Alex Riley

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Yes he will. I have never been as interested in the Alex Riley character than I am now. If he can do this in the future he can be a headliner.
:shrug: Impossible to tell right now. Maybe in one year Alex Riley may be a headliner, but for now its way too soon. He could be the next HBK, like he could be the next Santino.

"Survey says, One more for the good guys!!!" - Scott Hall
It depends....from what I've read the plan is for the miz to be the new face of the wwe. So maybe but maybe not sometimes what u read is misleading and things change from day to day. If A-ri beats the miz it will give him momentum...what happens after that is up to the wwe writers and we all know how they like to mess things up.
His look is great(based on WWE standards). His mic skills are good. His music is awesome(no pun intended). I think Riley, if he continues this hot streak and getting over with the crowd could receive a mega push. Brock Lesnar type stuff. I'm talking him Winning A World title at WrestleMania 28. More likely somehow the SD World Title not the WWE. But I could definitely see A-RI as a big time main eventer sooner than later.
I could see him as one. Great on the mic and a great look. The kinda face you can put on posters and bring ppl in. And plus great theme music and a finisher
I believe if wwe doesn't screw this one up i can see him being a main eventer. i was at the raw in portland when he turned on the miz and he got over as soon as the miz pushed him. there were riley chants all over the building. he can and probley will be a fan favorite in about a month so lets hope so!
I think Alex Riley has a lot of potential. He has proven that he is a strong guy and is not afraid of anyone. Taking all that crap that the Miz gave him then turning on him is a great set up for great things to come for him. I see possible him either being in the money in the bank match or summerslam vs the miz.
Oh Heavens Yes!!! This guy has it all. I'll admit i was skeptical in his NXT season. I literally couldn't stand him when he was the Miz's bitch, but NOW! This guy has it imo. The look is there, in-ring skills are there. Something about his mic skills i still don't like. He just has a corny delivery. But if he can work on it, Yes he's gonna be good!
definately. i knw some may dissagree, but alex riley has that it factor. in ring skillss, looks, charisma, and if wwe do things rite,definately marketbility which equals $$$$$$
He definitely has what it takes, but he can only go so far as of now. His next step is a gimmick.

He can go the route of a guy like Orton. He was pushed as far as his first gimmick could take him, but then he completely change his character and is more over than anyone on the roster.

At the same time he can be like Kofi Kingston. He goes as far as his gimmick can go, and then gradually slides back down the ranks because of a lack of direction.

If A-Ri can keep himself fresh as a face he can go far. I do think this feud should culminate in a loser leaves Raw match so Riley goes back to Smackdown. If Christian goes heel, Randy is the only credible face, so it could be a good opportunity for him.
He definitely has the potential no question. We barely saw him wrestle or do anything other than being by the side of the Miz. Suddenly they give him the chance out of the blue and it's like he's been in the business for years. Looks completely natural out there. I'm really interested in seeing if he can take advantage of this push and impress the WWE brass as well as the fans. Based on what I've seen he's doing a really good job so far.
It's a bit early to make a decision yet as he's only had two weeks with the new character but he's obviously grabbed the chance so far.
They actually explained this. He couldn't be drafted because he was under a service contract to the Miz, not the WWE. After Miz fired him on Raw the Raw GM rehired him after the show went off the air.

But, as I stated earlier in the thread, I think he'd do better on Smackdown and should be moved. Maybe this angle was done to give him some momentum before he went over there.

I don't know, people claim Smackdown to be the better move for people, but honestly I think his character fits in on Raw. I mean after he finishes with The Miz, who knows, maybe Riley can go into a program against R-Truth or CM Punk. Or maybe even one with Del Rio if it's worked right. I can see Riley being built up as the number 2 face on Raw.

With the amount of face talent on Smackdown, I can't see the same result for Riley there.
Too soon to tell right now, but I believe he has all the tools, the right look, the right kind of size - medium for a WWE wrestler I suppose. He's also not bad on the mic and quite fluid in the ring. With time will come improvement.

It was clear WWE wanted him to win NXT 2, but Kaval proved too popular.

I think if set up right, we may have a new future top face in A-Ri, because Miz's villainy seems like it will last a while yet.
I don't know, people claim Smackdown to be the better move for people, but honestly I think his character fits in on Raw. I mean after he finishes with The Miz, who knows, maybe Riley can go into a program against R-Truth or CM Punk. Or maybe even one with Del Rio if it's worked right. I can see Riley being built up as the number 2 face on Raw.

With the amount of face talent on Smackdown, I can't see the same result for Riley there.

To me it seemed like Christian just turned heel, so there is only 1 main event face on Smackdown and nobody to step up, except maybe Zeke. On Raw you have Cena, Rey, Morrison (upon return), and Big Show (also, upon return).

I think there is more room for him to grow on Smackdown. Also how awesome would it be if he went to Smackdown for a year and then cashed in MITB or the Rumble win on The Miz.
I see Alex Riley as having a similar path to the headliner as the Miz, only differences being, Riley is a face, and i don't see Riley using Money in the Bank to become a headliner. Riley does have the full package. He has Charisma, he has the look of a champion, a top guy, and im thinking he does have the ring ability. So yes, i think Riley will be a headliner, hopefully sometime before the end of 2011.
Riley has the looks, size and mic skills to be a headliner. I thought he was clearly the best player on NXT. His charisma shows thru. His ring work could use some work, but in the current WWE, whose focus is on entertainment and not wrestling, he is more than capable of putting on a good match. I think of all the young guys, he has "it". He could be a face, heel, or even a tweener. His future is bright.
Riley looks great i see in year(prolly 2) him being wwe champion/world champion depending what show he is on a fued between him and punk would be awesome.
I can definitely see him being a main event level guy down the road. He didn't wrestle very often when he was with the Miz. But from what I've seen of him in the past. He is a talented wrestler and has great mic skills. By kicking the Miz's ass he is already over well as a face.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has a US title reign soon. Then possibly a WWE/World title reign or at least challenge for it down the road.
Yes and it will be soon. Whatever "IT" is, he's got it, he can actually wrestle and cut good promos, unlike say Mason Ryan, who may have "IT" but hasn't shown anything in the way of solid ring work or promo ability.

Riley could be a big time player IF He's booked correctly.
1. He has the "it" factor. It is hard to sum up in words, but just him being out there, u want to watch.

2. For someone very new to wwe, even tho he went thru fcw, he is very comfortable with talking on the mic. I do think he needs to interact with the crowd more in his promos, but that comes with time. I'm sure if he was given the same chance at a house show he may interact with the crowd more, but raw is live, and time constraints are put in on guys for the most part, except for rock, cena, miz, taker, hhh etc

3. From his in ring work,its good, but not overly great. But then again, he hasn't had a lot of matches on tv. I persoanlly didn't like how wwe didn't have him wrestling matches unless the miz booked it via tv storyline. I mean, he could still be out there for the main event of raw for miz, but y couldn't he had a few matches here or there, opening bout types with the likes of bourne, ryder, hawkins, yoshi tatsu, etc where he was able to show the audience that he is just not a lackey, but a guy who can get it done. It wuld have been a win win for wwe, a-ri, and the miz. And I mean for the miz by it shows that he knows talent and who is good. Would deff work if he ever chose another protoge.

As long as a-ri stays healthy he can be upper mid card possibly main event sooner than later. But he does need to elevate his game for everyone to take notice and buy into him being a "leader" and not a "lackey"
Deffinetly seems that A-Ry gonna be something big in couple next years if WWE don't screw it up but hey did anybody noticed Vince's smile when A-RY music hit at begging of last raw?? that proves chairman of the board likes him.. :)
I hate to say it, but his face bugs me. There is just something not right. I think if he grew some facial hair or something. That might help.
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