Alien vs. Predator


Getting Noticed By Management
I didn't see a thread devoted to this game so I'll make one.

I first learned of this game after reading about it in OXM. It's a FPS where you can play on 1 of 3 sides, Marines, Aliens, and Predators. There is story lines for each class and from what I've seen they all play like their movie counterparts.

Marines play like the generic FPS but with the classic sensor so you can find the invisible predator or the wall crawling alien. They travel in groups but if I buy this game, I don't on ever playing as the marine. Maybe for the scares.

The predator starts off with the basics, agility and claw, but scattered around the map are the classic weapons we want to unleash. Invisibility, heat scan, and the shoulder cannon. Predator comes in second to the class I will never get off.

Aliens. You can craw on walls, spit your acid, jump into vents, use your tail, and of course the assassinations are the thing that might make this banned in some countries. From the video I saw on X-play, when you are able to sneak up on an enemy without alerting them you can assassinate them with a button press. The one I saw is the alien taking its tail and stabbing the marine getting you a trophy kill

So will you buy it? Do you see this as a good game? Discuss.
Yes. I'm on that shit. I was a serious fan back in the day when it was just a PC port. Way before the days that I even had access to broadband internet, I remember playing LAN matches at a local Wizards of the Coast franchise in a room of about eight of us nerds. Nothing beat that experience for quite sometime (maybe Halo 2 or 3). If this new game (which is also produced by Rebellion) is anywhere near where I think it could be? Yowza.
It depends on what it is on.If its on 360 hell yes.I want to be a predator.Those things were awesome.Alien next and last the marines.Marines dont seem tha good.Aliens are pretty cool but for me its the Predator.
I never played the first two games, but from what I have read this one is reasonably similar to AVP2.

Neverless, it sounds like a fun game providing its balanced enough, it sounds like a few great nights at my local cyber cafe at least. Alien sounds my style, stay in the shadows, stalk your prey and wait for the right moment, also from what ive seen they are shit fast.

I am looking forward to this one, I just hope it is balanced.
Already did buy it. :p. Haven't had a chance to play to much of it yet, but I started my marine campaign. It's been fun so far and is definitely built off of the concept of the first and second Alien movies. The game is incredible claustrophobic when your inside of the buildings. I have already jumped at least twice by the cheap scares, they always get me. I always enjoy killing shit with pulse rifles so that is why I have to beat this mode first.

Both the Predator and Alien campaign modes look extremely promising as well. I will get around to playing them accordingly but Predator looks a tad more fun. Everything looks just like the movies and not watered down like the AVP movies were. So far it has been a nice and better addition then either movie was.

Online looks to be really fun as well. The concept is way overdue and I think any fan of either franchise can agree to that.

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