AF8: Daniel Dela Cruz vs. Hollywood Jameson

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The two rookies that lost their debut matches last week will take each other on in singles competition to avenge their loss and get themselves on track here in WZCW... but only one rookie will get the "W" next to their name this week, leaving the other with a losing streak. Who will get the better deal: Cruz or Jameson?

Deadline is Tuesday, April 17th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
Story Of My Life
As Told By: Daniel Dela Cruz
Year 2008, Age 18​
The video opens up to an image of the camera following someone from behind. He's dressed in a black hoodie, walking down the ragged streets of his hometown, Manila. We hear him grunting to himself, sounding angry. He kicks an empty soda can which he sees in front of him when the camera view finally shows us that the person they've been following is Daniel Dela Cruz. Unaware that something behind him is about to unfold, Dela Cruz seems to just keep walking wherever his feet would take him. Screaming of “Saklolo! Saklolo! Saklolo” can be heard which in Dela Cruz's native language of Tagalog, means “Help! Help! Help!” We can now see that the person asking for help is an old man, roughly around the age of fifty, on the floor holding onto a woman in the middle of the street.

Dela Cruz: No... No... NO!!!

Dela Cruz then begins screaming for help. When he sees that his effort works to no avail, he begins running to the nearby houses asking for help. Dela Cruz went to many houses allowing a group of people to help with the situation. The police were called in and within a moment, the whole scene was filled bystanders, an ambulance, and the Philippines National Police assessing the situation. We then see a police officer asking Daniel some questions.

Police Officer: What happened here?

Dela Cruz: I don't know. I was just walking away from my house when suddenly I heard a loud crash. When I went to see what was going on, I screamed for help.

Police Officer: Did you see the oncoming car?

Dela Cruz: (Sigh) No I didn't. I wish I did.

Police Officer: Uhm, do you know the woman, sir?

Dela Cruz then looks to the ambulance where we see the woman on a stretcher being taken to the nearest hospital along with the guy who was with her. Dela Cruz looked very disappointed in himself and couldn't stop moving, thinking what to do.

Police Officer: Again, do you know the woman, sir?

Dela Cruz: Yes........she's my mother.

With that line, Dela Cruz runs from the officer and heads towards the ambulance. He looks inside seeing that the medical staff doing some procedures on her before leaving. He looks at his father who spots him and looks angrily at him before turning away.

Dela Cruz: I'm sorry dad! I'm sorry!

The ambulance door is closed and it leaves the scene. Dela Cruz turns away from it and looks around to see that the intoxicated driver being put into a squad car. Still disappointed with himself, he runs away, fleeing the scene and the whole memory fades to black.....


The video then switches over to the backstage of Aftershock where we see Leon Kensworth holding a microphone for Daniel to speak in. Daniel looks out of it, daydreaming, before Leon asks the question again as Daniel snaps back to reality.

Leon Kensworth: Daniel? Daniel!

Daniel Dela Cruz: Huh, what?

Leon Kensworth: I said...Despite your debut loss, you have another match against Jameson, any thoughts on overcoming the loss, Daniel?

Daniel Dela Cruz: My bad, sorry. Anyway, I've been through a lot in my life. I've gone through things that no kid should have went through, so this loss is just another one of those things that help give me strength. I'm out here to prove to the world that I belong here. I'm here to right the wrongs in my past. And with each win, I feel myself closer to accomplishing that goal. Last week was just a minor set back, kudos to James Armstrong. I had my game plan and executed it well in the ring but he just found a way to win, so kudos man, kudos.

Leon Kensworth: I see. Well how about your opponent, “Hollywood” Jameson? What are you gonna do to become 1-1 and not 0-2 in your WZCW career?

Daniel Dela Cruz: Oh right, Jameson. I see that we both lost our debut matches and I expect you to come at me with all you got because I'm coming at you with all I've got. You'll probably be more dangerous than ever coming off a loss, but you see, that's something I anticipate to happen. I've been in the gym non-stop this entire week. I had that match with Armstrong won, but I came up short, it was within my grasp. I'm not making that same mistake again Jameson. So come Aftershock 8, when you and me go into battle, let's give the fans a show Mr. “Hollywood”. That's all the fans ever want, a great wrestling match and I can give that to them. By the time the match is over, I'll be walking out with the win.

Leon Kensworth: One last question Daniel. What were you thinking about earlier? You seemed like you were in a trance.

Daniel looks at Leon with the did-you-really-just-ask-me-that face which makes Leon back up a little. But Daniel's expression quickly changes to a happy one and thinks for a moment before answering the question.

Daniel Dela Cruz: Well Leon, If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.

Daniel smiles at Leon and the camera before stepping away from the shot leaving Leon infront of the camera looking very curious as to what Daniel could have been thinking about. He shrugs infront of the camera as it fades to black.
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