AF8: Mr. Butty vs. Anderson P. Styles vs. Derek Jacobs

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The WZCW Roster continues to increase as we welcome three new members to the fray. All three will be competing against each other in a Triple Threat match to open the show, allowing the WZCW Universe to catch a glimpse of what these three men are all about. We wish all competitors the best of luck in their debut match.

Deadline is Tuesday, April 17th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
*Outside of a very prominent nightclub in Chicago,Leon Kensworth, esteemed interviewer for WZCW, is seen looking for someone outside the club. The line is thriving, as it is a busy Saturday night, and Leon is being bounced around like a ping pong ball between what looks to be two college age jocks. Suddenly a ruckus happens outside the front door. The camera quickly pans, where Derek Jacobs is seen carrying two people out at once. He quickly dumps them both in a dumpster in the alley beside of the club. Leon makes his way over to Jacobs.*

Derek Jacobs, could we have a word with you about your debut match for WZCW? What are your thoughts about being put into a triple threat match your first night in the company?

*Jacobs turns around, sneers at Leon, and snatches the microphone away from him*

You want my thoughts on my first match in WZCW?(He chuckles to himself) Let me guess, you expect me to complain about having to fight two guys at once my first night in, saying how it’s unfair that it’s not a one on one match, how the odds are stacked against me and blah blah BLAH!(He looks angrily at Leon) You see, I don’t look at this as unfair, Hell, I’m glad I’m fighting 2 guys, because that means a bigger paycheck, and that’s the only reason I’m coming to WZCW in the first place- M-O-N-E-Y. I’m a bodyguard, Leon. I get paid to hurt people, and I’m good at it. My opponents at Aftershock are going to find out how good I am. And let’s look at them for a minute, shall we? One one hand you have Mr butty, who to me is a British version of Mr Mackey from South Park, mmmkay? (He laughs out loud at this) And on the other hand your have Uncle Styles? What kind of name is that? What does that guy do, offer free candy to kids out of a van? (He puts his arm around Leon in a condescending manner) Look, I’m not worried at all about my match at Aftershock. Hell, I’m looking forward to it, because believe me; something bigger is planned for me in WZCW, its only a matter of time before it comes to pass. And just a word to anyone in WZCW who has a problem they need fixed, if you have a problem, as long as you have the cash, I’m a problem solver. Bank on that.

*He shoves the mic back into Leon’s hand before heading back into the club*

Thank you for your time, Derek
The scene opens to a man that starts to put tape on his fingertips. He’s ready to go, from the looks of it. It’s only a few hours away from the start of Afterschock and Anderson P Styles is one of the first to arrive. He was shown the tape from Leon Jacob’s interview and he seems to take it in stride. He’s been called that before and then some. It used to get to him, but Anderson started to mellow out on the insults brought about by the name Uncle Styles. For tonight, he’s just focused on the matchup itself. Still, wearing his business suit and tie, Anderson watches as the door opens and Leon Kensworth comes in; a microphone in his hand and what seems to be a whole lot of questions for Anderson. He seems to look frazzled still. Anderson just reasoned it might have been his encounter with Jacobs.

Leon: “Mr. Styles! I was wondering if you could give us your thoughts on your match with Derek Jacobs and Mr. Butty tonight?”

Anderson: “I got to tell you, I’m very excited to have a match against the guy from Game of Thrones and the football player wannabe in the first match of the Styles show. I pretty much like how the odds are stacked against me and; listen, I’m not going to stand here, turn on the hype machine and start to talk about how these guys don’t have a chance against me. The truth of the matter is, I got a one in three chance of winning this match and its damn better than no chance at all. Besides, who do we have to look at here as my opponent? Well, there’s the guy that clearly wants to tell us how to talk and spell and his accent sounds like it’s a guy chewing asphalt. Not to offend anyone in the great Nation of England, but Ol’ Ozzy Osbourne better come correct before correcting anyone else. Now, I’m not here to turn on the hype machine and say that I’m going to make an example out of him only because I got someone else that’s going to be after me and I’ll tell you, it doesn’t matter what you talk about; having to face two guys is never a good thing."

Anderson looks at Leon, who seems to be rather fidgety; a confused look appears on his face as Anderson gently takes the microphone from his hand and watches as Leon just lets him do it. It seems strange how a man can basically be like Leon: someone who just has his stuff taken from him without question.

Anderson: “I’m gonna go ahead and take this microphone because you look like you’ve been rattled.” Leon nods in agreement. “Now, go sit down and you’ll have this back later.” Strangely enough, Leon pretty much did as told and sat down on the bench. With that, Anderson turned around and flashed a cocky smile and held the microphone up. “Now that that’s settled, I feel like I should have a tour of my place, get to know the staff and show how it works in the Styles Show. But first, I got to address something: this show isn’t about the guys that look for variety or anything of the like. They look for the finest pro wrestling in the greater continental U.S. and by God, we will have it! People pay good money to see us put on the finest matches and we obey. But right now, Aftershock is pretty much on the lookout for me; Anderson Styles.” Taking a pause, Anderson walks out of the locker room with the camera man behind him.

Anderson: “Ladies and gents, sound the horns, slap a gong, and bring out the marching bands and roll out the red carpet; welcome to the first edition of the Styles Show. I’m not going to take a while since we have a whole lot of people to serve up and I might as well thank you for it. I take pride in every single person in America that comes in and wants to spend their hard earned money on watching us compete. We are a part of this great Americana tradition in which people pay money to see us compete and work our asses off even with personal problems on us. From the Cinderella Man, who represents the fighting spirit of this great nation to Mr. Butty, who apparently wants to make an example of us in the States in our poor spelling.”

“Then there’s that other guy who thinks that he can be a bodyguard from the wrestlers. I’m just going to state very lightly that, it doesn’t matter if you got a bodyguard, Jesus or a brick wall in front of you: If you’re in my crosshairs, I will go after anything to get to you. Personally, I feel disgusted every time that I hear someone say that they’re in it for the one who pays the most. How dumb can you be to say that it’s just about the money? What about pride in your work, what about acknowledging the hard money that these fine people put forward when they watch us, or mainly me, do what we have to do? What about being proud of what you’ve done in your life?” Anderson stops and his face is staring at the camera in front of him. “You’re a bodyguard, I’m a gangster. I’m the one with the Iron Chin, the knowledge and the sheer will to take you out. You and Ozzy are in my sights and I’m damn sure not going to let you be the ones that mess up my fine evening in the Styles show.” Anderson starts walking down the aisle again, as wrestlers talk among themselves and hold interviews as well. The seriousness goes away as a winning smile appears on his face now.

Anderson: “Here in my show, the Styles show, I pride myself in being the first guy on making an example of people. Mr. Butty, you are an immigrant from England; I am a gangster from Oregon with plaques from the NCAA which is an organization that I spell right, a former Olympic reserve spot on the United States team and a whole lot of experience kicking ass in the pro wrestling circuit. I’m a mat genius, a mat expert and a guy that just won’t quit; just like the good ol’ states didn’t quit when they went ahead and dumped the tea in the Harbor, in any single fight that George Washington; a man who did not win a fight at all! Yet still proved to have some serious lack of quit in him. Excuse me for a second here.”

Anderson steps to the side to find a familiar face to the WZCW Faithful. It was Rebecca Serra. She seems chipper and upbeat.

Anderson: “And look who it is, everyone’s favorite announcer and interviewer; the announcer of the Styles Show; Becky Serra!” She grins widely as Anderson thinks of something. “You know what; I’m going to give you the pleasure of interviewing me. I’m just joking, by the way.” Anderson and Becky share a laugh as he hands her the microphone. Little does he know that the conversation will just stay a conversation as opposed to an interview; Serra nods and she starts to talk with a smile on her face.

Becky: “You come highly touted as an amateur wrestling genius and a veteran of Pro Wrestling for eight years. I assume there are no nerves involved?” Anderson shakes his head.

Anderson: “I was just getting to that here while I was showing the people the innards of my show.” With a laugh, Anderson starts to get a little serious. It’s always been like this: Anderson jokes one minute and gets serious on the next one. “But no, I’ve have many debuts in many different places. WZCW is the big one, yes but I can’t treat it as anything but just another day. I got that Amateur wrestler mentality: show up, do what you have to do and hit the showers after. I can’t treat as any different. Like I told someone a while ago, slim to none chances are better than no chances.”

Anderson: “For all intents and purposes, I’m just going to out, do my job and hit the showers after. People pay their hard earned money to see an ass whooping and I’m going to provide that and then some.”
Becky nods as she thinks of something else to say; this time showing her brilliant ring knowledge.

Becky: “Derek Jacobs and Mr. Butty are known to be good submission wrestlers. Is there anything you might have in store for them?” With that, Anderson flashes a cocky smile at Rebecca who seems confused about it all.

Anderson: “Oh, I have my ways." Anderson's smile fades away as he turns to the camera and seems serious again. "Jacobs and Mr. Mackey, you’re a submission expert, but I like to throw people around like ragdolls. Derek is paid to hurt people, I’m paid to win. Mr. Butty wants to teach you a lesson, I’ll tech you a lesson that you and everyone in WZCW will learn: Anderson P. Styles might be hazardous to your health. The lesson is; staring down six feet, two hundred and ten pounds of pure power, American muscle, raw steel and sex appeal is the worst decision anyone can make. Ladies and Gentlemen, Anderson P. Styles has arrived at WCZW.” Anderson walks away from the interview, leaving Rebecca with the microphone in her hands.

The camera shows a typical American school, a beautiful sunny day, the ‘Stars and Stripes’ flying proudly in the breeze outside. The sound of children enjoying their recess can be heard and as the camera approaches the building, we hear children chanting a song in a classroom ...

“In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue ...”

The camera switches to the inside of a classroom where children are working hard, writing in books, learning about the history of the United States of America – this is not a room where happy chanting of songs is happening though. Sat at the front of the classroom in front of a whiteboard is one of the newest members of the WZCW roster, Mr. Butty. Dressed in a black suit with a black shirt and a red tie, Butty looks up from his marking and he puts his pen down.

BUTTY (mouthing quietly): In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue ...

Butty smirks and shakes his head. He looks directly at the camera with a look of amusement on his face. He slowly gets to his feet and begins to walk around the room whilst he speaks.

BUTTY: Do you realise that when Columbus arrived in the so-called ...

Butty sarcastically makes air quotes in the air as he speaks.

BUTTY: ... ‘New World,’ he found that the natives were significantly less advanced than his European counterparts? Whereas Europe had established class, structure and led the world in trade, the ‘New World’ that Columbus discovered had little class, no structure and no idea about the rest of the world.

Butty laughs to himself before looking down at a child’s work. It is clearly not of the standard expected and Mr. Butty picks up the book and looks closer at it. Rejecting it, he rips the page from the book and screws it into a ball before returning the book to its owner.

BUTTY: I suggest you do that again, boy.

Tossing the ball of paper into the waste basket, Butty’s gaze turns back to the camera.

BUTTY: It’s not so different to the country that I find now. The United States of America. For so long, you Americans have believed that you lead the world but that is now being proven wrong. You live in a country where there is so little structure, not everybody is entitled to health care when they need it. You live in a country where Reality TV and wannabe gangsters show your lack of class, style and sophistication. You live in a country that thinks it can look down on the rest of the world ...

Butty again shakes his head finding the idea amusing.

BUTTY: ... while the rest of the world looks back at you and laughs. You live in a country where there is so little class that you believed you had a huge claim when you installed the first ever black President. Newsflash, USA! Everybody else ... laughed at you.

Butty looks up at the ‘Stars and Stripes’ flag on the classroom wall and then averts his gaze to another flag in the corner of the room. The Union Jack. Flag of the United Kingdom. Butty reaches up and touches the Union Jack as he considers himself ...

BUTTY: I come from a country that mocks every single one of you. From butchering our language to claiming to have won World War 2, the people of the United Kingdom, the people of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, we have reason to despise your country. You claim to lead the world yet it is clear that the USA is simply one thing ...

Butty smirks again.

BUTTY: Jealous.

Butty looks over the Union Jack one more time before turning back towards the camera and moving around the classroom where the children silently continue with their work, heads down in fear.

BUTTY: Jealous of our heritage, jealous of our traditions, jealous of our class. Whilst your country and its economy was flushed down the toilet last year, the biggest event for most of you was? The Royal Wedding in the United Kingdom. That shows how desperate you are for class and sophistication.

Butty turns his nose up in disgust as he surveys the work been done by the children in his class.

BUTTY: It starts in schools here. Sub-standard education, failing grammar and spelling, failing arithmetic, failing logic and common sense and a desire of children to mutilate each other on the latest computer games, watch mind-numbing rot on TV for hours and hours ...

Butty stops himself and regains his composure.

BUTTY: And the worst of all? Your children would rather waste their time watching their favourite WZCW superstars instead of focusing on the importance of education in their lives.

A bell suddenly rings to signal the end of the lesson and the children stir into life. Butty glances around the room for a moment before shouting suddenly ...


The children immediately sit down in their chairs and fold their arms as they wait for permission to leave, permission to move ...

BUTTY: I am in charge of this classroom. You are going to listen to me right now. In the near future, I will be leaving the teaching profession to join the WZCW. Not because I want to win championships or glory for myself, because I am the man who will show America the error of its ways. I am the man who will teach the children of America a lesson it will never forget. I will bring change to this country and I will show it how to improve, how to raise standards and become more like ... the United Kingdom!

Butty stands at the door and the children wait for him to open the door and dismiss them.

BUTTY: I start this week on Aftershock in a Triple Threat match, a mere formality as I begin my quest to rescue America from the gutter. I could talk down about my opponents, Anderson P. Styles and Derek Jacobs but I think their accomplishments in life and their recent comments about me tell the story.

Butty laughs as he remembers something.

BUTTY: One failed Olympic wrestler from Oregon who accuses me of being an immigrant from England? One failed footballer from Illinois who fights for money and watches South Park? Did you know that, in a recent report from the Education Week about Educational Performance in the USA, Illinois was ranked 40th and Oregon 43rd? My two opponents come from these lowly states and they are failures – what does that tell you about them?

Butty opens the door and the children look up a little more expectantly now.

BUTTY: My mission to improve standards in America begins this week. Watch carefully children of America – you have lessons that need to be learned.

Butty looks around the classroom with a look of disgust in his eyes before stepping aside from the door.

BUTTY: Class dismissed!
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