All or Nothing: Constantine vs. ??? (c) (Elite X Championship)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Constantine will face the winner of the Fallout vs. Frank Mortlock Elite X Championship match.

Deadline is Thursday, April 24th at 11:59PM Central. Extensions available on request.
As the other Elite X Championship match is extended, this match is also granted a 24 hour extension.
Resistance is Futile

You cannot deny him...

Constantine threads his way through the empty halls of an unknown WZCW arena. His senses are strange, however. His vision is blurred and the voice inside his head seems more life-like than ever. He must be dreaming. In his ring gear he continues through the halls, an unknown destination waiting for him round one of these corners he was sure of it.

You are truly alone...

Constantine scans the area for life but there is nothing. The sound of his breath and his boots on the stone floor is all that can be heard. It was eerie but loneliness was not something Constantine was unfamiliar with. In recent times he had felt more alone than ever. Even with Mia by his side, he had felt overwhelmed constantly since his return to WZCW; almost as if he had no idea who he was any more. It was a frightening thought, only amplified by the deafening silence around him.

He is strong and you are weak...

There, at the end of the long hall, stood Fallout, posing with the Elite X Championship fastened neatly around his waste. It rested upon the ash of a bygone disaster in Chernobyl, the remnants stuck to the garb of his posible All Or Nothing opponent. Under his frightening mask, Constantine was sure that Fallout was smiling as he approached him; preening and enjoying the media fanfare that came along with holding such and illustrious and prestigious Championship. Constantine's Championship. The thought angered the Power Trip as he sped up his walk, making a b-line for the current Elite X Champion. Snarling with rage,

Constantine: You!

Constantine braced himself for impact as he prepared for to steam-roll the Champion. But no impact ever came. The former politician opened his eyes to nothingness once again.

He is too good for you. You know it...​

Constantine studied the spot where Fallout had stood only seconds ago but no trace of the man remained. His Elite X Championship had disappeared also. Confusion filled the head and senses of the former Champion as a sudden deafening noise and blinding white light filled the arena corridors. It was too much for Constantine as he lifted his hands to his ears in an attempt to shield them from the piercing sound; closing his eyes tight to shield them from the sudden brightness.

Then it stopped. Constantine waited for a second before slowly taking his hands away from his ears and slowly opening his eyes. Stunned at what he suddenly seen, Constantine took a small step backwards before steadying himself. There, in front of him was Fallout's victims. Standing motionless, a vacant look in their eyes as a haze surrounded them. They didn't seem real. They couldn't be.

You are just a number...​

Constantine studied each person, moving along the line. Dr Zeus with his menacing features, Theron Daggershield with a wholly likeable look upon his face, Matt Tastic with a look of frustration upon his features, Eve Taylor with disappointment shining from her like a light and finally Ilapa, his strong features underlined by a look of desolate frustration and defeat. Stopping at the end of the line, Constantine once again studies the 5 men and women before turning away in disgust and fear.

Constantine: No!

You are just the next victim...​

Constantine: NO!

The Power Trip closes his eyes as he screams out in defiance of the mysterious voice. As he re-opens them, he is met with a familiar sight. It is himself that stands before him. Bruised and bloody, he stands with a broken look etched upon his strong features. There is no Elite X Championship in tow with the Power Trip as he slowly trudges past the dreaming doppelganger before setting himself down against the cold wall and letting out a pained gasp as he slides down the stone surface. With his head in his hands, Constantine notices a tear trickle down a cheek of the defeated reflection of himself. For a moment, a pang of sadness rushes down the spine of the standing Constantine as he peers at the reflection of what could come to be at All Or Nothing.

Constantine: I will not allow it to happen. I WILL NOT! Do you hear me!? This is not my future!

For a moment, deafening silence once again fills the white halls. Constantine studies the downed man across from him as he suddenly begins to fade away. Another glorious white light fills the halls as Constantine shields his eye. When it disappears, a dimmer light at the end of a long corridor waits for the Power Trip. Cautiously, Constantine begins to move towards it.

Suddenly, Constantine is greeted by a vision. It is of his past and a moment that he remembers well. Suspended in the air, a more grainy version of history greets him. In what seemed like slow motion Constantine waits for Titus to get to his feet. The dangerous look on Constantine's face is illuminated as Titus finally reaches a vertical basis. Constantine runs at his opponent and delivers a crushing Collateral Damage and pins the former World Champion as the scene begins to fade.

You are the rebellion...​

The vision is replaced by the sneering image of Ricky Runn. Constantine feels a sudden rage and frustration was over him as Ricky contemptuously looks on at the Power Trip. No sooner has Runn appeared, he is joined by a number of other WZCW Superstars. Dr Zeus, Fallout, El Califa Dragon, Mikey Stormrage, S.H.I.T, Matt Tastic and many more; the men that Constantine had made a point of condemning upon his return.

Together, you stand with your brothers...​

Behind Constantine, Michael Winters and Showtime David Cougar walk towards the crowd of men, joining Constantine at his elbows. Constantine turns around with a steely grit and determination upon his face, the anger inside him not being hidden very masterfully. But he is met with a similar look from his partners in The Elite. He gives a slight not towards his brothers as Michael Winters puts a hand upon his left shoulder and nods back.

You stand for something...​

The crowd of men that only seconds ago stood before Constantine has been replaced once again, this time by the image of Showtime raising Michael Winters' and Constantine's hand in celebration at Meltdown 103. The rage inside of Constantine is replaced suddenly by overwhelming pride and excitement in his new venture towards making WZCW a better and more legitimate place. He watches for a moment as the slow motion version of events culminate before him and then disappear once again. Turning back towards Showtime and Winters, Constantine looks at both men in turn before patting both men on the shoulder. He gives each of them a warm and almost friendly smile as he turns back to the white light at the end of the corridor; his ultimate destination.

You will be victorious...​

Constantine breaks into a jog as he quickly makes his way down the corridor ready for what await him. Around him, images of the upcoming match against Fallout or Frank Mortlock surround him. Action shots of Constantine delivering damage or indeed taking it from both dangerous competitors. But he is not moved by it, it simply gives him strength to run faster.

No one will stop you...​

Constantine is almost at his destination.

This is your destiny!

The Power Trip reaches the end of the corridor and throws open the doors to reveal the set of All Or Nothing 2014. The fans are going wild as Constantine and an unknown superstar do battle in the ring. The unknown man bounces off the ropes looking for a clothesline but a cunning and experienced Constantine ducks out of the way. The shadowy figure returns after hitting the ropes only to be met with the Axis Of Evil. The crowd is hushed now as Constantine crawls over his opponent for the pin. As the referee's hand falls to complete the victory, one final flash of light fills Constantine's eyes.

A light that wakes him.


Constantine lifts his head from the plush leather that lines the grand chair in his study. The lights are off once again, the way Constantine had come to expect it – and like it. The cigarette that he was drawing on has extinguished itself in the ashtray but smoke is still rising from it and being sucked out of the window to Constantine's immediate left. He couldn't have been sleeping for long but it seemed like an eternity. Wiping the sleep from his weary eyes, Constantine considered his dream. He had never been so embroiled in such a match before. Not even when he prepared for his World Heavyweight Championship match against Showtime David Cougar at All Or Nothing years ago

Whilst the Heavyweight Championship would have been the crowning achievement of an already steady, if not impressive career. But even that paled in comparison to the potential repercussions of the result of his upcoming match. He could not yet talk himself into thinking that his only real Heavyweight Championship meant nothing but was under no illusions as to just how much this match meant to everyone in WZCW.

Fallout had ruled the Elite X roost for far too long now, Constantine hated that. The only piece of silverware he had ever achieved within WZCW was now hung loosely around the waist of someone he had no liking for. The idea of a circus freak holding the Championship that once sat so neatly around his own made The Power Trip sick to his stomach. But he simply had to respect the job that Fallout had did with it. Six challengers had questioned is talent and he had proven to be better than all of them. All of them with the exception of Frank Mortlock.

But Constantine knew that he would present an entirely different proposition for the reigning Elite X Champion. He had never faced off against Constantine and that in itself would present itself to be a challenge for a man on the brink of becoming the new number one contender for the Heavyweight Championship. There could be no doubting that what Fallout had achieved was admirable. Coming so close to obtaining a World Championship was no mean feat and The Power Trip knew that better than anyone. But the occasion itself could be a bigger enemy to the current Champion than any opponent ever could.

Experience, that was the word that ran through Constantine's mind when he considered his predicament. Mortlock and Fallout were talented, there could be no doubt. They had shown themselves to be great warriors inside of the ring. But what they lacked was experience – a quality that Constantine was no stranger to. He had seen it all and almost done it all too. Did Fallout and Mortlock have the killer instinct and merciless streak in them that would take them to the very pinnacle of this industry? Constantine didn't know. But he did know himself. He knew his talents and strengths. As the thought of escaping All Or Nothing 2014 with the Elite X Championship crosses the mind of Frank Mortlock of Fallout, Constantine would be waiting for them. Constantine was no stranger to the big occasion, even winning King For A Day at the biggest event of them all. That was his advantage.

Watching the last of the smoke blow away, Constantine pondered the significance of the most innate detail. Just like the cigarette that burned so brightly only seconds ago, consuming everything with fiery passion as it travelled the length of the stick, Fallout would be extinguished also. Grabbing what remained of the cigarette in his outstreched hand, Constantine studied it. “Nothing lasts forever” he thought.

Constantine: Better to burn out than fade away...

* * *


Contents of letter:

Exactly one year, 2 months and twelve days ago, I made a mistake

My mistake was allowing an occasion to get the better of me.

I remember travelling to the former childhood residence of my opponent, Showtime David Cougar, and silently contemplating how it would strike a dagger comprised entirly of fear and maneuvering through the heart of the World Heavyweight Champion. I laughed silently as I contemplated the tears running down the cheeks of ,r. Cougar as he watched my Empire destroy a part of his life that had shaped him. It was a grand gesture specifically designed to cripple his senses – to ensure that he was so blinded by hatred and anger that he would not be able to focus on the match – thus ensuring my greatest victory. But it was all in vain.

Showtime used that same anger and energy to defeat me in a match that will live long in the memory of WZCW faithful for as long as can be remembered. Little did I know that my strategy would be the key to Showtime Cougar besting me at All Or Nothing 2013. I gave away my advantage and surrendered myself to the cruelty of fate.

This time around, there is to be no grand gesture from me. What difference would it realistically make? Fallout and Frank Mortlock are two men unconcerned by my words. Whilst Cougar and I had history, there is no bad blood between the three of us. No matter what hateful words I preach in the lead up to the match, neither man will cower in fear or run from their fate. They are too proud for that – too passionate.

This year, I will not make promises of tearing them limb from limb and delivering them to a new world of pain -they will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears as both men prepare themselves for the challenge of a no-disqualification match at one of the biggest pay-per-views in the WZCW calender.

But I can promise this. I am the danger that stalks it's prey, waiting for once false move. I am the shadowed figure ahead on the horizon. But most importantly, I am the man who has built a career on being ruthless, merciless and opportunistic. The Elite X Championship belongs with The Elite, there can be no doubting it.

This letter is not a warning to the opponent I am bound to face at All Or Nothing who will brush them off as the words of an old man. Instead it is a message to the WZCW Universe. A new era moves towards you, unerring and gathering pace. Soon, WZCW will be restored to it's former glory as we destroy the shambolic symbol that WZCW has currently become. The age of the Elite draws near. It begins at All Or Nothing.

John Constantine
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