Aftershock 34

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Lord And Master
Staff member
=Meltdown 105=

Mr. Banks:So I hear I have one less liability on a payroll. Whatever. Beard is replaceable to me. What's not replaceable though is what he had. Not only was that belt forged just a few weeks ago at a whopping $3000, but he spat on it's lineage by doing it. I have been bombarded all week by wrestlers expressing anger at not having a World title to compete for. Not that half of them have a chance in hell of winning it. But now thanks to you, wrestling here seems to have become a lost cause. Thank you for that.

Dr. Zeus:….heheheheheheheheHahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Warren:Why you're very welcomed, Mr. Banks. That was our very intention. I truly hope things don't somehow get worse for you.

Chuck Myles takes the mic from Mr. Banks and stands forward.

Chuck:luckily for our superior and benefactor, he's got two seasoned wrestling general managers handy. We've seen our fair share of insane plots to take over or destroy companies and titles. We've need our fair share of disappearing champions. And quite frankly, you should see where exactly this is all going.

Chuck peeks to the crowd with a sly glee as the crowd seems to pop for the unannounced solution. Vance takes the mic next and stands ahead of the GM's.

Vance: Dr. Zeus, you will return that World Heavyweight Championship or face very steep legal repercussions. But you can keep the cham- Wait. Let me correct that. You can keep the FORMER World Champion. Because we'll be crowning a brand new one. At Lethal Lottery. In none other than the 30 man match itself!!!


The crowd becomes completely ecstatic as the Riders panic and throw fits in the ring at the blockbuster announcement.

Mr. Banks: I suggest you guys re-think your plan because what you did was give 30 superstars a chance to hope to win the big one. At San Juan Puerto Rico, at Lethal Lottery, it really will be the Biggest and Hottest Battle Ever Fought. Get ready for your match later because you guys still work for me.

The music hits as the Riders continue to display their extreme frustration at their backfired plan.

Copeland: OH MY GOD! That's colossal! 30 superstars in one match for the World Heavyweight Championship!

30 Superstars will go to war at Lethal Lottery.

To battle for the ultimate prize in professional wrestling.

The once in a lifetime opportunity for many.

Tonight, we showcase some of the few.

Aftershock returns.

Witness the birth of a new breed of talent in WZCW.

Who will make the impact necessary to walk into Lethal Lottery?




Klamor: I cannot wait to leave this place. Hello everybody, welcome to the long awaited return of Aftershock! From the sold out bullfighting plaza in Veracruz, Mexico. I'm Johnny Klamor alongside..... Leon Kensworth?! The heck are you doing here?

Leon: Yup. I'm here. I'm not sure why though. But anyway, we've got all sorts of new talent to showcase here ready to make some major move. M, Kagura, Ohzora, Lexi Hayes all fresh talent here as well as recently returning Corvus, Mick Overlast, Mr. Butty and Mason Westhoff. All looking to get on track and reach for that goal of competing in the 30 man over the top battle royal. Lethal Lottery, for the World Heavyweight Championship.


Chuck Myles appears on stage with a mic at hand. He waves to the fans before speaking.

Hola! Live mas and all that nonsense. Thank you all for coming to the return of Aftershock. Kinda felt nice to be doing nothing for a few weeks, but it's not my style. I'm not a fan of just falling behind like that. So I've been hard at work behind the scenes. Hiring new talent and of course, getting the ball rolling on our amazing Lethal Lottery main event. 30 men. Only 1 can walk out World Champion. Tonight, I guess we can call it a showcase of the new blood. And speaking of new blood, we have a new executive figure tonight. This person will be taking over my duties as Aftershock general manager. The reason why is because I will be returning to Ascension as GM. Mr. Banks is a busy man and can't be pestered by angry wrestlers when he's busy with so much office work. So I'm off. But not before I bid a farewell to my brainchild here, Aftershock. And introduce my replacement.

Klamor: Wait. If you're-- Don't tell me.

Chuck Myles:
The new general manager of Aftershock:


A familiar red headed beauty with very short shorts and a very tight top appears on stage. She looks at the crowd with a very serious and confident look in her face as she grabs the mic.

"The new general manager of Aftershock is me, Rebecca Serra."

The two leave as the theme once again starts up. We cut to the dumbfounded commentators at ringside. Klamor in particular has his jaw on the floor.


Leon: Well, that's a bit of a burn for the rest of us. Anyway, don't go anywhere....

Klamor: I-I-I-I-

Leon: ..OK.... Mick Overlast takes on one of the now three heads of Cerberus. Ramparte.

Anderson:Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson:Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 235lbs, Mick Overlast!

Overlast enters with a nod to the crowd, wasting no time and moving into the ring to ready for his match.

Kensworth:A lot of fans and many in the back felt like Overlast was going to be a main-stay in WZCW when he debuted, but unfortunately his future was thrown into doubt thanks to that knee injury. Now that he's back, with a brand new attitude I see him shooting back up through the ranks.

Klamor:If you ask me, Leon. He achieved all of that success with that edge to do anything he needed to win. Now he's out there kissing babies and hugging fat girls. Unless he wises up and gets with the program he's going to end up losing more than winning.

Anderson:And making his way to the ring, from Parts Unknown, Ramparte!

Ramparte enters the stage with Cerberus in tow, Eve Taylor stood in the middle of the group, with an arm wrapped about each member of Cerberus, Ramparte relishing the loud boos from the crowd.

Kensworth:Ramparte must be feeling at the top of the world after what the sneak attack they pulled on Young Justice!

Klamor:Personally I love it Leon, it's about time Cerberus showed WZCW who the real big dogs are in the house, and it's going to be them real soon.

Ramparte enters the ring and with Cerberus waiting at the aprons, Katie Shepard begins the match, Overlast and Ramparte circle the ring, both careful to start the match, but Overlast is the first to attempt a lockup, his efforts is returned with a gut kick from Ramparte! With Overlast keeled over, Ramparte bounces off the side ropes and aims a calf kick to Overlast's head, but Overlast ducks the kick, sending Ramparte to bounce off the ropes again, where Mick stood waiting to counter but on the return, Ramparte tossed Mick to the ropes before Mick could bounce off, Flex and Eve grab a leg from Overlast, causing him to trip and fall onto his face! Referee Katie Shepard pointed to the two heads of Cerberus and shouted a warning to the two of them, who pleaded innocent.

Kensworth:We won't get a fair match from Ramparte with these two goons interfering with this match up!

Klamor:Leon have you seen the legs on Eve Taylor, she can interfere with anything she likes as far as I'm concerned.

Kensworth:You're really enjoying the fact you don't have to work with Becky anymore, aren't you?

Klamor:Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaaah

Ramparte now taking control of the match drags Mick up to his feet, ready to toss him with an Irish-whip but throws a clothesline instead! Grabbing the leg, Ramparte goes for the pin, one....two.... kick out! Ramparte then goes for round two, lifting Mick up again for another clothesline but Overlast counters and wraps him up in a crossface chicken wing! The crowd cheers loudly as Ramparte struggles under the hold, Cerberus shouting and banging on the apron to support their comrade. Eve Taylor stands onto the apron, shouting at Katie and grabbing her attention, all while Ramparte uses the distraction to land a dirty blow on Overlast, allowing him the chance to land reverse the move and land a suplex sending Overlast to the corner! With Katie's attention still diverted away from the match, Ramparte pressed the heel of his foot into Mick's neck well past a 5 count!

Kensworth:This is madness, Cerberus is out of control!

Klamor:It's called taking advantage of the situation at hand, it isn't Ramparte's fault our ref can't keep a match under control!

Turning back around, and seeing Mick Overlast struggling under Ramparte's heel, Katie got in between the two and forced Ramparte to the other side of the ring. Then the referee shouted at Cerberus, ejecting them from ringside! The crowd roars in approval while each member of Cerberus shouts in disapproval, Taylor and Flex begrudgingly exit to the entrance ramp. Shepard stopped the match until Overlast could get back to his feet. Leaning against the turnbuckles, Overlast nodded to Shepard and readied himself for the match to continue.

Kensworth:Overlast might now get a fair match with Cerberus ejected from ringside.

Klamor:It doesn't matter, Ramparte has this match in the palm of his hand, Mick's lucky he's still standing.

Ramparte wastes no more time and charges at Mick ready to land a uppercut, but Overlast counters with a back to belly suplex, sending Ramparte crashing to the mat! The move sends energy to surge through Overlast causing him to shout loudly, the crowd cheering loudly with the momentum clearly shifting to Overlast. Ramparte stumbles up to his feet only to be met with Overlast landing his finisher move, the Overlasting Impression! Overlast shoots the leg for the pin. 1.....2......3!

Anderson:Your winner by pinfall, Mick Overlast!

Kensworth:Wow what a finish! Overlast weathered the storm and got the best of one of the heads of Cerberus.

Klamor:This is just a minor setback for the future tag team champion, I know it.

We go backstage where Stacey Madison is standing by with M and General Green.

Stacey: I'm here with one of our newest WZCW stars, M!

M: They've made a mistake Stacey!

Stacey: Uh...what are you talking about?

M: This Aftershock isn't it? My meticulous needs says I should on the glorious show Meltdown! Isn't Meltdown where the making of the most mind blowing, star molding, machinations take place?

Stacey: Well it is our flagship show so...

M: A mockery of the great M! But I suppose I'm here and this mastermind will make the most of it.

Stacey: Ok, so tonight you face Mason Westhoff. Any thoughts on him?

M: Mason, what a magnificent moniker! It's a shame it belongs to such a mundane malcontent. I'm in the mood to to show him what a real maleficent villain looks like! Make haste General Green! To the ring!

M takes off as General Green follows in pursuit as Stacey looks absolutely lost.
Anderson:Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The WZCW is greeted with M's signature laugh before he walks down to the ramp before strutting down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first from The Secret Underground Lair, weighing in at 243lbs, the Memorable M!

Kensworth:While I may not be a fan of his actions, M is primed is a talent you just have to look out for.

Klamor:Unlike you, Leon, M is a mastermind. I see big things, Kensworth big things!

Mason enters to a mixture of boos and cheers, the crowd unsure on how to react to Mason Westhoff

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from The Ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 238 pounds, Mason Westhoff!

Kensworth:Speaking of potential, Westhoff has a bright future in this company.

Klamor:If you ask me, Leon, I miss that Illapa woman. That woman could have been something.

With both superstars in the ring, referee Keith Morse begins the match, with Mason attempting to grapple M in the middle of the ring, but M ducks under each attempt, each time he scoffs and laughs at Westhoff. Mason then charges at M and wraps him up against the ropes, causing the referee to begin the 5 count, at the count of 4, Westhoff pulls away, shaking his head in frustration with M strutting near the ropes. Obviously upset with the way M was treating the match, Westhoff runs in and swings at M, throwing a barrage of punches at the Super-villain. M covers his head and absorbs the blows, leaning against the ropes and again causing the referee, Keith Morse to begin the count. At 4 Mason was forced off of M.

Kensworth:M is a coward, why won't he just fight Westhoff already?

Klamor:M is playing it smart, why waste too much energy when you could get Mason to disqualify himself?

Anytime Mason Westhoff got anywhere near M, he'd simply move towards the ropes and hold onto them. Shaking his head, Westhoff blitzed at M and landed a solid European uppercut! Causing M to spin and hold onto the ropes, his back towards Westhoff who gripped onto him tightly and started to pull. With the ref's count at 4 Mason managed to snap a sleeper suplex! Sending M to the middle of the mat! Mason then shoots the leg and goes for the pin. 1....2... kick out! M hops up to his feet first, and tries to land a quick kick to the temple, but Mason ducks it and shoots up to grab M but when M spun back to face Westhoff he connected with a solid chop to Westhoff's throat. M then began to land chops to Mason's chest, pushing him into the corner. With Westhoff in the corner holding his chest in pain, M leaps up and snaps off a kick straight to the head of Mason, sending him to the mat. Gripping the leg, M went for the pin. 1.....2.... kick out!

Klamor:What did I say, Leon? M is a genius, he will have this wrapped up nicely.

Kensworth:Westhoff needs to be more careful, M isn't afraid of breaking a few rules to win this match, Mason is going to need to be just as crafty if he wants to survive this.

With that said, M goes down for the pin, but Westhoff readies a counter pin and rolls him up. 1.....2.... M's hand reaches out and grabs the ropes! With the ref's attention towards the ropes, and M's arm, the methodical M lands a dirty blow on Mason, causing the Texas native to keel and stumble away from M. Crawling up to his feet, M bounced off the ropes and landed a powerful neckbreaker on Westhoff, sending him crashing to the mat! With Westhoff on the ground groaning in pain, M laughs and walks over Westhoff, then placed a foot at Mason's throat for the pin. One.... kick out! Westhoff raises a shoulder with ease, but was still very much in pain. M climbed to the top rope, and posed towards the crowd well in spite of their jeering. Leaping off the top rope M attempted a Mega M Flip but Mason rolls out of the way sending M crashing to the canvas!

Kensworth:If that was Mason at the top rope, you would have went on about how high flying is stupid, Johnny.

Klamor:When you have control over a match like M did, you can afford to make a few dumb moves, Leon.

Both men are left on the ground, but Mason is the first one to recover. With M hoisted high in the air, Mason begins to display his strength by sending M down with a powerful Alabama Slam! With the crowd in Mason's back pocket, Mason begins to take the offensive. Wasting no time, Westhoff lifts M off the ground again in a Gorilla press! M struggling in the air, and before Westhoff could throw the super-villain, M's flailing hand lands into Mason's face, poking him straight in the eye! Causing Mason to lose his grip and allowed M to slip out of the hold right behind Westhoff! Without delay, M pulls Westhoff into the M Special. Rolling, and spinning anyway to avoid the ropes, Mason had no choice but to tap out!

Anderson:And your winner by submission, the Memorable M!

Klamor:That's what I am talking about! M sized the day and got a win over the stronger man!

Kensworth:That was a questionable win at best, but never the less, both superstars were at their best tonight, but M took home a W with some questionable tactics.

We cut backstage where Stacey is now standing by with Lexi Hayes.

Stacey: Hopefully this is a more normal interview. I'm here with new WZCW star, Lexi Hayes with our ongoing Meet the Newest Stars series here on Aftershock. Lexi, tonight you take on Corvus and Mr. Butty. Any thoughts before your match?

Lexi: Hiya Stacey! I'm just so gosh darned excited to be here in WZCW. I can't wait to show y'all what I can do in the ring tonight!

Stacey: Mr. Butty seems to be a school teacher, while Corvus is....well I'm not even sure what he's supposed to be exactly.

Lexi: Well shucks, I've never been one for schoolbooks, but I could teach Mr. Butty how to raise crops and Corvus seems like he'd just need a bit of fresh air to clear his thoughts. Maybe a trip to my farm would cheer them both up?

Stacey: Lexi, you do realize that they're here to fight you right?

Lexi: Yes ma'am, but I reckon it can't hurt to try and put a smile on someone's face. So I'm gonna go out there and give it my all. Bye Stacey!

Lexi runs off as Stacey puts her head in her hands as we go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a triple threat match!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Centerville, Texas, weighing 102 pounds, Lexi Hayes!

As the music kicks up, Lexi skips out onto the stage before jogging down the ramp. She high fives some fans as she reaches the bottom of the ramp before pulling herself onto the ring apron. From there, Lexi steps through the bottom rope and backs into her corner as the music cuts.

Kensworth: Making her debut tonight, Lexi Hayes is the latest in a long line of women looking to become a major part of WZCW history.

Klamor: She's certainly got the most to prove in this contest tonight, as both a rookie and a woman in the ring.


Before the music hits, the lights dim. As soon as the music begins, the lights come back with a strobe effect, flashing violently. Anthony Corvus makes his way out of the crowd before rolling into the ring. He perches on the top turnbuckle, only coming down when the bell rings.

Kensworth: And now Corvus arrives, newly rededicated to his cause in WZCW.

Klamor: Corvus is definitely looking to make an impact back in WZCW, and everyone is on notice.


Mr. Butty walks slowly towards the ring in his shirt, trousers and tie combination and with his glasses on the tip of his nose so that he can look down on people. He will challenge children at ringside to spell difficult words, he will snap his fingers in their faces and challenge them to calculate quickly and he will pick fault with his opponent when he enters the ring. Once in the ring, Butty climbs to the middle rope and holds his arms out beside him and smiles as if he is doing America a favour.

Kensworth: Mr. Butty once had a brief run in WZCW and a great many of the fans here in WZCW are excited to see his return.

Klamor: Who wouldn't be? It's about time for a good educational experience for all of us!

Referee Dillon Morse separates all three competitors. The bell rings and we are underway. Hayes, Butty, and Corvus all look at each other and Corvus goes at Butty. Hayes gets in on it two and they knock Butty to the floor. Suddenly, Hayes rolls up Corvus! She gets one, two, but only two as Corvus kicks out. Corvus gets up but Butty is in from behind and he attacks from the back. Butty forces Corvus into the corner, then Butty backs off - but it's Hayes who charges in with a leaping elbow to Butty. Hayes nails a monkey flip out of the corner on Butty, then has a bulldog for corvus! She covers Butty and gets one, two, but only two as he kicks out. Corvus takes hold of Hayes and tosses her out of the ring, but Butty is up behind him and slams into him from behind. He whips him back into the corner, and Butty begins stomping on him. Corvus fights out with elbows to Butty, then reverses positions and slams him into the corner. Corvus hits a series of knees to the gut on Butty, but Hayes is in behind him. She dropkicks Corvus from behind and knocks him to the floor, then nails a running crossbody to a seated Mr. Butty! She goes for the cover - but Corvus pulls her out of the ring by the leg to stop her!

Kensworth: Fast and furious action here and the triple threat rules are clearly keeping anyone from a solid advantage.

Klamor: It's time for someone to eliminate someone from this competition - the only way anyone's going to get a leg up.

Corvus tries to clothesline Hayes on the floor, but she ducks under it, leaps up and dropkicks him, sending him flying backwards and into the ring steps! She slides into the ring as Mr. Butty is getting up, and she nails a hurricanrana that sends him onto the floor as well! Butty keeps his feet, Lexi rallies the crowd, hits the ropes, rebounds, charges, flies - AND CORVUS NAILS HER ON THE DIVE ATTEMPT WITH AN UPPERCUT! Lexi crumples to the floor and Corvus tries to go after her, but Butty has him from behind and goes for a whip into the barricade, but Corvus reverses and sends him into the barricade instead! Hayes, meanwhile, has roused herself on the ring apron and nails a moonsault on Corvus! She recovers quickly and charges into Butty against the barricade, nailing him with a knee strike. She pulls up Butty and rolls him into the ring, then follows him and goes for a pin. She gets one, two, but only two as Corvus breaks it up! Corvus reels off a gutwrench suplex sending her rolling outside and goes after Butty. Butty is up and he nails a spinning side slam! Butty covers and gets one, two, but only two as Corvus kicks out. Butty pulls Corvus to his feet and Corvus counters with a quick powerslam. He pulls Butty to his feet - and Hayes is back in with a springboard clotheslines to Butty! Corvus hits a slingshot suplex on Hayes, covers, and gets one, two, but only two! Corvus gets up and sees Butty on the apron, he goes after him and they get tangled up fighting in the ropes. Corvus tries to suplex Butty into the ring, but Butty counters and elevates Corvus, then slams him into the mat. Corvus rolls over - and suddenly Hayes is on the top rope, she nails the Fall From Heaven! She has no time to cover as Butty is right on her, he nails a fisherman suplex and covers for one, two, and three!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Mr. Butty!

Kensworth: Lexi Hayes had the match won with a frog splash but Butty took advantage at the last second to win.

Klamor: That's the name of the game in a triple threat - you don't always have to better, you just have to be smarter, and nobody is smarter than Mr. Butty.

Mr. Butty has his hand raised with a devious grin on his face as he stands over his fallen opponents to close out.
We go backstage one final time, where Stacey is standing by once more, this time with Kagura Ohzora and her manager Sasuke.

Stacey: Let's get this over with, I'm here with Kagura Ohzora and Sasuke. Welcome to WZCW Kagura.

Kagura bows deeply showing respect as Stacey smiles, finally a normal human being for her.

Stacey: Tonight you face a WZCW veteran Blade. What are your thoughts on Blade, and your strategy for tonight.

Kagura looks to Sasuke, who quickly grabs the mike from Stacey.

Sasuke: Kagura is ready to take on the best WZCW has to offer. She is ready to show that she has surpassed the likes of Blade already and that she is the future of WZCW!

Kagura watches the outburst silently, Stacey taken back a bit.

Stacey: Kagura feels she's above everyone already?

Kagura seems to grasp what Stacey says and shakes her head no while Sasuke grins wide, grabbing the mic again.

Sasuke: Absolutely Stacey! You see she was trained by ancient Shinto monks in the great art of Judo. No one can withstand her assault, and Blade will see that tonight!

Kagura reaches out and puts a hand gently on Sasuke. Sasuke looks over to her and she shakes her head no again. She gently guides Sasuke back and leans down to the mic Stacy is holding.

Kagura: I wish.....good luck to Blade.

Kagura walks off as does Sasuke as Stacey tosses the mic behind her as she walks off the opposite direction.

Leon: Kagura faces Blade, next!
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Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Ise, Mie, Japan Kagura Ohzora!!

As her music plays pink lights begin to swirl around the stage in a circular pattern, representing the petals of many cherry blossoms falling through the air. A fine mist appears on the stage. Kagura emerges and walks down the ramp through the mist. She carries a long wand with and waves back and forth as to bless the audience and the facilities. She ascends the stairs and enters between the middle ropes. Afterwords she bows to the audience on each side of the ropes and places the wand aside and awaits her opponent.

Klamor: A wrestling shrine maiden. Where did Chuck get these rather interesting people from?

Leon: My guess is Japan.

Klamor: I miss Becky. Either way, this is the second TV show this young girl headlines. That's pretty impressive.


Anderson: And her opponent, from Dublin Ireland, Blade!!

Blade appears on stage and salutes the fans to fire them up. He greets them with handshakes and high-fives on his way to the ring.

Leon: Blade is a man with a near five year career here in WZCW. Lethal Lottery could very well be his first and only shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.

Klamor:That's why a win here is crucial. The better your standing is, the better your chances of being in the match.

The two circle the ring as Jun Akiyama gets things ready and rings the bell.

* Ding Ding Ding *

As soon as the bell rings the two lock up. Blade pushes Kagura into the corner before backing off. He charges at her, but she Drop Toehold's him dropping him face first into the middle turnbuckle! She quickly rolls him up!




Klamor: She almost had him!

Blade gets up covering his forehead and walks right into Kagura who hooks a Small Package.




Blade keeps covering his face and wobbles around, triggering a check from Jun Akiyama. Blade brushes the clearly concerned ref as Kagura rushes towards him and hits the Third Dance of Amenouzume no Mikoto (running Victory Roll) and a cover!




Leon: I think Blade might be hurt from the turnbuckle.

Jun tries to tell Blade that he's hurt but he won't listen. He once again brushes Jun off and Kagura attacks as soon as Blade gets up. She gets behind him and locks a tight Sleeper with a grapevine and both drop to the floor.

Leon: The Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami! This could be it!

Klamor: The what? It looks like a Rear Naked Choke to me.

Jun checks on Blade but quickly calls for the bell as Blade is out of it.

Anderson: The winner of this match, Kagura Ohzora!!

Leon: Two main events. Two wins. This girl is impressive.

Klamor: Yeah. Poor Blade might need some aspirin. He might be concussed over there.

Kagura gets her hand raised and then Jun tries to help Blade. Kagura gets out of the ring...

The lights go out.


Klamor: What the hell?

Leon: Are The Pale Riders back?!

The lights come back on and Jun Akiyama is thrown on the ringside area. Kagura quickly goes to his aid. While in the ring, Blade is on the canvas and surrounded by none other than the mysterious Men In Black. They have a chair and place it around Blade's neck. A second chair comes into play as another one of them raises it.

Klamor: Oh God, someone stop this!


Mick Overlast sprints down to the ring with a lead pipe in hand. The Men In Black run away before he can get in. Mick quickly checks on Blade as Kagura helps Jun.

Leon: Who are these guys?! What is it that they're trying to do?

Klamor: I don't know. But that's a question for another day. That's all the time we have left.

The scene fades to black with Kagura helping Jun up the aisle and Mick standing by Blade checking on him.

KJ - Kagura/Blade
Harthan - Triple Threat
Ty - Segments
Pancake - M/Westhoff, Overlast/Ramparte

Okay guys, here at last is Aftershock. For posterity's sake, I'm going to record our troubles this round - we were shorthanded to begin with, we had one member moving, we had one seeking counseling for personal problems, we had one go to the hospital, and we had another go to the ER after stabbing himself (accidentally).


Enjoy the show and we'll have boards on Thursday, such that we can all recover and reset back to our normal schedule.
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