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Aftershock 33

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"Original Blade"




Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We're back in the Richmond Coliseum! We're jam-packed for tonight's edition of Aftershock!

Serra: Thank you for being with us tonight, fans. I'm Becky Serra along side Big Johnny Klamor, calling the action tonight.


The camera goes from ringside to the stage as Amber Warren's music hits. She comes out holding her championship with a solemn face and a mic and walks down to the ring.

Klamor: Well this is a peculiar sight. Amber Warren without Califa.

She enters the ring and after music is muted begins to speak.

Warren: Hello Richmond!

The crowd cheers for the cheap plug.

Warren: Thanks. I just wanted to come out and get something out of my chest. See, me and Califa have been a team for several months now. We travel the road together. We're like the best of friends at this point. We fight all our battles together. But lately I've noticed something. See, despite how close I seem to think we are, I can't shake the feeling that there's some sort of gap between us. It just doesn't feel like we're equals.


Flex and Ramparte appear on stage and walk down to the ring while holding mics each.

Flex: I believe that gap you feel is referred to as "inferiority", little lady. Maybe if you'd put more emphasis on working out instead of shaking the good for the fans, you wouldn't feel that way.

You're not even being that good a friend. You're worrying about being in his shadow instead of going to the kitchen and making him a sandwich. You rea-

Ramparte's words are cut short as Warren slaps him across the face. Flex looks in shock as Ramparte stands back.

I'm not some weak child! I'm one half of the best tag team in professional wrestling! I may not be headlining Meltdown like my partner. But at least I'm not a loser like you two.

Flex:Oh, you should not have said that. You need to remember your place. And your math. Because it's still just you and us here.

The 3 come to blows as Ramparte and Flex attack Warren. Califa appears on stage and runs out but as he's about to make it to the ring, the lights go out.

???: Do not fear little lady! We'll save you!


The lights come back on but in fill green as Young Justice appear in the ring attacking Cerberus. After Califa gets his bearings, he gets in the ring to check on Amber who looks furious. They also get in the fray as the situation seems to be 4 on 2. Flex and Ramparte are both thrown out of the ring. Young Justice poses as Califa looks on, but Amber grabs the mic and decks Haven in the face with the mic.

Amber: I didn't ask to be saved! I'm not some damsel in distress, dammit!

Warren throws the mic to the floor as Hyada checks on his partner and with a face of shock. Califa approaches his partner as they both walk away together, but Warren doesn't seem to be in a happy mood.

Serra: Wow. Cerberus and Young Justice have both somehow shown total disrespect for Amber Warren.

Klamor: Disrespect? Her partner is stealing her thunder. Cerberus came to give her tips and she attacks them. Young Justice comes to save her and she attacks them too. What is her deal?


Anderson: The following triple threat match is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim to a pale yellow with an occasional flicker, as the music begins. The audience voice their displeasure as Terrence Howe appears, with Ilapa in tow as they approach the ring.

Andeson: Introducing first, now residing in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 225 pounds, The Goddess, Illapa!

Serra: Ilapa has to be the favourite coming into this match. Not only is she the veteran, but she's also earned herself a shot against the Elite X Champion for her good performance in the Unscripted Battle Royale!

Klamor: And she would have had it won, if it weren't for that meddling Daggershield!

Whilst Howe barks at various audience members who only, Ilapa remains mute, her eyes set on the ring. In tandem, they ascend the steps, with Howe holding the ropes open for the goddess. Howe then stands at ringside, whilst Ilapa removes her vest and cargo pants, awaiting the arrival of her adversaries tonight.


The crowd watch curiously as a trench coat wearing, fedora donning figure walks nonchalantly to the ring, ignoring the audience completely.

Anderson: Introducing next,on loan from Gloom County Police Force, weighing 218 pounds, Detective Frank Mortlock!

Klamor: I spoke to this guy earlier, and what an addition we have to our WZCW roster! Finally we have ourselves a true champion of the law in WZCW!

Serra: That's a self proclaimed champion of the law. And if he's going to need to back that up in the ring tonight in order prove anything.

Still ignoring the audience, Frank Mortlock slowly takes off his hat and trench coat and hangs it on the nearest ring post. He then climbs up the steel steps into the ring and rolls up his sleeves. Standing dangerously close to Ilapa, he throws a few mock boxing jabs, attempting to entice a response, but all he receives is the unflinching, cold gaze of Ilapa staring daggers at him.


Another heavily dressed figure, this time in a magician's hat and cape jogs merrily to the ring and spreads out arms.

Anderson: And from from Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 203lb pounds, The Magical, Jimmy Wonder!

Klamor: Just what WZCW needs, another doofus to add to our freak show!

Serra: Be quiet, he's about to do a trick!

Asking for a drum roll, Jimmy Wonder removes his hat and shows the insides for the entire audience to see, revealing capacious nothingness. Drawing a magic wand from his pocket, he yells out some magic words before tapping the rim of his hat to reveal...a rabbit scrambling out the hat! The audience roar with endorsement after this astonishing feat!

Serra: How does he do that?

Klamor: I don't care about that, what I care about is that poor rabbit. It must be terrified!

The rabbit timidly hops into the arms of a nearby cameraman as Jimmy Wonder makes his way to the ring, high-fiving all of the fans that he sees. He then flies into the ring like a lightning bolt under the bottom rope, before leaping onto his feet and yelling "TA-DA!", drawing more support from the crowd.

The three competitors all draw closer to one another to form a triangle, with Katie Shepard being tasked to invigilate this match. Asking if all competitors are ready, she receives three nods and calls for the bell so that the match may begin.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Jimmy Wonder breaks right out of the starting blocks, throwing himself at Ilapa with great velocity. Ilapa catches Wonder however, and slams him spine first into the turnbuckle, as Mortlock cautiously watches on. As Ilapa unleashes a flurry of furious kicks to the inhibited Wonder, Mortlock takes advantage of this opportunity to throw Ilapa across the ring with a savage German Suplex! Mortlock then approaches the recuperating Wonder and starts choking him against the turnbuckle with his foot. Despite Katie Shepard's requests for him to relinquish his illegal hold, the detective refuses, using the law of the triple threat to his advantage. The audience is already unleashing a vehement chorus of boos on the treacherous Mortlock.

Klamor: Frank Mortlock is putting this match stipulation to excellent use!

Serra: I’d call it cowardice and opportunism personally.

Klamor: More like intellect and sublime psychology.

Eventually, Mortlock releases the magician from his barbaric chokehold, and turns his attention to a recovering Ilapa. Clutching her arm tightly, Mortlock uses her arm as leverage for a rough over-the-shoulder arm drag. With his grasp on Ilapa’s forearm still intact, Mortlock uses this opportunity to throw a combo of boxing hooks at her jaw, before flipping the wounded woman onto her stomach. However, Frank is oblivious to what is occuring behind him before it is too late, as he swivels his body around to find Jimmy Wonder flying at him from the top rope with his legs outstretched. Grasping Mortlock’s throat with his thighs, he hits a picture perfect hurricanrana, flipping Mortlock into the tree of woe position onto the adjacent turnbuckle! The magician follows this up, after rebounding from the opposite turnbuckle with a hanging dropkick onto Mortlock, using Ilapa as a springboard for some extra air! As the injured upholder of the law slithers from his position, Wonder sprints at Ilapa and punishes her with a swift running bulldog! With both opponents down and the audience already voicing their approval for Jimmy, Wonder goes for the early pinfall.


Ilapa kicks out at one!

Serra: Jimmy Wonder is on fire! And it certainly seems the former Las Vegas magician is igniting our crowd tonight!

Klamor: That’s not a good thing. Playing with fire will result in combustion eventually, like it will with Jimmy and the spectators tonight. Just you watch.

A whimsical smile erupts on Jimmy Wonder’s face as he senses that he is clearly the fan favourite. He doesn’t let them distract him too much, as throws a ruthless running knee to the stomach at the grounded detective, sending him spiraling through the ropes and to the solid floor. As he turns around however, he is struck by a hellacious high knee from Ilapa, incapacitating the high flyer. With Wonder grounded, the goddess perceives that this is the time to wear down her fellow competitor. Locking in a harrowing Fujiwara armbar, she coldly stares at the screaming Wonder, relishing his agony. The submission maneuver remains clinched for a few seconds, before Wonder begins to use every facet of his strength, along with his supporter’s cries to empower him. Gradually, he rises onto his knees from the hold, as a disgruntled look appears on Ilapa’s face. As he eventually reaches his feet to a cacophony of cheers, he uses his body weight to send Ilapa against the rope, and runs to clothesline her over the rope. Ilapa is prepared for this however and using the magician’s momentum and her own might, she catapults him over the top rope with an exploder suplex, straight onto an unprepared Frank Mortlock! From the opposite side of the ring, a sinister smirk from Terrence Howe can be seen as the audience groan in disappointment.

Serra: Whilst I dislike Ilapa personally, I can’t deny that she is a terrifying adversary, especially in the squared circle.

Klamor: Oh come on, show some more support for your fellow female, Rebecca!

The powerful Ilapa briefly surveys the carnage that she has created before sliding under the bottom rope to continue her punishment. As Mortlock bashfully shuffles away from the goddess, Ilapa grabs Wonder and pummels his temple with a fury of terrible right elbows. She then thrusts Wonder over the steel steps with such strength that they balance on their sides. With the magician immobilized, the silent dominatrix turns her attention to the stranded detective, who leans against the other set of steel steps. As Ilapa throws herself at Frank with a running hip attack, the insidious inspector bails out at the last moment, sending Ilapa crashing over the steel steps, as Terrence’s smirk has turned into a look of utter disbelief. As Mortlock clambers to the apron, a furious Ilapa picks herself up, only to meet the detective’s feet as he throws a jaw-fracturing missile dropkick, sending Ilapa right over the security barricade!

Klamor: What an astonishing move!

Serra: Ilapa has been knocked senseless by that devastating missile dropkick!

Setting his sights on Jimmy Wonder, who leans delicately against the other security barricade, Mortlock marches promptly towards him, grabs him by the waist and drops him groin first onto the steel steps for a calamitous atomic drop! After the sound of an abhorrent thud, wails of agony from Jimmy can be heard across the arena as the crowd voices their disapproval for these dirty, deceitful tactics. With Wonder still in his grasp, Frank unleashes another atomic drop, this time on the barricade, as the yells of pain from the magician only draw louder. Frank Mortlock completes his trio of atomic drops with one on his knee, as Jimmy Wonder collapses to the floor. Mortlock allows him no time to recover as he rolls his victim into the ring before entering it himself and pushing his body weight against Jimmy’s shoulders for a cover.




Klamor: Does Wonder seriously have nothing down there? That would be enough to stop anyone! Let me give you an examp-

Serra: Keep it PG Johnny.

Mortlock is frenzied by this fact, and takes his time scrutinizing Katie Shepard and her refereeing proficiency, attacks her lack of expertise in particular. During this heated exchange, Ilapa had slipped over the barricade and is now preparing to enter the ring. Frank notices her out of the corner of his eye and quickly prepares to deliver Hard Justice to the wounded goddess. Jimmy Wonder has meanwhile recovered from his assault and approaches the pre-occupied detective from behind. Delivering a Russian legsweep to Frank Mortlock, the force of Mortlock’s body slams Ilapa’s skull against the mat for a mortifying Hard Justice! A joyous uproar can be heard from the audience as the thump of Ilapa’s cranium echoes across the arena.

Serra: Surely Wonder has got this match won!

Frantically flipping Ilapa onto her back, Jimmy goes for the victory pin.




Klamor: Never count out a goddess!

With both of his opponents lying side-by-side, Jimmy knows that it is his time to discipline his opponents. He first hits Ilapa with a standing elbow drop, followed by a second standing elbow drop to Mortlock. For his third and final elbow drop, he happily spreads his arms and strikes both of his opponents with hard elbow blows to the throat! With both of his opponents comfortably out of commission, he needs to check that the audience is ready for what comes next. Yelling out “RICHMOND, ARE YOU READY?!” he receives a thunderous ovation from his recent supporters as they begin a chant.


Indulging himself in the audience’s delight, he does not notice Ilapa creeping up from behind.

Klamor: Look out behind you kid!

She pulls the enchanting entertainer from his feet and begins to roll Jimmy Wonder around the ring to disorientate the magician.

Serra: His brain is going to be completely scrambled once she finishes that maneuver.

This continues for a few more seconds, before Ilapa finally applies the rolling cradle!




Frank Mortlock dives to sever the pinfall attempt with his forearms outstretched, and as Jimmy Wonder rolls away to rediscover what planet he’s on, Mortlock unleashes a hard irish whip on Ilapa, before the upholder of the law charges at her. This proves to be a mistake, as Ilapa flapjacks Frank against the rope, before she rebounds from the far rope and strikes Mortlock with a dropkick of her own for some sweet justice! Realizing that the end is near, she strolls impassively towards her foe, preparing to fasten the malignant Capacocha, but a sudden uppercut from Frank Mortlock sends her flying off her feet! But as the inspector prepares his Garvin Stomp, an aerial Jimmy Wonder strikes him with a flying forearm! As Mortlock collapses into the corner of the ring, Mortlock runs to the far rope and nails an ascending Ilapa with a springboard roundhouse kick!

Serra: Wonder’s comeback is the work of magic!

Klamor: Witchcraft more like!

With the crowd electrified, Jimmy Wonder hops up the top rope and signals to the audience that he’s going to dive. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, the magician leaps to initiate Abracadabra!

BUT FRANK MORTLOCK INTERCEPTS HIM WITH AN OBLITERATING POLICE BRUTALITY! Jimmy Wonder soars over the top rope like a ragdoll and crashes into the barricade, unconscious!

Klamor: What an incredible reversal!

A gloating, toothy grin has appeared on Mortlock’s face, with one of his opponents dispatched. Approaching the grounded Ilapa and yelling to her “TIME TO PUT YOU DOWN TOO!”, Mortlock yanks Ilapa up by the hair, preparing to execute the Police Brutality!

Serra: Never, ever pull a girl’s hair Frank, especially if she’s Ilapa!

As Frank prepares to bring Ilapa’s face into his knee, the goddess exerts enough strength to throw him against the ropes. Aiming a kick at his ribs, Ilapa finds her foot trapped in Mortlock’s clutches! Mortlock chuckles momentarily at the trapped Ilapa, but his laughter quickly turns into yelps of torment, as Ilapa wallops him in the temple with a handspring enziguiri! Allowing him no chance of escape, she quickly applies Capacocha with tenacious ferocity! Mortlock briefly struggles, but quickly realizes that there is no getaway from the potent submission hold, and reluctantly taps out to avoid any further damage, as Katie Shepard calls for the bell!

Serra: I told you so!

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Anderson: Here is your winner, Ilapa!

Ilapa retains her stranglehold on Mortlock despite the match being over, but Terrence Howe quickly intervenes, demanding Ilapa to release him. Ilapa is hesitant at first, but eventually does as he commands.

Klamor: This is the momentum that this omnipotent amazon needs to challenge for the Elite X Championship!

Serra: Nonetheless, some breakout performances from both Jimmy Wonder and Frank Mortlock tonight, but at the end of the day, Ilapa has more experience in that WZCW ring and that’s what ultimately led her to victory.

Ilapa slowly strolls away from the debris she has left behind her, Terrence Howe at her side, as Jimmy Wonder and Frank Mortlock slowly but surely rise to their feet after their arduous war.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 200 pounds, Diabolos!

Diabolos walks out, as the arena is completely dark. A red spotlight follows him the entire time. He walks straight to the ring, mumbling to himself and ignoring the fans boos.

Klamor: He may be creepy, but he got rid of Grizzly Bob. And anyone that can get rid of Bob is fine by me.

Serra:... I'm just going to go ahead and say it. Who the hell is this guy? Like seriously, who the hell is this weird?

Klamor: Haven't you been paying attention, Becky? He's Diabolos, what more do you need?

He slides under the bottom rope and stands in the middle of the ring, he points in the air as flames shoot out of the turnbuckle corners and the lights turn on.


Anderson: His opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Isabel Stone walks out, holding her stomach. She seems clearly pained, but attempts to gut it out on her way to the ring.

Serra: Something... Doesn't seem right with Isabel Stone...

Klamor: You don't say, Becky... The last time we saw Isabel Stone, she was splashed by a 300 pound man, jumping from at least twenty feet in the air. She then had the life choked out of her by Dr. Zeus. Yes, yes, Becky, I would imagine something is not right with Isabel Stone. Than you, Becky, thank you for your wonderful contribution there!

Serra:... Prick...

Along her way to the ring, out of the corner of the camera, two large, broad shouldered men can be seen walking towards Isabel. The two men are clean cut, though fairly generic in appearance; they have no facial movements, and their walks are synchronized perfectly. They are wearing perfectly tailored suits, black tuxedos complimented with dark sunglasses, to hide their eyes. Because of their professional appearance, security assumes these men are meant to be out there, and are here to relay a massage to Isabel. Because she is walking so gingerly, they are able to flag her down, as she makes it down the aisle way. Stone gives an annoyed look to the men in black... And they stand over her, almost cornering her. They say nothing... Their facial expression never changes at all. Not a muscle moves out of place, as one of the men, a brown haired, well built man of thirty, knees Isabel Stone in the stomach. Isabel lets out a scream of pain; her already damaged internal organs are rocked by the knee, as the second of the men in black, a raven haired person, pulls out a black nightstick. Without an inch of wasted movement, he rams the nightstick right into Isabel's stomach, as she starts to cough up blood once more. Isabel falls to her knees, in agonizing pain, as the two men stand over her. They systematically attack Isabel, focusing on her already damaged neck and stomach. The brown haired man in black places Isabel's neck on the guardrail, as the audience reaches out to try and stop this. Security finally makes it's way down to the ring, but are held at bay by another man in black, this one blonde, who has appeared from the crowd. He walks out of seemingly nothingness, but climbs over the guardrail. Security officers look around them to find... More men in black have lined the guardrails around them. Trying to keep count becomes difficult... 5, 6, 7 men, all just standing in the audience. Each one as indistinguishable as the next.

Serra: Where are all these men coming from? And why Isabel?!

They form a barrier, between the security officers, and the original two men in black. Security looks around again... Even more men in black are standing near the guardrail. This time, possibly three or four more... All of which just standing there. No facial expressions. Not an inch of wasted movement. The two original men in black return to their work... One holds Isabel's neck on the guardrail. The brown haired man in black, wielding his nightstick, winds his stick high in the air, and comes down with authority over Isabel Stone's neck. Isabel screams a blood curdling cry... And is unconscious, collapsing on the arena floor. The two original men in black look at each other, at the wall of suited men that guard them, and the audience... An audience that is shocked and appalled at what has happened to Isabel Stone. Even referee Keith Morse looks sick to his stomach, as they pull a limp Isabel Stone, and throw her into the ring. The men in black disappear into audience, jumping over the guardrail, disappearing as quietly as they entered, with the only trace of their existence the bloody and prone body of Isabel Stone. Diabolos, sensing nothing wrong in this, demands that Morse ring the bell... and Morse regretfully obliges...

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Serra: You have to be kidding me... We're going to have a match after all of this?

Klamor: This... This isn't right...

Diabolos places Isabel's limp body between his legs, and sets her up for the Cradle of the Old Ones. He lifts her up for the cradle piledriver, and drops Isabel on her neck. He goes for the cover... For what is just a formality. 1, 2, 3...

Anderson: The winner of this match... Diabolos...

The crowd sits in stunned silence. What was a raucous crowd has now been neutered. Isabel lays unconscious, as paramedics rush to attend to Isabel Stone.

Serra: I... I don't know what to say.

Klamor:... we need to cut to a break...

Isabel Stone has a collar placed around her neck, as she finally starts to move, in the middle of the ring. The moves are faint, and subtle; she is breathing, but is being rushed onto a stretcher. Diabolos stands over the paramedics, before exiting the ring.


We cut to an area within the crowd. Leon Kensworth sits at a round table.

Leon: Hi, we are here and will be live and exclusive on the WZCW Network right after Meltdown with Meltdown Backdoor Access - an exclusive take on all things Meltdown with some of the most respected members of our community.

Tonight's guests include veteran broadcaster Jonny Klamor. Who are you looking forward to seeing tonight, John?

Jonny: Well I'm looking forward to seeing Tastic take on Titus. I think it's finally time we saw Titus take the Old Yeller treatment, and I think Tastic is the guy to dole it out.

Leon: Wow, strong words, we also have the president of WZCW fan club Tony Smith here. What are you looking forward to?

Tony: Well first of all I just wanna say how glad I am to be here, but I'm a real S.H.I.T.head, so I guess a win for it would be grand.

and finally we have former wrestler Daddy Mack here

Mack: RETIRED?!? Who are you calling retired?

Leon: So you're not retired?

Mack: I'd never quit on these fans. That cheering has been ringing in my ears for years, and the adrenaline is still flowing through my veins. I am back at the top of my game and ready to shoot right back to the top of the wrestling world.

Leon: With all due respect, what can a man of your age offer the wrestling world?

Mack: None of these guys today have toiled like I have and none of these guys have seen what I have. They don't have the.... experience, I have.

I've wrestled everywhere from Hawaii to Alaska from Florida to Washington, in Mexico, Tokyo and Paris and London, I was wrestling in Baghdad before most of these guys where in dad's bag. I am back, and I am here to introduce a new generation of fans to the Mack Attack. THE MACK ATTACK IS BACK.

Leon: Wow! Yet another exclusive on Backdoor Access, the Mack Attack... is back
Becky: Welcome back to Aftershock, everyone, we have in ring action coming up for you right now!

In the ring, Haven and Jonathan Hyada get excited in the ring for the upcoming match.

Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, the team of Jonathan Hyada and Haven, Young Justice!

The two young men wave to the crowd and bounce on the ring, eager to start.

The arena waits for the arrival of their opponents, but instead of appearing on the stage, they appear on the video screen! Atsushi Kiriyama stands in the background while Aleksander Cuba has a microphone.

Cuba: At Unscripted, we challenged for the WZCW tag team championships. We were robbed of a fair match by this establishment - and we continue to receive no respect from anyone in WZCW. We are sick and tired of this pathetic treatment. We should be champions, not wrestling idiotic superheroes on Aftershock!

Kiriyama steps forward and takes the microphone.

Kiriyama: You people have wasted your chance to see the best tag team in the world compete in WZCW. We are going to be taking our talents elsewhere. In other words...

They both lean into the mic.

Together: WE QUIT!

The video screen cuts out leaving a booing crowd and a confused Young Justice. Anderson looks to the referee who only shrugs.

Anderson: And your winners...by forfeit...Young Justice!

The members of Young Justice look at each other confused and disappointed they were not able to wrestle tonight.

Serra: I can't believe what we just witnessed! They're walking out of the company!

Klamor: I don't blame them, after the way they've been treated! The tag team division just won't be the same...


Serra:Earlier today, I was the head of a panel, to discuss the influx of brand new talent you will see in WZCW tonight!


Becky Serra sits at a round table, in a secluded room with WZCW Hall of Famer Everest, and Jack Cohen. All three are rather laid back, and pleased to be together... even Jack.

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time are Everest and Jack Cohen. Gentlemen, how are you?

Cohen: I'm doing well.

Everest: Wonderful, happy to be back, and am really excited about the topic at hand today.

Serra: Yes, as Everest intimated, we're here to talk about some of the new blood in WZCW. Because tonight, we have a slew of new wrestlers, all joining this promotion, and looking to make a name for themselves. So we felt it would be nice to talk a little about these characters. So, I'll just start by saying I feel of all the new wrestlers, the one that makes the most of an impression on me is Jimmy Wonder. I have to admit... When I first heard the guy, I couldn't necessarily believe we were getting a magician.

Cohen: Shouldn't that tell you everything you need to know, Becky?

Becky collects herself a bit, but blurts out the first thing to come to mind.

Serra: Not at all, Jack. We've had plenty of guys with strange careers before they came into the fed. I've seen Jimmy wrestle before... He's very explosive, and when he flies in the air, he flies with the best of them.

Everest: While I have to admit that magic isn't necessarily my thing... I don't see why Jimmy Wonder can't have success here. I think he can actually find a way to work mind games into his arsenal. We see it all the time... Wrestlers who have a psychological advantage on their opponent. And I can see him being a breakout star of this pack.

Cohen: Everest, I beg to differ. To me, Frank Mortlock is the breakout star of the pack. He's gritty, and being a detective, you know he is always going to keep a lock on his opponents.

Becky shoots Jack a death glare from across the table.

Serra: You really thought that was cute, didn't you?

Everest: I can see where Jack's coming from... When you come into the fed with a chip on your shoulder, it only helps your game. I'm sure Mortlock will be fine... But I have to be honest, my pick to make it big is going to be Aubrey Sloan.

Cohen: Yeah, if she doesn't get lost chasing a buttefly on her way to the ring.

Everest swivels his chair, to look to Jack.

Everest: You can teach a wrestler to focus, but you can't teach a wrestler how to be a competitor. Aubrey has all the physical tools and training to succeed here. And I think once she gets some seasoning, she'll be ok.

Serra: Aubrey will have the chance to make the biggest statement tonight, wrestling against Blade, who has been around for so long. Do you have any predictions for our rookies tonight?

Everest: Yeah, when they come back to the locker room, all their stuff's getting thrown in the trash by the veterans.

Jack and Everest share a good laugh, while Becky sighs and rolls her eyes. She smiles, and looks to the camera

Serra: Well, at any rate, we believe these three newcomers will really make a statement tonight, and have storied success in WZCW.
Leon Kensworth is in the backstage area, as he hurries to flag down Diabolos, who is walking out of the arena.

Kensworth: Diabolos! Diabolos! Do you have any comment for what just happened?

Diabolos looks around his shoulder, at Leon. He stops, and turns around. He sighs to himself, and looks into the camera.

Diabolos: Do I have your attention, Blade?

The crowd boos at this.

Diabolos: The Old Ones commanded that this is to be. They commanded that I take the Bear, and become The Bear. And that Bear just so happened to be your best friend, didn't it, Blade?

The crowd hisses, as Diabolos' eyes bug out. He looks like a man possessed, and starts to speak in a heightened tone.

Diabolos: It is the ways of The Old Ones... Certain people, at certain times, have to go. Isabel... It was decided that she must go. And you, Blade... I await what The Old Ones say. But you aren't to mess with the order, Blade... With the way the Great Chtulu meant it. He meant for what happened at Unscripted... And those that mess with the order... Meet his wrath.

Diabolos walks away, as Leon watches him with leave, concerned over what Diabolos has just said.


Anderson: Tonight's Main-Event is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first From Los Angeles, California, weighing at 155 lbs, Aubrey Sloan!

Sloan enters through the curtain, her head looking down as she enters through the cheering and dog whistling of the fans timidly.

Klamor: What the hell is this? Does this new superstar have stage fright?

Serra: This is her first match in WZCW and it is the main-event. Of course she is going to feel nervous.

Klamor: Losers feel nervous, Becky. Champions don't.

Anderson: And her opponent, from Dublin Ireland, weighing in at 235 lbs, Blade!

Blade enters through the curtain with his arm up high, Blade's stare glares right to Aubrey, who originally was looking towards the entrance, looks up and away.

Klamor: Blade looks like he is in no mood for games, tonight. Aubrey better bring her A game, because Blade is a man on a mission.

Serra: After losing to Triple X at Unscripted, Blade is looking for a way to rebound and get back on track. Though if he loses focus for one second Aubrey could surprise all of us.

Klamor: And if my aunt had a mustache she'd be my uncle.

* Ding, Ding, Ding *

With referee, Keith Morse signals for the bell the match begins. Aubrey and Blade began to circle the ring, sizing each other up. It wasn't until Blade realized that Aubrey was moving in defense of her opponent. Blade then cuts across the ring and slaps the top of Sloan's head. Whenever Sloan went for a punch or a kick Blade moves out of reach, only to reach back in and slap Aubrey on the head again. A grin lights up on Blade's face as he watches Sloan get frustrated with the slapping. It wasn't until Blade attempted to slap Aubrey again that she countered by ducking under and lifting Blade for a German Suplex into a bridge. 1....2.... Kickout by Blade!

Serra: Look at the strength Sloan has, wow!

Klamor: Okay, I'll admit that was impressive, but this match isn't over yet.

Blade rises to his feet and decides he is done with the games, instead of slapping Sloan he launches Sloan against the ropes and goes for the spinebuster, but Aubrey counters with a Leg Lariat, but ducks onto his knee's to avoid the high kick! Aubrey however landed on her feet and turns around to land a dropkick onto the back of Blade, slamming him onto the canvas! Aubrey then grabs the legs of Blade and pulls him into a Boston Crab! Blade's eyes light up in pain as he starts crawling towards the ropes. With a lunge, Blade gets to the bottom rope, causing Keith to stop the submission. Blade crawls under the ropes and begins to stand on the apron. However, once standing Aubrey grabs Blade and tries to suplex her into the ring! Aubrey manages to lift Blade off his feet, but can't get him over the ropes. Blade then begins to lift Aubrey into a suplex!

Serra: These two are literally going back and forth!

Klamor: If Blade can pull off this suplex than Aubrey's career will end before it can even start! Blade is on a man on a mission tonight!

Blade was so close to getting the suplex, but Aubrey hooks her legs into the bottom rope! Blade struggling to lift Aubrey sees that Aubrey locked herself into the ropes, he cops out of the Suplex and hops over the ropes and lands a sunset flip on Aubrey into a pin. 1.....2... kickout by Aubrey! Blade gets to his feet first, and before Aubrey could get up to her feet Blade stomps onto Aubrey's leg several times. A grin began to grow on Blade's face as Aubrey rolls on the ground in pain. Keith begins to count up to 5 and at 4 he grabs Blade and pulls him away from Aubrey. Blade put his hands up defensively and when Keith get's his hands off of Blade he rolls Aubrey over and puts her into a Surfboard stretch! Aubrey shakes her head, refusing to tap out to the submission.

Klamor: This could be the start of the end here!

Serra: Never say die, Jack!

With enough struggling, Aubrey breaks free of Blade's grip and leans against the turnbuckle to compose herself. Blade runs to splash Aubrey but Aubrey ducks out, causing Blade to hit nothing but the turnbuckle! Clutching his chest he now leans against the turnbuckle. Aubrey bounces off the ropes and lands a Yakuza kick right on the button on Blade! Sloan with new found momentum starts taking it to Blade! She then pulls Blade into the Out of Exile. The crowd cheers loudly as Blade reaches out for the ropes, but is unable to reach due to being in the middle of the ring!

Serra: This is it, look at Blade he is going to tap!

Klamor: Sloan has this locked in tight, there's no way to get out of this submission!

Aubrey has the submission locked in tight, and Blade was on the verge of tapping out, but Aubrey begins to notice the crowd cheering her name. Causing Sloan to lose focus on the match and loosened the submission, Blade took advantage of the situation and breaks free of the submission. Blade stands up and Aubrey follows in pursuit, but Blade kicks Aubrey in the gut and pulls her into the Halo! Bouncing off the canvas, Blade goes for the pin. 1....2....3!

Anderson:Your winner of this match by Pinfall, Blade!

Klamor: Unbelievable, Sloan had this match wrapped up like a pretty package but she threw it away.

Blade gets his hand raised and celebrates as Aubrey gets her bearings. The referee checks up her as Blade stands on the turnbuckles.

Serra: Aubrey Sloan put on a hell of a performance on her first outing against a proven veteran. I guess the spotlight got to her.

Klamor: This Sloan girl could go pretty far if she gets used to things around here. But tonight wasn't her night. Ah well.

Serra: Well that about does it. For Johnny Klamor, I'm Becky Serra signing off. We'll see you next time from the city of brotherly love. Bye!

KJ - Intro
Haiku - Diabolos vs Stone, segments
Pancake - Blade vs Sloan
Harthan - Segments
Fallout - Illapa vs Mortlock vs Wonder

Yaz here. We just wanted to thank Blade's mom for the oral support.
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