Alberto Del Rio - what's next?


The Greatest of the Universe!!
Ok so last night I watched as ADR got little to no reaction from the crowd. He seemed to be upstaged by everyone in the ring to include R-Truth(I know it's funny to me too). In the main event, we saw The Miz come out victorious and R-Truth attack Rey Mysterio leaving ADR with no one to feud with. Now I see alot of people on here say how good ADR is and how he's the next big thing and what not, but I just don't see it. His moveset seems a bit limited and his style doesn't seem to fit in any match other than a one on one match. My question(s) to the forum is:

What's next for ADR?

Is he really main event material?

I think this is the time when someone on RAW has to turn face like in an example Drew Mcintyre OR he will juste face Kofi Kingston waiting for a new and improved feud with a Main-Event Superstar and i think he is good in the Main-Event spot and for his ring abilities it's just that WWE don't let us to see all what he has so i think this is just a time for him to wait for a good other feud with a Main-Event Superstar but for now a feud with Kofi will do it's job or a Face McIntyre
Im worried for him and Im actually worried for most of the heels that have come over form Smackdown-Ziggler, Swagger, McIntyre, they are getting little to no reaction. Thats maybe ok for someone like McIntyre as he is not being used but, Ziggler after having that big push still can't get a reaction, Swagger like Ziggler can't even sponge heat of one of the biggest drawers of heat in Michael Cole. This in my opinion is a signifier of how few people who watch Raw actually watch Smackdown. Actually I reckon about half the crowd doesn't even know that there was World Heavyweight title change on Smackdown.

Anyway back to Del Rio, I think the amount of time put into him shows that the WWE are still going to push him, now that Morrison is injured either a heel has to turn face or Jericho can come back as a face. I would like to see a Jericho vs Del Rio feud even if Jericho is better as a heel.

Del Rio appears to have had a match with almost every single face in the WWE, thats not good in the long term for him. To sum up I believe/hope he will either have a feud with a returning Jericho (possibly triple H), or he will go straight into a feud with Cena, I hope that he doesn't feud with Cena yet as he does need a bit more build up on Raw. I mean you want your number 1 contender to get a reaction don't you.

By the way I don't agree with what you said about him being limited in the ring, he can do both the methodical style as well as good high flying moves, in my opinion he is one of the most versatile wrestlers on the roster, it is just how the WWE books him that makes him seem a bit limited.
Alberto Del Rio has the potential of a Main Event star. He has it written all over his face. His in-ring skills are quite good. He has charisma and can talk on the mic. Him jumping over to RAW and getting little to no reaction at all doesn't mean anything to me. Look at all the guys that were in the ring that night. They were all either more established or currently in RAW's spotlight angles. Give him time and I'm sure he'll have something to work with. People will start booing him again once he starts a program with a face. Kofi Kingston might be the right choice and not for a single lock-up, but for a full blown feud. If ADR wins the US Championship, cool. If not, he should still be able to rack up some non-title wins over Kofi. Then later on, maybe we can see either The Miz or Jack Swagger turn face and ADR could feud with them over the #1 contender's spot for the WWE Championship.
I think a feud against a face turned Miz would be great to keep both in the spotlight. The Miz will obviously lose on Over the Limit against Cena which leaves him deserted afterwards. Yesterday, I found myself cheering for Miz way before I would even think of doing it for Del Rio and that shows how over Miz is and can be as a face. Or they need to give CM Punk something new to do instead of pointless feuds with Kane and Big Show who are fresh off another stable feud. I say turn Miz face and have him feud with Del Rio, then CM Punk can get into a feud with Cena for the championship which finally gives him the chance he's deserved. That is if Punk decides to re-sign his contract, which he will hopefully do.
not yet he was giving the brock treatment to the main event. I think he should be dropped to mid-card til next year and then put him in the main event pic again. I think he'll apreciate it more if he was dropped back down like Sheamus.
They've got big plans for Del Rio. But, he has caught a bad break in terms of storylines. First he misses his World Title run because of Edge being injured and now Morrison's injury has caused R Truth to move onto a feud with Rey instead of Del Rio. I think a feud with Kofi over the United States Championship is what should be next for Del Rio. He'll probably get Cena for the WWE Title at Summerslam but, he has to do something until then.
not yet he was giving the brock treatment to the main event. I think he should be dropped to mid-card til next year and then put him in the main event pic again. I think he'll apreciate it more if he was dropped back down like Sheamus.

What makes you believe he doesn't appreciate it enough as it stands? I never heard or read anything to support that idea.

He seems like a guy who's happy to be where he's at, to be enjoying massive support from the company and to be gaining incredible heat with the crowds. It was stupid to move him to RAW after all he accomplished on Smackdown in such a short time.

He could have had one hell of a nice feud with Orton for the next few months, and that would have been good for both of them. ADR has enough athleticism to give you a small taste of Luchador, without all the flips and flying that Sin Cara goes through, and he's a bad guy. That works great with Orton. He's athletic but certainly no high flyer, and yet, he's had great matches with guys like Evan Bourne for God's sake.

No, this comment here...this is indicative of the think you know more than you do and you attribute your personal feelings towards this statement. It's not based in fact, you YOU simply feel ADR doesn't appreciate what he has based on some intangible thing.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... The IWC is entirely too impatient, and too fickle to please. This is why WWE is #1 in Sports entertainment and the rest are all picking up the scraps. IWC sucks.
I'm personally not blown away by Del Rio's moveset either. I would say it's good, not great. But I do think there is some validity to the argument that some of that has to deal with how he's booked. So hopefully with some better opportunities he'll be able to showcase a little more.

Otherwise, he's good on the mic, and I think once he gets in a program with somebody, he'll get more heat. I think what a previous poster said is true, not a lot of Raw fans catch Smackdown all the time, if at all. Once the Raw audience gets more accustomed to him, and he has a legit feud on Raw, I think he'll get more over. He'll be in the Main Event sooner or later.

Although turning one of the heels like Swagger or McIntyre face wouldn't hurt either.
I'd like to see him feud with Kofi for the U.S. title. Rehashing the revelry with Mysterio would be boring. WWE seems to be stuck in March with Miz vs Cena and Lawler Vs Cole in their upcoming PPV. Del Rio with a fresh new feud with Kofi for the U.S. title would be welcome.
Don't turn him face. Del Rio is a natural heel there's no need for him to be a face I don't get how that character would work.

He just needs a story simple as that, apparently Cenas lined up for him eventually which is perfect. Just look at Miz, his first feud with Cena he just got squashed a few times and it did wonders for him. Del Rios a lot more talented than Miz as well.
This guy is unlike anything we've ever seen before. He is a bit of a throw-back in terms of his ring attire and wrestling style, but never has the WWE had a top, clear-cut Mexican heel. All the old Mexicans heels back in the 50s were just like him, except they wore masks.

Anyhow, he has all the tools to become a main eventer. I'm also sure WWE has big plans for him, (do I hear a match with Cena at SummerSlam?) The problem here is that WWE also has big plans for Cena (obviously), and Miz... and Dolph Ziggler as well. Smackdown was also left without a top heel. Despite his feud with Christian getting stale, could somebody please tell me why this guy was drafted?

I don't see anybody out there for him to feud with right now. He and his lackey announcer could always form a tag team and feud with Kane/Show... but I do have one idea. At least leading up until Over The Limit (and we've seen this before) he could enter a mini program with Evan Bourne, and have Bourne go over one night, have Del Rio go over another night, and then have some kind of rubber match at the ppv. Jericho has done something similar before, and Sheamus too, i think. Post Over The Limit, slowly work him into a feud with Cena. I'd sit Miz out for a month after OTL (kayfabe injuries), and have a fatal four way between Cena, Del Rio, Rey, and Truth at CP. By July, maybe someone will have turned face to work with Truth/Miz while Del Rio begins his pursuit for the title. Just my two cents, but this guy is too good NOT to include in the WWE Title picture regularly.
In a fantasy world there will be a backstage segment with Ryder fist pumping after ADR loses a match and ADR attacks him setting up a 2 month long feud. However this isnt going to happen :disappointed:

I think in all seriousness WWE should made Del Rios next program with Sin Cara have Cara win some have Del Rio win some. Maybe we will see a Del Rio and Evan Bourne undercard match at the PPV. Del Rio has kind of just hit a wall by coming to Raw.
You gotta look at the majority of the audience in attendance. Alot of them are little kids who only care about the main event scene really. They arent reacting cuz they arent given a reason to. You really think a 9yr old is saying "gosh, dolph ziggler is a really good talent. I bet if he was used the right way i bet he cud be a star" only get reaction out of them if your a babyface that they like, or a main even heel. Otherwise they dont care. And it doesnt help that none of the ppl in the midcard scene are involved in any real storyline soo yeah
I think that ADR was set to feud with Rey until JoMo had to have surgery leaving heel turn R-truth out on a limb, so now it seems that it will be rey and truth, they may throw ADR in for a bit of triple threat action, if not i would assume this would mean a face turn for Drew or Dolph, more likely Drew but then again that may just be wishful thinking on my part
I don't get why WWE have ignored the Rey Vs Del Rio fued. I think Truth could have fueded with Kingston (who's not in a proper fued) ... Have Truth win the US title and then a returning Morrison and Truth can enter into a decent drawn out fued for it.

Kofi can then fued with Swagger with manager Cole in his corner (after Cole is inducted into the hall of fame) for a while

Mcintyre can turn face by defending Kelly Kelly from Kharma, in a continuation of that Smackdown based storyline, allowing him to build up a relationship with her and bide his time for one of the heels to become available to fued with.

That way Del Rio and Rey can still have their fued. Which would have been a decent affair (especially with Ricardo bringing out some of his wrestling prowess earlier) We could have seen Rey having to beat Brodus and Ricardo to get to Del Rio etc like 3 on 1 handicap matches.

That'll be by plans for the forseeable future..
It's sad to me seeing people bash ADR ring work when he has the 1st or 2nd best match at Extreme Rules. The same way people don't see potential in ADR is the same way I don't see potential in McIntyre. I don't see a face run for him doing any good. If he can't get over as a heel, how the hell is he supposed to get over as a face? By going on the mic with his monotone voice and telling people how good he is?

A Miz face turn would make way more sense since Miz is actually over with the fans and not just a several people on the internet like McIntyre. A Miz vs ADR feud has potential. McIntyre with his non fan reaction vs ADR would fail hard.

Don't turn him face. Del Rio is a natural heel there's no need for him to be a face I don't get how that character would work.

Even though I agree with you keep in mind ADR was a face for 9 years before he came to WWE. In fact, he only turned heel after being signed to WWE because CMLL knew he was leaving.
i hope he does NOT feud with Rey Mysterio- and it doesn't appear he will as Mysterio will most likely feud with R-Truth it looks like...

There isn't any fresh faces on raw- Morrison hurt is a huge loss for Raw- i'd say the only viable option is Kingston/Rio
I actually had a Del Rio thread a few weeks back when he was still on SD questioning his potential..

I still think the most glaringly obvious flaw about Del Rio is that the crowd isn't giving to shits about him. Outside of last week, the guy has had promos talking about rich, powerful and handsome he is. Every week he has done something sneaky or dastardly to a good guy people actually care about. They slapped a big fat man to help him cheat and Ricardo is doing more now than ever before to give a reason for people to care about this guy. Heck, the guy couldn't even get the obligatory crowd pop for mentioning Cena like the other guys in the same segment did.

Maybe a Cena program is what he needs the most because his reaction and push don't equal anything reasonable.
1) I don't get why WWE have ignored the Rey Vs Del Rio fued. I think Truth could have fueded with Kingston (who's not in a proper fued) ... Have Truth win the US title and then a returning Morrison and Truth can enter into a decent drawn out fued for it.

2) Kofi can then fued with Swagger with manager Cole in his corner (after Cole is inducted into the hall of fame) for a while

3) Mcintyre can turn face by defending Kelly Kelly from Kharma, in a continuation of that Smackdown based storyline, allowing him to build up a relationship with her and bide his time for one of the heels to become available to fued with.

4) That way Del Rio and Rey can still have their fued. Which would have been a decent affair (especially with Ricardo bringing out some of his wrestling prowess earlier) We could have seen Rey having to beat Brodus and Ricardo to get to Del Rio etc like 3 on 1 handicap matches.

1) They have ignored it, because if you ever by mistake saw smackdown you would have known it has been done umpteen times by now..

2) Again if you were watching SD you would know that this program has been done many many many times over the IC Championship.. Cole getting Hall of Fame?? :wtf: Do you realise that they hand out HOFs only on Wrestlemania?? :banghead:

3) Drew, turning face, that I agree with.. He has to..

4) Rey in a 3 on 1 Handicap match.. You do realise that Rey is always a smaller star in ANY match that he is in and he has lost his rubber match with ADR (a 2 out of 3 falls).. Now put him in a 3 on 1, with ADR, RR and Brodus?? :wtf: What do you smoke??

Anyways, I agree with a poster that said earlier, put him in a mini feud with Air Bourne.. Let him go over in week 1, ADR winning week 2 and then attacks him to set up a rubber match at OTL.. After that the Miz will be free from the title scene and you can insert ADR into the frame..
Is he main event material? Absolutely, ADR is the best all around performer among the WWE's newer talents. He's consistently put on good matches, great on the mic, & he is very good at making the character believable. He's better at the Million Dollar Man gimmik than Ted Dibiase's kid...Upstaged on Raw? Not hardly, were we watching the same show? How can you rate ADR mic skills over R-Truths incoherent ranting? At one point, didnt he said something along the lines of you kick a dog and i'll kick your cat? WTF??

Whats next for del Rio? I think it would be interesting to see him feud with CM Punk. Turn Punk face & you have a natural fit. The scruffy punk rock guy from the indies worked their way up in life versus the privledged rich guy who had everything handed to him. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

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