AIDS jokes, or the AIDS epidemic in Africa that is killing millions a day and leaving even more orphaned?

AIDS jokes are hilarious. The AIDS epidemic isn't so much, though.
AIDS jokes, or the AIDS epidemic in Africa that is killing millions a day and leaving even more orphaned?

AIDS jokes are hilarious. The AIDS epidemic isn't so much, though.

Not to be a dick,, but millions daily? Wouldn't Africa be like, deserted by now?
Armbar, I hope you slip and fall into a pool full of AIDS. That shit would be funny.
How exactly do you fill a pool with a syndrome? It's not sometihng you can quantify.

If you had enough HIV you could fill a pool, but AIDS isn't an object. Before anyone asks, I know you're joking.
Armbar, I hope you slip and fall into a pool full of AIDS. That shit would be funny.

It would only be an AIDS pool after you swam in it DM. In that case, it sounds like you're inviting me to a pool party. I accept your invitation.
Aids is funny, and sorry but HIV is just for people who arent cool enough to catch aids
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YOU BASTARD! I was gonna post that.

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