turning back on your own word. Where’s the honor in that? Leaving your own tag team partner, someone you consider your best friend, someone who’s like family to you. And for what? For furthering your own selfish needs. You talk a whole lot about honor but do you see what you’re doing? Hypocrite.

El Califa: Amber, what you need to understand is that all of this was never about himself like you think it is. El Califa does not blame you for thinking this way because it sure does look worse than it seems.

The masked warrior picks up one of the chairs tossed around by Amber and levels it as he takes a seat. He even sets one up for Amber who scoffs at the gesture as she chooses to stay on her feet.

El Califa: El Califa did not ask for this world title match in the first place. El Califa has always valued the friendship and camaraderie that he has with the Warren siblings and nothing can change that. But damn it Amber!

Suddenly, El Califa’s voice changes to one of anger which surprises Amber.

El Califa: If Amber Warren were given the same opportunity, will she not do just as El Califa did and seize the opportunity? El Califa has worked too damn hard in this so called life of his not to take this opportunity of a lifetime.

Amber glares at El Califa clearly not impressed by what El Califa just said.

El Califa: El Califa is saddened by the fact that Amber Warren does not see what he sees. Amber Warren talks of El Califa being a hypocrite, but Amber Warren will more than likely do the same as El Califa has done. Does Amber Warren not see it? Los Magnificos Dragones will always be El Califa Dragon and Amber Warren. El Califa appreciates all that Amber and Nate has done for him these past couple months. Once the dragons retain their tag team gold, El Califa will even support Amber Warren no matter who she chooses as a partner to replace El Califa Dragon. But El Califa is hoping that Amber Warren will understand that there is no bigger opportunity in this industry than to fight for the World Heavyweight Championship. El Califa has to take this opportunity and do the best he can!

El Califa stands from his chair as he raises a fist to prove his last point. But Amber is still not impressed. Instead, she gets close to El Califa, really close, they’re practically nose to nose.

Amber: Do whatever you want El Califa. You can’t say I didn’t warn you, but know this.

The two dragons stand face to face there for a while with neither of them backing down.

Amber: In Amber Warren’s book, El Califa does not have the cahones to do what is needed to win the World Title.

Amber uses her pointing finger and jabs it onto El Califa’s chest to make sure El Califa heard her right.

Amber: El Califa will always be the lower of Los Magnificos Dragones. No one will remember you as the one who took things into his own hands. They will only remember Amber Warren, the one who made this team work from day one. El Califa will never be the main attraction as long as this good guy of honor act continues. And most importantly....

Amber tiptoes and whispers into El Califa’s ear.

Amber: El Califa will NEVER accomplish anything more without the Dragon Queen at his side.

Amber leaves her tip toes as she shoves her partner back causing El Califa to stumble to the nearby wall. As he finds his bearings, Amber flashes El Califa a smirk.

Amber: Beware the Dragon Queen El Califa.

With that, the Dragon Queen had the got the last word in this war of words between the two dragons. She does nothing but shoot El Califa a wink before her pretty smile goes away in favor of a cold, hard stare towards the masked warrior.
Ephesians 6 said:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

The scene opens inside Michael Winters hotel room high above the sprawling metropolis below. The curtains are nearly pulled shut, allowing only a small streak of light to burst into the room. The shadows dance overhead Michael as he tosses and turns in his bed, mirroring the violent struggle seen below. The light gradually begins to envelop the room as the sun peaks its head over the horizon, waking Michael from his slumber and alleviating him of the struggles within himself, if only for a short time.




The alarm on Michael’s phone had gone off and he was now fully alert. He sat up in his bed and swung his legs over the side, two massive tree trunks rooting themselves to the floor below and grabbed his phone which sat atop his journal on the nightstand beside the bed. Michael stood up and rubbed at his eyes, trying to dust the cobwebs off and walked across the room to the window, checking his phone and throwing the curtains open. The light poured in and swallowed up the remaining darkness as Michael met its warm embrace and read a text message from David Cougar detailing their itinerary for the day. Michael would be flying on his first private jet today and was excited, the lavish lifestyle still surprising him every day.

Michael began to tidy up the room, a habit from his time spent in prison. After a few minutes the room looked presentable enough and Michael started to pack his things. Clothes, tooth brush, razor and of course his bible along with the hotel room bible were all packed securely into his one suitcase. He knew the bible would go to waste with there being a layer of dust on the cover and could find better use for it than the poor saps who stayed at these establishments.

He had always been a simple man, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans was enough for him but his new found relationship with David Cougar and John Constantine had opened his mind to the finer things in life and required a more professional and refined appearance. His suit hung freshly pressed from the hotel room door as he checked his watch, his limo was scheduled to be there shortly. Michael quickly put his suit and cross necklace on and went to clean himself up in the bathroom. Satisfied with his appearance he double checked the room and noticed he nearly forgot his journal, still sitting atop the end table beside his bed. He went over and stuffed it in his inside jacket pocket, grabbed his luggage and headed for the elevator.

Once on the main floor, he moved his way through the empty lobby and returned his key card to the front desk. A door man cordially greeted Michael and opened the door for him as Michael gave him a curt nod, not used to strangers or anyone for that matter doting on him. It didn’t take long for the limo to arrive, all expenses had been paid by David Cougar. A man stepped out of the driver’s seat and approached Michael.

Driver: Mr. Winters, I presume? There aren't that many 6'7 men I pick up so you must be him. Let me get that for you.

The driver motions to his suitcase and Michael reluctantly hands it over to him.

Michael Winters: Sorry, this… lifestyle is still a bit new to me.

Oh, it’s no problem at all, sir. I’m sure you’ll get accustomed to it in no time.

The driver took Michael’s suitcase and gently put it into the trunk of the limousine. He walked around to the rear passenger side door and motioned for Michael to step inside. Winters got in and stretched out as the driver closed the door behind him and made his way around to the driver’s side and got behind the wheel. He rolled down the window that separated the front of the car from the back as Michael continued to get accustomed to the lavish vehicle. Flat screen television, every kind of liquor you could imagine was present along with a few chilled bottles of water which Michael reached for. He twisted one open and took a sip as the limo driver pulled out of the lot and headed down the road towards the airport.

So, where to?

The airport.

Roger that, business or pleasure if you don't mind me asking?

A bit of both if you must know.

Sorry, don’t mean to pry. Just trying to make some friendly conversation.

Michael finds a button to his right on the arm rest and presses it, rolling up the partition separating the two. He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out his journal and flips it to a blank page. Having not talked to Him in many days Michael had a lot to discuss and began to write.

Journal said:
Hello Father, forgive me for not seeking out your guidance earlier but I have been a busy man these past few weeks. Still, it is no excuse and I hope you will listen to my words. It has been a troubling few weeks for me as I struggle to find a balance between spreading your word and facilitating this new partnership with David and John. I take solace in the fact that you saw fit to reward myself and Mr. Constantine with a victory once again on Meltdown. I still find myself questioning Mr. Cougar's tactics and whatever means he used to obtain the matches for The Elite at All or Nothing.

John is undoubtedly deserving of a championship match but was it really your will to have Showtime and myself be thrust into the spotlight like this after our loss against the tag team champions only a few weeks ago?

The window separating the two men opened once again, interrupting Michael’s personal time with Him. Visibly annoyed Michael looked up from his journal and stared at the man in the rear-view mirror.

I don’t mean to interru…

That’s exactly what you’re doing.

Oh, my apologies but I just thought you looked a tad familiar and was wond...

Unless you want to speak to me about our Father above then I have nothing to discuss with you.

I’m not a very religious man to be hone..

Michael had heard enough and reached over to the arm rest and rolled the window up again and looked back down at his journal to pick up where he left off.

Journal said:
I have heard rumors that Mr. Cougar employs alternative methods to get what he wants and Mr. Constantine himself has warned me of his ways but I leave it up to you to show me the correct path.

I want to meet your foes head on and be your just hand and champion here on Earth. I yearn for the day when the WZCW is free of all the heathens and unworthy competitors who have held the company by the throat for too long and must trust in your judgment and hope you will show me the light soon enough.

Should I partake and encourage these backroom dealings and sacrifice my integrity in your name? Is this what you truly want? For so long I have used my skills to combat those that oppose you inside the ring but I guess it is time to step outside of the squared circle and do whatever must be done to spread your word.

I look for your guidance in the coming days and pray you will show me the way. The true meaning behind this partnership with David Cougar has not yet been revealed unto me but I trust that come All or Nothing you will show me the light and lead me further down my path to salvation. I have been working hard to spread your word and further my studies and hope to one day be able to fill the shoes of Father Fournier. I hope you are treating him well, he was a very dear friend and I hope my work here on earth has helped solidify his position by your side.

Father Carlson seems like a wise and just man. I appreciate you sending him to guide me on my journey and I value his word.

The limousine comes to a stop and Michael realizes they’ve already arrived at the airport. He marks his page with his pen and puts the journal back into his jacket pocket. The driver opens the door and ushers Michael outside, not as friendly as when the two first met. The driver goes around to the back of the vehicle and retrieves Michael’s luggage and hands it over to him on the curb. He then stands there idly with his hand out for a moment before Michael finally asks him what he wants.

What is it you want? I thought this was paid for by Mr. Cougar?

It is of course, it’s just customary to tip the driver. I know you said you are new to this so anything is appreciated, sir.

Michael reached into his suitcase and pulled out the bible he took from the hotel room earler, placing it in the man’s hands.

There you are, there is no greater gift in this world than His word.

The man scoffed at Winters' overbearing gift and tried to hand it back to Michael as Michael pushed himself past the man and headed into the airport…


The scene reopens outside of the St. Mary of the Angels Church in Chicago. A camera crew is seen outside the church as a limousine pulls up and Michael Winters steps out and onto the sidewalk. The camera crew and what appears to be a redheaded woman rush towards Michael as the driver hands him his luggage.

Becky Serra: Mr. Winters, can I get a moment of your time please?

Michael Winters: Only a moment, His work never ends and I cannot afford to exchange in meaningless drivel when there is so much work left to be done.

I’m just wondering, now that you’re officially working with Constantine and Showtime, what is your role in this and what brought you three together?

It’s simple, Miss Serra. If you were paying any attention to Meltdown we let our intentions be known to everyone clear as day. We are here for a common goal, to rid the WZCW of everyone unworthy of His blessings and to cleanse this industry. The Elite will be the only ones left standing atop the mountain when His work is done. There are too many men and women in this company who have been placed above us and it is time for them to fall from grace and be put in their position below the worthy ones.

You have a big match coming up at All or Nothing, do you think Showtime and yourself can be victorious against such unfavorable odds in the Fatal Four-way match?

Unfavorable odds? You mistake me for a common man, a slight I will let slide only this one time. I am a man of faith, Miss Serra. It is not up to any of us who wins or who loses come All or Nothing. I leave it in His hands to bestow His blessings upon The Elite as I am positive we will give a worthy showing in His honor. Who better and more deserving than a former Elite X Champion and a former three time WZCW Heavyweight Champion to be given the honor of holding the Tag Team Championships?

Some would argue that Los Magnifcos Dragones are unbeatable at this point. Not to mention the two other teams who you will be going up against, neither one of you even have to be pinned to lose the match.

Unbeatable? No. A challenge? Yes, but that is what I was put on this earth to do. I am here to champion His cause and thwart any threats to His word and His will. Cerberus has already fallen by the wayside of The Elite and this group that refers to themselves as Young Justice will surely share the same fate. These ignorant young men do not even realize they stand in the way of His will and their disregard for His blessings will be their undoing.

With Showtime at my side I would argue that we are unbeatable, He was only sending me a message the last time we faced the Dragones. El Califa is a greedy coward who hides behind a mask, not grateful for the blessings He has already bestowed upon him. He should be content with what he's been given but instead he takes advantage of a weak minded and weak bodied woman while having his delusions of grandeur. I will not take His blessings for granted a second time and He will reward myself for my unwavering faith in His word by bestowing the WZCW Tag Team Championships unto The Elite.

How can you be so certain “He” as you put it is on your side? Wouldn’t you think that God loves everyone equ…

At that comment Michael’s blood began to boil and his face became visibly flushed, the anger beginning to pour out of every pore. Father Carlson can be seen exiting the Church in the distance as Michael steps closer towards Miss Serra.

You listen here, Miss Serra. The only reason I have not struck you down where you stand is because you are an innocent, fragile woman and I will not lower myself to that level. Amber Warren will not be so lucky, she is a plague who must be dealt with swiftly and unmercifully. The Dragones will not see the light at the top of the ladder, I will make sure of that in His name.

It was just a question, I didn’t mean any..

Michael wants to strike Miss Serra with every fiber of his being but Father Carlson intervenes just in time before Michael can act on his impulses. He grabs Michael by the shoulder and directs him towards the Church, looking back at the camera crew.

Father Carlson: My apologies dear, but this interview is over.

They reach the door of the Church and head inside, Michael still fuming as the scene fades to black…
Scene opens backstage at Ascension. The camera zooms in on a door and we see on the name plate that it is the office of WZCW owner Kenneth Banks. The sound of the door handle turning is heard and stepping out of the room is "Showtime" David Cougar. The door clicks shut behind him and he turns and nods his head to the side. The camera turns and we see standing outside the room is John Constantine and Michael Winters. They both nod their heads as the camera pans out to fit all of them onscreen. They turn and walk down the hall and the scene ends.


Scene reopens at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The airport is very busy with many travelers of all sorts of shapes and sizes walking around the view of the camera, each going off to their chosen destinations. In the distance Showtime and Constantine stand with their backs to the camera, looking out a large window and watching the planes take off and land. The camera slowly zooms in on them, and as we get past all the groups of people walking by we see Winters sitting by himself cross legged. His head is lowered as if he is in silent prayer. The camera continues past him until we are right behind Showtime and Constantine.

Showtime: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the fate of so many people in the palm of your hands?

Constantine turns and looks over at Showtime. A smirk spreads across his face followed by a chuckle.

Constantine: You're forgetting that I was once a very highly touted politician.

Showtime: You and I both know that politicians have very little real power in this country. For one, there's far too many of them to be able to get anything done. The whole system is bogged down by layers and layers of bureaucratic waste, preventing any real big changes from occurring. There are far too many yes men and people who want to see nothing but there own ideas pushed for that to happen. Billionaires have far more power in the White house than any politician and that includes the president.

Constantine ponders for a moment and nods his head in agreement.

Showtime: An airplane pilot on the other hand, holds the fate of all his passengers in his hands. He is responsible for ensuring that they all make it to their destination in life. He alone holds the power over whether they get to where they want to, or whether they all come crashing down.

Constantine: So we're airplane pilots then.

Constantine says this with a bit of smug humour. Showtime turns to his partner and shakes his head.

Showtime: Oh we are much more than pilots of our own destination. More accurately speaking, we are Kings!

Constantine: Let's not rehash an old gimmick here. All empires fall and that is not something that we want to duplicate.

Showtime: You know what I meant by it. Gods amongst men, makers of our own world. We three soldiers have finally rid WZCW of a tired old veteran and made our voices heard. And did we receive any punishment or backlash for our actions?

Constantine: No we didn’t. Said Constantine grinningly.

Showtime: Exactly, because they know how valuable we are to this company. We aren’t one hit wonders or novelty acts. We’re proven talent that know what it takes to win. We provide for this company what so many others can’t, and that’s why we are now getting exactly what we want. If there’s one thing we can take from the horrible situation going on in Ukraine is that if you are powerful and influential enough, the world will simply roll over and provide you with lenience. The Elite are that powerful force and Mr. Banks would be very wise to keep us happy if he wants his precious company to stay afloat.

Constantine nods his head again and then glances back at Winters, who still has his head lowered deep in prayer.

Constantine: Are you absolutely sure he's ready for this?

Showtime: You should know, you’ve teamed with him more times than I have.

Constantine: That is true, and he did pick up the win both times for us. Maybe it would’ve been wise for me to have teamed up with him instead of you.

Showtime: Absolutely not, I disagree with you. First, you deserve this match and the chance to challenge for the WZCW Title. Second, Winters came to my aid before and I owe it to him to help push him to the top in WZCW. I can tell you though that he doesn’t need much pushing. He’s picked up right where he’s left off and a win at AON will do big things for him.

Constantine: It will be do big things for all of us, for The Elite.

Showtime: Exactly, we are all in this together. The Tag titles, the Elite X title, soon they be part of the greatest group of wrestlers this company has ever known. Then it is on to Lethal Lottery where nothing will stop us. Mark my words John, by the time Kingdom Come ends The Elite will reshape WZCW for the better.

A women's voice speaks over the intercom. Flight 416AB Washington D.C. is now boarding.

Constantine: Well I guess this is goodbye then. I’ll see you both the day before All or Nothing.

Showtime turns to his Constantine and shakes his hand. Winters gets up from his seat and shakes Constantine’s hand before he grabs his carry-on luggage was walks to the loading doors. Winters stands next to Showtime, who stares through the window at the sun beams shining through the clouds as the scene ends.


Scene opens inside Showtime’s private jet. Bright colourful lights fill a room and a DJ mixes a couple of the latest club tracks. Showtime emerges from the back room with a drink in hand and a bottle in the other. He walks by a stage where three scantily clad dancers are performing. Showtime’s plane makes the former Hooters Airlines look like a Sunday Church plane. Showtime walks through the black curtain to a normal looking part of the plane. The music can only be faintly heard as Showtime walks towards Winters who is seated by the window.

Showtime: I was actually able to find you some water. Not sure how it got on here though.

Showtime hands Winters a bottle of water and sits down beside him. Winters nods at Showtime and sips the water and then closes it as he resumes looking out the window.

Showtime: I apologize Michael, I know our individual lifestyles don’t exactly match up.

Winters: That is alright. It is not my place to put judgement on how you live your life. Only to provide hope and faith to people who need it.

Showtime: And that’s exactly what we’re doing Winters. Providing hope and faith to the fans that WZCW will once again be the premier wrestling company it once was. To provide hope and faith to every hard working wrestler trying to catch a break in this company. Michael you have shown me that light and restored faith in myself and this company.

Winters: And you as well David.

Showtime: This is what I like about us Michael. It doesn’t matter that we are different people who come from different backgrounds. We understand what’s right and needs to be done and we, alongside John, will save WZCW. The Elite will restore hope and faith in everyone affected by this company.

Winters nods his head and smiles before taking another sip of water.

Showtime: You see troubled. Tell me Michael, what is on your mind.

Winters looks down in thought and then up at Showtime and speaks.

Winters: I’ve been thinking a lot about what we did these past few days and whether this is truly how He wants me to succeed in WZCW.

Showtime: Michael you have found success in WZCW. He led you to this company and you found success almost immediately. It has been the work of others that has kept you off the path that He has chosen for you. The devil is often disguised in the most unlikely of places and the jealousy and hatred of others has prevented you from reaching greater heights. He is finally rewarding you for your years of suffering.

Winters: I don’t disagree the journey has proven harder than I could have expected, sometimes unfair, nor do I have any doubts in my abilities to succeed. It’s the manner in which it has all come about so fast that isn’t sitting well with me.

Showtime takes a sip of his drink and sits back a little.

Showtime: And how is that exactly?

Winters: The tag title match was announced weeks ago and suddenly with little explanation you and I have been inserted into the match. And then there’s John who is going to face the winner of the Elite X Title match at AON that very same night.

Showtime: Do you feel that you should be in John’s place?

Winters: No, of course not. He is as deserving of the match as you or I. It won’t just be a victory for him, it’ll be a victory for all of us, for The Elite. As well, it is a honour to team with you again in such an important match.

Showtime: Then what is the trouble?

Winters: It seems that we stepped in front of others to get these matches. As difficult as it is to truly weigh who is deserving and who isn’t, we are united to help make a better WZCW.

Showtime: Mmmhmm, that is true, but it is also true that to make change happen you have to create it. You can’t expect change to happen on its own.

Winters nods his head in agreement.

Showtime: We three are equally as good in the ring and we are as deserving as anyone else on the roster. All that we have done is reminded people about who we are and what we can accomplish as one. Our voices were heard and faith was entrusted upon us. It is up to us now to follow though with that trust.

Winters nods his head again and takes another sip of water as Showtime downs the rest of his drink. Winters smiles and looks out the window again. Showtime puts his glass down and places a hand on Winters shoulder.

Showtime: You and I don’t have the same view regarding religion, but I understand your feelings towards whether this is the path He had in store for you. I think everyone in life has a plan that they are supposed to follow through in life. Many of us deviate of that path and usually it leads us down the wrong path. Sometimes though, the things we do lead to greater things than I think even He could’ve possibly foreseen. Take flying for example. I don’t he think he ever expected man to fly alongside the heavens, but here we are right now and just look at it.

Screen shot outside the plane shows it flying through big puffy clouds. The sun is beginning to set behind the plane and the clouds shine golden yellow.

Showtime: Sometimes in life, we have to take things in our own hands to make the world a better place. Sometimes man leads his own destiny. The Elite are destined the save WZCW and all will be understood and accepted when our mission is completed. It’ll all be for the greater good and He will bless us for our work.

Winters turns back to Showtime and nods his head. A smile breaks out and Winters appears relaxed for the first time since boarding the plane.

Winters: So, what’s the plan then for All or Nothing. Do you think we will be able to win our match?

Showtime: Michael, I’ve seen you compete three times and you more then held your own in each match. Twice you’ve picked up the victory. I have no doubt in my mind that you will rise to the occasion and perform miraculously. He gave you his blessing to do great things in WZCW and at All or Nothing we will do great things. You have my word, with your talent and my knowledge we will both be standing on the top of that ladder victorious, in all His glory.

Winters and Showtime shake hands and Showtime excuses himself to grab a drink.


Scene reopens several days later. Showtime is backstage at the live house show at Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport Connecticut. Constantine and Winters are teaming up to take on the make shift team of Fallout and Amber Warren when Leon Kensworth approaches Showtime.

Kensworth: Showtime, do you think I’d be able to ask you a few questions regarding your match at All or Nothing.

Showtime: Go right ahead Leon. I’ve seen enough of this match to know my team will come out on top.

Kensworth: Alright Show, now there’s been a lot of controversy of late surrounding how The Elite managed to snag themselves into two title matches at All or Nothing this week. Is there any truth to the rumour that you have Mr. Banks inside your back pocket.

Showtime: Oh Leon, you don’t possibly believe every rumour you hear around here?

Kensworth: This rumour came from somebody who is normally a reliable source.

Showtime: Reliability needs to be called into question here. There is nobody out there that can be considered reliable anymore. Everybody has an angle and is trying to put something over someone else. Take Los Magnificos Dragons for example. El Califa preaches about trust and fighting with honour and working together, but what has he done lately for Amber. Nothing, that’s what. El Califa has shown his true colours, he is fighting for only himself. The way he put one over Amber and stole a pin against me and Winters one month ago. The fact that he has now been added to the WZCW World Title match shows that he cares nothing about Amber or the Tag Team titles. El Califa is prepared to throw it all away for a chance at singles immortality, and what’s poor Amber to do aside from whine and complain to El Califa that he is holding her back. Truth is El Califa was carrying her and now that his mind is on something he considers far greater, I feel more comfortable than ever when I say that All or Nothing will be the end of the Los Magnificos Dragons.

Kensworth: Bold words Show, and what do you make of the other two teams in this contest, Cerberus and Young Justice.

Showtime: You want a good reason why me and Winters have been added to this match then look no further than at these two teams. This match was greatly lacking in star power, hell it’s fair to say that all of WZCW is lacking in star power. The Dragons would’ve had an easy time picking apart these two teams even with them bickering like an old married couple. Cerberus and Young Justice may well have a bright future in WZCW one day, but for now they just a couple of teams thrown together to help make the division look like something. WZCW is not building stars, they are recycling worn our gimmicks and cliches and pandering to the lowest common denominator. The Elite are the very best of WZCW and at All or Nothing we will at last take off and reach our goals. By the end of the evening, we will hold three title belts and our message will be heard loud and clear by everybody in the locker room. Then it won’t be long before the hard working wrestlers in the back push themselves to the limits for a chance to join us. We will create stars from the bodies that we will lay waste to, because we are the true stars of this company and everybody knows it. The future is now, The Elite are the future.

Michael Winters and John Constantine walk up behind Showtime following their match. Showtime looks back at the two who nod their heads approvingly. Showtime turns back to Leon and smiles as he walks away with the rest of his group as the scene ends.
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