All or Nothing: Elite X Battle Royale

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
The winner of this match will be the #1 contender for the Elite X Championship. Future contenders will also be determined from this match. Anyone not already booked in a match is eligible to participate in this contest.

Deadline is Thursday, April 24th at 11:59PM Central. Extensions available on request.
The Chronicles of M

Season Zero Episode Zero:

"Bunnies and Beginnings"

A.K.A. "How I Learnt That Writing a Coherent RP Is Much Harder Than Writing a Night Before Christmas Knockoff In the Mindset of Mark Madden"

A Dream Sequence said:
Bunnies, bunnies,
As far as the eye can see.
Bunnies, bunnies
Is such a delight to me.
Bunnies, bunnies,
It's really quite a sight.
Bunnies, bunnies,
I'd like to take a bite....

Red stuff, red stuff,
Oh god what have I done???!?
Red stuff, red stuff,
Oh well let's have some fun...

Red stuff, red stuff,
Bunny fluff, bunny fluff,
A paw caught in my teeth.
Red stuff, red stuff,
Bunny fluff, bunny fluff,
Just there for me to eat...






M! Wake up!

We see ourselves in a dark room. A metallic feel is absorbed through the eyes as the bolted sheets of magenta metal that make up the walls reflect the light of a lamp, held by General Green, as he stands over a bed in the middle of the room which is occupied by a mysterious sleeping figure...

Wake up you lazy bastard!

The mysterious figure awakens and tiredly sits upright in the bed to reveal himself to be none other than the Majestic Mr. M...

Awwwww but I was having such a magnificent dream with bunnies and stuff...

Never mind that shit!

...Here comes Mongo?

As M makes that terrible, terrible reference, the General karate chops him on the head in a "bitch, please" fashion before continuing...

...No you idiot, you have a match soon and you need to train!

"A match?" What the macguffins are you talking about?

He yawns a marvellous yawn that only someone as majestic as he could yawn...

You're in a wrestling match for an "Elite X Championship" contenders spot in WZCW this week, don't you remember?

WZCW... That's the show where all those mortals do the whole punchy-punchy kicky-kicky thing yeah? Why the medium sized medieval meal would I join that thing?

Yeah I didn't really understand it either, I mean, what on earth does wrestling have to do with taking over the world?

Mmmm.... Oh well, at least it'll give me something to do while I cook up some mystifying plans for world domination... Mwahaha...

M starts laughing a maniacal laugh to himself as the General sits down on a nearby recliner chair and relaxes....

Yeah, and maybe this time your plan won't fail and you won't be the laughing stock of the world hahaha.

M shoots Green with a mean look before countering...

Yeah well at least I wasn't kicked out of a super secret agency for failing to protect a client from gunfire because I was too distracted by the ice cream van across the road...

General Green greases M with a greasy look as he rebuts...

Yeah well at least I didn't "accidentally" slaughter Farmer Frank's flock of sheep when I was supposed to be shearing them for community service!

Hey man that's was one time! One time!!

M has a sad puppy expression on his face as he continues...

....I thought red wool was good....

Yeah but you'd think you'd learn otherwise after 37 dead sheep!!

Shut up!

No you shut up!

No you!

No you!

No you!

Ahh screw this I'm getting breakfast. Have fun with your match, try not to murder your opponents...

The General storms out of the room and slams the door, leaving M alone in the bed still riled up from the quarrel. After a moment M sighs and turns on the TV on the other side of the room...

The TV said:
A manly news anchor is on the screen, sitting at a newsdesk in a TV studio, looking seriously into the camera and wearing a mauve suit which for some reason in this warped logic looks stunning on him.

We interrupt this RolePlay to bring you a breaking sexy news update. I'm Hank Anchordude. We're crossing live to the scene of a very mysterious crime with Tom Reporterdude, take it away Tom.

Tom is out the front of a house dressed in an expensive suit, surrounded by police sirens and flashing lights, with a trembling woman next to him with her face covered in what appears to be meringue pie....

Thanks Hank, I'm out the front of a house where early in the night this young lady next to me was attacked by a masked machete man.

Yer, I was just in the kitchen, mindin' mine own self, when suddenly this masked man with a machete just meanders all up into my kitchen all majestic-like, then he mashed my face with a meringue pie and draws a big ol' M on my wall using magenta coloured mashed potaters before running away going all "mwahahahaha"-like.

The lady starts crying and hugs Tom, getting pie all over his expensive suit which causes Tom to tear up a little too...

Truly, this is a tragedy that shall be mourned throughout the ages.

Tom sobs a little before continuing...

Back *sob* to you *sob* Hank...

We go back to the studio where Hank is bawling his eyes out and blowing his nose with a bunch of tissues...

We'll be back *sob* after these *sob* messages...

M turns the TV off and is seen giggling to himself in bed...

Mwahaha that was fun... "train for my match"??!? Pfft. I'm wayyyy too mighty for any mere mortals to take me on!

M opens up a nearby laptop and starts reading a discussion page on his match, counting his opponents on his outstretched left hand...

So I'm up against Aubrey Sloan, Eve Taylor, Jimmy Wonder, Ilapa and SHIT.... Well lets see.... I grew up alone fending for myself with nobody at all near me except a few cute waitresses, fighting off bears and stuff with my bare hands, so it's safe to say I'm more monk-like and martial arts-ified than Sloan....

He folds his thumb down...

I'm definitely more model looking than Eve...

He folds his pinky finger down...

More magical than Jimmy Jim Jim....

He folds his ring finger down...

Majorly more mysterious than Ilapa....

He folds his middle finger down...

And more mechanically adept than SHIT, I mean look at this place!

He folds his index finger down to complete the five fingered fist as we pan across the room and see that it's filled with magnificent gadgets and futuristic devices that would make anyone jealous as we also hear M laughing a maddening laugh to himself...

Marvellous... I'm going to win this, but it won't just be a victory, because that's not enough to adequately describe the domination at hand - And "victory" doesn't start with "M" - But you know... Yes... It won't just be a victory... It'll be a massacre...

We see a close up of M grinning a maniacal grin as we fade to black to end the scene...
Terrance Howe was not one to yell. He was very much guilty of internalizing his issues, but always did well to use any anger he may have as motivation to do his best at his work. Tonight, however, after watching Illapa escape through the crowd, he could not control his anger. The obscenities echo through the parking lot of the Joe Lewis Arena, and, one would believe, for quite a distance beyond with no end in sight. That is, until Howe gets close enough to his own car to see the shadowy outline of someone already sitting in the passenger seat. He ducks behind a nearby car and checks his pocket to make sure his keys hadn’t been stolen from him. They are there, along with a heavy pair of handcuffs he had planned to use for restraining Illapa once they got out of the arena. Heavy enough that they could at least prevent a person from fighting back for a few moments; if not completely knock them out.

As Howe slowly pulls the handcuffs from his pocket, a voice comes out of the darkness behind him.

Surely you aren’t going to attack my luggage, are you, Mr. Howe?

Howe quickly turns to see Brother Mason Westhoff standing behind him.

Give me the keys and sit in the back. I don’t trust you to drive in your current condition.

The two men climb into the car and Brother Westhoff pulls out of the parking lot.

You know I don’t speak much of pop culture, Mr. Howe, but I can’t help but notice much your chase of Illapa looks like the chase of the Roadrunner by Wile E. Coyote. Both you and the coyote think that you can easily outsmart your opponent but end up being the one looking foolish at the end. Chasing her around to every arena WZCW goes to is a waste of time and money, especially since you don’t even have a real plan.

Look, Brother Westhoff, if you have ideas please share them. I’m tired, I’m frustrated, and I have no idea what to do from here other than keep trying what hasn’t worked thus far.

Brother Westhoff adjusts the rear-view mirror so that he can make eye contact with Howe and laughs condescendingly.

Do you think I would be here if I didn’t have an idea?

Good point.

We'll walk you through this since you've shown inability to grasp simple plans before and this one is slightly more complicated than you are used to.

Brother Westhoff pauses to take a drink of water, allowing Howe to stew over the insult.

Why is Illapa in WZCW?

We sent her to take your place after you were shot at in France.

Why was she allowed to do that?

You had the clause in your contract that allowed her to be a substitute.

Not had, Mr. Howe. Have. Do you see it yet?

Are...are you coming back to WZCW, Brother Westhoff?

Indeed I am. I've been backstage most of the night getting everything sorted out for my return. Illapa is wrestling under my contract, and once I return, she will not be a contracted employee of WZCW.

Are you sure you're ready to come back after what happened in France?

Brother Westhoff loudly sighs.

You were so close to restoring my faith in you, Mr. Howe. Think back. The attack happened right when my responsibilities in Texarkana were picking up. I was building a new headquarters for the ministry, I didn't have time to be on the road with WZCW. I hired a guy to attempt to assassinate me, without him knowing who was hiring him. I provided him a gun with high quality blanks that wouldn't have hurt me even if the idiot would have hit me. Why do you think I accepted the press conference? Plus, where do you think the gun came from? You can't get anything like that in Europe.


The events around me don't surprise me, Mr. Howe, because The Almighty has blessed me with the ability to completely control them. Here's where we'll stay tonight. We can go right up; I checked in earlier.

Brother Westhoff pulls into the lot of an upscale hotel near the Detroit airport. The two men pull the luggage out of the car and roll it toward the doors.

Now you will be flying back to Texarkana with Illapa immediately. I'll have a car waiting outside the arena to take you to the airport and a car waiting to take you to the church when you land. I can not emphasize this enough: do not let her out of your sight. I've left instructions of how she should be handled and where she should stay with the staff there so they can fill you in when you arrive.

It seems like you have this planned perfectly, Brother Westhoff. I just have one question: how will we actually get Illapa?

They arrive at the room and Brother Westhoff swipes the key card to unlock it.

That is the favorite part of the whole plan, Mr. Howe.

They enter the room without the camera. As the door slowly closes behind them, the scene fades to black.
Eve Taylor wipes away the steam from the bathroom mirror, revealing her smiling face as she wraps a clean white towel around her head. She models in front of the mirror for a second, reminiscing of the times prior her professional wrestling career, causing her smile to feign away.

However, before Eve becomes too depressed, she looks down and notices her legs. Her eyes bulge open as she sees one strand of hair glistening from the bathroom light, staring back at Eve with malicious intent. Taylor suddenly has a look of intensity on her face, ripping open the vanity to see her best friend stowed away on the top row: the razor!

The hair screams in fear as Eve clutches the razor, bringing it slowly towards her leg, taunting it with the sharp, metal edges. With one fell swipe, Eve takes out her leg hair as it drops to the floor, echoing through the room. The evil hair had been defeated by Eve but in its death, the hair causes a trickle of blood to annoy and cause harm to Eve! Taylor sees the red running down her modelling assets and lets out a squeal herself!

Almost instantly, Aubrey Sloan kicks down the bathroom door and comes to check in on her partner. Eve sits on the floor, almost devastated that her skin had been pierced. Sloan walks over to Eve and kneels down, checking on Eve.

"Did you want a replacement hair?" She asks, consoling Eve with her best concerned face for someone socially inept.

Eve looks up, confused. "Replacement... hair?"

"Yes. Would you like some?"

Aubrey pulls out sealed bags full of hair, of all different colours. Eve is stumped and looks on in disbelief.

"How did you get that?"

Sloan smirks maniacally before responding: "Squirrels."

Eve is left speechless for a moment as Aubrey continues staring at Taylor with her creepy face until she shakes her head, knocking herself back to reality.

"Y'know, if you use that same determination to catch squirrels for this week's Battle Royale, I think you might be the next Elite X champion!"

"What about you?"

Eve looks down at her leg.

"I don't know, I might have to call in sick this week. This cut is pretty bad."

Aubrey looks down at the leg, seeing a little bit of blood and doesn't look too amused.

"You're competing in that Battle Royale or I'll do to you what I did to the squirrels."

Eve takes a second to think about it before performing a kip-up.

"Let's go kick some ass!"

Taylor walks out of the bathroom, leaving Sloan alone as she smiles that she tricked her friend with the "real" squirrel hair before heading out as well.
"What would you do if you caught one?" Eve wondered aloud.

The girl considered. They sat next to one another on a park bench, the day warm and bright in the middle of the afternoon. Some children played off to the side, while numerous adults wandered through the paths and trees, enjoying the day. Eve had had the idea to bring them here, figuring the girl would enjoy the closest thing to wilderness they could get in the city. Eve had been right, but she hadn't fully considered what the girl would do in a park. Specifically, she hadn't considered the number of...squirrels.

The girl had spent the better part of the last several hours running around the park wildly, attempting to catch every squirrel she had seen - and there had been many, many squirrels. Eve had followed her tirelessly, trying to suggest off and on that perhaps they might just walk, or join a game of Frisbee, or anything, but the girl hadn't relented for hours. Finally, Eve had convinced her to sit down - the girl was out of breath, her hair completely disheveled, and she finally seemed to think it was a good idea. Especially considering that she hadn't caught one.

"'s not so much about the having of it, just the catching. Proving that you're better than it."

"Do you really think the squirrel cares?"

The girl nodded vigorously. "Make no mistake. They are devious creatures, who exist to mock us. It's not just a test of my abilities, it's about putting them in their place."

"And've never caught one."

The girl paused.

"That is so..."

Eve kept pressing. " do this every day, and you keep losing."

The girl flinched. "That is one way to look at it." She shifted uncomfortably, and considered leaving.

"I'm sorry," Eve said. "I didn't mean it like that. It just seems odd to keep beating yourself up over something you can't do."

The girl rounded on her, suddenly angry. "Can't do? I can do it! It's just...every time I am close, they shift this way or that, or climb a branch I cannot, or something, and they get away. But I am learning their tricks, and one day I will have them."

Eve was taken aback by the sudden rage, but she tried to keep calm. She hadn't been trying to start a fight.

"How long have you been trying?"

The girl paused, and remembered.


It had been many years ago, when she was still young. She remembered having been told not too long ago she was four and ten. She was walking the woods, silently hoping that Zhong would find her, but she knew he wasn't expected back for a few days yet. So she was alone until then, it seemed.

She came across the Master, overseeing a few of the acolytes sparring. None of them could speak to her, of course, and she doubted the Master would speak to her, but she stopped to look nonetheless. She observed their form - sloppy, she thought. They were each of them flawed - that one had the raw speed, but none of the finesse and control. That one was big and strong, but too hesitant.

After a few minutes, the Master, to her surprise, spoke. "You are thinking that you are better than them," he said.

She flushed and looked at the ground, but she knew better than to lie. "Yes," she said.

"You are not wrong. You are faster than most of them, smarter than most, and stronger than at least a few. I have seen you defeat most of the boys your age."

She could defeat many of the boys older than her, too, she knew, but she could not say this. To brag or to make unfounded statements would earn the ire of the Master, she knew. In his own speech the Master was careful only to make observations, not praise.

She did not thank him, but let the silence grow between them.

"You must understand, Aubrey."
She wondered if he really knew how much she hated to hear that. He had to see her flinch. "No matter how fast, or smart, or strong you are compared to them, it is not enough. You are walking the path of a warrior, and for a woman, you are dangerously ill-equipped."

She said nothing once more, but her silence spoke for her.

"I have offered to send you to the city, to learn as a normal girl would. But you refuse, and I am honor bound to keep you here in my protection if you will not go. But I cannot shield you from the truth, Aubrey - all you have is not enough to succeed on the path you walk."

She would not cry. She would not.

"What will be enough?"

"When you are smarter than the wisest priest, or the oldest of wise men. When you are stronger than a giant. When you can run through the trees and catch the squirrels, then perhaps you will have enough."

The girl was not stupid. She knew he exaggerated. She knew he mocked her, subtly, quietly. He was trying to convince her to give up again.

The girl was stubborn.

She stalked off sullenly, not knowing what else to say. She felt tears roll down her face but refused to acknowledge them. Stupid, useless emotion, what good would it do her? If the Master saw, it would only reinforce what he already thought. That the fighting that she knew she was good at, better than anyone he taught here, was not for her. That she was too weak inside, that no matter how skilled she was, she would be too soft.

She came into a clearing. She looked up and spotted a squirrel, eating a nut and looking down at her. Black eyes. Mocking eyes. Mocking her the way her Master had.

She would catch it, and bring it back, and show him she was fast enough.


"Years. Many years,"
was all she said, finally. The memory made her want to cry, though she restrained herself. It was hard to keep the sadness out of her voice though.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry," Eve said. The girl flinched - she had been getting better at hiding that, especially with Eve, but her thoughts were elsewhere now. "I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just saying that if you put half as much effort into winning matches as you do catching squirrels, you could be a superstar."

The girl sighed. There was too much to handle in this place. It had been easier when she was alone in the woods.

"Perhaps that is so, Eve. I do not think I can let go so easily, though."

Eve was silent for a moment, then she continued. "You're going to be in the Elite X battle royal at All or Nothing, right?"

"I am here to fight. If I cannot fight anywhere else, then I will do so there. Though I do not understand this concept of throwing your opponent over ropes. How does that prove anything? They could simply enter the ring again and keep fighting."

"Well, it''s hard to explain. It's traditional."

"You have strange traditions here. Are you sure I cannot just pin them?"

"Well, you can try, but historically it doesn't end well..."

The girl sulked for a moment, before shaking her head.

"I cannot understand, but if it is what is wanted, then I will do it."

Eve nodded. "I'm going to be in there too. We'll be opponents."

Aubrey cocked her head. She had not considered, but it made sense.

"I...yes. I am sorry to learn this."

Eve shook her head. "Why? No one's doing anything wrong. It's what we do for a living. It won't make us any less of friends."

"No one I have wrestled so far has seemed to want to call me friend afterwards."

"Do you want to be friends with Cerberus?"

"Err...not especially."

"Do you want to be friends with Ilapa, or Jimmy Wonder, or...M?"

The girl's eyes widened. "Ilapa is terrifying. So big. I did not know people came so large here. And Wonder...magic is not something to be messed around with, Eve. Zhong has told me many times of sorcerers who steal children who do not eat their vegetables. No, I do not wish to know this man. But...who is M?"

Eve thought for a moment.

"You know, I'm not sure I can explain that to you, Aubrey. He's...a wrestler. Apparently. He loves the letter M. That's about all I got."

The girl raised an eyebrow.

"He sounds...odd."

Eve nodded in agreement.

"Is it normal to be named only a letter?"

"No, it's pretty unusual."

"I...I think I will focus on defeating him, and not on understanding him."

Eve, once again, nodded in agreement.

"This could be a big chance for both of us. A shot at the Elite X title puts you on the path to the world title."

"This business of handing out gold for winning fights is...perplexing, to me, but you tell me it is a good thing. I hope very much to have a chance at this gold, Eve."

"So do I, friend. So do I."

The silence settled between them, with the realization deepening for the girl that she would be forced to fight Eve soon.

"We'll still be friends? Even if..."
The girl trailed off, quietly.

Eve smiled an extended a hand.

"Still friends. Whatever happens."
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