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All or Nothing: Lethal Lottery Qualifier - Ferbian vs. Mr. Baller vs. Jordan Lights

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

In build to the upcoming Lethal Lottery Pay Per View, the Board of Directors have placed three superstars in a Qualifying Match based on their efforts in the past month for a right to enter the Lethal Lottery Match to earn a title shot for the World Heavyweight Championship at Kingdom Come. Who will be the first to confirm their entry into the highly contest match as Ferbian, Mr. Baller and Jordan Lights will go all out at All or Nothing to be the first to enter the match.

Deadline is Tuesday November 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.
Sigh.. What am I gonna do?

We find Ferbian sitting at a desk in what seems like a rather large office. He's surrounded by papers, books and staring into a computer screen, as he runs his hand through his hair, letting out another sigh.

What a week, I've been sitting in meetings every damn day, and to top it off I fought in a loosing afford against Beckford. He's good, I underestimated him and I paid the price. Now all I have to hear for is people telling me I'm not good enough, I'm never gonna cut it in this business, and that I'm never gonna amount to anything. It brings back memories.

Ferbian smiles casually, as he throws around some papers, supposedly searching for something.

Ah there it is.

Ferbian gets up, and walks to the nearest window, as he looks down at a piece of paper with the name Ferbian vs. Mr Baller vs. Jordan Lights - Lethal Lottery Qualification Match.

What am I gonna do? I got nothing on these two. They have a past with the company, experience unlike me. It was what took me down against Beckford, experience, or in my case, lack thereof. However I promised them, I promised them I wouldn't fail, I can't give up now. I've come so far, and I've got a chance to qualify for the Lethal Lottery match, the very match that can put me on top of the mountain. To face Ty Burna for the WZCW world heavyweight championship. It would be a dream come true. But for now, I got two guys who are just as eager to prove themselves and to qualify as me. I couldn't possibly expect to accomplish anything against these. Knowing my past in this company, how could I possibly expect to accomplish anything against anybody? Their talent exceeds mine by miles, even the rookies. It's hopeless, I'm hopeless.

Ferbian walks into the middle of his office, standing on top of a fur carpet that must've cost him thousands of dollars.

And on top of this, I got other things to worry about. But what should I prioritize on? My day job? There's money that needs investments, the stocks are going up, down, left and right.

Ferbian sighs.

What am I gonna do?

Ferbian seems to thoroughly ponder his situation, scratching his cheek, brushing his chin, even resorting to tugging his ear, every thinkable movement one could do with their face. Suddenly Ferbian snaps out of it.

This is going nowhere, I'm standing here like some raging lunatic, accomplishing zero. It's one or the other, Lethal Lottery, stocks, Lethal Lottery, stocks. Argh! I can't take this.

Ferbian walks over to his desk, facing his chair, as he grabs a hold of each side of it, seemingly torn by his thoughts spread like an army scattering in defeat. As all of a sudden he swiftly strikes his hand across the desk, causing everything but his computer screen to fall to the floor, or fly around in the air.

Fuck. What a mess. What now? What..

Ferbian stops, as if an idea clicks in his head.

That's it! That's what I'm gonna do, why didn't I think of this from the very beginning? I could've been wandering for hours in this wretched place trying to figure out what to do. But the answer was in my head all along. I don't have to worry about Mr Baller or Jordan Lights. They're young, brass and eager to fight, but so am I. And most importantly, they might have tasted gold already, but they're on their way down. Me? I'm on my way up, giving it my all. Also, the stocks are always rising and falling. What is a few thousand dollars? No, I'm gonna take a whole different path to this solution, a whole different path.

Ferbian rushes towards his office door, exiting as he storms past his secretary who yells out.

Mr! Sir! You forgot your jacket!

Yes Miss Muller! How foolish of me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got things to do, things to plan, way too much to deal with to be sticking around!

Like what sir?

Don't you worry your pretty little head with that Miss. But know this, at All or Nothing, everything will be on the line. It's either Baller, Lights or me. And I plan on living up to the name of the show, I'll take it all and qualify for Lethal Lottery, or leave with nothing.

Miss Muller looks even more confused than before.

I'm not sure I follow you ?

I told you not to worry about it. But I do advice you to buy the Pay Per View, and experience the rise of a new dawn. The future of Ferbian, as I erase the past, erase all losses and replace them with victories. At All Or Nothing, I will earn my ticket to fulfill my destiny, to be remembered in the books of WZCW, no matter the cost. I won't have anybody stand in my way of reaching my goals, and that goes for Mr. Baller and Jordan Lights as well. Something which they will come to realize as I stand with my hand raised in glory. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Ferbian rushes away once again, pulling on his jacket, as poor Miss Muller sits staring in the direction Ferbian ran. All of a sudden Ferbian pops forth again

And before I forget. Could you do me a favor and sort the paperwork in my office? Don't worry, it's nothing much, you'll be done in no time. Thanks!

Ferbian runs off once again, before Miss Muller gets a chance to accept or decline. As she looks into his office, paper lying all around. This could take hours to sort, as Poor Miss Muller lets out a big sigh.
The scene is the Palms Rehabilitation Center. As the cameras cut inside we can see several people, several different cases of addiction. As the camera cuts out of the waiting area and down a long hallway full of offices there is an office door labeled " Dr. Lilith Austin , Rehabilitation Doctor PhD " The cameras cut inside the office where Jordan Lights sits awaiting for Lilith to return, he looks around the room and sees numerous plaques and honors in her name. Lilith comes back in with a stack of papers and piles them on her desk before having a seat behind it.

Jordan you've done it!

Jordan has a confused look on his face.

Done what, Lilith?

Lilith takes her glasses off and sets them in her suit pocket.

We've managed to get you into step one of fighting addiction, and that's focus! You've become extremely focused on wrestling and training, and I'm very proud of you.

Lilith gets so excited she climbs over her desk and gives Jordan a hug.

Isn't that a little unprofessional Lilith?

She suddenly realizes what she has done and stands right up and straights up her suit and puts her glasses back on as she goes back to her chair.

Sorry, sometimes I get a little caught up in the moment. You see Jordan, I've taken quite an interest in you, and I am very happy to see you succeed. In fact I've got some great news to share with you, maybe over lunch?

Lilith stands up and grabs her coat as Jordan answers her with slight doubt.

Sure, let's go grab a bite to eat then, this better be good!


They arrive at a local restaurant and are waiting for their food as the conversation picks back up.

Jordan, you realize a lot of the people who have become legends in WZCW, they all began by winning the Lethal Lottery, the KFAD match, or something just like it.

I'm no legend Lilith, so what are you talking about ?

The waitress arrives with their food as Jordan takes a drink of his water, glancing around and noticing the bar, and all the advertisements for alcohol around him.

Jordan, stay focused, you've got to stay focused to succeed.

Jordan looks around, and takes another drink of water.

Now where was I, yes, my point is, Jordan, the Lethal Lottery is coming up, and the WZCW board has decided to give you a shot. At All or Nothing you've got a chance to qualify for the Lethal Lottery. You're opponents are interesting, one you're very familiar with, and the other is a new comer. It's Mr. Baller and Ferbian Jordan. I have faith that you can do this.

Lilith, I've been feeling pretty good lately I won't lie, and I know I can do this. I know I can win. Baller and I have a score to settle, we're at one a piece with each other , this time I look to have the victory.With all the trash talk his has, I must say lately he's been able to back it up. He'll be a tough opponent again, but this time I'm ready for him. All Baller has done lately is run his mouth though, recently about all of the new rookies. Which brings me to Ferbian, he's a rookie, but he's impressive. I see the same spark in him I saw in myself when I first began wrestling. I see that drive, the thirst, and the hunger to the be best. Now I know both men will want to win this match desperately, but I'm afraid I won't let that happen. You see, at All or Nothing, it really is all or nothing. I'm putting everything I have on the line, every bit of my being wants to win this match. Every bit of me knows I will win this match. I cannot afford to lose. I refuse to come down off the high from this victory. The time is now for me to begin my climb to the upper echelon of WZCW.

Lilith looks at Jordan with a huge smile and you can see the happiness in her eyes.

That's the spirit. The key to fighting addiction is to stay positive Jordan, and you're doing an excellent job of that. I know at All or Nothing you will win the match, I have faith in you. All of the people who come to watch you wrestle have faith in you, and most importantly you have faith in yourself. You're ready for this match, and you're ready to bring it up to the next level of your career.

You think so ? I've been feeilng extremely confident since we met and had our first conversation. I must say after last week, your methods are proven to work and I feel ready. Thanks for the lunch Doc, it's time I get going and head to the gym to train though, here's some money for my meal.

Jordan leaves her $20 to cover the meal and takes off as the scene fades out.
It is the week of All or Nothing, which means it is time for another WZCW Axxess Event. There are many activities at the Axxess Event, including a “Play 1 on 1 versus Mr. Baller”, “Serve Justice with Jordan Lights”, “Get some help from Dr. Steven Kurtesy”, “Be apart of the show with David Cougar” and even “Stock Tips from Ferbian”. There are hundreds of people at every station except for Mr. Baller’s station. Baller is just shooting some hoops, as people continuously walk past the court.

Baller: Man where in the world could everybody be going? Do they not realize that the star of WZCW, wants to play some basketball with them? I don’t do this often, and now I know why. These stupid idiots go get stock tips, but won’t play some basketball. That’s why they are all fat slobs.

Baller then starts dribbling around the 3 point line, he crosses over and takes a step back and drains a long distance three.

Fan: Nice shot. Just like the old days at the “U”

Baller: Whoa, you went to the “U”?

Fan: Dude, remember we both were on the team in 04-05, James. I was your backup. Ring a bell?

Baller: No, not really actually.

James goes into his backpack and takes out a team photo.

James: That’s you, and that’s me.

Baller: Wow, would you look at that. But I still don’t get why you are here.

James: Well, ever since you graduated, I followed your career, as I knew you wanted to be a professional wrestler. It didn’t take you long to make it on to television. Now I have struggled ever since you left the “U” as I wasn’t that good to start, but I had to the following year you left. I was so bad that they took away my scholarship, and I have been stuck at home with my parents ever since.

Baller: I am not surprised you couldn’t live up to me, but I still fail to see where I fit in to all of this.

James: You tutored me at basketball, and now I want you to tutor me in wrestling. I want to become your assistant, I really need the money, and seeing you so successful proves to me that I can make some cash once I am done learning from you.

Baller: Shoot, I always knew I was great mentor, you got a deal. Now carry my bags, I have stayed at this Axxess garbage long enough, and besides we got some stuff to do before Sunday night.
James goes and grabs Baller’s bag as the two then walk off discussing future plans as the camera fades out.

It is now mid day Saturday, the day before All or Nothing, and Mr. Baller and James are in Baller’s hotel room, and they are watching a tape of last year’s Lethal Lottery.

Mr. Baller's Time In Last Year's Lethal Lottery

The buzzer goes off once again and “We Fly High” hits the arena. Mr Baller comes out to a thunderous silence from the crowd. He looks focused and determined though and walks slowly down to the ring. He reaches the ring and goes in through the bottom rope.

Suddenly his face changes to the picture of delight as he notices Phoenix incapacitated on the ground. He quickly falls to his knees and covers Phoenix. The referee’s at ring-side look completely dismayed and are trying to tell him that he cannot win by pinning someone.

Baller: Count it! This is my big chance!

Referee: Are you an idiot!? You can’t win that way.

Baller gets off of Phoenix and begins to argue with the referee on the outside, leaning over the ropes. From nowhere, Phoenix gets to his feet and tosses Baller over the top rope. Baller is on his knees and turns to see Phoenix smiling down at him and shaking his head. Baller looks absolutely shocked and this emotion turns to fury as he begins to take out his frustrations on the ref.

Baller: You son of a bitch, I had him. I was going to Kingdom Come!

The referee merely shakes his head and walks away as Baller begins to make his way up the ramp

Baller: Second chances. Everybody gets a second chance, even the great ones like LeBron getting a second shot in a real city like Miami, like Kobe getting a second chance after his rape scandal, and now I am getting a second chance. Last year, I was a fool, I didn’t think of anything other then how great I was. I entered the Lethal Lottery, attempting to make a pin fall. What a fool. However, a year has past, and now that I got my head screwed in right, I am better then ever. Last year, I lost many qualifiers for the Lethal Lottery, and in fact I was the last man to earn a spot to enter the lottery, however this year will be different.

James: Jordan Lights, a man you have just recently beaten, and Ferbian, a rookie who has yet to win a match here in WZCW, and yet they both find their way in the same match with you on pay per view.

Baller: It is quite a disgrace, both these two have a lot in common. And at All or Nothing, they will add another thing to that list. And that is both of them losing to the future WZCW World Champ, Mr. Baller. You see it is all starting to fall in place, and WZCW finally realizes my potential. Giving me a match that I am guaranteed to win to enter me in the Lottery, and then at Lethal Lottery I will begin my quest to becoming World Champ. However, to reach the championship we have to get through the first round of the playoffs which is tomorrow night. I am the number 1 seed going against the number 8 seed, and I still need to take care of business which will happen. It will be a clean sweep.

Jordan when I see you tap out in pain once more, I don’t want to ever see your face ever again. You don’t deserve to be in the same ring with me, you never could win on your own, and it will be proven once more when I beat your ass again. There will be no more score to settle, despite there being a third wheel in this match, he won’t be able to save you. Ever since I have returned, the game has changed, and it will not change back to your favor come Sunday, as my hand will be raised in victory.

Now Ferbian, I know you are new here, and you got that drive to prove that you belong here, but you just don’t. A stock broker now going professional wrestler, what is this, a Disney movie? Sorry, but you are completely out of line being in this company, let alone being in the same ring with me. Ferbian, I recommend you do yourself a favor, and just head back to Wall Street, because if you come to the ring on Sunday, I guarantee it will be the last time you will want to be in it. I am a man on a mission, I will be the first man to be in the Lethal Lottery, I will be in that match, I am not a man of fate as I am too good for that mumbo jumbo, but it is set up for me to redeem myself in the Lethal Lottery, and I will not let some stock market scrub get in my way.

This is the first step to greatness, and Ferbian and Jordan Lights will not get in my way. Now come on James, let’s go play some ball.

Camera fades out.
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