All or Nothing: Mikey Stormrage (c) vs. Matt Tastic (Eurasian Championship)

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It's a gloomy day in the Tastic farmhouse. Raindrops pour down from the leaves. The animals are all under shelter. Nothing but clouds with very little sunlight circles the atmosphere. The wind blows a cold air through the fields making the grass and leafs fly off. And in the center of that field is a patch of dirt. And in that patch of dirt, is a familiar person. Though much younger. The rainy season has come. And Matt lies in wait of a potential storm. Alone.

Nobody can come here. This is my area. This is my spot. Mine. And mine alone. No one can take it from me.

The young Matt stands around the dirt and draws a circle on it with a selfish face. Though through it are clear cracks. Cracks of sadness and loneliness that slip out through his gloomy eyes.

There. Now everyone will know. They can't come past this line.

Young Matt sits. Curled up on the ground with the stick in hand. The wind still blows by, but Matt just seems to ignore it. Stubbornly refusing to leave HIS circle.

There. Now what do I do? I guess I can play with this stick. I don't need anybody.

Time passes. The wind blows. The leaves fly off. Raindrops keep falling. But Matt stays there. Time passes. It just keeps passing. And nothing changes. All alone. In HIS circle. He doesn't move. But his shadow does. It stretches out. And it speaks to him.


Oh, not you again. What do you want now?

I thought we could talk for a bit. You seem bored.

Figures. You always show up. Why don't you just go away?

I can't. I'm you. If you really don't feel like talking, why don't I just ask you questions and you answer? Simple enough, right?

Fine. But I'll pass if I don't want to answer your stupid questions.

OK. Fine. What's your name?


A small line is drawn on the ground (I)

You won't even answer your name? Why is that?


Another 2 lines next to it. (III)

Why do you keep passing on such simple questions?

….I pass.....


Are you afraid to respond? Why? Can't you see how isolating yourself is tearing you apart?

…....I pass.


Don't you feel alone? Don't feel the need to be with other people? Don't you feel miserable by yourself here? Don't you wanna share your accomplishments with other people? How can you just keep to yourself all day like this?!

I...... I pass.


Eleven passes. Eleven questions and you didn't answer a single one. Why do you think that is? Dammit, Matt. Why can't you see how miserable I am here?!?

I pass.

That's it. I'm leaving. I can't take this anymore.

The shadow vanishes. Even though it was a shadow, tears were clearly coming out of it's vaguely shaped eyes. It's voice echoed the sadness and loneliness it felt. Matt however, simply stays curled up.

He forgot to count the last two questions.

He draws two more lines in the dirt.



The hours keep passing by. The atmosphere is still windy and gloomy. But Matt seems to become nervous now with each passing second. He has flashbacks to Meltdown.

Winters pulls Stormrage to his feet, elevates him, but Stormrage reverses and slams Winters head into the mat! Stormrage gets to his knees, but he stumbles and falls! Tastic is calling for the tag and Stormrage reaches, leaps – AND TASTIC DROPS OFF THE APRON! The crowd boos thunderously and Stormrage is left hanging as Winters gets up behind him.

Copeland: I don't believe it!

Cohen: You don't? Seriously, Seabass? Have you been paying attention?

And him helping Mikey Stormrage after abandoning him in their tag team match.

Constantine shoves himself off of Stormrage before he pulls him back up and positions him with his back to Winters. Winters goes for the Crucifix again, but TASTIC IS BACK WITH A CHAIR! HE SWINGS WILDLY AND THE ELITE ARE CHASED FROM THE RING! THE CROWD HAS NO IDEA HOW TO REACT!

Copeland: After abandoning his partner and leaving him to lose, Tastic has returned to save him. What the hell is going on with him?

Cohen: If you want to get inside that head, you're welcome to it, Seabass.

Stormrage is out as Tastic stands over him with a chair. Tastic himself looks slightly confused as the scene cuts out.

Matt's expression becomes one of confusion. He clutches himself hard as tears start to come out of his eyes. Mucus from his nose like the little child he seems to resemble right now. He cries in confusion.

*sniff* Why did I go back to help him?!? *sniff* I didn't want to do that! Why did I do it? Did- Do I really feel.... Alone?! I-I-I need someone to answer me.

Matt gets back up and looks around. Searching for that answer. But there's no one. Not even his own shadow is there. He's pushed everyone away by closing up. He's neglected every instance of help offered to him. And now that he wants that help...............

…....... There is none.

Someone. Anyone. Answer me. There's gotta- Where is everyone?! NOOOOO!!!

Matt grabs his head in panic. Finally, after so long, he's realized what he's done. But the answer to his question still won't come.

Matt drops his fists. Clenched in anger. He lowers his head. Saddened by the now accepted truth. He's alone. Whether it's his fault or others misunderstanding him, he stands alone inside his circle. And he can rely on no one but himself.

I know this feeling. I remember it. It's always been there. That emptiness. That emptiness inside me. Like a pain that won't go away. I know it perfectly well. *sniff* I'll never lose to it. I don't care if anyone supports me or not. I never did. Because no matter what, I always succeed. Even if no one's there after I win. Titus, SHIT, Rush, Bowen, Gordito, I don't stop until I get what I want. To hell if no one supports me.

Matt looks up at the stormy clouds that have been looming over him for endless hours. Almost as if he symbolically embraces the darkness within him, the heavy rain starts to pour over him. But only inside circle. His lines suffer no danger. The raindrops bounce off his face. Looking like tears, they run down his body. But suddenly......

Who were you screaming to?

Startled, Matt turns to find a young, slightly overweight kid standing right outside his circle. Matt's eyes beat a bloody red color. Nothing but anger emerges from his face. He stares straight into the face of the unknown, slightly obese child. But the boy doesn't budge. He seems to totally ignore Matt's expression.

Don't you dare cross that line.

Oh? Why not?

This is my area. This is all mine. No one can cross in here.

The boy, like nothing, simply waltzes in. The rain that was falling disappears and the sun that was hidden within the clouds shines through and over the boy.

Oh. Well that sounds kinda boring. I wanted to play in the dirt.

Matt's eyes bug out seeing the boy step into HIS area. He clenches his fists and teeth in rage, but the boy's words send Matt back into confusion.

Hey, I know! Lets go play Street Fighter!

Matt drops the anger and calms down before answering the request.

I won't leave my area. I can't leave this circle.

The boy looks at the circle and at Matt. He then starts to erase the circle with his feet. As he keeps erasing, the sun starts to shine brighter and brighter. As the circle vanishes, the sunlight blares right into Matt's face. The boy cleans himself up after erasing the circle.

There. All done.

Matt stands in shock of the circle's disappearance. He can't seem to cope with it. As the boy extends his hand to go play, Matt finally snaps.


Matt grabs the stick off the floor and raises it. But before anything else can be seen.....

Ahhh! *huff* *huff* *huff*

….Matt wakes up. He swings on his hammock as the animals that live with him fly around, creating all sorts of havoc. Matt pants in a cold sweat as he wakes up from the dream. He turns to see his grandfather standing by him.

My gosh, boy. What was it this time? The Budweiser frogs? Or the Coca-Cola bears?

*huff* *huff* *huff* Dammit, granpa. I stopped being scared of those things when I was 6. Now why did you have to wake me up?

I've been getting calls from that friend of yours. The fat one. He's called several times since you came back home last week.

What the hell does he want now?

He's just asking about you. I guess he's worried.

Worried? After what I did to him? How stupid is he?

Seems to me like he's a concerned friend. And why wouldn't he? One was injured. Another abandoned him. And another turned him.

Yo-You watched that abysmal Strikeforce/Altar non-sense?

Seems to me like he doesn't want to see it happen again.

He needs to realize that I'm gunning for his title and nothing will change that.

You think he doesn't know that, Matt? Not everyone lives under the impression that they can never lose. Maybe what he wants is a fun match instead of a melodrama for once. Maybe he wants to enjoy the match like he did playing videogames. So what if there's a title on the line? Maybe to him, that title is a perk. And not a trophy to flaunt around with. Will you seriously toss away another potential friend over this obsession?

If I'm not successful then what am I exactly? Where's the victory in winning the trust of someone who comes and goes? Winning the Eurasian title is another accolade to my resume. Just like the 4 Mayhem titles and the Elite X title. Becoming Mikey's friend is not a mark of success.

Maybe so. But what's the joy in winning if there's no one around? What would you do if you win? Lay on that hammock clutching that title for comfort when you have nightmares? You know what? You're a grown man. Make whatever decision you see fit. You can go out there and have a friendly contest. Or you can go out there and keep rubbing people off the wrong way and then come here and sulk on a hammock. The choice is yours.

I know. One simple friend on one side. Money, power, accomplishment and success on the other. You make it sound so hard when it's really simple, granpa.

Matt gets out of the hammock and begins to walk away as Granpa looks on.

Where are you going, Matt? What will you do, Matt?

What do you think?

Deliver kickassery.
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