Agree, or Disagree?


This is the newest work of art from the mind of Derf. Basically, one of the biggest problems people have in the Internet world of Wrestling, is that no one agrees on somthing. I've created threads when I started here complaining about it, and I eventually came to accept it. Anywho, it's all given me an idea. I want to find out if there really is anything that we all agree on. So heres the general idea.

I'm going to post an opinion on somthing in the wrestling world, and the next person in can either agree, or disagree. If you agree, explain why you agree, and the game continues. If you disagree, explain why, then post a new opinion, and start from there. I want to see how many people we can have legitinatly agree on one thing.

Also... I know this is the Bar Room, and spamming is allowed, but I really want to keep this game fresh, flowing good, so when you Agree/Disagree, give full answers, not just "I agree" or whatever. Don't disrespect those of us that are enjoying a good discussion.


So, for the first oppinion, I'll go with somthing simple....

The Great Khali is great as a heal charecter.
I agree. Khali is supposed to play the role of a monster heel, he does that. Sure he can't do a a moonsault, or all these technical moves, but what he does makes the crowd "boo" him. That is his job, make the fans hate him, and he pulls it off.
Agree as well. Like Agrex said, he's not supposed to do moonsaults. It's the same issue i have when peopel complain about umaga. If Khali came into the ring, used a drop toe hold, flipped around and rolled into a hammerlock he'd look ridiculous. If I want to see that, i'll go find Malenko matches. Khali is what his nickname says: A nightmare come to life, and an intimidating heel.
Why do you agree though. This thread is meant for discussion. Even though its in a spam forum. Discussion is not out of the question.
Well then, I guess I shall be the first to disagree. HE, in my opinion, is not only a horrid heel, but a horrid wrestler. Hell, in another country, India, he isn't even a heel. He has horrid ring work, can truly only work well with larger people who can do more things than get him on the ground and kick him. Not trying to sound like this is the Cena thread, but he has a very small, limited move set. Also, heels usually can do good, scathing promos for the crowd to hate them. He can't.


The Undertaker should break character and have a good send off by him fellow wrestlers, similar to Flairs.
EDIT: Damn typing!

I agree, but it shouldn't be crafted like Flair's. Undertaker should lose that final match, whenever it may be, and just lay in the ring. Then, have him sit up, and do his usual after-match exit. Then, have him come out on RAW the next night to the American Badass music, have him cut a shoot promo, and then a celebration.
I disagree. That would make no sense. The Undertaker doesn't need a send off like Flair, because they both had completely different careers. The Undertaker doesn't need a public send off because that's not what his character is. His character is not supposed to feel emotions. And trust me, he's probably very respected backstage, so he can get a send off there.


HHH gets shit from the IWC for no good reason.
I agree. Yes, he's married to Steph. Yes, he probably shouldn't get as many titles as he gets. Yes, he's a politician, but he's also exactly what he says he is. He is that damn good. In the ring he's as good as anyone on the roster. He's great on the mic, he's got a great moveset, he has the look, he's got it all. He's earned his spot. THink of this. He married steph in what, 2000? He was going to get austin's push until the MSG incident.
disagree, there are many valid reasons to hate Triple H.

Agree or Disagree: Attitude Era, Overrated?
Completely agree. I personally, was only allowed to watch the start, because when my mother caught a glimpse of it, she said I could not watch it anymore, do to the fact that there were grown men, who I was looking up to, chugging beer, making penis jokes, and pointing to their crotches, telling people to suck it. It may have been good for business, but it did lose a decent fan base to WCW, because at the time, they were a cleaner show. In my opinion, WCW would've sold a lot fast had they not had so many sexual references.
I agree. Only because I think wrestling is great now, just like it was then. I loved the attitude era, but I also love wresting today. I only think the attitude era is overrated as people say it was so much better than it is now, and it's not.
Disagree, The attitude era paved many paths


Putting the US belt on Benjamin was a good idea
I agree. Shelton was getting wasted as a talent, and they finally gave him something to do. Shelton's multiple runs as IC champ have proven he can be a great midcard title holder. And with all the great competition, like Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, MVP, Umaga, etc., Shelton will be kept pretty busy as champ.
Agree: Shelton Benjamin always deserved more than jobbing to the stars, and now that he's finally getting a push, hopefully they let him run with it, and we have a future WWE Champion among us. I also like how both his last rivalry, with Kofi, resulted in BOTH of them winning titles.
I agree. Shelton has been under used for too long. I don't think he should be in the main event, ever. Because I don't think he has what it takes, but the mid-card is where he should stay, and be successful in. I think it was a good choice, as the belt was not being used properly by Matt, he didn't defend it. Now that Shelton is champ there are way more different feud possibilities, that can really help the credibility of the belt.
I'm disagreeing. Shelton Benjamin is very talented and could quite possibly deserve another shot at Championship gold, but to hot-shot him the title, especially with the case situation going on with racism in the W.W.E.. Benjamin won't be looked upon as a respected Champion, so much as just another African American who benefitted from Haye's big mouth.

Again, Benjamin is a great talent.. but Matt Hardy could've had just as many great feuds with Carlito, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, even Smackdown talent like his brother Jeff Hardy, again with M.V.P. and Mr. Kennedy.
Reviving E.C.W., and allowing it to possibly ruin everything it was in the past.

Do you agree with E.C.W. coming back, or disagree and feel it should've stayed dead?
I disagree. In my opinion, today's ECW is a mockery of the Original. It's supposed to be Extreme Championship Wrestling. What the hell is so "extreme" about the new one. There hasn't been an extrme rules match, since like last summer.


The IWC are the greediest wrestling fans in the world.
I disagree. In my opinion, today's ECW is a mockery of the Original. It's supposed to be Extreme Championship Wrestling. What the hell is so "extreme" about the new one. There hasn't been an extrme rules match, since like last summer.

Actually, Shelton Benjamin v. Kofi Kingston was an Extreme Rules match recently. And I believe Tommy Dreamer had one not that long ago as well.

None the less, not very many and I do agree with what you're saying. For a brand that has "extreme" in their name, they sure aren't showing why.

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