well, who could be the next ric flair? Flair is like the old adage about wine...... "he only gets better with age." While I know his wrestling ability isn't what it used to be, his ability to cut a promo, well, its still the best in the business.
His back and forth mic work with Dinero on Impact was as good of face/heel banter that you're going to see. His ability to make crowds forget how beloved he is and draw heat so suddenly is astonishing. Who else can do that? If you can find me someone better, prove it.
Then we move on to Styles. AJ is a world class athlete. He's an outstanding athlete. He can wrestle a fast paced match, a mat based one, and I don't know that Ive seen a bad Styles match. Even guys who he doesn't have great "chemistry" with(like Tomko) still come out looking better working with AJ. Theres a select few in the business that you can say that about. Flair was the same way back in the day.
Then we get down to AJ's mic work. Dinero put it best when he said "You can dress up a piece of crap, but its still crap". That would be the definition of AJ's mic work. In fact, having him WITH Flair diminshes his mic work all the more. Because Flair talks, and youre really buying what he says. Then AJ talks, and everything just falls flat. It feels forced. Hes not a good "serious heel" on the mic. At least as a face, when he gave an intense promo, you bought into what hes saying. As a heel, everything seems forced. His facial expression. The way he talks. Even the words themselves.
The other thing is when he tries to pull out "vintage" Ric Flair moves. I know they're trying to give AJ the rub by having him use those moves, but they just don't suit him whatsoever. They seem to be other things he feels quite uncomfortable doing. The figure four, the chop block, they just don't seem to be moves that are apart of his "moveset."
However, the longer he's with Ric, the more he may become comfortable in pulling off his imitation of the "dirtiest player in the game". I think a serious heel turn for AJ is exactly what he needed. Hes been a face or a comedic heel his entire career. I buy into him as a "serious heel" I wanted to see Joe knock the smarmy look off his face. I want Dinero to do the same. However, that is because of Flair, not AJ.
This isn't to knock AJ. Hes still young. Still has a ton of upside, even in his early thirties. He'll be a face again when he breaks away from Flair, and will be more well rounded because of Flair as a result. But inside or outside of the ring, he's no Ric Flair. Theres never been anyone who is. I doubt there ever will be.