AJ Styles Pinned; What Does His Future Hold?


Best for (the Music) Business
Well, at Turning Point, James Storm won the triple threat match to become the next number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. However, he did so by pinning A.J. Styles, thus taking Styles out of the world championship picture until Bound for Glory 2013. The question is simple:

What does A.J. Styles do for the next year?

I personally haven't the foggiest myself. Whatever the case may be, I just hope that this loss doesn't hang a black cloud over his head and lead to a heel turn. I never really liked A.J. as a heel; he just doesn't fit the role to me and I believe that he works better as a face. I also don't see another feud with Daniels since he's off doing his thing with Kazarian now. I guess he could have some nice matches with Samoa Joe for the TV title, or have something going with Bobby Roode. Besides the whole stand against Aces & Eights, which I don't think will last for the next year, I'm unclear on what A.J. will do to keep himself busy for a while. What do you see in the future of A.J. Styles?
Four words:

Bound For Glory Series.

This is the perfect time for AJ to take time off to "reevaluate" his life, exactly as James Storm did following his loss to Roode a little while back. Styles can then make his return to TNA a few months from now, raring for the opportunity to reclaim his place at the top of the TNA ladder, and can do so via the BFG series where he can finally regain the shot to become World Heavyweight champion again.
One Word:


I think AJ is gonna leave for a bit and then come back to the X-Division. RVD is the division right now, AJ built the X-Division and can bring some star power to it.

What the hell does that have to do with a loophole? At Destination X the new rule states every year the X-Division champ has the right to trade his title for a WHC match at the PPV. I think this is how AJ will get his next shot.
2 posts, 2 different scenarios.

I don't know how AJ gets back to the title picture, but what about this. what if AJ walks away, and makes a return.. as a heel, with Aces/Eights? the more unlikely one, but maybe possible?
I saw it mentioned somewhere else. still not sure I'm with it. but AJ with a new look/gimmick could do him some good?

if that is too unlikely, I would have to go ahead with the X division scenario.
There's plenty AJ can do until BFG 2013.

He can feud with Aces & Eights from now till Lockdown. I'm suprised he hasn't been in a match with them on PPV already, AJ is Mr. TNA and Aces & Eights are invading his house, a feud with A&8's would be the most logical choice right now. Him and Angle can team up one more time to face Devon & another member of A&8's at Final Resolution, then at Genesis he can put over DOC or some other member in a singles match, dunno what he could do on the next two PPV's after, but at Lockdown he can captain Team TNA to face Aces & Eights in Lethal Lockdown to end the feud between A&8's and TNA. After he's done with them, he can make a short return to the X-Division to help them get back on their feet if it's still in the condition it is in now, or he can feud with Austin Aries with their rivalry extending all the way to & ending at Destination X. Then he can make his big comeback by winning the BFG series and going on to win the World Heavyweight Title at Bound For Glory.
Four words:

Bound For Glory Series.

This is the perfect time for AJ to take time off to "reevaluate" his life, exactly as James Storm did following his loss to Roode a little while back. Styles can then make his return to TNA a few months from now, raring for the opportunity to reclaim his place at the top of the TNA ladder, and can do so via the BFG series where he can finally regain the shot to become World Heavyweight champion again.

This makes the most sense to me. AJ could take some time off, and possibly come back with a more focused mentality. Wondering if maybe there's a heel turn in the works.
I think hes gonna do a switcharo. He will leave saying "i don't have what it takes right now.... i will come back and regain whats mine." then hel return ala James Storm, but just as we think its face A.J.

Its (sadly) heel A.J.

He joins A&8s, has a feud with the world champ at the time (I would say Storm, as its more fitting to the storyline) pressures the champ into reinvoking the "ban" and Styles wins the Championship.

Also when I say "heel" A.J. I don't mean the cocky "i'm better then you" A.J.. I mean the dark, disturbing revenge driven A.J., something we haven't seen yet, thats why he would pressure the champion. Also he would rename his finisher to something more demented to fit the character.
Four words:

Bound For Glory Series.

This is the perfect time for AJ to take time off to "reevaluate" his life, exactly as James Storm did following his loss to Roode a little while back. Styles can then make his return to TNA a few months from now, raring for the opportunity to reclaim his place at the top of the TNA ladder, and can do so via the BFG series where he can finally regain the shot to become World Heavyweight champion again.

This pretty much. The stipulation that AJ can't compete for the world title until next year's Bound For Glory only makes me think that he'll actually be competing for it at that event which would be fucking sweet and so overdue. The fact that it would potentially happen at TNA's biggest PPV event would make the moment that much sweeter.

But that's next year. Until then, I expect to see AJ getting stuck in various feuds (none of which I hope to see involving Christopher Daniels yet again). I would like to see him return to the X Division and bringing back some star power and relevance. I could also see him feuding with Samoa Joe for the TV title so as to add some more contenders. I'd rather see him in the X Division though. Very interesting to see what the future holds for him. I'm definitely hoping he wins next year's BFG Series.
a lot of people read it

and also now we know that it annoy the board rulers you know that cork people are just going to respond to it to do just that

listening to what ever is on 2fm at the moment
some bland background noise

In the immortal words of one Steven Austin..WHAT?!?
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I wonder if you did either.

As for AJ, BFG 2013 winner and being the 2nd inductee to the HOF = plan
Hogan, make it so
Like IDR said, the BFG Series is the perfect opportunity to get Styles back into the title picture. The stipulation of the threeway match last night might very well already tell the winner of the BFG Series but it could still be fun to watch.

In terms of overall wrestling content, I think the BFG Series this year has given IW it's strongest matches I've seen on TNA in a very long time. TNA can use pretty much the entire year of 2013, including the BFG Series, to build Styles back up to a main eventer.
this stipulation that AJ can't wrestle for the heavyweight title is kind of funny if you think about it. is this really supposed to be a big deal? when was the last time he even had a title match? if I remember correctly it was around a year ago shortly after Roode turned heel to beat Storm and Storm had a concussion. AJ wrestled Roode in a title match on Impact. since then AJ has spent many many months feuding with Daniels. even if you throw out that title match with Roode, when was he relevant in the title picture before that?
he has history with the TNA heavyweight title, but that was pretty much all before 2010. has any wrestler even been a consistent main event wrestler and heavyweight champion, and then fallen so far to not be in the title picture for such a long period?
if someone has only watched TNA for the last 2-3 years, AJ not being able to wrestle for the heavyweight title isn't a big deal, because he hasn't been there for so long now.
AJ could get into the BFG series next year and make it it his ultimate goal to win the BFG series and get a title shot, but overall his character isn't going to be any different than it is now or has been for the last year. so why should fans care that AJ wants to win the BFG series?
maybe a heel turn could work, a pissed off AJ. TNA did have him heel with Ric Flair, but I don't think AJ fit that role they were trying to use him as, as someone similar to Flair.
I feel he's gonna be back competing in the X-Division. TNA seems like they're trying to revive the X-Division as of late and adding AJ could only mean good things. I'd actually prefer to see him challenge for the X-Division title rather than the Heavyweight, TV or Tag Team belts. We haven't seen X-Division AJ Styles since 2005 I think he's due for a return to the division he helped build. If anyone could save the X-Division it's AJ Styles.
I personally would like to see AJ drop back down to the X-Divison for a few months. The World title scene was too clogged up. Between Hardy, Aries, Storm, Angle, Roode, RVD, Anderson, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Sting, and others there are too many in that echelon. Personally would like the idea of RVD dropping down to X-Division. I wouldn't mind seeing AJ and Austin Aries doing the same. I would love to see more matches with any combination of RVD, Styles, and Aries. Run a couple month feud with RVD over the title with AJ coming out victorious. You can play it off that AJ wants to go back to his roots. Then run a couple PPV's of triple threats between the three. Then break off and go AJ vs Aries. That is 6 months worth of PPV matches right there. Then it will be getting close to the Bound for Glory series or maybe even Destination X where AJ could be champion.
Sadly, this sort of angle often leads to a heel turn, something that's never suited AJ Styles on any level.

However, while most people would point towards him joining Aces & Eights to vent his frustrations, they're not the only game in town...

Remember Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan are in the midst of a feud with Hulk Hogan about management booking them badly. What worse booking is there than a top star being excluded from the World Title picture for an entire year?

I say Ryan and Morgan extend their apologies and see if he's game for a little payback.
There are a few options. The easiest ones involve having him compete for the TV title or have him return to the X-Division. I wouldn't mind seeing some more matches between AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Although i think they should turn him heel. I know a lot of people aren't fond of that idea but i think it could make for some interesting storylines. People pitched the idea of him fighting against the Aces & Eights, but instead i would have him join them. On Impact they can interview him where he is devastated by the loss and deciding to quit with all the fans showing support. And then a month or two later have him return as one of the Aces & Eights member. He can grow out facial hair to help put over the fact that he had "given up" so to speak as well as give him a tougher look. And he can say how everyone turned his back on him. And when he was down and out the Aces & Eights were there for him. That the business screwed him his entire career and he is fighting back.
i think an x-division cashin would be best since it circumvents the stipulation and gives him a straight titleshot at DX.
also you can have him as x-division champ for a preferrably long time. my only problem with this is ryan, since he is in the X-Division and i would like him to hold that more.
The BFG Series would be great too, but i really doubt they planned that far ahead.
I don't see the charm in AJ being in the X-Division again. So it will be nice for nostalgia purposes and it will bring some relevance back to the X-Division. However, it's only temporary. Sooner or later AJ will lose the belt and start chasing the World Title again.

Plus, if TNA really gave a shit about rebuilding the X-Division they would've set the process in motion already. The Division needs consistency and a fair amount of guys to work in it, not AJ Styles.

For me, the best way to use AJ right now is to make him into a complete loser. Have him doubt himself, have him lose and then have him leave for a while. He can come back just a week before the BFG series start with a new look and a new attitude. By new look I mean some nice new gear we haven't seen and maybe more ripped? AJ used to be chiseled back in 2005 and I'm sure he can get back to that level of bodyweight in no time. Just something cool to add credibility to his new attitude.

As far as attitude I always wanted AJ to be more ruthless, more hard hitting. They're making him too soft as a babyface. One reason I loved heel AJ was his demeanor in the ring. He still did the flashy moves but he was also one mean motherfucker.

With a new attitude aand a new look, all it takes is to show the fans what you can do in the ring now. Have him have a match a week before the series where he completely owns some guy. Maybe introduce a couple of new moves and just be AJ Styles. That way you show people that something's changed, maybe the commentators REALLY reflect on the fact that this is no longer the AJ Styles of old.

Afterwards AJ goes on to do well in the BFG series and win them eventually, beating whoever the Champion is at BFG.

But that's just me being a fantasy booker.
Frankly, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what the folks at TNA are going to do with AJ Styles now. I'm actually shocked to see him out of the main event picture for an entire year, as he has been such an integral fixture on the main event scene in Impact Wrestling over the previous year. I cannot forsee what they can do with him for the next 12 months to follow up on the superb utilization of him over the last 12 months or so.

Fact of the matter is, the man has been criminally underutilized for ages in TNA, and it would appear that is going to continue, which is difficult to comprehend. No involvement in the main event picture for a man widely viewed as the face of TNA Wrestling. He could return to the X-Division, but this would universally be regarded as career regression. They tried a heel turn, which was an abysmal failure. They tried associating him with a legend (see previous sentence). The whole Claire fiasco would seem to rule out something of this nature. They absolutely must be done with him and Daniels. You can talk about the BFG Series, which I'd fully support, but June 2013 is a long time away, and I personally have no idea what will become of him in the meantime.

Perhaps they could form a faction with Styles, Anderson, Pope, and RVD. At least they all have something in common.
Plus, if TNA really gave a shit about rebuilding the X-Division they would've set the process in motion already. The Division needs consistency and a fair amount of guys to work in it, not AJ Styles.

they already did. RVD is the champion. RVD and the likes of AJ Styles are what will help the X division. not guys like Zema Ion.

the X division wouldn't really be a big step down for AJ, because he hasn't been main event for awhile now.
TNA have a perfect opportunity now to build up AJ Styles for the next year. It needs to end with him winning the belt at Bound For Glory next year. Why else even use the stipulation that he cannot challenge for the World Championship again until that event? He can be built up for an entire year and then finally win the title again. The long term goal can be having him win the Bound For Glory Series. The question is, what can he do in the meantime? Styles can go into any of the other divisions easily at the moment. He's held the X Division, Television (although I believe it was "Legends" or "Global" at the time) Championships as well as the Tag Team Championship before. Having held each of the belts before, he can help improve the division(s) he ends up in for the next few months.

The easiest option for now would be to have him steal the show with RVD over in the X Division. The two of them would truly help make that belt important again. He could also face Samoa Joe for the Television Championship. I'd rather he work with the X Division first for a while, it's more crucial to build that belt back up than it is for them to worry about the Television Championship. AJ has a lot of momentum to gain back after the awful Claire Lynch storyline, so using the next year to build him back up to the main event tier is an opportunity that TNA cannot afford to miss out on. Or somewhere down the line they might forget that this stipulation ever happened and give him a world title shot anyhow. This can be good for Styles' development back into a legit main eventer if they go about it right. I hope they do.
With AJ Styles being pinned at Turning Point, there was a lot of emphasis on how he couldn't have a World Title match until BFG at the soonest. Well the way to have a World Title match at BFG is to win the BFG Series. That would be a feel good moment in TNA, to have TNA's best home grown talent win the whole thing and go on to win the championship at their biggest show of the year

Did TNA just put AJ Styles as the front runner for the 2013 BFG Series just a month after BFG 2012? What do y'all think?
Few things...

1--AJ isn't the best home grown talent in TNA. Right now that title of between Roode and Storm, and I would probably have to give it to Roode.

2--AJ was their to take the fall because right now Storm and Roode are far more relevent in the main event. Storm is a great chaser and it will be a feel good moment when he finally wins it. Roode on the other hand is the best heel in TNA, I would say Bubba was a close 2nd but he's a face now.

3--No this doesn't make AJ the front runner. There are people who love AJ, I'm one of them, but realisticly he needs more than us. Right now people like Roode, Storm, Hardy, and Angle have more going for them to be champs than AJ. They would have to do a ton of build up to put AJ in their league as it sits right now. Not saying he couldn't win it just saying they would have to dedicate a lot to him this year in order to really make him a viable option to win it.
I think it's more likely that he returns to the X Division and at Destination X we get him cashing in the X Division belt for a title shot as a loophole. I think that would be much more fitting for AJ as well.
well you know, there is something called vince russo booking.
it is comparable to having a PPV event (BFG 2011) with months of buildup (BFG series 2011) resulting in a title defense (roode), only to have the title dropped next week to someone else on free tv (storm).
even though russo is gone from tna, there still seem to be pockets of resistance behind, who enforce vince russo booking upon tna.
i believe it also shows in the annual tna takeover via hostile faction.

unfortunately, no matter how good tna has been the last while, this is keeping people from buying the PPV, because you cant trust that your PPV will be worth a **** after one week. so you STILL you get more value out of the free tv matches OH MY GOD THIS BOOKING ITS MAKING ME CRAZY WHY OH WHY
I think if AJ Styles needs it, he can finally take a month or two off from wrestling. He goes non stop, much like all the others, but I don't recall a time recently that Styles wasn't consistently on TNA TV. It wouldn't hurt to take a break.

I also think he needs to focus on another division. He could easily be used to put over some new X Division talent. He can help TNA build new stars in that division, as well as build some mid carders to gun for the TV Title. Styles needs to help TNA add some focus and fix up the lesser divisions. Ten in a years time, he can pop right back into the main event with ease.

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