All-American Basketball League

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The year is 1936. Jim Crow Laws currupt the south of United States. Share cropping is becoming a desperate act in the depression that has crippled the American agricultural practice for a decade. Racism grows as segragation remains law. A basketball organisation grows out of this known as the AABL. Except its not really 1936, its 2010.

If you don't know what the AABL, consider yourself a better person. Sick of all the blacks/Germans and others dominating the basketball court? Then this is the league for you, you racist. It is a basketball league that asks all players to have american born caucasion parents to be granted enterance. Here is an article on it:

Now do you think this league should exist? Heck, the NBA has been critized by many for not appealing to the white majority in America, could this grow as a horrendous competitor in some locations?
This is just a terrible, terrible idea.

The NBA more than ever needs a white American to become a superstar in their league, but that doesn't mean people are desperate to watch white people play basketball. There's no way this ridiculous organization makes any money whatsoever. It will flop and it will flop hard; I guarantee it.

That said, is it racist? A little, but it's more stupid than anything. It's somebody thinking that since they hear countless amounts of people bitch about the game of the NBA these days, that if you put a bunch of whiteboys together to play basketball, that they will play the game the "right way" and people will pay to see it. Ummm... no. While I'm sure it'll be true "organized basketball", people still won't give a damn about it because college basketball still exist for fucks sake. College still has plenty of white players with names, and they still play the "right way". Basketball enthusiast who are disgusted with the NBA's style of play today will never turn to a league like this as long as college basketball is still around, like it of course always will be.
This is wrong on so many levels.

Not only is it blatantly racist, but this would be the most boring league in the history of sports. The NBA is mostly black and foreign players for a reason. That reason being that they are actually good. I'm sure there are some talented American born white players not in the NBA, but for the most the games will be slow as fuck. Fundamentally it might be better but overall the entertainment value drops 100%.

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