All or Nothing: Eurasian Championship Six Pack Challenge

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Baez vs. Blade vs. Chris Beckford vs. Constantine vs. Michael Winters vs. Phoenix
Since the EurAsian Championship was vacated by Big Dave at the beginning of the month, Chuck Myles has found a problem with finding the suitable contenders to become the new Champion. We found out this week that his search has ended as he's decided on an All or Nothing Special Elimination 6 Pack Challenge where the first three men are eliminated and then the final three contest under first victory win rules. Myles named the potential new champion between Chris Beckford, Baez, Constantine, Blade, Michael Winters and Phoenix who just came up short in the Gold Rush Final. Any one of these men could rightfully stake a claim at the prestigious championship but who will be the one to walk away with it?

Deadline is Tuesday November 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.

The screaming advice of Mia fills the atmosphere as police sirens wail and the sky flashes blue with the lights from atop the police cars that have been abandoned in the grand courtyard of Constantine Manor. An air of confusion is all too evident as more police officers race out of the cars and into the beautiful building. As they reach the top of the white marble steps, the familiar cry of Mia fills the air again.

You can't do this! It is insane!

A police officer approaches Mia as she looks up at the balcony that lies above the large dining area. There is no sign of Constantine but his presence can be felt. Mia cries as the officer puts an arm around her shoulders.

Officer: Ma’am, are you the one who called us out here?

Mia looks up at the features of the police officer. Friendly and charming, he gives her a reassuring nod. Mia stares for a second before she nods also.

Officer: In that case, I need to know what is going on here.

Mia wails again as the officer struggles to keep her calm.

Mia (sobbing): Please, John! Don't do this! You... can't!

Officer: Ma’am, I need you to calm down and take a deep breath in for me.

Mia tries to compose herself but the tears are still forthcoming. However, she is able to release a breath and her shaking stops for a moment at least.

Officer: That's good! Now, I need you to tell me what is going on here or I can't help you. Is there something dangerous here?

Mia: He... He... He's got a gun! I don't know what is wrong with him!

The officer begins to walk Mia away from the open foyer as a crashing sound comes from the upstairs. The officer gives a nod to some of his fellow colleagues and they move towards him. With Mia still wrapped in his arms, he leans out and whispers into another officer's ear.

Officer (whispering): We have a male on the upper level with a firearm, I think it is best if we wait here and see how the male wants to approach this situation. Once we start speaking with him, we can decide how we want to handle this. Stay prepared for anything though.

The officer turns back towards Mia and tightens his grip on her, pulling her close for comfort.

Officer: Now, you're doing great! What I need to know is what he wants?

Mia (sniffling): I don't know. Since we came back here, he has gone into another world. He is not the same man any more. Something has changed within him and he wouldn't even speak to me. He's... in a different place.

At that moment, the large figure of Constantine emerges on the balcony above. In his hand, a small wooden box is evident as he smiles down at the faces who look back at him with intrigue.

Ah! I am so glad that all of you could make it to, perhaps, the final showing in the production of Constantine. Over the last few days, I have come to a realisation. I had to think long and hard about what I wanted to accomplish and for that to happen, I had to separate myself from the outside world. Mia, you have been a pawn in my great tale this day and I thank you for bringing the world into this spectacle.

For tonight, the “Power Trip” John Constantine... Dies!

Mia lets out an audible sob as her clutches on the officer tighten as the last word of Constantine's sentence cries out and echoes around the stone room.

Officer: Sir, I need you to come down stairs and speak to us civilly. I am going to level with you, I have no idea what is going on here but if you are thinking of doing something stupid, maybe it is best that we all talk like adults?

Constantine: Ah, the voice of reason has arrived too. Whilst I realize that you are here to do your job officer, you need to realize that I have to do this. I have to prove, without a shadow of a doubt that I can do this. People need to know that John Constantine is not afraid of anything. My little charade with Mia led you all here and you will all be privy to the glorious events of what is going to occur here tonight.

Officer: And what might that be?

Please! Don't stand down there all night... Come on upstairs and enjoy the show.

Constantine drops out of sight for a moment as he retreats back into the room from which he came. The officer turns to his colleagues in a look of shock and bewilderment before Constantine arrives back at the balcony again.

Constantine: Well, come on!

He disappears again and the officer gives a slight not to one of his subordinates. A woman officer approaches the officer and manages to separate Mia and the officer. Mia lets out a cry as she is pulled away from her confused comfort. The officer rubs her back and gives her a reassuring smile.

Officer: Hey, my name is Officer Michaels and I promise that I am going to help him out. He'll be OK and we'll all be back in a couple of minutes. You'll see.

Mia attempts a weak smile and the officer turns away. Turning his head, the officer looks over to the other side of the stone hall where another marble staircase is evident. He walks across the hard stone as the heels of his shoes click with every step. Along with a few more police officers, Michaels makes his way up the white stone steps.

Michaels: Mr. Constantine, my name is Fred Michaels and I am a Sergeant of the police force here. Now, all I want to do is talk to you, do you hear?

Michaels waits for a moment for a reply but no words are forthcoming from Constantine, who is still out of sight as the officers make their way up the flights of stairs.

There is no need to do anything silly tonight. All we want to do is talk, do you think that would be all right?

As the officers reach the top of the stairs, they fan out to find the deranged politician. With their weapons drawn, they proceed with caution as the search continues. Michaels gives some orders and moves forward towards and old metal door, which lies ajar. Some light metallic noise comes from inside the room. Michaels turns to his subordinates and indicates that Constantine is in the room that lies ahead. With a gulp and the steadying of his confidence, the officer opens the door and quickly swivels inside the door. There is nothing in the room but a curtained window lies ahead of him. As the other officers move inside the room, the curtain begins to open to reveal Constantine sitting at an old wooden table. Constantine tuns his head towards the partitioned room with a wry smile on his face.

Constantine: I wouldn't worry, Officer Michaels, I am not going to do something “stupid” tonight. I have never done anything stupid in my life. You stated that you wanted to talk and I would very much like to take you up on that offer.

Michaels: That's good! Can I call you John?

Constantine: No. You may not.

Michaels: That's OK.

The brown wooden box that was in Constantine's hand as he stood on the balcony is now upon the table and is unopened. Constantine looks down on it as the cogs of his mind twist and calculate. There is no fear in his eyes but there is a hesitation in his words.

Constantine: Do you watch WZCW, Michaels?

Michaels (tentatively): Yeah, I do. I watch it with my little boy every second Saturday and Sunday night.

So, you are familiar with my work then?

Michaels: Yeah, I am. My little boy, Stephen, is a big fan of yours. He watched you on Saturday night and when you defeated Austin Reynolds, you should have seen his face light up. He calls you his “icon”.

Constantine: That makes me happy to hear that, Officer Michaels. You see, when I talked about my realisation a couple of minutes ago, people like your son have helped me reach that conclusion.

Michaels: What conclusion is that, Mr Constantine?

Constantine moves his hand onto the small brown box and uses his index finger of his left hand to stroke the casing. He lets his hand come to rest on the box and turns back towards the police officers.

Constantine: He helped me realise that we all have a purpose and that God has set out a path for all of us.

Michaels: You are a religious man? I remember during your campaign you had a lot of trouble because you said that religion was for people that didn't believe in your higher power?

I am a changed man, Michaels. God has spoken to me through people like your son. He helped me realise that there really isn't any such thing as luck. During my Senate campaign, I would toil and stress over things that people were saying about me. The end of the line was losing that campaign, Michaels. Please understand that everything I had worked towards had been wiped away with the single votes of the mass population.

Michaels: I know, Mr. Constantine. Times are hard and we all have our trials in life. However, this is not the way to do things.

Constantine unlatches a brass hook on the box and opens up the top of the box to reveal a revolver. There is an uneasy tension in both rooms as the officers talk amongst themselves and pass on instruction to Officer Michaels.

Michaels: Now, Mr Constantine, there is no need to do anything hasty here. We are just talking, remember?

Constantine takes an audible breath in as he closes his eyes for an extended period of time.

Constantine: After that defeat in the campaign, Michaels, I had never felt so despised by the people of this world. You need to understand that everything I have done in my life is for the betterment of the people. I ran for Senate because I knew that I could make people realise the errors of their ways. I knew that I could make them see the light and follow me, their saviour, blindly. However, God had another plan for me and sent me to WZCW to make an impact instead.

When I joined the roster, I felt it was necessary to cover up my shame. I thought that I needed to try and pander to the people. I felt that my shame in politics spoiled what people would think of my in the ring. That desperation has driven me to becoming one of the best and most successful rookies in WZCW history. I have tried to reach out to the masses and make them realise that I am the paradigm of what a good person should be. I do not fill my body with hazardous toxins and I face every challenge that comes my way. Yet, they throw it back in my face. They call me “lucky” and “untalented”. As much as I would like to say that I could brush it off, it hurt my feelings, Michaels. Can you understand that?

Michaels: Of course I can, Mr Constantine.

Constantine: I was at a cross-roads in my WZCW career when Gordito beat myself and Chris Beckford at Ascension a couple of weeks ago, Michaels. I was angry and frustrated at how I was being treated by the people who were calling the shots in the company. My head went down and the morale that I had made my bedrock of character was disappearing... That was until last week.

I stood in a New York subway station, trying to give some hope to the small people of this world. The people who travel to their mundane jobs every morning, just trying to make enough to survive. At that moment, a man intervened and I blew him off. I hurt his feelings so badly that he could not face life any more. He went to the top of a building and was intent in throwing himself off, splattering his puny self on the stone below. However, I gave him my message and he was saved!

Michaels: I heard about that, John! You did a great thing that day, no doubt about it. Hopefully, I can do the same thing here. Hopefully, I can talk you out of doing something that you would call “puny”.

Constantine shoots a look at Michaels but turns back after a second. He takes the revolver out of the wooden case and sets it on the table, the wood and metal meeting for the first time, gives an eerie sound of anticipation.

Constantine: If I had been any other place in the world, he would have tossed himself off that building and he his life would have amounted to the column space of an obituary. Yet, there I was! Do you see how amazingly coincidental that is? God put me in that position to save that man.

My realisation took a while to come to me but I have it now. God wants me to take my message to the people. He wants me to grab the grandest stage of a WZCW pay-per-view to win the EurAsian Championship and he wants me to tell people how pathetic they are! God has a fate for all of us and mine is not die here tonight.

A sigh of relief washes over the officers as they steady themselves for the events that could happen at any moment.

Constantine: I went into my match on Meltdown and met with Austin Reynolds. You know, people were saying that he would never be beaten. People were saying that he was the greatest Champion in WZCW history and who could have doubted them? He had faced the best of them and had separated himself from the crowd. However, my actions at the subway station only served to reassure me that I was better than he was. We had an epic match and at the end of the day, the hero of the people, John Constantine, stood in the middle of the ring with his arms raised high in victory. Austin Reynolds was defeated and the people saw it.

This gun...

This gun, Michaels, has 6 chambers. 5 of these chambers are filled with ammunition that would surely kill a man. The other chamber... lies empty. A one in 6 shot at being successful here. Some would and could liken in to my chances at All Or Nothing, if they were smart enough to figure out ratios. 6 possible outcomes that no one could control....

Constantine flicks open the chambers and inspects the bullets, lying in their respective slots. One chamber is empty.

Constantine: As you stand there, Michaels. As you witness this event, would you give me a chance of getting the outcome that I desire? Would you say that my odds are favourable?

Michaels (worriedly): No, John. I would say that you are playing a losing game... That is why you shouldn't do this! You need to stop this now!

Constantine (with renewed conviction): Haven't you been listening to what I have been saying, Michaels!? There is no such thing as luck. I sit here with a gun in my hand and I know that I will be alive when I pull the trigger. One in six odds are high but they are not insurmountable. At All Or Nothing, I will be facing these odds again and if the grand fate that has been set out for me is going to happen, then I will need to success then too.

Constantine spins the chamber and raises the revolver to his head with a jerk as a deep breath comes from the onlooking officers.

Constantine: It really is ALL OR NOTHING!

Constantine pulls the trigger.


Constantine's pedestal lies empty as people crowd into his most revered location. The Church of Constantine is packed with followers as they all wait to hear about the status of their idol. A clicking noise is heard as the heeled feet of Mia make their way up the middle of the parted congregation. In her hand, a few sheets of paper wave due to her forward momentum. She looks reserved but insecure as she stays focused on the pedestal that lies before her. As she reaches it, journalists take out their cameras and begin to snap as a statement from the right hand of Constantine appears to be forthcoming. Mia reached her destination and runs a sentimental hand up the wood of the elevated pedestal. She rounds it and looks out onto the expectant crowd.

Mia (clearing her throat): At 3:10AM last night, police were called to Constantine manor for a disturbance. When they arrived, they were met by myself. The last few days has been very painful and John had insisted on being left alone. He secluded himself from the world and it was very worrying. Upon seeing him load a gun with ammunition, I felt it was my duty to call the police.

Soon, the full extent of the situation would be revealed, when a man who was not in his proper state of mind was allowed to raise a gun to his temple and pull the trigger. The Washington Police Department were fully to blame for this transgression and the fact that they allowed him to produce the weapon is testament to how truly awful they handled the situation.

A solitary tear appears in the right eye of Mia as she withdraws a tissue from her pocket to wipe the water away. She clears her throat and begins to talk through the tears.

Mia: Now we all have to live with the consequences of what happened last night. The news has been all over the media for the better part of today and I feel that it is my duty to give you the official word.

Mia looks down at her paper and steadies herself for the announcement.

Mia: “The Power Trip” John Constantine is... dead.

The journalists continue to take pictures but with more fever than ever. Mia battles back the tears as she dips her head down to the pedestal. A rumbling of stunned silence fills the atmosphere as people look to their neighbours for advice. The uncertainty of the moment is encapsulated by the faces of Constantine’s congregation. Mia raises her head again with a smile plastered all over it. People begin to mutter as she, again, wipes away some tears.

Mia: Yes! “The Power Trip” John Constantine no longer walks amongst us. However, “The Salvation” John Constantine does!

A gasp of surprise goes around the audience until the large oak door at the opposite end of the hall busts open and strong sunlight streams in, blinding the view of the gathered people. A figure walks into view and blocks some of the rays. AT that moment, one would be excused for thinking it was so divine. After a moment, Constantine walks into view and raises his hands out to the side to embrace the feelings of his congregation.

Constantine: My people! I have come to you as a new man!

Constantine walks up the middle of the aisles, as Mia had done only moments before. Dressed head to toe in his customary black suit, Constantine makes good pace until he reached the pedestal. He embraces Mia with a hug and then takes her place at the pedestal.

Constantine: As you are well aware, last night, I was embroiled in my greatest battle of all. Last night, I tussled with the greatest enemy of all. I had a confrontation with my own mortality and, unsurprisingly, I won. Just like Austin Reynolds realized last week, I cannot be stopped! However, this victory did not come without cost. No longer am I tied to my burdens as a man of the people. No! I have transcended that and now deal with a much greater responsibility. As I pulled the gun to my head, I saw God... He talked to me.

Never before have I had so much conviction in these words. I am John Constantine and you will believe in me!

At All Or Nothing, I will face similar odds and my fate will not be stopped! I will step into the ring against Blade, a man who prides himself as being one of the only men who beat Criminal Karnage. No victory can be found in a criminal and if he hangs his hat on that achievement alone, then he truly is a despicable figure.

And what of the others who will attempt to take me down when we meet at All Or Nothing, I hear you say. What about Chris “I cannot put two wins together to save my life” Beckford or Phoenix? Both of whom were combatants in the Gold-rush tournament and both have the right to say that they came up short once again. A man who allowed Garth Black to carry his sorry ass to tag team championships doesn't even deserve to share a ring with me.

I would be lying if I said if I knew who the other two men were but it matters very little in the grand scheme of things. You see, never before have I entered match knowing, for a fact, that I would be the man who would be coming out on top. If God had wanted to end my journey, he would have ended it last night when I faced his wrath.

At All or Nothing, those 5 men will meet mine and I promise you that your salvation will begin!

Constantine puts an arm around Mia and both of them leave the stage to a frenzied atmosphere.
The scene opens in a dark room. You can barely see anything other than the logo's displayed on screen. However a figure can barely be seen in the middle of the room. Off screen, the voice of the Meltdown GM Chuck Myles, can be heard.

Myles: Mind if I turn the lights on?

???: Yeah. I do. Besides, the lights don't work.

Myles: Any reason you're hiding in there?

???: Any reason why you're here?

Myles: I don't know. I guess I just wanted to wish you good luck. You've been very impressive lately and I've really liked how you've stuck up for the Eurasian title.

But why stand here in the dark?

???: I'm not in the dark, Chuckie.

Myles: You know I hate that, Baez.

Baez: I hate fact that dispite me beating the last Eurasian champ, I have to fight 5 other guys to get the belt. We don't all get what we want in this world, Chuckie. Learn to deal with it.

Myles: Why are you so serious all of the sudden? You tend to be so upbeat and cheerful.

Baez: I don't know. I guess I get this way when I come face to face with a big challenge. Can you really blame me? It's five on one.

Myles: Doesn't mean you'll lose.

Baez: ...heh... I don't plan on losing.

Myles: Now, all of the sudden, you're so confident. What gives?

Baez: You don't see it, do you? What I am?

Myles: The room is pitch black, you idiot. But I'll take a guess. A goof in a mask?

Baez: I have something none of the other guys will ever have.

Myles: A mask.

Baez: No, man. See, unlike these guys, I'm not a politician. I don't bend my words to twist people's minds. I don't go around campaigning about my matches like if it will matter what the crowd thinks.

I'm not obsessed with the failures left behind by my family or think of myself as being above others.

I don't preach believes that I, myself can't keep. I don't try to force people to follow rules I don't follow myself.

I'm not a family man that risks his life with daredevil stunts that lead to nothing but losses.

I'm not an artistic, misguided fool who turns his back on his friends because of petty differences.

What do you think I am, Chuckie?

Myles: A soon to be fired worked who keeps calling me Chuckie? I'm warning you. Stop it.

Baez: Lighten up. I was just answering your question.

Myles: OK. What are you then?

Baez: I'm... Hope.

Myles: Hope? Too many cartoons have you making up random metaphoric garbage.

Baez: You still can't see it?

Myles: See what? That you're a geek?

Baez: Geez, man. What do I have to do? Make you a map? I'm a pro wrestler. I don't go around pointing gun's at myself and stirring trouble for the law to make a pointless statement about being a "savior". I don't go and give out every little detail about my life to my family day in and day out and...

Myles: You don't have a family.

Baez: That's beside the point, Chuckie. I don't go around talking about God. And I don't spend my time yapping about being a perfect athlete. I don't spend my time with poetic garbage or painting myself.

I'm just a wrestler. I'm a guy, who once had nothing but now has a freakin' lot. I'm hope, Chuckie. If I can do it, so can the little guy who needs a heart transplant. If I can do it, so can the girl who just walked out of chemo. If I can do it, the repentant murderer can too. I' am hope, dammit. Do you get it now? I tell these people every day that they can do the same things I do, no matter what. And unlike my foes, I don't need a ridiculous hobby to aid me. I'm the light that gives hope to the fan's that watch us every day.

Myles: So that's why you're just sitting there in the dark? You think you're the light that gives hope to these fan's, so you think you're actually sitting there illuminating the room? Really, boy. You need fresh air. That stuff you watch is rotting your already messed up brain.

Baez: Well, actually, I was just sleeping and you woke me up. But I'm glad I got it through your stubborn head, Chuckie. I can and will win at All Or Nothing. I'll become the new Eurasian Heavyweight Champion and let the world know that some day they can reach the same place I'm at. After all, I'm just a regular guy. Not a politician, not a stuntman, not an artist, not a preacher. Just a guy. Just... A regular wrestler.

Myles: And the mask? "Just a guy" seems to have a bit of an identity crisis.

Baez: It makes me more like other people. They can just pretend they are under the mask. I have no image for people to aspire to. Just one... ridiculous piece of Latinamerican wrestling tradition. I'm not a rolemodel, I'm an embodiment. And I'm proud of it. So many years wondering what I should do with my rather pointless life and look at me now.

Baez... Is the foundation of one's dreams... And others nightmares. The base of... Destiny.

Myles: Dear Lord...

Baez: That last one sounded way too cheesy didn't it?

Myles: Yeah. It did, you corny little nerd. I just wondered why you were there laying in the dark. If you were sleeping, all you had to do was say it. Not torture me with your ridiculous metaphoric sermon.

Baez: You woke me up in the first place.

Myles: To wish you good luck.

Baez: Gee, thanks, Chuckie. I didn't know you really cared.

Myles: I don't. But with you retrieving the stolen Mayhem title and sticking it to Dave for disrespecting my show and my title, I felt a little acknowledgment was warranted. With that said, good luck this Sunday.

Baez: Thanks, Chuck. I'll make you proud to have me as your Eurasian Champion.

Myles: If you win, of course.

Baez: Don't forget, I'm hope. And as long as there is hope, there's a way to win. I always say revolution will be televised. Now you know what I mean.

Myles: Don't forget the Kickassery.

Baez: I'll be shoving it up five asses. If I buy a six-pack, I'll have one left. Want it?

Myles: I'll pass.

Baez: Suit yourself.

Myles walks by the camera and heads away into the hallway, but before he leaves, he turns around for a bit.

Myles: Seriously. Why did you torture me with all that "hope" crap?

The screen fades to black slowly as Chuck awaits for an answer...

Baez: I needed to... Draw out the promo...
The hardest part of ending is starting again.

The scene opens on a dark street, the words coming from off in the darkness. There are houses on both sides of the street, all looking alike, and all dark and seemingly empty. Out of the darkness, the voice begins to speak once more.

It’s a very simple sentence, and a very simple concept. Once you end, you must start again. No matter whether it is the same thing you just finished doing or something entirely different. But it is that starting again where the difficulty lies. That’s why I came here.

Phoenix steps out from the darkness and looks around the empty neighborhood. He is still hard to make out, due to the lack of street lamps, but still maintains a strong presence in the scene.

The street you are standing on didn’t look like this 7 years ago. This used to be one of the worst park areas in the country. Drugs, violence, you name it, it was going down right here. Finally, a property developer came and bought up the entire street. Gone was the park. Gone were the scum that worked toward ending their lives here. The developer knew exactly what he wanted to do with his new land. The park sat on a good looking plot of land about 5 or 10 minutes outside of town. In the middle of the housing boom, he decided to build a subdivision. He gave it a catchy name, a bunch of modern and cookie-cutter houses, and the inflated price one had come to expect for a house in a subdivision. The man was about to become unbelievably rich. Finally, the old park had come to an end. It was time to begin again.

The problem was, just before the houses went on the market, the market collapsed. Prices fell, demand fell, everything went to hell. The developer tried to sell these houses, but no one was buying. He tried every gimmick he could think of, but he still had no luck. Eventually, he just ate the loss and moved on to other projects. These houses have sat empty ever since, waiting for someone to come save them.

Phoenix begins wandering around the street as he continues talking.

Kinda sounds like the EurAsian Title. It was definitely low on the hierarchy of the titles here in WZCW. Nice to have, but not really that impressive on one’s résumé. But then, Big Dave won the title. It is no secret that I am not Dave’s biggest fan, but our battles have earned him my respect. And he took that EurAsian belt to a much higher level of prestige, greater than or equal to the Elite X Title in my eyes. But then, right when Dave was on the verge of taking that title to an even higher level, everything fell apart, just like this neighborhood. Dave was stripped of the title, and we arrive here.

Phoenix pauses for a moment, almost drinking in the aura of the neighborhood, before turning back to the camera to speak once more.

The EurAsian Championship, just like this subdivision, was cut down just as it was on the verge of breaking through into something incredible. There is one major difference between the two, however. This neighborhood is dead. No one cares about it, no one feels it is worth saving. It will fall further into disrepair and be forgotten permanently soon enough.

The EurAsian title will have someone to help it be reborn beginning at All or Nothing. It won’t be a crash test dummy masquerading as a wrestler. It won’t be a politician who is now trying to convince us he is changing his ways. It won’t be the religious zealot. It won’t be a man who repeatedly failed to defeat the pathetic, pandering Elite X Champion. And it won’t even be the man who believes his destiny to be champion.

Let me tell you who it will be. It will be the most dangerous man in WZCW. It will be the man who has been reborn himself. It will be the only man capable on taking the EurAsian title back to and past the level where Big Dave took it. I am Phoenix, your next EurAsian Champion.

The scene fades to black.
White. That's all that's visible as Michael Winters sits in his white pick up truck, pedal to the floor attempting to navigate through the blankets upon blankets of cold, white snow. Finally winter has come, but Michael has a lot more on his mind tonight than just driving and the changing of seasons...

Woman: Sir, calm down. If you just give me a moment to talk I'm sure I'll be able to explain everything.

Winters: Just let me know what hospital he is at and that will be the end of it.

Northwestern Memorial.

Thank you.

The scene shifts inside of the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Winters is seen standing at what looks to be a help desk, talking to a cute blond haired woman.

Well, it was nice meeting you Sarah, sorry about being a bit rash on the telephone there. I'm just very worried about him, he means a lot to me.

Oh it's no problem at all, it's nice to see.

Yes... you said he was in room 315?

316, actually.

She gives him a soft, compassionate smile. He thanks her and heads down the corridor to room 316, dreading what lay before him.


There's no response as Michael slowly steps into the dimly lit room. The scent of flowers fills the air, many have stopped in to give their support as flowers and get well cards are seen through out the room. A man in his early fifties is sprawled across the bed, asleep. An intravenous is hooked up to his right arm and a bandage envelopes the top portion of his head. Winters pulls up a chair beside his bed and begins to pray...

Father Fornier: No need to pray my son, the doctors tell me I'll make a full recovery.

Your awake Father, how are you feeling?

A little sore, a few cracked ribs and some stitches in my head, nothing We can't handle.

I'm glad that you're going to be fine but I must ask, who did this to you?

It does not matter who did it my son, what's done is done. The man who did this will be judged whether it be by you or Him is not for me to decide.

If you just give me a name, I can at least go ta-

Father Fornier chuckles.

No, that's quite alright Michael. You've done enough by just stopping by. But enough about me, how have you been?

Everything seems to be falling into place. I defeated Mr. Baller last week, and now the EurAsian Championship is within my grasp. I can almost taste the gold Father, it's my destiny to win this belt. It must be, He wouldn't bring me this far to smite me down, there are too many threats in the WZCW for me to fail here. If I were to become WZCW EurAsian Champion, I would have the opportunity to face some of the best the business has to offer, and with that comes some of the worst souls as well.

You have sound logic my son, but you can never be sure what He has planned for you. You must continue to strive for greatness, relying purely on faith will not get you the whole way. You must work hard, hone your craft and be the best that you can be. It will be no easy task capturing the gold at All or Nothing, you will be going up against 5 experienced warriors who want it just as bad as you do. You must know each of them inside and out and you must know yourself as well if you wish to defeat them.

This is true. And I have been observing the WZCW talent for some time now. There seems to be a few good men that I must go up against at All or Nothing but I can't show them any mercy if I hope to succeed against the rest. Once I step into that ring, everyone of them will be my enemy. Good or bad will not matter to me once I'm in the squared circle on that faithful night, I will strike them all down with a vengeance. God will rise up beside me and together we will take the WZCW by storm that night. The first step along my path to greatness will begin with a bell and end with a bell when I Crucify the lot of them to become the new WZCW EurAsian Champion.

Michael looks Fornier square in the eyes.

I will not fail you Father, I will not fail Him. I can't.

Fornier grabs Michael's hand and gives it a firm squeeze.

I believe you, Michael. I will pray for you.

Don't pray for me Father, they will be the ones that need your prayers.

Michael smiles into the camera, and the scene fades to black.
It's a strange time here in WZCW. From the vast influx of developmental talent, to the WZCW World Championship, there is a sense of uniqueness about the place, a sense of opportunity that has the locker room talking. Maybe it's the fact that Lethal Lottery is just round the corner and plenty of people will be gunning for Ty Burna or Gorditos World Title. While the first qualifying match up takes place at All Or Nothing, the next few weeks are going to be frenetic, in regards to qualifying match ups. This is the right time for the Developmental guys to make the biggest name for themselves because believe me, a decent showing in the Lethal Lottery can build you up great for Kingdom Come. WZCW is a great place to be at the moment.

So what about me? Well today I'm meeting up for the last time with Sam. He has decided to quit as my manager and focus his life going back to helping the less fortunate. It's something he has done all his life and I can respect that. This all started when he found Jessica, a young girl who had recently lost her family and was going to lose her farm. Since then Sam has helped Jessica by taking over the farm, clearing its debts and started up a steady line of income through it. He's going to leave her in charge of the farm while he goes back to England to sort some other business out. I'm proud of him for making this decision and while initially I was shocked and upset It's the right thing to do. It's going to be tough without him guiding me and I thought about finding someone else to take over what he did but it just wouldn't feel right, this is the right time for me to fly solo, it's what I need to take me to the next level of my destiny.

Last week on Ascension I went one on one with Ferbian in what can only be described as a great match up. We put on a fantastic show for the fans with plenty of near falls and back and forth action. Honestly I didn't expect Ferbian to as tough as he was and I underestimated him a little. The fact that I underestimated him was nearly my downfall. When he hit the Deal Breaker I thought that was it and my losing streak was going to continue, fortunately I managed to find the heart to kick out and after a mistake by him managed to land the Cross Country for the first since Meltdown 42. I got to be honest it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and now I have some good momentum going into All Or Nothing. As for Ferbian, hopefully that wasn't the last time we will meet. He has a good chance at qualifying for the Lethal Lottery but it won't be easy against Mr Baller and Jordan Lights.

As for me I got put into the 6 pack EurAsian Championship match up along with Blade, Baez, Constantine, Phoenix, and Michael Winters. The rules of the match are simple enough, the first 3 men pinned are eliminated then it comes down to a one fall triple threat rule. I like this as it has a sense of unpredictability about it. While the other 5 guys in the match up are all fantastic wrestlers I'm very confident about coming out on top. You might ask why I would be so confident going into a match up against a Developmental Battle Royal winner, a former Mayhem Champion, a former Tag Team champion and Gold Rush finalist, the man that ended the streak of Criminal Karnage and finally my recent pain in the ass in Constantine? Well it's quite simple I have something not one of these men has. Speed. I'm faster then each of these men and that will ultimately aid me in the long haul of the match.

As you delve deeper into the match you can see some little rivalries which could come to the front. Constantine cannot beat me at this moment in time, in fact he has never beaten me fairly. Blade and Phoenix have some bad blood over the recent months and I think both men can't wait to get their hands on each other which could work out well for Winters and Baez. Both men are fantastic in the ring and deserve the opportunity at the EurAsian Championship but they are getting involved with 4 other men who know each other so well and have been in the ring with each other before, it's that unpredictability I was speaking about earlier. Whatever happens the most important thing is that the fans are going to bear witness to a train wreck of a match up, near falls, big spots and eventually a new Champion it's going to have it all and I for one am really looking forward to getting in there and mixing it up come All Or Nothing.

*Scene opens with the camera panning round towards a table in a restaurant; many voices are heard in the background with some music playing softly. After a few seconds we see Chris Beckford sat down opposite Sam Remmington. Beckford has a briefcase with him which he puts down at the side of his chair. Both men are talking as the camera zooms in on them and the chatter of the people around them is filtered out*

Beckford: and then boom a perfect Hat Trick for Johnny Howson which is exactly what we needed after last weeks embarrassing defeat to Cardiff City. We're just so inconsistent at the moment which really needs to be sorted out if we are going to achieve the playoffs this year.

Remmington: Well just wait till January, I hear Bates has promised to put money in the team and Grayson is a good manager he will make the right choices and Leeds will be up there come the end of the year. Anyways I'm sure we didn't come here to talk Football. All or Nothing is just around the corner, how you feeling about this?

Beckford: Pretty confident to be honest Sam, what a difference a win makes. When you look at all the talent in this match up it's crazy to think anybody will go in there and it will be an easy victory. Its WZCW nothing is ever easy. But this is a fantastic opportunity for me to finally get my first title in WZCW and with you going off to do your own thing after the PPV I can think of nothing more fitting than winning the title for you in our last match together.

Easier said then done though. Blade, Phoenix, Constantine. All 3 of these men have been up and around the main event for months; they all have the experience to come through these types of matches. Baez and Winters are wildcards, they're in this match for a reason, not to make up the numbers. It's going to be incredibly tough.

Beckford:You're right it will be. Let's look at them individually. Baez is a former Mayhem Champion who defeated Big Dave the former EurAsian Champion. Now you could say it was because of Everest but it takes nothing away from his performance. Blade has been a little quiet recently but has been having issues with Phoenix. I've beaten him before ironically in the EurAsian championship league but he is a fantastic competitor who will bring his A game. Phoenix almost won the Gold Rush Tournament, again we have faced off before so I know what to expect from him. Constantine is the biggest threat. He has never been pinned and last week defeated Austin Reynolds which as I know isn't an easy thing to do. Michael Winters has been on fire since he got here winning the Developmental Battle Royal and has beating everybody in his path since then.

Remmington: Look at it this way. You've beaten Blade and Phoenix before; Constantine can't beat you at the moment and not through lack of trying. Baez is a Mayhem guy; will he have the stamina to cut it at the EurAsian level? You're also a former Developmental Battle Royal winner almost a year ago so Winters doesn't have anything you don’t.

Beckford: That's exactly why I'm so confident. This is a situation I have been in before. At Kingdom Come I was in the King For A Day 6 man match and granted I didn't win but it’s given me experience in multi man match ups. I think speed will play such an important role here and that's something I have in abundance.

Remmington: You may be right. I'll be backstage at All Or Nothing cheering you on, it's going to feel weird not travelling with you from arena to arena and city to city but I'll be watching on TV and PPV always cheering you on and if you need me I’m only a phone call away.

Beckford: I appreciate that Sam, we will keep in touch and before you go I got you a gift.

*Beckford opens the briefcase and pulls out a replica WZCW Championship belt. It has the name Sam Remmington engraved on the name plate. *

Beckford: It's just something to remember our time in WZCW and don't worry I haven't settled for the replica belt. I'll be after the real thing soon enough.

Remmington: This is really great man, I...It means a lot. Well I have got some business to take care of before All or Nothing on Sunday night. I'll see you backstage before the show right?

Beckford: Definitely

Remmington: Ok man. See you later.

*Remmington leaves the table leaving Beckford sat alone at the table as the Scene fades out*
A red BMW pulls up outside a large white building, with letters spelling out “Kennedy Research Facility” etched into the wall above the front door. Blade gets out of the driver door and looks over the building, smirking before flicking the butt of the finished cigarette into a nearby gutter. Rebecca Serra gets out of the passenger seat, looking bored.

Rebecca: We couldn’t just do this interview back at the arena?

Blade shakes his head and they walk inside. Blade walks up to reception.

Blade: I’m here to see Doctor P. Ness, please.

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?

Blade leans forward against the reception counter.

Blade: I’m going to be honest with you, Debbie.

Receptionist: My name is Mar...

Blade: Debbie, please! I have a drug that might just be the cure for AIDS. And your needless shenanigans is getting in the way of me presenting this breakthrough to the doctors so just tell me where he is!

Receptionist: Umm... O... Ok. He’s in research lab C. Down the hall, on the left.

Blade gives her a quick smile, then starts walking down the hall.

Rebecca: So?

Blade: So?

Rebecca: Is asking you what we’re doing here too obvious a question?

Blade: We’re here to find out what happens when you mix things that shouldn’t be mixed.

Rebecca: You’re not going to get drunk are you?

Blade grins as they continue to walk down the hall. Blade barges into Research Lab C, much to the surprise of the scientists in the lab. As he walks past the safety equipment, he hands a pair of safety goggles to Rebecca.

Blade: You might need these.

Blade walks to the middle of the lab and pushes a scientist out of the way. He stands over a collection of assorted chemicals and smirks. Suddenly a short, bearded scientist runs up to him.

Scientist: You!! You’re the one who came here a few months ago to do a supposed “sociology experiment” and instead a fight broke out! You’re not welcome here. Get out!

Blade: Dr. Ness, be reasonable. And by that I mean, here’s 50 bucks, now leave me alone for 10 minutes.

Blade takes out the 50 dollar note and holds it up. Dr. Ness opens his mouth to protest, but Blade shoves the money in there. Dr. Ness starts choking and stumbles away looking for help. Blade goes back to looking at the chemicals as a scientist performs the Heimlich on Dr. Ness in the background. Blade picks up one of the beakers containing a chemical labelled “Nitric Acid”.

Blade: Tell me, Becky, what do you get when you combine 6 random, unique components and cram them together with no real escape? Random components like, say... A politician, a joker, a preacher, a daredevil, a tortured soul and a prodigy...

Rebecca: Is this your twisted version of the breakfast club?

Blade smirks as he pulls out a large beaker and pulls 5 chemicals closer to him.

Blade: Let’s start with this... Nitric Acid... It packs quite a punch, it’s strong, unyielding and some people are even afraid of it. It’s just like my arch nemesis, Phoenix.

He pours some of the clear liquid into the larger beaker and takes a sniff of the acid, causing his face to distort into a look of disgust.

Blade: Oh yeah, that’s definitely Phoenix... Next, this is... Magnesium chloride.

Blade pulls towards him a bowl of white powder.

Blade: This is one of the most well known and one of the most powerful catalysts on the planet. It manipulates other chemicals but it always remains the same, as if overpowering any chemicals it’s mixed with. It is like Constantine, who will manipulate, cheat and do whatever necessary to be the last man standing at the end of the match.

Blade adds a pinch of the magnesium chloride to the beaker, which causes a small amount of foam before calming down. Next he picks up a tiny bottle with a warning label covering most of it.

Blade: This is a mixture of sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. Do you know what that makes, Becky?

Rebecca shakes her head as Blade removes the cap off the bottle.

Blade (whispering): Gun powder.

Rebecca starts to look nervous as he takes out a pinch of gunpowder.

Blade: Explosive... Unpredictable... Perhaps unstable when in certain conditions, and yet... Reliable in it’s own, strange way. Just like that masked freak, Baez. You never know what kind of effect he may have until you add him to the mix.

Blade drops the gunpowder into the beaker, making Rebecca wince. The mixture doesn’t explode but Rebecca still winces. Dark fumes start to emanate from the beaker. He next picks up an unlabelled bottle containing clear liquid and examines it closely.

Blade: This one... I have no idea what this is, to be honest. I don’t know what’s in it, I don’t know what uses it has and I don’t know what’ll happen when I throw this in. A dark horse... A wild card... Exactly what Michael Winters will be to the mixture at All or Nothing... Stand back, Becky.

Blade pours some of the liquid into the large beaker, causing the mixture to start bubbling and frothing. Blade smirks as he pulls the last container, a flask with another clear but slightly tinted liquid inside it.

Blade: You see this chemical represents Chris Beckford so perfectly. See, this is seemingly boring, harmless from a distance. It seems normal even up close. But what people don’t know is what it can unleash on the ignorant who aren’t cautious and smart enough... In this container... Well, it’s simply polluted water.

Blade adds the water to the mixture and stands over the beaker, looking down at it as it continues to froth, bubble, and let off fumes.

Blade: So what do you get when you mix 6 unique components together in one place at one time. This... I don’t know what’s happening in this beaker, but clearly this is something unstable, unsafe and even slightly chaotic, all within this confined area. A politician, a joker, a preacher, a daredevil, a tortured soul and a prodigy all within a ring, there is no one that can predict what can happen in the ring...

Rebecca: But what are you in all this chemistry set crazyness?

Blade gives his signature smirk and pulls out a white box. He shakes it, causing a rattling noise coming from within the box.

Blade: The threats, the danger, the unpredictability of the dynamics that will be mixed together... I can overcome anything my opponents throw at me, individually or collectively. This mixture is nothing compared to the strength that I have from the mixture of my ability and my destiny. Through my evolution and growth through these last few months, from destroying Rush to beating a WZCW world champion to spitting on Big Dave’s face, I’ve become the most dangerous element in this combination at All or Nothing.

Blade opens the white box, revealing matches inside. He smirks as he strikes one of the match and holds it up close to his eyes, as if mesmerized by the fire for a moment before standing back and dropping the match into the beaker. Everyone in the lab lets out a collective scream as a huge blue flame erupts from the beaker.

Blade: And the most dangerous element always comes out on top in the end.

Blade smirks one more time before turning and walking away, leaving both Rebecca and many scientists looking on in shock as Dr. Ness tries to put out the flame with a fire extinguisher.
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