All or Nothing: Elite X 30 Minute Iron Man Match - Showtime Cougar vs Austin Reynolds

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The situation regarding the Elite X Championship has been an interesting one as due to an error by the referee, a rematch between challenger Showtime Cougar and champion Austin Reynolds has been officially made. This match will be taking place in the first ever 30 Minute Iron Man Match, the rule is simple, the man with the most victories via pinfall, submission, countout or disqualification is the victor. The added stipulation is that Showtime Cougar has put his career up on the line to prove a point to the Champion. No doubt that after the attempt at stealing the belt, this match will no doubt be going beyond personal between the WZCW's top two showmen!

Deadline is Tuesday November 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.
We see a dark room, barely lit up by the small amount of light coming in from outside. The shadows barely reveal a figure sitting in an armchair.

“In sport, you have to play to the buzzer and give everything in between. Why should this business be any different?”

A small light turns on from above him. Austin is revealed. He is wearing a smart suit as always. The chair he is sitting is large and comfortable and he is sat deeply into it.

“Winners give 1000%. Blood, sweat, tears; all left out there for the world to see. The crowd loves to be entertained but they enjoy great athletes going all out, bell to bell.”

“There should be no excuses and no whining when nothing goes right.”

Austin winces; clearly he doesn’t want to speak of what happened at Meltdown but he refuses to back away from it. He now stands up and the small beacon of light above him follows.

“I lost to John Constantine on Meltdown but I will not offer any excuses. On the night he was just better and wanted it more. He deserved his moment in the limelight.”

“But the fact that Showtime was even in the vicinity tells me his ego can’t allow us to co-exist. We should be allies, we are so similar or at least we were. I thought he cared about putting on a great show for the fans, no matter the outcome.”

Austin’s disgust is clear. He hates how Showtime has imposed himself on his life recently. He has only succeeded in pissing off the Elite X Champion.

“But recent events have proved me wrong. He never changed. He is still the egotistical ass that dominated the Eurasian Division but couldn’t make the step up to the main event. When he had the World title within his reach he failed. Just like when he was Eurasian champ, he couldn’t defend it and truly make his name on our biggest stage. That was his time and he fell short. He did it against me on Ascension and he has made a habit of it on pay-per-view recently.”

“That is what Showtime does. He fails on the big stage. Redemption, Apocalypse & Unscripted all saw him fail. How many chances does a guy need?”

He shrugs his shoulders out of pure frustration. The stress of the past couple of weeks has turned Austin into a tightly coiled spring, unable to relax and be his normal, good-humoured self. The blank, dark background is a perfect contrast to the anxious picture that his face betrays.

“And the good doctor had you found out last week. You don’t care about anyone but yourself, you would end the careers of others if it would progress yours and you are leeching off of my successes. You are jealous because you see that I have seen what you did, then improved on it and created my own successes through hard work and dedicated graft.”

“And you just won’t be told but just in case you didn’t hear it, losing is bad for ratings!”

“We should be allies, we should be on the same page but you know, some people don’t deserve another chance. At All Or Nothing I am going to be the host for the last episode of The Show.”

He smiles a little as he hints at his self-confidence.

“And this episode will be a lie just like the rest. He constantly betrays himself about his successes but the facts don’t lie. On the big stage I am the man. Where Showtime loses, I win. Where you fail, I emerge dominant. I said that losing is bad for ratings. Now if you didn’t get the press release, maybe you should get your agent to clue you in on the true facts. But our ratings are through the roof. Your failures in the main event have not affected your ability to be carried through a feud to great acclaim. It will be my pleasure to carry you through what should be a classic match.”

His tone changes to fierce and determined. He knows Showtime has forced him onto the defensive and for their match to be a true classic, he will need to go all-out.

“To be a great champion you need to have heart. I see you and you are scared Showtime. It doesn’t pay to be scared of anyone or anything. You don’t have the courage that you need to be a champion.”

“You have not sacrificed a drop of your being for this company. You have not defied any odds. You expect it all be put on a plate for you. But I will not lie down and let you take everything I have worked so hard for.”

“Your criticism of me is baffling. You think I am egotistical and insecure? Go have a look in the mirror. I am sure a narcissist like you has plenty. I can imagine them of every wall of your house while you scramble about aimlessly, mumbling about conspiracies.”

He chuckles to himself. He is so focussed on Showtime that he takes any & all opportunity to relieve the stress of being the Elite X Champion going into a hugely difficult match-up.

“You have all the momentum now but I promise you that for half an hour, 30 minutes, 1800 seconds that I am going to make fight and claw for everything. I believe, I know that I am better than you in the ring and I will bring a bucketload of blood, sweat and tears to prove it!”

It wasn’t the potential physical torture that this match was going to present - he was well prepared for that - but the mental ones that were at the forefront of his mind.

“I’ve beaten countless men who have coveted this title. Chris Beckford, Scott Hammond, guys who are twice the wrestler you are and ten times the man. They are both humble and hard-working and deserving of all their successes.”

His emotions are clearly close to boiling over. As champion he has seen challengers come and go but the desperate manner that Showtime has approached the Elite X championship in recent weeks concerned him. No one else had focussed their efforts on him like David Cougar had.

“You may pin me once but you will not end me. You may even submit me but you will not break me. There is no one with more desire to go that one step further in the name of entertainment.”

“I’m going to beat you and end your career on a high. Because when your ass is on the floor at All or Nothing, having lost your career live on pay-per-view, it’s going to be put my ratings through the roof.”

The light above Austins’ head expired slowly, fading his surrounding into black depths. However the mind of The Ratings Winner had never been clearer. Win and his passage to being the best, longest-reigning and highest drawing Elite X Champion would be almost complete.
We see Dominic, Hayley and Austin in Hayley and Austin’s apartment. They are all sat on the sofas together and are each having cups of tea.

“It was inspired Dom.”

“I think you earned your next decades’ pay with that stunt mate.”

Austin’s smile is bright and wide. Dom and Hayley were laughing as well.

“I didn’t think they would fall for it. You would have thought that Stonewall would have checked the facts before he passed it to Cougar.”

“Stonewall’s a slimy punk but he is good at his job, well for a client as good as Cougar.”

Austin nods in agreement.

“He got exposed when he went up against the big leagues.”

“You know, I had to pinch myself when he started ranting at Meltdown. It was all I could do to not laugh at him. I really didn’t think slipping something to Stonewall would lead to him making a fool of himself so quickly.”

“What can I say? When I pay a guy to get some slight misinformation out into the public, I don’t half-ass it.”

“Those guys were so gullible, so eager to believe that I wasn’t a draw and Showtime is so much better than I am. It was kinda desperate of them.”

“Showtime has been desperate for months now. When he lost to Big Dave at Kingdom Come, he really took a hit. And losing his chances at the World Title really hit him hard. He changed and just regressed into his old self.”

“Maybe he saw me and realised I was doing what he wanted to do but did it better.”

“Or maybe he was just jealous of everything I had. I’m lucky enough to have genuine friends and someone I love. His life just seems to be a little superfluous.”


“Flakey baby.” He laughs and kisses her affectionately on the temple. “I mean, he has no one to bounce off. No one to share his ups and downs with.”

“He was so desperate to get this feeling of superiority that he was going to cling to any chance that he really was better than me. We just slipped him a few fudged up facts and he put it together in his own vision, exactly like we hoped.”

Austin shakes his head. Was it really that easy?

“He’s stupid. So is Stonewall.”

“He’s not stupid, he is just terribly misdirected. He doesn’t know what he wants – does he want to be in love with himself or be the face of the company. He can’t be both, no matter how hard he tries.”

Austin firmly believed that Showtime was being affected by some sort of mental disorder which provoked his inner narcissus.

“And if you end him, you will be the face of this company. It’s destined to be your place. That has to be your ultimate motivation.”

“If you emerge with your title then you supplanting him as the top face is inevitable. And you get everything that come with it.”

Austin smiles knowingly. He exhales calmly, clearly he has become very relaxed at last. He goes into the pay-per-view, calm and collected, with a clear mind and focussed on what he needs to get done.

“I know and I can’t wait.”

Video starts with the HIAC match. Various highlights are shown from the match.

Ty counters it into the Finale Séance, locking Vengeance tight who refuses to scream but grit his teeth tightly, the exhaustion wears in on his face and reaching out to the ropes doesn’t bring him closer as he’s in the centre of the ring. Vengeance looks exhausted, looking around at where to grab but he eventually turns to look at Ty, who holds the move tight and he lets out a faint smile before he slams his hand to the mat and submits to Ty with the referee signalling for the bell.

The ref hands Ty the belt who posses with it. From the roof we can see Showtime staring down at the belt inside the ring.

Ascension 20​

Cougar: See, much like when I first came into WZCW, everything here has suddenly become dull and predictable and boring.

Highlights are shown of Phoenix verse Showtime at AS 20.

Phoenix lands on his feet and Show hits the mat hard. Phoenix stumbles back but as Showtime starts to get up, Phoenix hits Rebirth out of nowhere! He covers Showtime, 1...2.....3!

So I decided that this company needed some shaking up a bit. At Ascension I went out for my match against Phoenix and did something I have never purposely done before, and that was to lose. And after doing that I intended to do something that nobody would’ve ever expected coming, and I did it to add a little buzz and excitement to the product. I did it all... for the shock value.

Showtime rolls out of the ring and looks frustrated. He walks over and kicks over the steel steps and then grabs a chair from the ringside area. He slides into the ring and slams the chair hard into Phoenix's back. The crowd starts to boo as Showtime throws the chair out of the ring. Phoenix slowly crawls to the outside as Showtime continues to go ballistic in the ring. The ref tries to talk Showtime down but Show suddenly kicks the ref in the stomach and hits a reverse overdrive on the ref.

Meltdown 46​

Showtime is scene walking to towards the ring as the guest on Austin Reynolds Ratings Spike.

What matters most of all is the wrestling... right? That's why the fans come out every night and watch us perform in the ring. Is that correct Austin?... So that's why it sickens me... sickens me... to see you competing in the ring against a pair of no name jobbers.

Highlights are shown of Austins win over Wunderbar and Simmons

You claim to be a Ratings Winner, but lately the only reason I've seen as to why people watch you is to see Beckford finally get one over you.

Highlights are shown from Austin's matches with Beckford from Apocalypse and Unscripted.

What I am saying is that I expect you to live up to your expectations. You claim to be a proud champion... put that belt on the line at Ascension tomorrow.

Austin fist pumps to the crowd and grabs his Elite X Title. Showtime is slowly getting to his feet as Austin waits to hit him with the belt but he changes his mind, drops the belt and kicks Showtime in the gut, bending him double and goes for the Ratings Winner... Austin lifts him up but Showtime flips him out of it and lands on his feet. As Austin stumbles, Showtime is ready, waiting and floors Austin with the standing Final Act!!!

Ascension 21​

Highlights are shown of Showtme and Reynolds match.

Cougar climbs on the top rope and sets up Reynolds for The Final Act, but Reynolds pushes Cougar off the top rope. Cougar lands on his feet and goes to climb up the ropes again, but Reynolds kicks Cougar in the head as he climbs up the second rope. Cougar collapses forward and Reynolds gets him into Ratings Killer position. Reynolds takes a deep breath before jumping off, hitting the Ratings Killer from the second rope! They crash to the mat and Reynolds drapes an arm over Cougar, 1... 2.... 3! After the bell the camera zooms in on Showtime's foot lying under the bottom rope.

Meltdown 47​

Who are you Austin Reynolds? Really. Who are you? A biased WZCW Editoral... The Foundation for the longest-reigning Elite X Division Champion? What is that, what does that look like to you? It looks like my foot is under the rope. So now the camera shows it, the fans now it, and now you know it, that you didn't actually win... But Austin I have your redemption right here. It is a match contract ... and this match is a 30 Minute Iron Man Match!

Highlights of Reynolds vs Constantine are shown.

Austin kicks the standing Constantine in the gut and goes for the Ratings Killer. He notices Showtime standing and turns to face him, still holding Constantine in position. Austin points at Showtime and yells at him. Austin finally goes to lift Constantine. Constantine is dead weight and stays on his feet. Constantine grabs Austin and lifts him up into the air. Axis of Evil. Constantine crawls on Austin for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

If you win this match Austin, then I will retire from WZCW...I know that wont be the case, because at AON the real winner this time will be Showtime David Cougar

Showtime is shown picking up the belt and leaving Austin in the ring.

Ascension 22​

Showtime rolls onto his knees as Kurtesy still hasn’t moved, he goes to crawl over and is about to get the arm over only for the crowd to jump as Austin Reynolds runs down from the stage, Showtime stops the cover attempt and gets up ready to intercept the Elite X Champion, only that Reynolds runs around the ring rather than into it, heading straight for the timekeeper and reclaiming his championship belt... Reynolds stops at one of the entrances as Showtime stands at the bottom of the stairs, he follows in pursuit until Reynolds points back at the ring, to which Showtime turns and sees the referee is up to the count of 7, he starts running back down the stairs, 8, back through the crowd who get out of his way, 9, he leaps over the barricade getting close to the ring, 10! The referee signals for the bell.

Reynolds: Showtime David Cougar, The Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds, Elite X Championship, 30 minute Iron Man match, All Or Nothing.

He screws up the contract and throws it down the ramp in Showtime’s general direction, pausing the crowd dies down a little.

You’re ON!!!

The crowd erupts, Showtime looks pleased but Austin’s face doesn’t change at all as he raises the championship high, staring at his pay per view opponent.

Scene opens in an unfamiliar room. Showtime David Cougar is seated in front of the camera in a high back chair. Dressed is usual business suit and shades, he breaks the silence.

Cougar: Welcome to The Show.....

No that wasn't good... that sounded a bit anti climatic. Let me try again. Welcome to SHOWTIME's WRESTLING VAULT!!!

Showtime stands as he shouts out. The camera pans out to reveal a massive 2 floor room. Shelves occupy the back and are filled with everything from wrestling magazines, to autobiographies, and videos. Showtime walks alongside the shelves on the second level ramp, a slow swagger in his step.

Yes, this is my wrestling archieve. Within these shelves are thousands upon tens of thousands of matches from across the globe featuring just about every wrestler who's ever laced up a pair of boots and wrestled in front of a camera. I have spent years watching them, perfecting my art as well as learning to disect any ones style and weaknessess. The only way to acheive greatness is through hard work, study, and constant improvment from the past. The only thing Austin cares about when is his next big money bout, Austin cares for nothing about the past

I have literature from just about every hot shot and big whig who thinks they have something meaningful or relevant to say about professional wrestling or their careers. I know that both Austin and myself will one day have great books written about ourselves. The difference is his will be filled with lies where as mine will be filled with greatness

Showtime gets to the end, which reveals itself to be a elevator. Showtime grabs a bottle of ShoWater, which is sold globally in over 40 different countries, and takes a long sip. He steps off the elevator as it touches down and continues.

And of course what great television star wouldn't be complete without documented and recorded coverage of his work. Every episode of The Show that I have done and every single match that I have wrestled in is saved on video. In this business that I am in I have some of the toughest critics out there. My opponent at AON seems to be my biggest critic yet as he can't help but seem to have every one of his writers and pals think up an endless stream of washed up comments and try to solly my good name. Austin thinks he can belittle me in hopes that my feelings will get hurt and I'll suddenly feel inferior to him. Little does Austin know that his laughter and jabs barely break the surface of my trained focus, because no critic is more tougher on me than myself. After every match, after every show that I've done I come here and watch the tape over and grade my performance down to the last detail. Perfection is unattainable, but that has never stopped me before.

Showtime pulls out one random case. The cover of the case is filled with lines of notes from top to bottom. He puts the case back in its place and turns back to face the camera.

While the results of my last few matches can be viewed as quite disappointing, I for one could not be more thrilled with the performance that I have laid out in the past several weeks. Emmy nominated, please. Emmy award winning is the only way to describe the drama and story that I have created between myself and my symbolic evil twin brother... Austin Reynolds.

Showtime grabs another case off the shelf and begins walking towards the camera. He removes his shades before he speaks, confident in the words he is about to speak.

Now Austin let me say in front of the camera that I think you are one of the most talented performers in WZCW today. You more than earned my respect at Ascension. You already had it even before we put on that clinic of a match. Why else do you think I chose you?

In the face of a tournament to crown a new #1 contender for the World Heavyweight title, I thought not of myself as Austin put it. I thought of the boys in the back and the fans watching every night. Austin was right about one thing he said... that I had my shot... but unlike Austin's dim future he's laid out for me, I know that one way or another down the road I will get another shot. I have beaten the World champion Ty in our last 2 singles matches and didn't need to win this tournament to justify my place in the mainevent. This tournament was for guys like Phoenix and Gordito, this was their moment.

And most of all, I thought the fans and what could entertain them. I wanted to give the fans something they never would've expected to happen... and something that would have them talking for months.

And Austin I have acheived that all for you. Nobody was talking about you before I decided to enter your life. You curse the day I walked onto your... hmm... "show"... but look around... you and I are the talk of WZCW. The Elite X title that you have spent your whole career here fighting over was nothing but a secondary belt compared to the EurAsian title that Dave and I helped build up. Now we may as well be fighting for the World Title because our match will be the climax of the entire PPV.

Austin, I wanted a match verse the man who claimed to bring in more ratings than any other superstar because that is what I look for, the best competition to fight. I don't invite the same competitor to try his luck over and over again... I seek new and challenging competitors

Showtime stops in front of a DVD player set up in the centre of the room. Showtime takes a disc out of the case and slides it into the machine. A long sigh follows as Showtime pauses for a moment before continuing.

It would seem unfortunate then for my opponent that he appears to be blinded by his own hype, emersed by friends who continually stroke his ego, to notice the errors and lies within his own brash arrogance.

Austin thinks that I have no idea what things like hard work, blood, sweat, or tears mean. Perhaps a look back at our careers will shine light on this matter. I wrestled and won my contract in a battle royale larger than the last one we had. I competed in every division in WZCW, attaining success at all levels. I wrestled in 3 title matches at last years All or Nothing and have performed countless matches through injury, exhaustion, and blood loss, with the sole purpose to please the fans and win for them.

And what of you?

Signed to a contract based on hype. Inserted into a title picture without ever wrestling a match and given a chance to compete for a World Title shot without ever facing a former champion. I think the mirrors need to be placed in front of you Austin... and you have to really ask yourself...

How did you get here?
What hard work has brought you here?
What heart have you shown?

Showtime smirks a little as he pulls out a remote. The camera turns around Showtime to reveal a huge projection screen along the opposite wall.

When we return from break... we will take a more in depth look at Austin Reynolds and myself and see who really is the hero in this epically charged season finale happening at All or Nothing... stay tuned.
Scene opens up back inside the vault. Showtime David Cougar is still standing by the DVD player, shade over his eyes with a smile on his face.

Welcome back... now don't get me wrong, I think Austin is an entertaining guy. His ego reminds me all to well of myself, but what I can't stand about him is how much he lies and hides behind those lies. I don't lie about any of my accomplishments or use them to justify my place. And I don't lie about what others have or haven't done to give the illusion that they are finished. They are finished when the star of the show, me, has them defeated inside that ring. The fact is Austin, you earned my respect inside the ring, but you have lost it all just by how much success has blurred your vision. Showtime fails on the the big stage? I always thrive on the big stage. Loser of 3 straight PPV's?

Showtime clicks a button and on the screen pops up the Apocalypse match between Showtime and Ty Burna.
Show grabs his legs and applies the Commercial Break. Ty struggles in his agony as the weary referee asks him if he wants to continue. Ty screams that he does and there doesn’t look to be an ounce of quit in him as he tries to move towards the ropes. Slowly but surely, Ty begins to crawl towards the ropes. He stretches his hand out but he is still a little bit away from his goal. As he tries to crawl forward again, a look of wrenched pain etched upon his features, Show pulls him back into the centre of the ring as a loud cheer from the fans goes around the arena. More pain and pressure is applied into the submission by Showtime, who is giving it everything he has. Ty begins to crawl again but some way across the ring for a second time, Ty stops and with one final pull on the legs of Ty, Ty taps on the canvas.

How oblivious is Austin of his opponent than to not know that Apocalypse was one of my biggest moments in WZCW, being the first and only person to make the current World Champion tap out. Foolish mistakes like these show my opponent has no idea what he's getting into or what I am truly capable of doing inside that ring, which will only lead to his downfall.

Every PPV that I have been in I have played a huge part in and helped steal the show. And what about your PPV success? All 4 of your PPV matches were along side good buddy Beckford, and your 2 wins came over, you guessed it, Beckford. Austin I have looked over your tapes and I have to call into question what drop of being you have sacrificed?

What odds have you defied?

You didn't beat the odds to be in the Elite X match at Kingdom Come. You didn't beat Beckford to become #1 contender. You didn't beat a monster named Karnage to become Elite X Champion. You beat a man who grew tired of wrestling and hung it up before even facing you. You claim to have beat countless men who covet that title, but who is on your list? At the top I see your favourite victim Chrissy B and...


Scott Hammond?

And both are apparently numerical figures times better than me, according to you anyway. That's all well and good Austin because I will use a numerical value to show how many times you have beaten Scott Hammond and that number is... 0.

Showtime pushes another button and on the screen pops up Showtime verse Hammond from Lethal Lottery.
Cougar struggles to his feet as Hammond rushes him, Cougar catches him and drops him with a Side Effect. Cougar grabs Hammond’s legs and quickly locks him into a Texas Cloverleaf, “The Commercial Break”, leaning back with all he has. Hammond yells out in pain as he reaches for the ropes. As Hammond gets mere inches away, Cougar pulls him back to the middle of the ring and puts more pressure into the hold, and Hammond taps out.

Fortunatly I know Scott Hammond and have actually beaten him before... in a lumberjack match where other talented stars stood outside the ring, stars like Jordon Lights and Steven Kurtesy. Yes Steven Kurtesy, the man who beat me last week on Ascension and I have no problem admitting that.

Austin clearly from his promo for our match had to swallow all his pride when he admitted he lost to Constantine, but the second he offered no excusses the blame was suddenly shifted to my vicinity. Because my ego can't allow us to coexist? Contrary Austin, I have existed alongside you quite nicely.

I have watched your actions and behaviours over the last month. I know far more about you than what little you obviously know about me. I know how much your filled with self confidence and a bloated ego. How you'll put together witty, catchphrasy remarks that are meant to up your fragile ego while trying to diminish mine. I know how at the very second you were able to add my name to your short list with Ms. Reynolds, Chris Beckford, you put together the whole bandwagon and threw yourself the biggest parade of egotistical... crap... all to pat yourself on the back for defeating little old me

Showtime pushes another button and on the screen pops up Constantine verse Reynolds from last Meltdown.
Austin kicks the standing Constantine in the gut and goes for the Ratings Killer. He notices Showtime standing and turns to face him, still holding Constantine in position. Austin points at Showtime and yells at him. Austin finally goes to lift Constantine. Constantine is dead weight and stays on his feet. Constantine grabs Austin and lifts him up into the air. Axis of Evil. Constantine crawls on Austin for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

And I know now that after crashing your world down and showing all the people watching at home that the real fraud is the Ratings Winner, that you are just another ungrateful supporting cast member who's 5 minutes of fame have gone on 6 minutes too long.

The video shuts off and Showtime takes the disc out and returns it to the case as he makes his way back to the shelves. Showtime turns around to face the following camera.

Austin I am very proud of the spotlight that we have shared and the drama we have unfolded to our audiences, but at All or Nothing, The Show, The Star, takes it all and leaves the ungratful with nothing. Austin your cocky arrogance about the opponent who stands before you will be your downfall. Your easy ride as Elite X champion ends this Sunday. There will be no more Chris Beckford's to pad your reign, there will be no more matches against men who have never held singles titles. No... it will be you... standing in the ring... for 30 minutes... against the biggest talent in WZCW... period. There will be no talk of ratings, or egos, or insecurities, just 2 premiere athletes fighting for every second they have.

I don't doubt that you'll pin me once, you might even get lucky and pin me twice, but at AON, I know that I will beat more times, and end YOUR mediocre reign on a high. Austin you say that I am scared of you? Well what scared part of me would risk putting my career on the line? My career which is far more significant than your entire life...

Well Austin the answer is... there is no fear

Showtime points to the screen one more time. The image of Showtime verse Reynolds at Ascension appears once more with the camera squared in on Showtime's foot under the ropes.

Because the second my foot lay under the rope as the ref counted 3 I knew that you could never beat me. Austin there are no tricks hidden up my sleeves, and this is not some publicity stunt meant to steal your thunder. This is a man who was put on this world to perform, and that's exactly what I'm going to do against a man who fancies himself a hero... a hero who spreads lies to cover his tracks... and I am willing to put everything I am on the line to prove you wrong.

Austin I have faced monsters and giants and have chopped them done to size. I have faced men who said they were better than me, and I have faced men who thought nothing of me, and beaten them all. There is not a challenge that I have ever turned down, and in those matches I have either made their careers or forever written them down in the history books.

Austin I have helped make your career so far, the foundation was proof enough, but don't think for one second that it wont end at All or Nothing. I don't end careers out of jealousy or satisfaction. They end because they were in my way to victory

Showtime is no longer smiling. The anger that Austin has created inside of him is now on the surface. The insults, the lies, all of them caused Showtime to shake slightly as he put away the DVD case. He turns one time to the camera.

Austin am I willing to sacrifice my career... to humble you? to humiliate you? No... I am sacrificing my career because I know that I will beat you. The star of the show never dies, that... is bad of ratings... not losing. And at AON every single fan will tune in to watch you lose to me.

The screen changes one last time to last Ascension where Showtime stares from the ring at Austin in the crowd.

Austin you have made the serious mistake of not knowing who you are facing. You think I'm over the hill... washed up...? Pity you have not been watching, as everyone else knows exactly where I'm coming from while you appear to be the one consummed with your fantasy world where everyone loves you. At AON, for 30 minutes, you are going to find out exactly what The Show is all about and when the last 3 seconds tick, a new Elite X champion will emerge. And that is something nobody, not even you, will ever mistake happening again.

Showtime nods his head at the camera and turns to face the shelves. He pulls out one case which turns to out to be a switch. The lowest shelf opens up like a doorway and Showtime walks into the dark room. The shelves close as the screen fades.
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