Alberto Del Rio most memorable feud so far


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
Alberto Del Rio is an amazing performer and one of my top five favorite WWE Superstars, but even I would admit he is boring as world champion, but what feud is Alberto Del Rio most memorable of? What feud had built him to become the person he is now? He had 2 terrible reigns as WWE Champion in 2011 and his feud with Cena was boring. Del Rio then feuded with Punk but more of a 1 month feud then got injured, and everyone forgot about del rio. His feud with Edge was ended too fast due to edge's retirement, and christian's feud was just all about edge and 14 years in the company not winning the world title blah blah blah ,so I would have to go with his feud with Sheamus. It was a feud that actually went on from April- September of 2012, and a feud that I myself enjoyed. It showed a new Del Rio, it really brought out Del Rio's best and made him a lot more aggressive, then the bland "its my destiny" gimmick he had, due to the amount of losses against Sheamus. He then went on to have a sorta interesting feud with Orton but went on to turn face. So what feud do you think brought out the best of him?
Well it's very uncharacteristic to put "memorable" and "ADR" in the same sentence, but if I had to pick one it would be his first feud, with Rey Mysterio.

It's not often someone comes in and in their first match they not only beat someone as over as Rey Mysterio, but they "injure" them. I guess that's the main reason I would call it memorable. The problem is even in that feud it didn't take long to realize that this new guy, ADR, just wasn't that good.

Frankly I'd say the only time I somewhat enjoyed him, or maybe just hated him less, was for the first month or so of his face turn. But he still turned out to be just as bland as before.
I'm totally with Bill here I really struggle with finding anything that ADR does as memorable. He's just so stereotyped and generally uninteresting in the ring and the on the mic I just don't find an appeal with him. Which is a shame because there was a point in the lead up to Wrestlemania in 2011 where he was starting to gain steam and they just let him stagnate without really going all the way with him.

When Ricardo was with him I always found him a far more appealing character whether face or heel. As a face he has a real fire and panache in his actions that ADR really doesn't not have. As a heel I find Ricardo so much more sleazier than ADR which surely can't be by design since Ricardo is supposed to be a periphery figure.
Firstly why the hell is this in the Old School section? The bloke only arrived a few years ago...are we going to start talking about The Shield as Old School next? Mental!

As for ADR, his first feud with Rey was the best because it established him...not been too much good stuff since then really.
I like ADR a lot, but I cant say he has done anything much memorable yet. He did get to wrestle in Edge's last match, so that's a plus. He's worth holding on too until the climate of the WWE changes to where he can complement himself with another guy. I believe ADR's strengths are his humor and wrestling. Which unfortunately leaves him teetering between star ad jobber.
The answer is NONE. He is a terrible performer who should go back to Mexico because in WWE, he will NEVER have a memorable feud.
To me 2 matches sticks out for del rio.

Edge in my opinion will be his biggest feud ever! it was the 1st time alberto del rio was in a whc match, not to mention it led to edge retiring, the rated r superstar's last match was with del rio, and that will forever be remebered.

Cm Punk
Next is punk, even though the feud in fact sucked, and the del rio cash in ruined the best storyline in years, we can't hold that against del rio after all he didn't write the script. But to cash in after a big feud at a big time = a big push this was that push del rio needed with the winning of the wwe championship how can it be forgotten to a del rio fan?

Del rio has feuded with many guy's but to me, these 2 stuck out. i don't exactly know which was bigger wwe championship or the wrestlemania debut match.
harrythem it was a careless mistake did not see that at all but thanks for pointing out might have accidentally clicked on it while aiming for "World Wrestling Entertainment" but hey everyone makes mistakes. IMO Alberto Del Rio is much better a face and again I'm upset about the double turn at Payback, but his feud with Ziggler was a bit memorable because of the double turn, but thats only it.
As for ADR, his first feud with Rey was the best because it established him...not been too much good stuff since then really.

I was thinking the same thing and another one is Christian. These were his first two feuds that happened in the WWE that I can remember more than any else.
To be perfectly honest, I had *completely* forgotten about ADR until I met Robert Rodriguez at Phoenix Comic Con. All I remember about ADR, and usually has *nothing* to do with feuds is his "it's my destiny" mentality.
I'm going to say the Big Show feuds, both of them: the 1st because it was what led to Henry going completely apeshit on the roster and winning the WHC & the 2nd because those Last Man Standing matches were pretty amazing, and I actually cared about face Del Rio for a split second.
I really, really liked Alberto del Rio's feud with Dolph Ziggler. Until Ziggler got a concussion, it was brilliant. When he returned, they put on a phenomenal series of matches, that culminated in del Rio turning back heel and kicking Dolph's face off his neck. Brutal.

Look, I get it, he's not that interesting. He cuts vanilla promos that are pretty much the same. He was marginally better when he had Ricardo and a series of expensive luxury cars. But there's something nobody can deny: Alberto del Rio is a great wrestler. When was the last time he had a bad match? I didn't care for any of his encounters with RVD, but they weren't bad; just a bit lackluster. Not a ton of chemistry between them.

Whether you like or hate a guy, it's all about perspective. Everyone loved him when he debuted. He was the next big thing, and people couldn't wait to see him face Edge. And then he lost... After that people were more upset at his WrestleMania booking, and took it out on his character. Then they gave him Money int he Bank, and put him over CM Punk. Strike two. He went on to hold the title twice, completely ruining the pefection that was the Summer of Punk in 2011. Strike three.

People don't hate del Rio for any real legitimate reason, in my opinion. They hate HIM because of misdirected anger towards WWE dropping the ball on the hottest feud they've had in years. ADR was the scapegoat for WWE not wanting to put over CM Punk. And I think if people could realize that, we could begin to move on from that train wreck of an idea, and come to terms with the fact that Alberto del Rio is actually a great wrestler, who brings a lot to the table. I full expect him to have a phenomenal match with John Cena this Sunday at Hell in a Cell.

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