AJ Lee and Paige feud


Pre-Show Stalwart
so this feud has been dragging on for months now and with the Alicia Fox addition it just seems like it has no direction. for the past couple weeks they also had several other divas team with AJ to take on Paige and Fox but did not end well. I see a potential in finally bringing Tamina back in to tag with AJ to take on the team of Paige and Fox. Have Tamina and AJ go over the other 2 divas to finally end the feud of Paige and AJ.

Now this is where we find a new contender to the Divas title. After Tamina and AJ win their match during the post celebration....BAM! SUPERKICK to AJ and we can finally get this Tamina/AJ feud that had been brewing around WrestleMania.

What are you guys thoughts on AJ/Paige feud? How can they end it and who should be next for AJ?
Man WWE really screwed the pooch with this feud. I honestly thought AJ and Paige could have been the Trish vs Lita feud of this generation but instead we got a frienemy and a lame faux lesbian angle that went no where. And is it just me or does it seem like AJ has been phoning it in since she came back? but when it comes to who she'll feud with next does it matter its not like it will be anything worth while unless she feuds with Steph.
I was very disappointed with both of them and feel that they need to leave the title picture for some time. Skipping to the ring, , taking the other girl's title, "frenemies", one talks with a heavy accent, the other makes weird facial expressions, random divas keep getting involved in tag team matches for no reason other than probably to make them look less bad... these two are so repetitive that even The Authority is super fresh compared to them, and they are so boring that Slater-Gator w/Hornswoggle seem electrifying like The Rock in comparison.
Yeah, the feud burned out. Your proposition might work, but I'd rather they just have definitive conclusion at Hell in a Cell.
The feud has burned out because the writers, again, simply don't know what to do with anyone on the roster outside the top-10 guys or so...

Clueless on how to develop other characters and stories.

In the meantime, they've pigeon-holed themselves because you can't have more than 2 real Divas matchups on RAW and you need AJ and Paige because they are extremely popular. If you end the feud and have the champ go onto something else, then one popular wrestler gets basically zero time.
While I agree the feud definitely wasn't all it could be, I think it's fine right now. I don't watch NXT and when I saw Paige, I was smitten(for real she's so cute). But her character was boring, she was so dominant and it was boring to me. AJ comes back and I was like, she better not win the title and she did. I like AJ too. So immediately I was hooked. For the longest time the divas division sucked to me. And this seemed like it'd be great. Then the belts kept changing hands...and I lost all interest really.

But now they have this new thing happening. We have 2 of the other talented divas involved. Hopefully we see a fatal 4 way and the belt passing to Layla or Alicia Fox. Let them hold the belt for a while and AJ/Paige feud can end with a submission match at about TLC. The winner can be the number one contender. Then we have the 4 most talented divas feuding for the belt and eventually some NXT divas come up and maybe Naomi(she's the talented funkadactyl right?).

I wish they would have ended this feud first but it's okay I think
It has been terrible to be honest and I say that as a big fan of Paige and AJ. I thought the two would get the chance to really feud over the belt but instead we've had this mess of multiple angles. Time for the feud to end and send AJ hopefully off to fight Steph at Mania
Yeah. Paige is probably one of my female WRESTLERS but this feud has lost any steam it may have had and just seems stupid and lost by this point. I will also agree with the poster above who said "AJ Lee feels like she's just phoning it in" but that could be our perception because we/every informed fan knows she is married to CM Punk.

I think they need to call up some of the female talent from NXT like Charlotte, Bayley or Sasha Banks. They all seem better than the "divas" on the main roster and a lot of the divas are stuck there basically promoting the stupid Total Divas reality show and aren't allowed to win the belt anyway. WHY is Eva Marie on the main roster when her matches are borderline embarrassing to watch?
WWE managed to take feud with two of their good female wrestlers, and somehow ruin it. The whole thing just seemed pointless, like they never gave the audience to cheer for one of them. For instance I'm still not sure whether AJ is heel or face in this whole thing? I guess she's a tweener? The other thing is this whole crazy thing WWE has become obsessed with. They can't do a Divas storyline without a Diva being crazy! They spent all those weeks giving Alicia Fox air time to show how crazy she was after matches, and now Paige is crazy? I guess? AJ Lee got over with the whole crazy chick thing and now WWE thinks if they make a Diva act insane then it just works. WWE's creative are the real insane ones though.
And is it just me or does it seem like AJ has been phoning it in since she came back?

That occurred to me too, but it's hard to say; she has been working hard enough during her matches....it's just that AJ has always been involved in something special; the initial part of her popularity came from working with the guys. Now that she's with the gals, it's hard to get continuity in any angle.....the fact that we've had no movement in the Bellas' program is evidence enough that either not enough time is spent on diva stuff by management.....or they don't feel the women inspire enough interest for it to make a difference.

My concern about AJ is what happens when her contract runs out. Is she going to re-up for another run.....or is she going to follow the example of her husband? There's not much sense in leaving WWE if she plans to continue wrestling, because after making it in the major leagues, what's the sense of choosing to go to the minors? Yet, her husband left....and she lives with him. Wonder what family discussions are like at the Brooks dinner table, as concerns her employment.

Obviously, we're not going to know anything about this until it happens. But wouldn't it be a sad Punk-tuation :))) to her career if she followed him out the door?

Meanwhile, AJ's program with Paige seems to be adhering to the same crooked pattern as the Bella situation. Except for an occasional sneak attack after a match by both girls, there's been virtually no movement in the "feud"......and I wonder if WWE is going to complete it ....or quietly abandon it.

Feuds between divas are a hell of a lot different than those with the guys.
It's definitely fallen a bit flat, I agree. But I think a lot of the blame goes on the WWE for not featuring two of the most talented Divas on the roster and the Divas title, and instead giving a lot of the spotlight to the Bella twins. I don't dislike the Bellas nearly as much as some guys on here, I actually think they've improved a hell of a lot and aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. But that doesn't mean I think they deserve the spotlight over the Divas title. Guess it's the whole Total Divas movement.

But yes, Paige and AJ themselves haven't quite brought it as much as I hoped. Their first match together was a disaster, and while the in-ring stuff has got a bit better, neither of them are showing out as much as I hoped. These random little additions to the feud (Nikki Bella, now Alicia Fox) aren't doing anything for it either. I agree with DCLXVI, I'd love to see some of the NXT Divas come along soon and freshen the division as a whole up.

I was very disappointed with both of them and feel that they need to leave the title picture for some time. Skipping to the ring, , taking the other girl's title, "frenemies", one talks with a heavy accent, the other makes weird facial expressions, random divas keep getting involved in tag team matches for no reason other than probably to make them look less bad... these two are so repetitive that even The Authority is super fresh compared to them, and they are so boring that Slater-Gator w/Hornswoggle seem electrifying like The Rock in comparison.

We can't help our British accents. :p
I wouldn't be surprised if AJ leaves once her contract ends since she married Punk it just seems like shes not as into what shes been doing and it could also be what they're giving her but I also don't see her and Punk lasting if she resigns with wwe.
I for one am enjoying the feud with AJ and Paige but at some point it does have to end. AJ does seem a little bit different,to at least me.. I wouldnt say she has been phoning it in,but just not the same crazy loveable AJ that I love and adore..

This feud is ten times better than the boring bella's feud going on.. But I dont see AJ running when her contract is up. But im sure dinner at Punks house would be interesting if and when that topic comes up..
I think that this feud has been a huge disappointment because of Vince's old fashioned sexism and general inability to take women seriously. It's another good example of the inconsistency in booking when comparing Raw & SmackDown! to NXT. In NXT, feuds between women actually have some degree of depth and strength. On the main roster, women are frequently portrayed as "crazy", in some half hearted attempt at humor or in some sort of situation where some kind of sexual subtext is added. In a nutshell, if a woman isn't acting like she's nuts, isn't running around in her underwear, isn't being sexually harassed in a segment by Vince, then almost nothing happens.

In NXT, Paige grabbed people's attention with her Anti-Diva persona. She had some depth and stories to go along with some great matches. That aspect of her persona is nowhere in sight on the main roster because of one simple difference: Triple H is allowed to have the final creative say so in NXT while Vince retains it on the main roster. This could've been a great feud between two women who're over with fans, who can deliver good work on the mic and who can put on strong matches inside the ring. Instead, we've gotten what we've been getting because Vince either doesn't believe fans can or want to take women seriously or it's a concept that's so completely alien to him that he refuses to even entertain it. The only woman on the roster that isn't portrayed as some sort of outdated female cliché is Stephanie McMahon.
My thoughts? Well..I'm dissapointed. Very actually. I thought this was gonna be THE women's feud to put the divas - at least a little bit - on the map again. But what did we get? The normal WWE 1st 1-2 week hype and then months and months of mediocrity and pure garbage booking.

I really applaud Paige for really coming into her own on TV. I really like her shenanigans in the ring and outside the way she speaks and how she shouts and sometimes shouts in pain with 1-2 second delay after smth happens, it's entertaining, to me at least. But besides that they have really done nothing to help the feud along. They went like 5% HLA and then backed off like *****es and now we are stuck with meaningless 1-2 minute matches.

It's official that Paige will be added to the Total Divas show, a show I really have no problem with as it is my guilty pleasure if you wanna call it that. But I believe like everyone in the world, I have a problem with Paige being on Total Divas. How is she gonna be champ again? How is her rocker chick-anti-diva stick gonna survive if we see her on Total Divas. That was her NXT gimmick now on the main roster the way she is presented she is just the rocker-diva. Not anti-diva just a chick that likes the rock-goth look. They are making her out to be just like everyone else.

Now I have hopes for her still because she is so young she still has time to developed and get away from the Total Divas crap. Tho I dont see the reality show ending too soon. I like it personally but I still would like it to end so we can focus on the divas divison and not only on 2-3 women wrestlers and 10 total divas with bullshit rules with the championship and with storylines from the show coming on TV.
Man WWE really screwed the pooch with this feud. I honestly thought AJ and Paige could have been the Trish vs Lita feud of this generation but instead we got a frienemy and a lame faux lesbian angle that went no where. And is it just me or does it seem like AJ has been phoning it in since she came back? but when it comes to who she'll feud with next does it matter its not like it will be anything worth while unless she feuds with Steph.

How could this feud be the Trish/Lita of this generation? Where's the logic in that? It's been over hyped since day 1. Nobody knew if Paige and AJ would have chemistry together, they've never worked together before other than a few tag matches at house shows. AJ has never really had a great feud with anyone in WWE so i don't see why Paige would be any different.
Well, looks like this feud will end soon cause Paige is joining the cast of Total Divas so we all know she can't be the Divas Champion... therefore the feud has to end...

Bad career move on Paige's part, I am incredibly disappointed in this news.
Maybe now with Paige joining total divas we can see fresh contenders! I am really hoping that tamina is next to challenge I've been waiting to see where her and AJ can take this! And if the rumor is true about the total divas not being able to hold the title I hope they take Naomi off the show and maybe even Natalya! If the Divas division as far as wrestling goes consisted of just AJ, Tamina, Nattie, Naomi, charolette, Paige id be super happy! Keep the rest of reality show and out the ring!
While I seem to be in the minority in thinking it's been a good feud, I too feel it has not lived up to expectations. I didn't go into it expecting the next Lita VS Trish. We will likely never see another divas feud as great as that. What we HAVE seen, on the other hand, is a feud between two very talented divas who can actually WRESTLE. Two of the very best on the roster feuding over the top prize of their division. Say what you will, but you'll miss this feud with it's gone and AJ (or Paige) gets stuck feuding with one of The Bellas or other divas that suck. The feud needs a definitive end at this point with a clear outcome on who the winner is. I'm fine with either diva winning. Both deserve to be Divas Champion.

The bigger question is, will the next contender be someone who deserves it as much as Paige and AJ have? It needs to be one of the girls who can actually WRESTLE. I want to see any of the following get a chance: Natalya, Summer Rae, or Emma. Maybe even Layla. As long as it's not Cameron or either of The Bellas I'll be happy. Natalya makes the most sense, she has the best legitimate in-ring ability of any diva and she's held the belt before. Summer and Emma could both be excellent challengers if given a chance to be built up as contenders and showcase what they can do. WWE needs to move forward from AJ VS Paige keeping the momentum the division has gotten, keep giving title shots to the divas who deserve it, the ones who are believable as Divas Champion, the ones who can WRESTLE!

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