Alex Riley and NXT


Dark Match Winner
Well, I have to tell you all - I have really enjoyed Season 2 of NXT. The thing is though, Kaval is a great character. I can see him in matches with the likes of Evan Bourne, etc. Heck, maybe even a dominant tag-team division by teaming up with Evan Bourne. Unfortunately, I really do think that it was WAY - OFF base to have Alex Riley eliminated.

Now, don't get me wrong - I like Kaval, but it would be a complete INJUSTICE to not have Alex Riley obtain a WWE Contract like ASAP. Alex Riley had BY FAR the BEST MIC SKILSS - heck, even has better mic skills them some of the WWE stars that I have seen and heard.

Kaval, I would say has the better in-righ-capabilities. Michael Magillicuty seems to be the over-all grade B (maybe C) wrestling and mic skills, so, I would definaly keep Michael Magillicuty in the WWE. But Alex Riley, man, that guy was HILARIOUS! I loved watching that dude. Bring Alex Riley into the WWE as a MAJOR heel. I will say that I think Alex Riley needs to polish up his in-ring-techniques, but, other than that, Alex Riley should be CHAMPION! I say, bring Alex Riley into the WWE to team up with The MIZ. Have Alex and The MIZ become Tag Team Champions with The MIZ being the World Heavyweight Champion, and with Alex Riely being the Intercontiental Champion. Maybe The MIZ gives the belt to Alex in a forefeit or false match to where The MIZ purposely loses the Intercontinental belt to Alex Riley so that The MIZ and Alex Riley could be looked at as One of the most Dominent teams in the WWE!
Alex Riley could've quite easily have been a former member of The Spirit Squad and I wouldn't have even noticed. He's tall, muscular, handsome, yeah he's pretty much ten a penny these days.

I saw nothing in him that makes him stand out from 80% of the guys WWE have bought up and done nothing with in recent years. Same for Michael McGillicutty.
I personally think you're way too in love with him. However I think Jake was being just a little to harsh on him.

Riley really has all the tools he needs. He's good enough in the ring right now where with some polishing I'd see no real issues with that. And he's definitely got good mic skills, especially for his being so new. But his biggest issue - and it's glaring - is his gimmick. A varsity jacket? You're dismissed? He can still be a cocky heel and lose that part of his gimmick pretty easily. Right now he's just too close to Matt Stryker's gimmick. But even saying "you're dismissed" would make more sense with Stryker since he plays an instructor. Change the gimmick and I think he could go far.
vstrugs has hit the jackpot. He's good, he needs abit of polishing, he was funny, but his gimmick, comeon!!

I'm sorry to say that but Miz making it may ruin Riley's future. Riley looks better but is just a copy version of the miz (which has at least 10 years of wrestling in him). You can't have two guys with the same exact gimmick and nearly same looks and stlye make "it" at the same time. Riley's chance of pulling it off is by turning on the miz or miz putting him over later, because you can't have the two same exact guys headline!
I think Alex Riley is okay. But, the high school thing is a bit over-done to me. Just like he seems to be trying TOO hard to impress. He seems to be TOO much trying to be like The Miz. His walk, his gestures, his promos, I don't know, he's talented when he's just talking normal. I liked him during the Quiz Show challenge. He is talented in the ring, but something seems like he's just trying too hard to show what he can do. They say if you just take it easy, you can do great. Plus I don't know, if you have Cole as one of your biggest followers, :wtf: I'd really reconsider your whole gimmick, because he certainly is not one to know about trends if you know what I mean. lol
So many things wrong here. Where to even start?

1. Miz is not Intercontinental champion so I don't know how he would go about forfeiting it to Riley.

2. Forfeiting a championship causes that belt to lose prestige and the person it is handed to gets no credibility from such an act.

3. Miz cannot become World Heavyweight champion unless he's drafted to Smackdown!

4. You want an up-and-comer and a rookie without a WWE contract to basically reform The Two Man Power Trip and control (what will soon be) all the male championships within the company.

5. You enjoyed Season 2 of NXT.

6. You can't spell.

In conclusion: No, it's way too soon for this and will most likely never happen.
From seeing what went down on NXT Tuesday night, I've come to the conclusion that Alex Riley isn't ready for the big time.

You have to be a complete moron with no awareness of what's going on around you to do what he did.

Yeah, he's got good Mic Skills, but IMO, he's just another cocky heel. The WWE is filled to the brim with cocky heels.

They don't need to be pushing another one. Especially one that makes the company look like a joke like Riley did.

IMO, he should go back to FCW for an undetermined amount of time, and get a new gimmick.

After what I saw on NXT, the WWE made a great decision by choosing Kaval and possibly giving him a big push.

He's proven himself. He's a professional in and out of the ring. He's not an immature jackass. I think Kaval is someone the WWE would be happy to have representing them.

I think after NXT, the rest of the guys should just go away, because that was just laughable. I expected Yakety Sax to start playing in the middle of that debacle!
MIC Skills is a very sensitive thing to throw out,
When people like you keep throwing up how AWESOME he is on the MIC,
It really starts to get you thinking,
When your in a competition full of rookies w/ ehhh MIC Skills,
Sure your one gold star will stick out,
But lets say you slap him w/ a contract,
Is he really going to STAND out w/ the likes of CM Punk and Cody Rhodes breathing down his neck??
Kaval started off an amazing wrestler w/ lacking, at best, MIC Skills,
He ended still an amazing wrestler w/ pretty "decent" MIC Skills,
A.RI started off a pretty good wrestler w/ well past good MIC Skills,
ad he ended that way,
There was no growth nor change IMO,
Is he still my top 3 from season 2,
Was I surprised he was eliminated first,
Hellll Yeah,
Was I pissed that Kaval won,
Hellll Noooo
i agree that Alex Riley should be signed and soon. in my opinion, Hennig, Harris and Riley all four should be on the roster BEFORE night of champions. Have Hennig form a tag team with Ted Dibiase to help Dibiase's career. As for Riley, i think it would be best to put him on Smackdown. Smackdown needs star power and why not get Riley on that show. He's a big time heel and his character is great, have him beat up on some faces, then when the Kane/Undertaker feud ends, have either Riley or Cody Rhodes get in a feud with Undertaker.

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