AJ Lee Irony


Occasional Pre-Show
Does anyone else find it ironic or hypocritical the way AJ dresses down all the other divas, mostly those form Total Divas for not being "real" wrestlers, not caring about the sport, etc. Then if the rumors of her leaving are true is leaving the WWE just as they are giving her everything she had supposedly worked her whole life for. I mean this is exactly what everything other "fake" divas plan seems to be and some have even flat out said it. They want to use WWE to get rich and famous then move on a much easier gig like modeling or just raise a family. I mean if you really loved wrestling and worked so hard to get here, wouldn't you want to stay for as long as you could?

And I mean really AJ worked for 2 years, while it seems the average male has to work 7-10+ years before WWE even begins to look at you. So she is young, being given much more screen time then any other diva, getting titles, storylines, etc yet she is still supposedly leaving. This to me screams she doesn't actually care about wrestling is just like every other "fake" diva out there. And how can she justify leaving, screwing over WWE and proving to the higher ups that they can't actually give women any sort of decent time because all of them just leave. She says the future was bright when she won the slammy, but I doubt anything will change when they have no choice but to not trust women to stay for any decent period of time.

*Obviously if she doesn't leave none of this means anything.
Despite all the stories over the last few months, I still don't think she's leaving. Sure, she's married to Punk now, but doesn't mean she should be painted with the same brush as him in terms of wanting to leave.

She has reiterated in many interviews over the years how much she loves being a WWE diva. How she still marks out when getting to work with certain guys, how crappy her life was before WWE came calling, how much she owes to the McMahons for basically taking her in off the streets etc. Unless there has been a very sudden change of heart, or she's all of a sudden lost her passion for it, then I don't think she's going anywhere. She's apparently been supposed to leave after the last three PPVs, but it ain't happened yet. She's around for at least a while longer. :)
If she stays a long time, which i hope she does, then everything I said will be the opposite since she would be reaffirming her devotion to wrestling. But in the past 20 years or so, whats the diva that stayed the longest? I mean I can't think of one that stayed 10 years, which would be a fairly short stay for a major male wrestler, yet none of the divas managed to stay that long, even the ones who claimed passion for the product or allegiance to WWE. It just seems unlikely that AJ will buck the trend.
Does anyone else find it ironic or hypocritical the way AJ dresses down all the other divas, mostly those form Total Divas for not being "real" wrestlers, not caring about the sport, etc. Then if the rumors of her leaving are true is leaving the WWE just as they are giving her everything she had supposedly worked her whole life for. I mean this is exactly what everything other "fake" divas plan seems to be and some have even flat out said it. They want to use WWE to get rich and famous then move on a much easier gig like modeling or just raise a family. I mean if you really loved wrestling and worked so hard to get here, wouldn't you want to stay for as long as you could?

And I mean really AJ worked for 2 years, while it seems the average male has to work 7-10+ years before WWE even begins to look at you. So she is young, being given much more screen time then any other diva, getting titles, storylines, etc yet she is still supposedly leaving. This to me screams she doesn't actually care about wrestling is just like every other "fake" diva out there. And how can she justify leaving, screwing over WWE and proving to the higher ups that they can't actually give women any sort of decent time because all of them just leave. She says the future was bright when she won the slammy, but I doubt anything will change when they have no choice but to not trust women to stay for any decent period of time.

*Obviously if she doesn't leave none of this means anything.

You are trying to lump the females of the WWE and the males into the same basket and it just doesn't work. First of all there are far less female wrestlers in the WWE than there are men. And out of that small group only a handful are good, the rest are crap.

AJ Lee has done just about everything there is to do in the division. She rose to the top and won the title numerous times. She's pretty much fought every Diva that there is over and over again, and unless they start bringing up talent from NXT, what more is there for her to do. The only thing she hasn't done is join Total Diva's, and kudos to her for not doing so.

I think she does care about wrestling and the fans. If she didn't she wouldn't have come back after her marriage. Don't forget an important fact. When the WWE fired CM Punk on his wedding day, it was also her wedding day. I wonder how she felt knowing that the company she works for thought so little of her husband that they fired him on their wedding day. I for one wouldn't have taken kindly to that. I'm sure the WWE probably only thought about that afterwards.

And there is nothing wrong with using the WWE as a stepping stone to something better. Is anyone coming down on the Rock because he went onto bigger and better things? When Hollywood came knocking on his door with multi-million dollar contracts to make movies, should he have told them to piss off? Should he have told them he was turning down fame and fortune to tour 300 days a year and put his body on the line every night? Of course he didn't, he grabbed the brass ring and went for it, and look at him today. Any wrestler on the roster today would have done the same thing.

Obviously you don't have kids if you think raising a family is an easier gig. I can tell you from experience, and as a mother of a 23 year old son, it is not easier.

Maybe what she meant when she said the future was bright was the fact that she is now married and looking forward to having a family. Times change and people change with them.

We don't own these wrestlers, they are there to entertain us. And I would like to think that they know within themselves when it's time to hang up the boots. That's a decision only they can make, and I wish her all the best in whatever the future holds for her and what she decides to do.
If she stays a long time, which i hope she does, then everything I said will be the opposite since she would be reaffirming her devotion to wrestling. But in the past 20 years or so, whats the diva that stayed the longest? I mean I can't think of one that stayed 10 years, which would be a fairly short stay for a major male wrestler, yet none of the divas managed to stay that long, even the ones who claimed passion for the product or allegiance to WWE. It just seems unlikely that AJ will buck the trend.

Believe it or not, Layla is coming up on 10 years with the company, and given the chance, she can actually go. Maryse and Layla are actually pretty good wrestlers, but at their time of being champion, they were given 2-3 minute matches at most.
. Is anyone coming down on the Rock because he went onto bigger and better things? When Hollywood came knocking on his door with multi-million dollar contracts to make movies, should he have told them to piss off? Should he have told them he was turning down fame and fortune to tour 300 days a year and put his body on the line every night? Of course he didn't, he grabbed the brass ring and went for it, and look at him today. Any wrestler on the roster today would have done the same thing.

People actually mercilessly heckled The Rock when they found out he was leaving the WWE to go make movies. At the end of the match where he loses the WWE title to Lesnar, he was showered in "You Sold Out" chants, which honestly, is understandable given what a star The Rock was at the time.

Anywho, on topic... I don't think it would be hypocritical at all if she decides to leave once her contract is up. That's her right. As for your argument that we have not had a top Diva last more than a decade, it's probably because wrestling takes much more of a toll on their bodies than the men, and also, Diva's can't pump themselves full of steroids and pain killers to numb themselves like the men can. AJ Lee is not, just now getting everything she's asked for; she's already accomplished everything that she possibly could and personally, I think her run is almost over. I get the feeling she wants to settle down and start a family soon, and that probably won't happen while she's still with the company.

I don't think it's hypocritical, because it's a known fact that AJ Lee was a MASSIVE wrestling fan growing up, and always dreamed about making it to the WWE... she's not a "fake" Diva because she has a serious love for the sport. I think her definition of a fake Diva, is somebody who gets over in the WWE solely based off their looks. Somebody who can't wrestle and is glorified for the sole reason of having a nice rack and a fat ass (so to speak...), and who's main goal is becoming an actress, model, etc.

Like Navi said, we don't own these people. Sure we can be pissed off when somebody like Punk decides not to honor his contract, but it's AJ Lee's sole right to leave after she's completed all her obligations.
I mean this is exactly what everything other "fake" divas plan seems to be and some have even flat out said it.

Given my animosity toward her husband, I keep thinking it's possible that she did care about wrestling until getting involved with Punk.....and now all she can think of is leaving.

Yeah, I know it falls under the category of blaming Punk for everything but starting World War II, but on the other hand, I wonder about their conversations over dinner when talking about their jobs. After everything we've seen (and/or suspect) from him, do you think he's telling her: "Oh yeah! Stay with WWE. They're the greatest! They'll do everything for you and ask nothing in return! Oh, yeah! Pipebomb! Straight-edge! Pipebomb!")

All that might sound ridiculous, but think about it. I would hate to conclude she has no mind of her own and is being "guided" by Phil Brooks.

Of course, maybe her plan all along was to have children once she got married....and she's simply fulfilling her own goal. That's fine, of course....but I can see the point made by the OP; if too many divas have the attitude of using WWE to get somewhere else, how is that going to prompt the company to give the gals the respect they deserve?

AJ Lee has accomplished more than most WWE divas' ever will....and yes, it seems ironic that she wasn't (apparently) looking to leave until she married a guy who was so dissatisfied with his employer that he walked out on his contract.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.:shrug:
Does anyone else find it ironic or hypocritical the way AJ dresses down all the other divas, mostly those form Total Divas for not being "real" wrestlers, not caring about the sport, etc. Then if the rumors of her leaving are true is leaving the WWE just as they are giving her everything she had supposedly worked her whole life for. I mean this is exactly what everything other "fake" divas plan seems to be and some have even flat out said it. They want to use WWE to get rich and famous then move on a much easier gig like modeling or just raise a family. I mean if you really loved wrestling and worked so hard to get here, wouldn't you want to stay for as long as you could?

Well, the thing about it is that nobody can deny how hard AJ Lee has worked in WWE. I don't think that anyone can seriously deny the impact she's had on female wrestlers in WWE, for the better. In years to come, I think we may look back on AJ Lee as the woman that began the shift, a slow shift but a shift all the same, of women's wrestling in WWE no longer being a laughing matter.

In the WWE under Vince McMahon's rule, AJ Lee has ultimately gone as far as she can go. For the most part, Vince either has no interest in booking women as competitors when compared to their male counterparts or he just simply doesn't know how to because of an antiquated viewpoint of women in wrestling where their primary purpose is to look good. She's a multiple time Divas Champion, she's had a few memorable feuds and a few very memorable matches. She's capable of ultimately being & having so much more but, as I said, that's just not gonna happen with Vince McMahon being in charge of WWE. So since she's done as much as she can, since she's gone as far as she's gonna be allowed to go and has had as many meaningful matches as she's probably had, what's to really keep her there if she genuinely wants to leave? I personally hope she doesn't leave but, if she does, it's not as if that she hasn't given her all, or at least as much of her all as Vince has allowed.

Plus, on top of all that, who knows what sort of impact her hubby has had on her mind set and point of view? There's little doubt that Punk's been talking trash heavily about WWE to AJ during their private conversations and AJ is highly devoted to him, not that a wife having her hubby's back is a bad thing. Remember last year at the TTTT tapings when she went off on that reporter who jokingly called Punk a name? She wasn't aware that Punk & this chick had known each other and had been friendly for some 10 years, she just thought someone was being rude to her man and she hulked out. So if it was to come down to AJ picking between her wrestling career and her hubby, I have a feeling she'll pick her hubby.
You are trying to lump the females of the WWE and the males into the same basket and it just doesn't work. First of all there are far less female wrestlers in the WWE than there are men. And out of that small group only a handful are good, the rest are crap.

AJ Lee has done just about everything there is to do in the division. She rose to the top and won the title numerous times. She's pretty much fought every Diva that there is over and over again, and unless they start bringing up talent from NXT, what more is there for her to do. The only thing she hasn't done is join Total Diva's, and kudos to her for not doing so.

I think she does care about wrestling and the fans. If she didn't she wouldn't have come back after her marriage. Don't forget an important fact. When the WWE fired CM Punk on his wedding day, it was also her wedding day. I wonder how she felt knowing that the company she works for thought so little of her husband that they fired him on their wedding day. I for one wouldn't have taken kindly to that. I'm sure the WWE probably only thought about that afterwards.

And there is nothing wrong with using the WWE as a stepping stone to something better. Is anyone coming down on the Rock because he went onto bigger and better things? When Hollywood came knocking on his door with multi-million dollar contracts to make movies, should he have told them to piss off? Should he have told them he was turning down fame and fortune to tour 300 days a year and put his body on the line every night? Of course he didn't, he grabbed the brass ring and went for it, and look at him today. Any wrestler on the roster today would have done the same thing.

Obviously you don't have kids if you think raising a family is an easier gig. I can tell you from experience, and as a mother of a 23 year old son, it is not easier.

Maybe what she meant when she said the future was bright was the fact that she is now married and looking forward to having a family. Times change and people change with them.

We don't own these wrestlers, they are there to entertain us. And I would like to think that they know within themselves when it's time to hang up the boots. That's a decision only they can make, and I wish her all the best in whatever the future holds for her and what she decides to do.

Well good is clearly debatable, and AJ is one of the few females given matches of any decent amount so of course her matches are going to seem much better. And you can;t lump them together because women just don't treat wrestling like the men do. Clearly at some point women stuck with the sport, hell Moolah had a 10 year reign, just like the men did in her time.

I mean tons of male wrestlers do all they can, then they don't quit because guess what? If nobody ever stays no one is there to make new people look good and thus we get the diva division. When AJ is considered the veteran even though she has only been on the main roster for like 3 years there is a major problem.

Well it is a problem if that means there can never be a divas divsion, because it's just a revolving door with each diva using it to get somewhere easier. Think if right now Wade barrett was the veteran of the male wrestlers, no one who had been around longer then him was there? The roster would be cut super short which would mean they either have to make do or fill it with subpar talent. The WWE works to make you into a star, you leaving just means all that time was mostly wasted.

Personally I don't think the Rock cares about wrestling, the wwe, or the fans one bit. I don't blame him, but at the same time if you truly loved doing something you wouldn't jump the first chance you get to do something else. You just don't.

Of course we don't own them, and if she was any other Diva I wouldn't be saying this. But just like the Rock, she constantly brings up her love of wrestling and how she always dreamed of doing this and how the WWE has given her, her dream. If this is truly what she worked her whole life towards and her goal and she loved it as much as she says. She wouldn't leave after a few years. because you wouldn't do that to something you supposedly love so much.

People actually mercilessly heckled The Rock when they found out he was leaving the WWE to go make movies. At the end of the match where he loses the WWE title to Lesnar, he was showered in "You Sold Out" chants, which honestly, is understandable given what a star The Rock was at the time.

Anywho, on topic... I don't think it would be hypocritical at all if she decides to leave once her contract is up. That's her right. As for your argument that we have not had a top Diva last more than a decade, it's probably because wrestling takes much more of a toll on their bodies than the men, and also, Diva's can't pump themselves full of steroids and pain killers to numb themselves like the men can. AJ Lee is not, just now getting everything she's asked for; she's already accomplished everything that she possibly could and personally, I think her run is almost over. I get the feeling she wants to settle down and start a family soon, and that probably won't happen while she's still with the company.

I don't think it's hypocritical, because it's a known fact that AJ Lee was a MASSIVE wrestling fan growing up, and always dreamed about making it to the WWE... she's not a "fake" Diva because she has a serious love for the sport. I think her definition of a fake Diva, is somebody who gets over in the WWE solely based off their looks. Somebody who can't wrestle and is glorified for the sole reason of having a nice rack and a fat ass (so to speak...), and who's main goal is becoming an actress, model, etc.

Like Navi said, we don't own these people. Sure we can be pissed off when somebody like Punk decides not to honor his contract, but it's AJ Lee's sole right to leave after she's completed all her obligations.

Of course it's her right. But with all she claimed, how can it not be hypocritical to leave before giving back at all and after only a few years? It might take more of a toll if they were remotely doing the same amount of bumps/spots. But I refuse to believe that any diva is hurting more currently with how little they wrestle. I'm surprised when they get five minutes and they don't even go much longer then usual at house shows. Her run took three years, which is a showing of the sad state of the diva division. because every diva leaves the second she gets any sort of fame. Claiming everyone else is a fake diva just comes across wrong if she does do exactly what all of them did.

Do we know that the other divas weren't? And I mean she worked at wrestling for two years before WWE put her in developmental, she didn't train that long for it. When you compare it the guys on the roster who claim to have been massive fans their whole life, and they have been wrestling in the indies longer then she has been wrestling. And they still want to go longer. I think it's idiotic that because she isn't a man she can wrestle a few years and then say I'm done and no one calls her out when she had been saying this is her passion for years. You don't dream of something your whole life, do it for a while then go meh screw it.

I think she is just like every other diva on the roster though. I mean its clear she is very attractive, and her so called tomboy look even before the WWE it is clear it is nothing like actual tomboys. She just uses a different gimmick to make herself more attractive. And I wouldn''t say any of the divas are over including AJ. I also found it ironic her calling out the bellas for getting special attention for who they were dating considering AJ was with Punk and even before that in her brief stint in the indies dated her trainer and tag team partner until she signed with WWE. I mean if their main goal is an actress and they stay 5 years and AJ main goal was something and stays 5 years there is zero difference. Hell I would say i respect the divas more who flat out say their intentions. Like Brock vs Rock, Brock makes it clear he is using WWE while Rock tries to act like he gives a shit.

I never said she couldn't or shouldn't. I simply said her doing so would make her a hypocrite and just as bad if not worse then every other diva she and others called fake.

I mean think if this situation was a man:
Claims to be a huge wrestling fan his whole life, works for a very short time before making it the main roster like 4 years or so total. Incorporates the fact he was a huge fan into his gimmick constantly using that to get over, and calling other wrestlers out for just using the WWE and not being real wrestlers. Spends about a year being built up before being thrust into some big story lines for a year and a half or so. Gets one final big push and gets the world title, holds it for a record length. Drops it, gets it back a few times, spends about a year after the record reign almost always in the title picture. Then quits. Not to do something else, just because. That's what occurred here.

Think if with all the push Reigns is getting he gets the title this year, and by 2016 quits. People would be freaking out.
Well, the thing about it is that nobody can deny how hard AJ Lee has worked in WWE. I don't think that anyone can seriously deny the impact she's had on female wrestlers in WWE, for the better. In years to come, I think we may look back on AJ Lee as the woman that began the shift, a slow shift but a shift all the same, of women's wrestling in WWE no longer being a laughing matter.

In the WWE under Vince McMahon's rule, AJ Lee has ultimately gone as far as she can go. For the most part, Vince either has no interest in booking women as competitors when compared to their male counterparts or he just simply doesn't know how to because of an antiquated viewpoint of women in wrestling where their primary purpose is to look good. She's a multiple time Divas Champion, she's had a few memorable feuds and a few very memorable matches. She's capable of ultimately being & having so much more but, as I said, that's just not gonna happen with Vince McMahon being in charge of WWE. So since she's done as much as she can, since she's gone as far as she's gonna be allowed to go and has had as many meaningful matches as she's probably had, what's to really keep her there if she genuinely wants to leave? I personally hope she doesn't leave but, if she does, it's not as if that she hasn't given her all, or at least as much of her all as Vince has allowed.

Plus, on top of all that, who knows what sort of impact her hubby has had on her mind set and point of view? There's little doubt that Punk's been talking trash heavily about WWE to AJ during their private conversations and AJ is highly devoted to him, not that a wife having her hubby's back is a bad thing. Remember last year at the TTTT tapings when she went off on that reporter who jokingly called Punk a name? She wasn't aware that Punk & this chick had known each other and had been friendly for some 10 years, she just thought someone was being rude to her man and she hulked out. So if it was to come down to AJ picking between her wrestling career and her hubby, I have a feeling she'll pick her hubby.

She's been given the option to wrestle and be in storylines and has done so, for a fairly short period of time. I don't think that's that big of a deal. If she stays sure, she could be a positive impact. If she leaves she is just confirming that every diva will quit on them no matter what. Again, if she stays she could be a shift, if she doesn't why would they change their minds on female wrestlers. and I mean even if she stays it still requires others to do the same, and then actually perform. because like it or not even almost all of AJ's best matches have been good/great only when compared other diva's matches.

When was the last time they booked women correctly may i ask? because I know for the last 20 years or so every single female has been involved in some ridiculous story lines. And again, how and why would Vince ever change his mind when they all leave. They have to treat the females like short term commodities, because they are just that. Getting what she wanted in a very short period and leaving is in no ways giving it her all, its almost the opposite.

If every male wrestler pulled a Brock/Rock then there would never be in any consistency of the programming because it would be all base around people they know are gonna leave at some point fairly soon.

I don't doubt she may leave because of Punk.
People actually mercilessly heckled The Rock when they found out he was leaving the WWE to go make movies. At the end of the match where he loses the WWE title to Lesnar, he was showered in "You Sold Out" chants, which honestly, is understandable given what a star The Rock was at the time.

Yes but look at the reception he gets now when he does come back. And keep in mind he doesn't have too. The WWE is firmly in his rear view mirror now and if he didn't care we wouldn't ever see him again in the ring. The fact that he does show up shows that he understands that he's were he is because of what he accomplished in the WWE.

Well good is clearly debatable, and AJ is one of the few females given matches of any decent amount so of course her matches are going to seem much better. And you can;t lump them together because women just don't treat wrestling like the men do. Clearly at some point women stuck with the sport, hell Moolah had a 10 year reign, just like the men did in her time.

Well it is a problem if that means there can never be a divas divsion, because it's just a revolving door with each diva using it to get somewhere easier. Think if right now Wade barrett was the veteran of the male wrestlers, no one who had been around longer then him was there? The roster would be cut super short which would mean they either have to make do or fill it with subpar talent. The WWE works to make you into a star, you leaving just means all that time was mostly wasted.

Are you seriously going to tell me that Cameron is as good as AJ. And it's not that women don't treat wrestling the same as men, it's the fact that the WWE doesn't treat women wrestlers the same as they do the men.

Moolah didn't wrestle every week like the present day Diva's do. It was rare back then to see a women's match. They were treated more like special attractions, like the midget wrestlers were.

There will always be a Diva's division, and no the girls won't stay around as long as the men do. Not because they don't love the sport, but there is only so far you can go in the women's division before you hit the wall. Once you've pretty much done everything you can do, what else is left. The men have numerous titles to go after the IC, US, WWE title, or if they can't get one of those, form a tag team and go after that title. The Diva's division has one title, that's it.

Sounds to me like you're an AJ Lee fan and are just pissed that she's leaving. I mean legit question to you. After seeing her perform for the last 4 years, win the titles, have great feuds with Paige this year, what else is there for AJ to do? What else is there for her to accomplish? The point of being there is to achieve all you can and she's done it in a short amount of time. That wasn't her choice it's simply that a Diva's time period in the WWE is not the same as a man's.
I don't think shes a fake diva if she wants to leave if she is even leaving as these AJ leaving rumours have lasted a long time supposedly after each event and shes still here so far, If she wants to leave to start a family for example thats her choice I don't think she will be looking back years to come regreting not having had that family because a couple of guys on some internet forum told her not to because it would make her look fake.
I don't think we would be seeing the last of both AJ and Punk inside a wrestling ring even if AJ did leave in the immediate future.
One other factor I think that is being left out is this: she may have always dreamed about being a WWE wrestler and it may have been her life goal. Sometimes though, when you get your dream, it isn't what you thought it was going to be. I dreamed of being a paid writer from a young age, then I made that happen. Now I dread sitting in front of a keyboard everyday. If I wrote for a different company(s), I might feel different. Maybe she loves wrestling and THOUGHT she loved WWE, but then got there and realized it wasn't what she thought.

The second issue is that, while I thing AJ is great, she has no one "great" to play off of. Imagine if Stone Cold only had the Brooklyn Brawler as a nemesis. Which diva, if any, is equal to AJ in the WWE right now (meaning all around skill-set)? If you can name one, great. However, how many times can you battle one enemy?

Finally, not all divas leave of their own accord. Many get fired or pushed out the door, leaving an even thinner roster to work with. I have no point in that last statement. Just felt like typing it.
I don't think she'd be a hypocrite if she decided to leave she's done pretty much every thing there is to do for a Diva, She's had programs with all the top guys, She's the longest Divas champion, and two time Diva of the year. What more does she have left to accomplish if she decides to leave soon which I think she is cuz she doesn't seem like she enjoys her job anymore ever since her return shes phoned it in.
Are you seriously going to tell me that Cameron is as good as AJ. And it's not that women don't treat wrestling the same as men, it's the fact that the WWE doesn't treat women wrestlers the same as they do the men.

Moolah didn't wrestle every week like the present day Diva's do. It was rare back then to see a women's match. They were treated more like special attractions, like the midget wrestlers were.

There will always be a Diva's division, and no the girls won't stay around as long as the men do. Not because they don't love the sport, but there is only so far you can go in the women's division before you hit the wall. Once you've pretty much done everything you can do, what else is left. The men have numerous titles to go after the IC, US, WWE title, or if they can't get one of those, form a tag team and go after that title. The Diva's division has one title, that's it.

Sounds to me like you're an AJ Lee fan and are just pissed that she's leaving. I mean legit question to you. After seeing her perform for the last 4 years, win the titles, have great feuds with Paige this year, what else is there for AJ to do? What else is there for her to accomplish? The point of being there is to achieve all you can and she's done it in a short amount of time. That wasn't her choice it's simply that a Diva's time period in the WWE is not the same as a man's.

I mean only a very small amount of women this year have been giving literally any decent amount of time, yet all of them when given time has performed at a good level. Are you saying Nattie isnt good? or Paige? I still think Layla can go, and alicia fox has performed over expectations for me. And no matter what anyone says I think the Bella's do just fine if not better. Sure there are duds, but that is seen on the male side of things too. No, it seems pretty clear women treat wrestling different. I mean men don't quit and none of them say they are going to. Women either say they are or don;t say anything at all, and quit. Trish and Lita were given tons of time and even main evented a raw. And they still both left.

Most of the divas don;t seem to wrestle once a week, and when they do its a super short match. But I agree Moolah's reign was probably different.

There is only so far you can go in the men's division, once you get the world title that's really all you can do. Yet most people don't leave after getting their shot (Ironically her husband isn't one of these people). It isn't the same because they leave....... With men they have the option to slowly build them up, give them starter feuds, maybe lesser titles. When women have a lifespan of like 4-5 years you don't have that luxury. They can't expand the Diva titles, they can't really expand their roster because their would be zero benefit.

I wouldn't say I'm that big of a fan of hers, for a lot of the same reasons Punk never seemed quite that great to me. A crux of a lot of their work came from other people not being on the same level as them, regardless of the other people proving otherwise. She has feuded with two women where I felt they did about all they could with the feud (Kaitlyn and Paige), but that still leaves I feel quite a few good divas left to feud with. Plus she can always be thrown back into a feud involving men as well.

The second issue is that, while I thing AJ is great, she has no one "great" to play off of. Imagine if Stone Cold only had the Brooklyn Brawler as a nemesis. Which diva, if any, is equal to AJ in the WWE right now (meaning all around skill-set)? If you can name one, great. However, how many times can you battle one enemy?

Paige, Nattie, Layla ,and she had Kaitlyn earlier this year are all people I think she is on the same level as for sure. I think Alicia Fox might be good, and I think if I saw a Bella twin have a 10 minute match and it turns out decent then i would say they would be capable too. We never really got to see Tamina and her feud and I still have no idea if Emma is good or not. There is also talent in the NXT seemingly close to being brought up, which would give her more feuds. I think saying she has no good feuds left is super incorrect and that no one is on her level is laughable.
Pardon me if I sound a bit sexist, but this thread is kind of begging for this. So as a WWE wrestler(male or female) you're on the road for what 300 days a year? If you want to be a mother, you're pregnant for 9-10 months, then isn't there usually about a month after your pregnancy to watch your baby and such? Basically, for one child you'd have to be out of WWE programming for about a year. Again, sorry if this sounds sexist.

Not to mention AJ has literally done everything! She's what a 3 time Divas champion? Had a 295 day title reign with the only belt she can win. She's won diva of the year twice(2012, 2014). She's been General Manager for what 3 months? She's managed world champions(Bryan and Punk). The only things left she "could" do at this point is, wrestle in the Royal Rumble and win the IC belt(at a time where the world champ is off tv). She's fought just about every diva, I mean who hasn't she fought?

That's the problem with being a WWE Diva in general, the glass ceiling is much, much lower. As a diva, you debut, win the belt, lose it, maybe manage someone, maybe become GM, or some order of that. But AJ has done all of that. She did all of that within 2 years of her debut. Why should divas stay longer than that? As a guy you have a lot more to do. This could be solved by making a new belt for the women wrestlers, but that would involve putting more effort into their division. Not to mention most fans just don't care about the female wrestlers, even the good ones! I mean how many AJ matches have featured a CM Punk chant?

I don't think it's hypocritical of her at all, if she wants to take a year or two off for any reason, then by all means she should go for it. Return in a few years to help put over some young girls or win the belt again.

Also to the guy saying no diva stays that long, Beth Pheonix has been around for 8 years, the Bellas for 6 years and Natalya for 6 years. All of which have won the divas championship, and done just about anything they could do
If every male wrestler pulled a Brock/Rock then there would never be in any consistency of the programming because it would be all base around people they know are gonna leave at some point fairly soon.

And? Back in the days of the territories most wrestlers were around for six months then they were off to work another territory. We didn't roll over and die because the roster turned over every few months.
I wouldn't find it messed up that she is leaving. Divas' careers are shorter than the guys in the WWE. It's also less competitive. She's pretty done it all. She's no Chyna, Trish or Lita but she's the best overall diva in this era.
How is it hypocritical to want to leave your job? Not to mention, she won' be leaving, those are just rumours spread by people because of the whole CM Punk thing. How is it hypocritical when she can back up everything she is saying? Most other divas are there to further their careers as models and get more exposure or just get rich.

She's there because she loves wrestling, but that doesn't mean that has to define her, something CM Punk touched on the podcast. It really seems stupid to think just because someone loves their job, that they can't another and have other passions. She has done everything there is to do in this fucked up company that mistreats male and female talent alike. If she chooses to leave that's her business and not yours.

I don't know are we just using "hypocrite" like we use "hilarious" now?
If she stays a long time, which i hope she does, then everything I said will be the opposite since she would be reaffirming her devotion to wrestling. But in the past 20 years or so, whats the diva that stayed the longest? I mean I can't think of one that stayed 10 years, which would be a fairly short stay for a major male wrestler, yet none of the divas managed to stay that long, even the ones who claimed passion for the product or allegiance to WWE. It just seems unlikely that AJ will buck the trend.
Ivory, Jazz, Victoria all 10+ years in biz. Lita had to retire due to injury, Trish wanted to get married/also some injuries, But if you're complaining of longevity, no one, NO ONE, will beat the original divas, Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young. They wrestled or competed for 50+ years. Hell Moolah was billed as champ for over 30 years, and debuted in 1949 and her last official match was in 2003. She won the title at 76 yeras old in 1999.
no male wrestler has had a career that spans this time frame that included 7 decades.
Gail Kim and Mickie James are closing on on the 10 year mark if they haven't reached it yet. Sadly Angelina Love and Velvet Skye ahve to be near there as well. WWE divas are mostly there for looks and don't stick around long because they aren't booked or designed to when hired.
I mean think if this situation was a man:
Claims to be a huge wrestling fan his whole life, works for a very short time before making it the main roster like 4 years or so total. Incorporates the fact he was a huge fan into his gimmick constantly using that to get over, and calling other wrestlers out for just using the WWE and not being real wrestlers. Spends about a year being built up before being thrust into some big story lines for a year and a half or so. Gets one final big push and gets the world title, holds it for a record length. Drops it, gets it back a few times, spends about a year after the record reign almost always in the title picture. Then quits. Not to do something else, just because. That's what occurred here.

Think if with all the push Reigns is getting he gets the title this year, and by 2016 quits. People would be freaking out.

So like say, Lex Luger when he started, Goldberg, and a lot of others who got in for money or fame when other lines were closed to them. No one complains when a man does this. Hell even lesnar wasn't in in for love of the sport in the first place but because it was the easiest way for him to get a fat paycheck and get his name into the public mind and when he got to the top, he left to try first football and when that failed he turned to UFC for a larger paycheck.

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