All indies and ROH should merge already...

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Seriously, I'm tired of trying to figure out which independent promotion offers the best independent stars. So why don't these so called "top indy promotions" just join together and form one promotion? More likely than not, there won't be that much of a difference. Kevin Steen currently wrestles for places like PWG, Chikara, and ROH anyways... Kenta is back and forth between ROH & where ever he's at in Japan... Jimmy Jacobs is currently with ROH & Evolve/Dragon Gate USA, and I think with Chikara too.


Why not just merge already?
I see no problem with this at all.

They constantly trade talent and the wrestlers go from one company to another on a regular basis. Also this way I only have to listen to knuckleheads tell me that so and so is the future of wrestling, meaning when they're out of business in a few years I can laugh at them all together. Doesn't Sapolsky own like half of the indies anyway?
Seriously, I'm tired of trying to figure out which independent promotion offers the best independent stars.

Seriously just watch PWG. If you're truly one of the top stars on the indy circuit you are being booked on PWG shows. Best of ROH, best of DGUSA/Evolve, most of the best of the rest(some CZW guys, CWFH guys, etc.). PWG only runs made for DVD events and therefore can use wrestlers contracted to other promotions. They have even been using talent that is doing TNA shows, most notably TJ Perkins who just did a job at their anniversary show despite being the current TNA X-Division champ.

Also Chikara doesn't exist anymore(they run Wrestling is... shows now), Jacobs hasn't worked a DGUSA/Evolve show since returning to ROH, Kenta is the GHC Heavyweight Champion(NOAH's top title) and hasn't worked an ROH show in years, and in fact ROH is working more frequently with NJPW now for bringing in talent than they are with NOAH(though many ROH talent still work NOAH tours regularly like Fish, Eddie, Davey, Roddy etc.).

Hope that helps clear some things up.
So all the indies should merge, because of our collective laziness?

Sounds good to me!
Well, you see no problem about having only one independent promotion for people to start their way in the business? Funny. I guess WWE is really going to have a bad time finding guys to hire.

Considering ROH and DGUSA and Chikara are indies in name only, not really.

The real indies are companies that MIGHT have a show every four months and has names that no one remembers. Scoring a guy like Jim Neidhart for a show is a big deal for them. An indy company isn't on TV around the country.
in this day and age when I can get all the great aaa and njpw, what do I need the indys for?

I'll still look up a great ROH match and read up on some angle but it's not like it was 10 years ago when it was the WWE and the indys. Times change.
If all the indies merged, they wouldn't be indies anymore. They'd just be a third tier organization doomed to fail.

Then other indies would spring up to take their place.
If all the indies merged, they wouldn't be indies anymore. They'd just be a third tier organization doomed to fail.

Then other indies would spring up to take their place.

How about all the indies AND TNA. Then they are a SECOND tier organisation doomed to fail...
How about all the indies AND TNA. Then they are a SECOND tier organisation doomed to fail...

I doubt TNA will fail. They are a cute tax write off as they are right now.

But RoH and other indy feds... there's a reason they are indies. If they ever tried to be bigger than what they currently are, it'll be curtains within 6 months. Maybe even less. Indy style productions are great for super hardcore wrestling fans. But for mass appeal, no fucking way. They lack any real entertainment value.
I really don't know if TNA has mass appeal needed to cover the wages of Rampage and co. I hope I am wrong but I'm not optimistic about their chances.
Considering ROH and DGUSA and Chikara are indies in name only, not really.

The real indies are companies that MIGHT have a show every four months and has names that no one remembers. Scoring a guy like Jim Neidhart for a show is a big deal for them. An indy company isn't on TV around the country.

ROH and DGUSA I kinda get. Why doesn't Chikara count as an inie fed?
I really don't know if TNA has mass appeal needed to cover the wages of Rampage and co. I hope I am wrong but I'm not optimistic about their chances.

They aren't paying much (if any, really) of King Mo, Rampage or Tito's salaries. Spike and Bellator are picking that tab up, and using TNA as a vehicle to attempt to bring a new fanbase to Bellator.

Off topic, I hate what Spike has done to Bellator by bringing all these Zuffa washouts in. Bellator was chugging along as a great alternative to Zuffa and putting on some great fights and giving some new guys some time to shine. Now, they're just UFC lite and it sucks assholes. MMA media types are already drawing comparisons to WCW, and a lot of that is because Spike is forcing TNA to pimp Bellator.

This isn't Japan, where goony shit like that is accepted. MMA and wrestling simply won't mix all that well here in America.

*sigh*....what kind of fresh hell is this thread? Merge all the Indies?? This is simply an abomination. Debating who is "best on the Indies" is half the fun of following them. It's the old school mentality of territories that the WWE killed decades ago. Indies are the alternative to the lights, pyro & corporate glamour of the WWE. Merging the Indies would do nothing but limit the choices we have as wrestling fans. I'm a life long indie wrestling fan & I'm fortunate enough to live in an area of the US where there are numerous companies to choose from. I dig that. I've done a WWE, ROH & CZW show in the same week and they all have something different to offer. Indie wrestling is kick ass, kids. And its fine just the way it is
*sigh*....what kind of fresh hell is this thread? Merge all the Indies?? This is simply an abomination. Debating who is "best on the Indies" is half the fun of following them. It's the old school mentality of territories that the WWE killed decades ago. Indies are the alternative to the lights, pyro & corporate glamour of the WWE. Merging the Indies would do nothing but limit the choices we have as wrestling fans. I'm a life long indie wrestling fan & I'm fortunate enough to live in an area of the US where there are numerous companies to choose from. I dig that. I've done a WWE, ROH & CZW show in the same week and they all have something different to offer. Indie wrestling is kick ass, kids. And its fine just the way it is

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