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Aftershock 4

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

We open straight to a massive pyro display at the top of the Aftershock stage. The crowd reacts with a positive ovation and the camera shoots around before heading towards Becky Serra and Johnny Klamor at the announcers desk.

"Good evening and welcome to the fourth episode of Aftershock! We've got the hottest young stars on show here tonight, complete with a Mayhem Title match for the main event."

"Johnny Scumm takes on the champion Justin Cooper, the inspired leader of the High Society. Scumm has demanded for chance after chance, he wanted Saboteur, he wanted Alex Bowen. Tonight the champion of the Mayhem will stand across from him in a one on one match, will Scumm be able to end the reign of Justin Cooper before it begins?"

"We also have a pair of Lethal Lottery qualifiers! It's safe to say that this is a very important show on the road to the fourth Lethal Lottery."

On his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, Ryan Raynes!

Ryan Raynes steps out to the ramp as the fans give him a tepid reception

"Wow, the only thing worse than a bad reaction is no reaction at all"

"And his opponent, from Galveston Island, Texas, Sean Cruz"

"This is how I like to start our shows! Sean Cruz always brings his brand of high-flying action for our fans!"

"This dropout really has fallen far to face a bum like Raynes!"

Cruz bounces out to the top of the ramp. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he is ambushed by Justin Cooper and a trio of hooded partners. Raynes stands back as Cruz is assaulted and the former Mayhem champ is beaten and bloodied. Cooper drags Cruz over to the corner at ringside and hits Your Final Verse to Cruz and his skulls bounces off the steel! Raynes stands emotionless in the ring. Cooper stands over Cruz and then looks at Raynes. In an instant, Cooper is surrounded on all sides of the ring by the three unknown men. Cooper gets in the ring and immediately charges at Raynes. The associates of Cooper get a table from underneath the ring. Cooper quickly and easily gets on top of Raynes and he hits a second Your Final Verse in the centre of the ring. He then points to the table set up in front of Serra and Klamor.

Cooper drags Raynes to the top turnbuckle and hits the Remix from the top rope to the table on the floor! Cooper is then handed a mic as he gets back in the ring.

"Before me, I see failures. These pathetic men are the first victims of The High Society and we will demonstrate true superiority over the dregs of WZCW. Johnny Scumm will be the next victim. I'm going to pin him wherever I see fit in this arena. I will raise this Mayhem Championship over my head again and again because The High Society means we are better than you."


Cooper leads his allies back up the ramp, passing barely a glance at the paramedics who are rushing down to ringside to attend to Cruz and Raynes.


The camera shows Dr. Alhazred wheeling a human size wooden crate down a backstage hallway as his eye tweaks every few seconds. He abruptly stops and Chris K.O. walks into the picture. K.O. examines the giant crate and then looks at Alhazred.

K.O.: Have you finally come to peace with the expulsion of James King?

Alhazred's eye tweaks at the sound of the name.

Alhazred: At first I was distraught and to a point I still am. This project...

Alhazred pats on the large wooden crate.

Alhazred: ...has required a lot of sleepless hours, so I really have not had a lot of time to give thought to him. What I do know is that regardless of James, the reign of chaos must continue! All hail Ty Burna!

Alhazred's eye tweaks again and he begins to push the crate out of the camera shot. K.O., with a semi-worried look on his face, watches him as he leaves.
The following match is scheduled for one fall, already in the ring from Detroit, Darren Bull!

Bull looks nervous but ready as he pulls on the ropes.

And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, Joe West!

West walks down to the ring taking in some water from his bottle. He gets in the ring and talks smack to the ref and then the crowd while he poses on the turnbuckle.

“These two rookies are ready to do battle. This crowd is red hot; let’s see who’s able to impress them tonight!”

Bull charges in towards West and gets a series of forearm strikes on West who fights it off with some of his own. West quickly gets on top and unleashes a series of punches and kicks. West whips him to the ropes, leapfrogs him as he comes back and then takes him down with a hurracanrana. West goes for a cover, 1...2....Bull kicks out. West goes to the top rope Bull meets him and throws him off the corner and down to the mat. Bull drops down and nails him with a series of elbow strikes to the head.

“Neither man are able to get any advantage so far.”

“West needs to focus!”

Bull brings West to his feet and attacks with a barrage of palm strikes. He rakes the eyes and floors West with a bionic elbow. Bull goes for a cover and gets only two. Bull gets up and lifts up West, he puts him in position for a Fisherman Suplex but West back body drops him! Bull stumbles back to his feet and West meets him with a roundhouse kick with an impact that vibrates around the arena.

“Wow! What a hit!”

“That makes my head hurt.”

West lifts him up into a torture rack position, brings him back to the centre of the ring and drops him with a hard neckbreaker. Bull tries to crawl away but West grabs him and connects with the RMA! Cover by West, 1...2....3!!

"Your winner by pinfall, Joe West!"

“That’s a good win for Joe West but both men will need to improve if they are going to progress in the future!”

“This will give Joe West something to brag about for weeks to come!”

“Great, that’s all we need.”


We see Jack O'Latern getting prepared backstage, doing some squat thrusts for the upcoming match. He turns around and sees someone approach him. He has a weird look on his face as the figure seemingly gets closer.

O'Latern: Can I help you with anything?
Anderson: The following contest is a Triple Threat match scheduled for one fall where the winner will qualify for the 2012 Lethal Lottery match!


The crowd cheers for one of the newer stars of the company as he comes out trying to hype out the crowd even more. He holds up an X symbol before making his way down the ring, acknowledging the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 220 pounds; TRIPLE X!

Serra: X has an opportunity of a lifetime by trying to earn himself a spot in the Lottery. Guess that's karma for you by turning your whole life around like he has.

Klamor: Karma? Who believes in that anymore? This is going to be about skill and determination if he wants that spot. He's not the only one who wants one, you know?

He enters the ring and climbs to turnbuckles, once again holding an "X" sign in the air with a smile on his face. He jumps down and waits for his opponents. His music dies down and it takes a little longer than normal for the next person to arrive. Suddenly, the titantron picks up a camera feed:

Backstage we see Jack O'Latern being thrown across the floor, bleeding profusely from his face. He is desperately trying to crawl away but he can't move fast at all. He turns around and horror strikes his face.

O'Latern: Please... spare me!

He has his hands clasped together in prayer. O'Latern then begins to start a wild scream...

The feed cuts out and everyone is confused about the situation. Triple X asks the referee what happens know and he says to wait.


The crowd takes a bit for them to begin cheering again as S.H.I.T. emerges from the back, slowly walking out to the ring... randomly twitching and not taking his focus off Triple X.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing in at 230 pounds; S.H.I.T.!

Klamor: Oh God... now this piece of junk metal seems to be have some sort of malfunction. If he lays one more hand on me I will be pressing charges.

Serra: Can you convict a robot... wait, we've just received word that EMT's have arrived on the scene of Jack O'Latern and he will not be able to compete in the match... they said they found him inside of a wooden box. Whatever happened, it was enough to take him to a local medical facility.

Klamor: That's a damn shame too. I was growing a liking to that kid. Who would've done something like... wait, what's that on S.H.I.T.'s hands?

S.H.I.T. enters the ring and very slowly approaches Triple X, scanning him at all different points as he looks very confused at S.H.I.T. The robot slowly raises his hands forward and looks to attempt to choke Triple X. The referee stands in the way of S.H.I.T. from doing anything before the bell, allowing Triple X to see what is on his hands... they seem to be redder than usual... and dripping from his hands. Triple X opens his eyes wide to the revelation and immediately gets on his guard. The crowd begins to slowly realise what has happened.

Serra: That's blood on his hands!

Klamor: Jack O'Latern's...?

The referee pushes S.H.I.T. back and goes to the announcer to have a small discussion.

Anderson: Due to the injuries of Jack O'Latern, this match will now be a singles contest.

S.H.I.T. twitches at the mention of the name and stares at Triple X as the referee rings the bell.

S.H.I.T. goes into a sort of compulsive state with lights flashing, something that has never happened before. After a couple of seconds, S.H.I.T. charges at Triple X but he ducks out of the way. S.H.I.T. immediately turns around to X's position like he was using an aim-bot and charges once more. X evades and hits a dropkick to the back of S.H.I.T. It doesn't phase him much, leaving X to be surprised. X hits a spinning heel kick that does some some damage but S.H.I.T. is still standing. S.H.I.T. immediately begins to choke X with the ref trying to break up the blatant hold (the crowd booing at this choke as well) but X manages to escape using multiple elbow smashes to the head of S.H.I.T. He runs off the ropes and hits a running forearm smash that stumbles S.H.I.T. with X doing a kip-up, impressing the crowd. X gets in position and hits an enzuigiri on S.H.I.T, finally taking him down to his knees. X uses this opportunity to hit a DDT on S.H.I.T. and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. X kips-up once more and tries to get this crowd move involved, throwing his hands up as they begin cheering for X.

Serra: The crowd is definitely on the side of Triple X but what the hell has gotten into S.H.I.T.?

Klamor: We really need to get an engineer out here to check S.H.I.T. out... or a psychiatrist. I don't even know anymore!

S.H.I.T. is back to his feet and charges again at X but he catches him with a Samoan Drop. X gets to his feet and look at the prone S.H.I.T. and hits the X-Press. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by S.H.I.T. X goes over to the ropes and waits for his opponent to get up where he hits the flying chuck kick to S.H.I.T. This takes him down to one knee and X decides to run off the ropes and charges at S.H.I.T. but he counters by quickly getting up and hitting a running shoulder tackle at X, knocking him down. X gets up quickly and is met with a stiff hard clothesline by S.H.I.T., knocking him down again. He picks up X and hits another rough clothesline and repeats the process to complete the Mechanical Madness. The crowd boos as S.H.I.T. begins choking X again. This time, the referee is able to subdue S.H.I.T. before any damage can done. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by X. S.H.I.T. picks up X and hits a couple of hard elbow smash before hitting a spinning heel kick, finishing off with a scoop slam into a running body splash. He gets another cover and again a 2 count arises for S.H.I.T. He gets up and twitches again, maybe even a spark or two flying out.

Klamor: Did I just see sparks?

Serra: Is that even possible for S.H.I.T. to do?

S.H.I.T. raises his hand, signalling for his head chop finisher as X gets to his feet. S.H.I.T. swings and he misses as X evades the contact, hitting a hurricanrana to stop the momentum. Both competitors are down in the ring, although a count is barely needed as S.H.I.T. twitches again and gets up whilst X is using the ropes to get leverage. S.H.I.T. approaches X and hits him a couple of times before taking him to the corner and whipping him across. S.H.I.T. runs after him looking to hit a body splash but X runs up the turnbuckles and hits the whisper in the wind. He goes for the cover on S.H.I.T. and gets a near-fall attempt. X says that this is it and waits for S.H.I.T. to get in position. X goes for the X-rated but S.H.I.T. catches the boot and hits the Head Chop on the side of X's head, taking him down. S.H.I.T. does not go for the pin however as he waits for X to get back up where he copies his opponent's finisher and hits X-rated. S.H.I.T. then proceeds to the top rope and hits the Frog Splash. He coves X... 1... 2... 3!

The referee rings the bell and S.H.I.T. once again goes into a massive fit. He immediately begins walking slowly out to the back despite the referee trying to raise his hand. S.H.I.T. just exits the ring and heads up the ramp.

Anderson: Here is your winner; S.H.I.T.!

Serra: Well... it seems that S.H.I.T. has qualified for the Lottery although an impressive effort by Triple X was made here tonight. Something's just not right with S.H.I.T.

Klamor: I've just messaged Vance Bateman to see if he can have a look at what's going on with S.H.I.T. I'm starting to get concerned for the health of others with him acting weirdly around here.

Members of the crowd boo whilst others have no idea what to think as S.H.I.T. passes through the curtain and X is nearly to his feet, telling the referee what he saw on S.H.I.T.'s hands.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Lethal Lottery Qualifying Match!

Iron Army by In This Moment plays and Jack Skinner walks out onto the ramp. He slaps some high fives with a few fans as he makes his way to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from New York, weighing in at 150 lbs, Jack Skinner!

Skinner rolls into the ring and stands on the second rope and points to the audience.


The audience boos and Armando Paradyse walks out and keeps pointing at himself and shouting 'Lethal Lottery' at the audience.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Puerto Rico, weighing in at 268 lbs, Armando Paradyse!

Klamour: I had the chance to speak with Paradyse earlier today and he said he's already downed two Red Bull's and is pumped and jacked for tonight's contest.

Serra: Both these men here tonight with a chance to qualify for the Lethal Lottery. Skinner has had spotty success throughout his career here and Paradyse recently held the Mayhem Championship before losing it in his first defense. Both are hoping to come out victorious here tonight.

Paradyse is throwing his arms up in the air and acting like he’s all ready victorious as the crowd showers him with boos. Skinner is tired of waiting for Paradyse and calls the ‘big baboon’ over. Paradyse marches over and stands over the short Skinner. Skinner slaps Paradyse across the face. A loud ‘Oooo’ from the corwd is heard. Paradyse takes a moment to recover and then turns back at Jack angrily. Skinner ducks down and starts crawling under Paradyse’s legs as he reaches for him. Jack stands up. Mule Kick to the reap end of Paradyse. Paradyse stumbles forward and goes over the top rope and crashes to the floor.

Klamour: Ha! Paradyse hit the floor.

Serra: If this were the Lethal Lottery Paradyse would’ve been eliminated.

Paradyse pulls his hair in anger as the crowd laughs at him. Paradyse stands up and then yells at the fans. He fails to see Skinner who Baseball slides right into him. Paradyse is knocked to the floor. He gets up and quickly enters the ring. Paradyse charges at Skinner. Low Drop Kick to the knee on Paradyse sends him stumbling to the mat. Skinner stands up and bounces off the ropes. Clothesline knocks the rising Paradyse to the mat. Skinner goes and climbs onto the top turnbuckle. Paradyse to his feet. Diving Elbow from Skinner knocks Paradyse to the mat. Skinner quickly climbs up again and turns around. Top Rop Fist Drop! Skinner with the cover. 1... 2...... Paradyse just powers his arm out.

Serra: Skinner has been impressive and has exhausted Paradyse.

Klamour: Paradyse can't be tired, not when he has wings. Ha. It looks bad for Paradyse but from where I'm sitting I see a huge size difference. One... two moves can change a lot in this match.

Paradyse pulls himself towards a corner and rests his head on the bottom turnbuckle. Skinner sees it and the crowd pops. Skinner builds the suspence up and then runs at Paradyse as he gets in perfect position. Bronco Buster! Skinner’s banging flesh is more than Paradyse can handle and rolls under the rope as soon as Skinner stops the deadly move. Paradyse gasps for air as he stands up outside the ropes on the apron. He shouts at the ref that he is returning to the back. Paradyse turns around. Skinner hopes onto the middle rope and locks in a Sleephold, Midnight Deadline. Paradyse teeters on the apron and then hops off. Skinner's neck bounces off the ropes and he falls back into the ring. Paradyse sees Skinner winded and slides back into the ring. Paradyse begins stomping on the fallen Skinner. He backs up and signals for the Paradyse Drop. Paradyse runs and leaps up. Skinner ducks down and Paradyse sails over. Skinner leaps onto Paradyse's back. Midnight Deadline. Paradyse swings his arms around and tries to throw the 150 lb Skinner off. Paradyse soon begins to tire. His legs begin to shake and then he falls face down on the mat. The ref checks Paradyse once and calls for the bell.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Jack Skinner!

Skinner stands up and the ref raises his arm. The crowd cheers as Skinner begins to celebrate in the ring. The ref checks on Paradyse who still appears out from the Sleeper hold.

Klamour: Huh, I guess the Red Bull didn't help Paradyse here tonight.

Serra: No they didn't, but Jack Skinner nonetheless picked up an impressive win and more importantly advances to the Lethal Lottery.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We see Johnny Scumm making his way backstage to get ready for the upcoming match when he is stopped by Leon Kensworth.

Johnny, we are moments away from your match with Justin Cooper for the Mayhem title. After seeing what he did during the show's opening contest, what are you planning to do for your match?

Scumm looks at him with a stupid look.

I'm going to eat some candy... what do you think?

Scumm walks off as he leaves Leon there, looking a bit insulted after Scumm's response.
Anderson: Tonight’s main event is scheduled for one fall and is a Mayhem Rules Match for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!


Johnny Scumm comes out to a wave of boos. He has several red marks across his chest as he looks out at the crowd and then spits to his side. In his right hand is a large bag of “goodies” for the match.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, from Manchester, England, weighing 223 pounds, Johnny Scumm!

The crowd boos his name as Scumm has now made his way into the ring. He empties out his black bag and a kendo stick, metal lunch tray, steel pipe, pliers, and a cheese grater fall out of it.

Serra: I wonder if Scumm is planning on grating some cheese out there.

Klamor: No Becky, just no.


Justin Cooper walks out with a microphone with Vladimir, his second in command, next to him and three hooded figures behind them.

Anderson: And his opponent, from The Suburbs, weighing 240 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Justin Cooper!

Cooper: Yeah, yeah. Everyone already knows who I am Selena.

Selena Anderson looks upset in the ring as the crowd boos Cooper’s insult. Cooper begins to talk as he makes his way to the ring, with his High Society members following him.

Cooper: Are you kidding me? The best that the WZCW can do is throw Johnny Scumm at me? First, you let that joke of a man, Armando Paradyse, carry the Mayhem strap. I completely destroyed him and now you throw another nobody at me. If you don’t know what happens to the nobodies who get into my way, just ask Armando Paradyse, Sean Cruz, and Ryan Raynes.

Cooper enters the ring with his followers.

Cooper: I have heard people talking Scumm. They are saying that you have been running your mouth about me. They have said that you think that you can actually take this belt away from me. You are wrong.

Cooper holds out the microphone to Scumm, who is now wielding the kendo stick that he emptied out of his bag earlier. Scumm looks at the microphone and then slaps it out of Cooper’s hand. He gives Cooper the finger and then begins swinging the kendo stick at Cooper and the hooded figures in the ring. Cooper takes cover as Scumm sends all three of the hooded figures over the ropes with shots from the stick. Scumm hits Vladimir with the stick, but the giant man only stumbles back. Scumm hits him again, but still nothing. Scumm pulls the stick back and does a golf swing into the chin of Vladimir, causing him to go over the top rope and land hard on the outside mat! All of a sudden Scumm is blind sighted from behind from Cooper with the Mayhem belt.

Serra: This match has not even started yet and we already got a brawl on our hands.

Klamor: Mayhem Rules Match, Serra. They are notoriously brutal.

The referee signals the bell for the match to get underway and Cooper immediately goes for the cover after delivering the belt shot to the back of Scumm’s head, 1….2..Kick Out! Cooper can’t believe it and goes for the cover again, 1…Kick Out! Cooper stands up and then drops an elbow on the downed Scumm. Scumm eats the first elbow and then two more following it. Cooper pulls away and picks up the kendo stick that Scumm dropped and walks over to his competitor. He picks up a dazed Scumm and backs him up into a turnbuckle. He positions Scumm to where his chest is sticking out and pulls back the kendo stick. With full force, Cooper slams the stick against Scumm’s chest. Scumm screams out in pain, but is surprisingly not that affected by it.

Serra: It looks like Scumm may have built up immunity to that kendo stick. That would explain those red welts that are all over his chest.

Klamor: How else would an idiot prepare for a match?

Cooper pulls back the stick and once again slams it against Scumm’s chest. Scumm responds by getting pumped up from the blow. Cooper is taken back and swings at Scumm again, but Scumm catches the stick. He forcefully pulls it out of Cooper’s hand and begins beating Cooper with it! Cooper runs away from the strikes and slides out of the ring. Scumm raises the kendo stick in the air and gets a surprising cheer for his antics.

Klamor: The crowd is cheering Scumm? I have seen it all now.

Cooper grabs a chair that is next to the announcer’s booth and throws it into the ring. Scumm dodges it and Cooper reaches for another. Scumm drops the kendo stick and exits the ring while Cooper is distracted with the chair. Cooper grabs the chair and turns around, only to be met by a spear from Scumm! Cooper’s back hits against the barricade, but it doesn’t break. Scumm gets up and proceeds to perform a mud-hole stomp to the sitting champion. He finally breaks from the stomps and grabs the chair that Cooper had. He positions it carefully on the ground and turns back to Cooper. He lifts Cooper up and tucks his head underneath his arm. He attempts to perform a suplex, but Cooper resists! Scumm attempts again, but Cooper doesn’t budge. Cooper grips the trunks of Scumm and reverses Scumm’s grapple with a fisherman suplex! The maneuver sends Scumm over the barricade! He luckily misses the seated fans and is writhing in pain on top of the bare concrete.

Serra: Cooper has reversed Scumm’s attempt to suplex him into the steel chair and has sent him over the barricade and into the audience!

Cooper walks over to his followers, who have begun to arise, and instructs them to look under the ring for something. They begin to search under the ring and finally pull out a wooden table. The three hooded figures and Vladimir begin to place the table into the ring as Cooper heads back over to Scumm. Scumm is now on his knees on the outside of the barricade. Cooper reaches over, but is met with an unexpected punch to the jaw! Cooper grips his jaw in pain and stumbles away from the recovered Scumm. Cooper curses under his breath and turns back towards Scumm, but his horrified to see that Scumm is now standing on top of the barricade! Scumm jumps off of the barricade and hits Cooper with a drop kick!

Serra: Wow!

Klamor: Scumm does not want to give up!

Cooper is now hanging on the side of the ring apron as Scumm picks himself up and heads over to him, but Vladimir suddenly pulls Cooper inside of the ring and out of harm's way. Scumm is pissed and slides into the ring. Cooper’s followers begin to rush him, but Scumm sends all three of the weak hooded figures to the ground with punches to the jaw. Vladimir begins to attack Scumm and pins him against the rope. Scumm is at a definite size disadvantage, but uses all his power to push Vladimir back. Vladimir quickly recovers, but is met with The Facebreaker from Scumm!

Serra: Scumm has just cleared the ring of all of Cooper’s High Society members!

Scumm gives all the downed men a finger, but turns around and is met with a cheese grater to the face from Cooper. Cooper drops the grater and picks Scumm up and performs a scoop slam into the mat! Cooper grabs the weakened Scumm and rolls him on top of the wooden table that Vladimir and the others had set up. Cooper makes his way to the turnbuckle and proceeds to ascend to the top.

Klamor: It looks like Cooper is going to go for it all here.

Serra: This could be it!

Cooper perches himself on the turnbuckle, but is surprised as Scumm rolls off of the table and jumps onto the turnbuckle with him! Scumm begins punching the side of Cooper, but Cooper responds back with punches to Scumm’s head! Cooper finally gets the better of Scumm and causes him to cease his strikes. Cooper tucks the head of Scumm between his legs and sets up for his finisher!

Serra: I don’t believe it! He’s going to kill Scumm!

Cooper signals for it and hits the Remix from the top ropes and sends Scumm crashing into the table! The entire arena is roaring over the sick bump as Cooper slowly stirs on the ground after putting Scumm through the table. He slowly turns Scumm onto his back and makes the cover, 1…..2…..3!!!

Anderson: Here is your winner and still WZCW Mayhem Champion, Justin Cooper!!!

The referee grabs the belt and hands it to the now standing Cooper. Cooper’s face clearly shows signs of pain, but he is extremely pleased with his work on Scumm. He holds the belt in the air as the crowd is mixed between boos for Cooper and cheers leftover from the table spot. Cooper exits the ring and begins to gloat his way up the ramp, with his followers behind him.

Klamor: Back to back weeks of Mayhem Championship matches, and I am starting to feel like we should go ahead and re-invoke the 24/7 rule.

Serra: I wouldn’t mind if it provides us with exciting matches like this every week.

Klamor: Well, there you have it people. Justin Cooper retained his second Mayhem Championship in a tough match against Johnny Scumm. Two men put their bodies on the line, but I guess you have to respect that. Right? Anyways, we look forward to all of you joining us next time here on Aftershock!

The WZCW logo appears the screen as we get a shot of ring officials checking on Scumm in the ring and Justin Cooper and the High Society at the top of the ramp. The camera fades out.
Who wrote what:

Numbers: Opening, West/Bull, Backstage
Kermit: Mayhem Title, Backstage
Falkon: SHIT/Triple X/O'Lantern, Backstage
Showtime: Skinner/Paradyse

Here you go guys: an Aftershock written solely by us. Yes, we went the extra mile this week. You guys should go the extra mile too and donate money to our alcohol fund so we have something to do between now and the next time we write the matches.
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