All or Nothing: Ricky Runn (c) vs. Triple X vs. El Califa Dragon (World Championship)

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Three Days Before All Or Nothing...

'So, how are you going to do this?'

I glance over to look at Talia as I pull myself up. My arms are stinging, but I continue to perform pull-up after pull-up. I pause eventually, and turn my head back to her.

'What do you mean, how?'

'Well, before you had just one world class opponent to worry about. Now you have two. Kinda a game changer, don't you think?

'You really think you ned to tell me that?' I continue to pull myself up as i continue talking. ' I difficult...this gonna be.'

'Then why the hell don't you seem worried by it?'

I finally drop down from the bar, shaking both arms as if that would somehow make the pain go away. 'Because I don't need to be.'



'See, I gotta disagree with you there. You're facing the reigning World Champion who has defied every odd so far to hold that title, and one half of one of the most dominant tag team champions of all time. Both are brutal, both are ruthless, and both have a point to make. Not to mention you've lost to both-'

'El Califa got lucky!'


'And Runn never pinned me in the Cell. In fact, he won off of my move-'

'-which now this match is a triple threat, is something you're gonna have to watch out for. The same could easily happen again.'

'It won't. That time i was beaten black and blue by Blade beforehand. This time I will be fresh, prepared and hungry.'

'You sure have an answer for everything, don't you?'

'One of my many fine qualities, right?'

'Not what I was going for.'

I can tell from this comment that something is up. I approach her and put my handon the back of her neck, stroking softly in one spot.

'I've got this. Don't worry.'

'Thats the problem Xander.' She pulls away and walks into the hallway. 'This is the biggest match of your life. This is your chance to prove you are the greatest. And you're acting as if its nothing. Whats the deal?'

'The deal is that nothing good will come of stresing and worrying. It won't help me win the title. I went into my match against Steven Holmes at All Or Nothing last year with the weight of the world on my shoulders and it crushed me. I went into the Cell at Unscripted at the last minute with no time to even think about worrying, and I come closer than most of the asshats on th roster ever will to becoming World Champion. I earned this opportunity. I deserve to be in this match. Thats why I'm not worrying.'

I place my hand on her cheek and a smile grows across her face, before she wraps her arms around me into a huge bearhug.

'You've got this.'

'I've got this.'

Before anything else can be said, my apartment doorbell echoes through the hall.

'I'll get it.'

I pick up my discarded shirt from the training room and throw it back on before heading to the door. I grab the handle and pull tthe door open. I'm not really sure who to expect, as I don't really get many visitors, but all of the options seem so obvious when my eyes meet those of the person waiting to come in.

The eyes, that is, that belong to my mother.

I have never been accused of being particularly macho, but any accusations that there were are now null and void as I am transported to feling like a twelve year old who has just skipped school, as my mom walks casually through the door.

She wanders straight into the lounge and takes a seat on the couch. Her eyes met mine, and she extends her arm towards an empty armchair.

'We need to talk.'

Begrudgingly, I walk in to the room and take a seat.

'Xander, who was it?'

Talia walks in and stops dead in her tracks at the sight of my mother.

'Oh...I err...I just need to go and do...'

Before she can finish whatever sentence she was making up, she has left the room.

'Beautiful girl.'

I turn back to my mother, who is looking not at me, or the doorway, but out of the window.

'She is.'

'You should bring her round some time.'


'If you can remember where your mother lives, that is.'

'I've been busy-'

'Busy? Too busy to see your mother? Too busy to let her know you're okay? Really?'

I can't answer. I want to, but the words get caught up, clogged in my throat.

'And all for what? So you can play pantomime villain with kids around the world?'

'That's not what-'

'Isn't it? Then what is it Xander? Tell me, please.'

I sit there for a moment, loking down at the ground, before mumbling;

'I want to be the best.'

'What was that??'

'I want to be the best.'

'Oh, so that's it. So it's okay for you to forget your family, your friends, all so you can go and be the best. And before you try to say it, yes, I know you have a title match coming up. And I know it must be terribly important to you. But do you know what' important to me? Family. You, and your father. No matter what your faults are, you are both my family and I love you both. But you both shove the ones you love away for some idiotic reason or another. Your father tried to prove he was right. You're trying to show you're the best at something.'

She stands up and walks over to me, kneeling down and placing her hands over mine.

'You don't need to be the best, sweetheart.'

I feel it burning up inside of me. Anger, hate, disgust, every feeling and emotion of the negative sort venting out of me. I begin to shake, I can feel my pours opening with sweat, and my stomach begins to backflip. I force myself to my feet and walk towards the window, leaning on the frame. My need, my desire to win the championship is all consuming, and it shall not be belittled.


'You...just...don't...get it...'

'Xander please, thats enough.'

'No, it isnt! Why can't you understand that? It isn't enough till I become Champion!'

I swing my arm out and knock a photoframe off of the ledgesmashing it into a million peices. I stay staring at my mother, unconcerned by the carpet of glass now residing on the floor.

'You wanna know why I left? Because I was surrounded for the longest time by remiders of my failures. So I went away, and I discovered something. If you wanna make it, you need to know when to cut your losses. I found my soulmate, the woman I love and I decided she was all I needed. And since then? I've been nearly unstoppable. So sorry if this hurts mom, but I don't need you anymore.'


'No mom. Not this time. Now get out.'


'GET OUT!!!!'

I turn away back to the window, determined not to meet my moms stare. Eventually, I hear her footsteps, followed by a slam of the door.

I stand there, alone with my thoughts, until finally Talia re-enters. she wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my back.
'You're the only one who truly understands me.'

'Everyone needs someone.'

I turn to face her. 'I only need you.'

She smiles, and I kiss her.

'You ready for the show?'

'We have one more stop first.'



The Next Day...

Bridgeport, Conneticut

The Webster Bank arena is buzzing with anticipation for the start of the show. A selection of WZCW's finest have been promised to appear in front of a sold out crowd, all of whom have taken their seats and are ready for the show.

Then the lights go out.

There's the odd scream from a crowd member messing about, but for the most part there is a confused silence. The minitron on the stage remains black, until finally static appears. It remains as static for a few moments, until finally it cuts to a figure in a black hood. He is barely visible, save for the light shone on him by the operator of the camera. The crowd roars as it realises who it is, positively for the surprise, and negatively for the identity behind it. For the identity is Triple X.

'Ladies and gentlemen, I am serving notice to you all. Mark the date and location on your calendars, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your children and your children and your childrens children, pass this down for generations to come; April 27th in Boston, All or Nothing 201 marks the end of the age of Swag!'

This statement is met with a triumphant roar from the crowd, regardless of who is saying it.

'Ricky Runn. You did it. You defied the odds and proved a whole world wrong. You did what a guy like Ricky Runn isn't supposed to do, and became the World Heavyweight Champion, and I do commend you for that. No, I admire you for that. And children will sing songs about your title reign for years to come, I'm sure. So savour it Rick. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because in two nights, it's all over.'

The crowd roars with approval again, though there are more boos directed at this proclamation that the previous one.

'And it's all over for you, El Califa. Yeah, you, I'm talking to you, you mask wearing bastard. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but ass-kising your way into this match, a match that I earned, was the biggest mistake of your life, esse. The idiotic idea of you being a main event wrestler dies at All or Nothing. You will lose your tag team title, you will lose this match, and you will lose your dignity at my hands, and there will be nothing left of you to hide inside a mask.'

The crowd boos at X's comments in disgust. On the tron he is clearly moving, walking towards somewhere.

'See, I have no idea if either of you are here tonight. But I know you'll both hear this. And if you don't listen to anything else I say then burn this one statement into your ears, and remember it for the rest of your days. Triple X is your next World Champion, and you are the two that will make it posible.'

More boos reign down, until a small handful fo cheers and screams echo in one corner of te arena. Soon it becomes apparent that the straight edge superstar is walking through the crowd! In front of him, holding both a camera and a torch is Talia, who hops the guardrail before he does the same.

'You see, you people need to understand something.'

X and Talia both enter the ring, a spotlight now descending.

'At All or Nothing, it really is that. One man walks out a legend, the other two walk out as losers. And I will beat Ricky Runn, and your false idol El Califa Dragon, and there will be no doubt left in anyones mind that I am the rightful World Heavyweight Champion. This is the reality that faces you. Welcome the Straight Edge Era!'

The spotlight and titantron both cut out, and the arena is dropped back into pure darkness again. A few seconds pass, before the lights come back on in full, leaving an empty ring. Save for one thing. In black paint, freshly applied, a gold 'X' from corner to corner on the mat.
???: Come gather around. I have a tale to tell you.

The sound of a match being struck, and the illumination of a flame sparks as the scene opens to a small dark room, a single large white candle lit in front of a cloaked woman, the purple velvet hood pulled up over her head, while her raven locks fall just out of the hood, covering her eyes and framing her lithe pale face. She sits down, white chalk scrawled across the old dark oak floor, her hands cusp around the dancing flame as she withdraws the struck match. She brings the match up and gently blows it out, the smoke dancing forward around the candle's flame.

???: A madman. A warrior. A con artist. A fighter. Courageous. Conniving. Fearless. Wrathful. He has walked across the battleground of the vengeful. He has fallen to the very depths of hell, only to rise and sit upon his ebony throne of glory. He has carried many names. Harbinger. King of Darkness. Apostle. Leader. Owner. Master. Champion.

The woman slowly spreads her arms out as she bows her head to the floor, her fingertips gripping the gnarled wood as she speaks in incantations, the flame of the candle growing as she slowly lifts her head up, her violet eyes just barely visible behind her hair and in the protection of the cloak's hood. An image flashes across the screen just briefly of a man standing on top of a mountain cliff, a black robe with spikes and skulls adorning the shoulders whipping wildly in the wind, the man's head lowered as his hair whips violently as well.

???: He started unassuming, just another body to add to the mix. But it was clear from one day that he would be the one to lead the masses to a greater expectation. To lift up the world onto his shoulders and carry the burden of grandeur to heights never seen before. But it started all so simply. He defeated a soldier with relative ease, casting aside patriotic overtones with his own message of destruction. The Alpha had arrived, to begin his glorious journey to become Omega. There have been many who have dared stand face to face against such a vassal of carnage, but there has only been one that showed courage enough to strive and perhaps become even greater.

A quick shot flickers across the screen, Showtime Cougar staring up at the darkened figure on the mountain top. The two remain locked in place for several moments before the robed man pulls back a large scythe, slashing away the image of Showtime with one swing, the edge of the scythe stopped right behind the man's neck, his back remaining to the camera.

???: The first taste of glory upon his lips.

A shot of the Eurasian Championship.

???: Forever known as the first, he soon claimed another trophy to be placed upon his mantle. A trophy, that showed what depths this monster would go to keep what rightfully belonged, and what he would do to obtain what he wanted. It was soon however, that a kindred spirit would emerge, their goals aligned with one another's. In their way stood the false King, a man who this Dark Alliance was prepared to destroy to achieve an opportunity at the world.

Corey Payne emerges in front of the man with the scythe, a faint ethereal crown on top of his head. He once more stares up at Ty, but with a pleading look upon his face, blood trickling down from the corners of his eyes. He falls to one knee, grasping it in pain before the cloaked man leans down, grasping the ethereal crown from Payne's head. He suddenly grips the crown hard, and it soon dissipates along with the visage of Corey Payne. The ethereal gold swirling around the end of the scythe.

???: The false king had fallen. The Dark Alliance set its sight on the Hero. He who held what belonged to this dangerous duo. They set out to reclaim the world and twist it into what they saw was the true way. They succeeded, but this madman's rival sent him spiraling down which lead to Vengeance being the only thing on his mind.

Vengeance holding the World Title up high now flashes across the screen, the background changing to the searing desert, vultures circling around the robed man as he slowly lifts his arms up, two large pieces of wood slamming into his back and across his arms as well. He stumbles forward but is caught as large heavy chains wrap around his arms and his legs, his head bowed down against his will to Vengeance who let's out a sinister laughter. The robed man struggles against the chains, his scythe stuck in the sand below him.

???: His creation. His own actions lead to this very scene. Where once a monster reigned supreme, soon melted away into the greatest warrior to ever carry this burden of sin that had been brought forth by his hand. It was time to deliver onto the masses, a warrior that they would follow to the ends of the earth. The World would be his, and he would lead it to prosperity as the Alliance was broken!

The screen flickers off for a moment before returning, this time inside Hell in a Cell. The chains shatter around the man's arms and feet, and as he drops to the mat he picks up his scythe and slashes right through Vengeance's neck, his head sliding off his shoulders before his figure dissipates completely. The man picks up the World Heavyweight Title, a roar escaping him as he lifts it high into the air, blood trickling down from his hand and covering the World Title in Red.

???: Vengeance truly was his, but now what remained? The World followed the beck and call of this newly crowned King of Darkness. His throne secured, what was there left to do? Fortunately for this warrior king, there were plenty to try and usurp his crown. An unlikely friend and a man perhaps that was more deranged than even he was cast the die, and failed. And so it came to be, the Champion King looking for his greatest challenge. He knew exactly who it was, and so after a lottery was one, here returning once again was the Rival, coming forth into the King of Darkness's Kingdom!

The scene shifts to a large throne room, the robed man now sitting upon a throne with his scythe sitting beside him. The World Title suddenly transforms into a true crown, circling around the man's head before settling in place. A woman clad in red is fallen down on the steps in front of the throne, leading the man to step forward off his throne, kneeling down to help the woman. She suddenly turns and a fanged grin forms on her face as she lashes out at his throat. He is able to avoid it, but soon he slumps forward as Showtime emerges from behind the man, a dagger buried deep in his back.

???: Wounded by the very one he trusted most, he faced an uphill battle. The Champion King found himself enraged, throwing away all skill and abilities instead running on pure emotion. And yet, in the final moment, his legendary tactics came through and he secured his Kingdom and the World once more.

The scene fast forwards to the man standing over Showtime, the woman in red kneeling next to him as she withdraws the dagger from his back, discarding it as she wraps her arms around him.

???: Victorious, yet this encounter had changed a once proud man. He was no longer willing to stand up to all those that challenged him. He grew weary of his opponents, and soon the monster crept forth once again, the warrior a thing of the past as he soon destroyed lives, breaking the very souls of those that dared step in front of him.

Lighting strikes down as the throne room now changes to a muddy field, the robed man hunched over as he laughs maniacally, Hayley Reynolds tied up and in his grasp as Austin Reynolds reaches out desperately. He suddenly picks Hayley up and shoves her forward. She hits Reynolds and soon the scythe goes clean through the both of them, the scene fading to black and white other than the unmistakable spraying of red covers the screen before it goes completely white.

???: Who could stop such carnage? Who could possibly turn down the allure of power he offered? He soon found himself with two followers, this prophet's words misguiding those that found themselves disenfranchised. The future Knight, and the Amnesiac. His words were the elixir they desired, but perhaps laced with the poison that would be their undoing. The anniversary of the King's crowning had come, his confidence overfilling the cup as he laid down what would be a glorious celebration! But there was one man that had waited for his opportunity, a man who the King had waved off time and time again. This man, would ultimately save the World from the tyranny of Chaos.

The scene returns to Big Dave standing over the robed man, downed on the ground as he reaches desperately for the crown held in Dave's hand. He places it on his head and it transforms this time into the World Title once more, wrapped around Dave's waist. Dave turns and slowly walks away as the man collapses once more.

???: Devoid of his throne, the world slipping from his grasp, most mortals would whither away, their legacy dying in the process. He refused, and soon he went about possessing the world in a new way. Order would tremble, angels crying out in agony as he raised his demonic army. His omens began to become true, and soon he became the very Harbinger they paid no mind to. The blathering of a mad man once more, though even the wildest of exclamations will lead sheep to his flock. And so with his religion spreading, he overtook the structured law, twisting it. Winning the same lottery as his Rival, he found himself mere moments from claiming the world for his own once more. However, he felt defeat once more, at the hands of the Monk.

The robed man finds himself down once more, Steven Kurtesy having the World Title wrapped around his waist as he stands over the man. Kurtesy shakes his head as he turns and walks off into the distance, fading away quickly. This time though stands a man in a mask, a brilliant white light shining all around him, his sword lifted ready to strike, the lady in red standing beside him with a look of sorrow on her face.

???: His prophecies now crumbling at it's most critical moment, his followers dispersed quickly, left to be the rambling mad man once more. Except for one follower. the Knight had emerged as the one to cut the tongue off and slay the monster once and for all. He still held the law in his hands, and the Knight was ready to return it to who it truly belonged! And so it was, the once great warrior had fallen one final time. The only memorial was baptized in fire, and soon he was gone.

The robe man lies down face first in a casket, the Knight slamming the cover down hard. He walks away along with the lady in red and soon the casket crumbles into nothingness as the scene fades back into the woman in the small dim room. She finishes drawing on the floor with white chalk, the source of the only sound.

???: They say there has been glimpses here and there of this warrior, since then. A man bearing his resemblance had been seen, giving advice to the young and the hardened warriors alike. Whispers of him taking part in another lottery, though they say they are only apparitions. No matter what however, this great warrior and horrible monster's name has never been far from the people's minds. Perhaps he was just a legend, to warn others of a similar path. A path of redemption that only led to the utter depths of hell. They would never see a man of such deep conflictions ever again.

The chalk stops moving as the woman finishes her drawing. She gathers up her cloak and slowly stands up, her hands held out palm up as she whispers incantations, the white chalk slowly glowing red as the flame on the candle reaches higher.

???: But there is a rumbling among those that travel under the guise of night. That this warrior is ready to bring forth a new era of glory once more. When the World has fallen to it's lowest, that he shall return once again to reclaim it and lead it to the greatness it is destined for! Every day it chokes in the mediocrity of it's owner, the challengers no less weaker in their convictions. And so it has been brought to me to bring forth this warrior once more! To save the World the only way he knows how.

The woman suddenly drops down and slams her hands on the glowing chalk, the camera zooming out just slightly to reveal a very familiar symbol.

???: By bathing everyone and everything in everlasting Chaos!

The red glow suddenly becomes blinding as the screen goes completely white again, slowly fading away as the robed man now stands with his back to the woman, his head held up straight and his hair thrown back wildly. The woman slowly reaches up, pulling the hood of her cloak off, throwing her hair back as she reveals herself to be Serafina.

Serafina: The Harbinger of Chaos has returned to reclaim the World!

The man slowly turns around, revealing to be Ty Burna of course, his eyes glowing an intense red as he spins the scythe around in his right hand, his left hand balled up into a fist, a smirk playing on his face.

Serafina: The foolish shall tremble in his wake, the boisterous cut down while they make false claims of victory.

Serafina walks up to Ty and kneels down in a flourish in front of him, her head down as she places her hands on the red glowing symbol once more.

Ty: The time has come for the return of the Harbinger. While I have been wounded for the past two years, I have watched WZCW fall to the wayside since my departure. They have all grown stagnant in their efforts, the legendary warriors that I faced disappearing or coasting on past achievements. The new generation merely expecting everything handed to them on a silver platter. I cannot stand by any longer! It began at Meltdown 100, and in the process I have given Big Dave his freedom from the doldrums of management. I gave him back what he had been missing, and what everyone that finds themselves in WZCW lacks, their fangs.

Ty takes a deep breath as he raises his arms up, his eyes staring up at the sky as the fire cascades up and spreads along the ceiling of the room, quickly dropping down in pillars around Ty and Serafina. A wide, almost sadistic grin forms on Ty's face, his eyes narrowing before gritting his teeth.

Ty: Do you not see exactly who represents you now? This Ricky Runn that has defaced the very legacy of the title that I carried for an entire year. He is not worthy of holding onto such prestige, such glory! And what has he done with it? He walks around with that piece of absolute garbage he calls a title belt. How dare he disrespect what we have all bled for!

Ty suddenly drops his hands and the pillars suddenly flare up in intensity, devouring the entire room except for Serafina and himself. Serafina throws her hair back, her arms spread out as well as she whispers something, the fire disappearing and the two of them reappearing upon a stone path. Large steps stand in front of them, and at the top platform, a large black throne stands. Both begin walking slowly up the numerous steps, their footsteps echoing throughout this unholy land, a red sky and black clouds hanging over head.

Ty: Every great warrior in WZCW has fought for that title. While we hated one another for various reasons, it was to be expected of whomever held that title to hold their head high and continue the legacy we have all helped create. From the Eurasian title, to the World Heavyweight Championship. I have made my mark on every trophy that I have held, adding to it's luster and the desire increased in every fighter. No...not you Ricky Runn. You toss aside the title that Titus himself brought to the fold What honor do you have in such a title?

Serafina: A man who has to make his own trophy, has become insecure about his very reign. What he fails to remember, that the moment his reign ends, so too does his trophy become nothing more than a toy. A faint memento in the memories of the audience.

Ty: And so it is. I have watched with keen interest. Triple X. This man who shoves his morals down the throat of those around him, he now wishes to claim the world title in his own right. Serafina! Is he perhaps worthy of carrying on my legacy?

Serafina lowers her head for a moment, a laughter escaping her at the mere thought of Triple X.

Serafina: What becomes of such arrogance? It becomes a crutch, the very thing that he will hold onto to his dying breath. His straight and narrow ways become a vice in of itself. And so, he trades one addiction, for the poison of self righteousness.

The two reach just mere steps from the top platform, Serafina dropping to one knee as Ty continues his way to the top. He holds his arms out, his cloak falling to the wayside revealing the two serpent tattoos on his back. They begin to suddenly slither, gaining life as they move up Ty's shoulder blades, down his arms and emerge from his skin, wrapping around his arms and biting into his wrists, Ty closes his eyes and lifts his head up high as thunder cracks in the distance. Opening his eyes he looks forward at the Ebony Throne, skulls seemingly embedded into the rock, the faint sounds of wailing and despair murmuring through the feed. Ty's hair seems to rise up slightly as his eyes flash white, lightning striking in distance and blinding the feed for a brief moment. Ty suddenly holds the large scythe from earlier, and in his other hand a staff with the Chaos Symbol on top.

Ty: I carry their death sentence, and I carry their redemption in both hands. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I will be the one to cut off the head of such blasphemy! I will correct this world the only way I see fit! I will bathe it in Chaos, and I will bring forth ultimate carnage!

Ty turns slowly and sits down on the Ebony Throne, holding the Scythe and Staff on each side of him. Serafina slowly lifts her head up, catching her Master's gaze.

Serafina: The time has come to tear down everything. Chaos must thrive in order for rebirth to begin!

Ty: And so it shall Serafina! The Harbinger is fully healed, no longer is he a victim to the mortal shell he had to endure in the past! This shall is merely the beginning! And it shall be with everlasting glory that The King of Darkness returns to his throne once again, the World Heavyweight Title firmly in his grasp. The Jester and the Preacher shall fall to the Harbinger, and his omens will become reality!

Serafina: Thus it is written.

Ty lifts up both the Scythe and the Staff up high into the air, lightning suddenly striking both weapons and the screen goes white.

Ty: So it shall come to pass!

The almost omnipresent laughter echoes throughout the feed, the screen remaining white except for red eyes breaking through, staring straight forward before the feed suddenly cuts out.
The greatest city in the world in Chicago was left in ruins, there was death and destruction as far as the eye could see. Entire buildings were left to rubble, the only two things left standing were a dirty, smelly neckbeard wielding loser who didn't drink or do drugs, and a very old Mexican man in a lucha mask called El Old Mano armed with lightsabers they had been working together to destroy a giant 40 foot robot. The mighty robot had fallen, leaving Triple Neckbeard and El Old Mano in the ashes. Before they could congratulate each other, Triple Neckbeard turned his blade to Old Mano and shouted.

Triple Neckbeard:There can only be one! And I shall show everyone the glory of my social awkwardness and inability to drink beer!

El Old Mano looked in surprised, but raised his lightsaber to defend himself from the socially awkward sober man.

El Old Mano:El Old Mano does not understand Triple NeckBeard. Why does Triple NeckBeard want to betray El Old Mano? El Old Mano thinks you were supposed to bring balance to the world, not destroy it!

Triple Neckbeard:What, why are you talking in third person? That is really confusing.-- Wait no I am going to strike you down! Just like how I slayed Hung Solow and his precious "Swag Championship"

Before El Old Mano's very eyes, the bright gold spinner belt flashed floated between the two. Shining with glory and swag brighter than the very sun itself. The belt then strapped itself to the chest of Triple Neckbeard. All while NeckBeard laughed demonically. Meanwhile El Old Mano was drooling and most likely dozing off because he's an old man, and can't stay away for long periods of time.

Triple NeckBeard:Yessss yes! I feel it, I feel the powerrrrrrrr! The Swag is running through my veins!!!!!!

NeckBeard begins to ascend and floats several feet in the air. Swag running and flowing through his veins in total bliss. With his lightsaber in hand he boasts.

Triple NeckBeard:Finally. Finally Swag can be used for the good of the world! With this power, with the voice of a generation. I will teach the world that doing any sorts of drugs or even drinking one beer is dangerous and evil. That anyone who even smokes should be executed. I have grown tired of watching Ricky Runn waste that kind of power, that potential with being the sexiest man of the year. It was awful watching him take this powerful belt and using it to be famous and popular. I Triple NeckBeard have ended the age of Swag! My evil aura and power will turn this Swag into nerdy Straight-edgeness!-- were you sleeping this entire time old man!?"

El Old Mano was awoken by the whining of the neckbearded man that was now empowered by Swag. Unfortunately for El Old Mano, his mask had collected the drool that escaped his mouth, leaving a noticeable stain on the mask from the outside. Never the less, Triple Neckbeard lunged and attacked El Old Mano saber first. To which El Old Mano deflected and returned the attack, now engaging Triple Neckbeard in a flippy flip match to the death over the all powerful swag. However, El Old Mano was more than just and old geezer wearing a Luchador outfit. He was fast, and very powerful well despite the fact he lacked the swag and the bravado to stand toe to toe against someone so obviously addicted to the power of swag. Despite a hard fought battle, El Old Mano was unable to deflect and counter Triple Neckbeards fliptastic, flippy moved offense. Bashing away, Triple Neckbeard severed the arm of El Old Mano clear off. Leaving him disarmed and backed against a wall. El Old Mano spat at the Straight edged neckbeard.

El Old Mano:Triple Neckbeard can't win Triple Neckbeard. If you strike El Old Mano down, El Old Mano shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. El Old Mano has powers far beyond anything Triple Neckbeard could ever accomplish. El Old Mano had taken this world by storm, El Old Mano leads one of the greatest tag teams in the business. So great, that El Old Mano was able to face off with El Old Mano.

Triple NeckBeard:Time to silence you once and for all Old Mano!

Triple Neck Beard than raised his saber high, ready to deliver the final attack to end El Old Mano. Then suddenly, the Swag Belt of Champions began to shine brightly, and then snapped straight off the waist of Triple Neck Beard again finding itself suspended in mid air between both Neckbeard and El Old Mano. Thunder then boomed through the sky, lightning crashed down onto the built which blinded both El Old Mano and Triple NeckBeard for what felt like days! When their eyes opened, it was a sight the two of them thought they would have never seen again.

It was none other than our hero, our savior, our voice of a generation. Ricky Runn, Swag Jesus. Ricky's fantastic, long flowing head of hair floated in the sky. While the whole world would have loved to see Ricky in nothing but his birthday suit, he was gowned with white silk robes, the ends of them of course crested with gold and diamonds. The championship wrapped around Ricky's sexy waist like a glove. The true savior of swag has returned! With a mighty boom, he shouted.

Ricky:Who dares to defile my swagger?

Of course, both El Old Mano and Triple Neckbeard trembled and shook in fear. Which as they should, because Runn was a god among ants. he was a Swag god, and being a swag god it was easy for him to see who had attempted to take his power and his swag. With a flash of light, a swagsaber appeared in the open hand of Ricky Runn, the Swag Jesus. Once the swagsaber was activated it was glowed a bright gold.

Ricky Runn:This is where a long speech would go if I wasn't completely rushing for time?

Both El Old Mano and Triple Neckbeard looked over in surprise but before they could even muster a wut they're heads were both chopped off with the swag saber.

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