All Or Nothing: Lethal Lottery Spot


WZCW's Mr Excitement
Keep it all in here

My thoughts​

I like this match a lot.

Everest has the experience but needs to step up from his recent work. Bomb could challenge anyone on his day. Matt Tastic could be the real dark horse as could Alex Steele - both are guys who I really like. Baller has set himself a new standard in recent months and Ty is Ty.

In a one on one match, Ty could win against any one of his five opponents but this has got dark horse written all over it. While I wouldn't doubt his ability to step it up for PPV, an off day for him could see someone like Matt Tastic or Steele seal an unlikely victory.

The match should be awesome to read too.
Ty is the front runner and if you subbed him out, then this would look like almost like a KFAD match in it's unpredictability. Steele and Tastic are the underdogs but that could just mean they want it more than the rest of us and pull out an upset win.

Like you said, Baller has really turned it around and I think he's just behind Ty but if the Apostles play no part in the match then Baller is the one I'll be backing (other than myself of course) to walk into Lethal Lottery as the Number 20 guy.

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