AF7: Robbie Blooze vs. Joseph Greaves

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We open the show with two rookies having their chance at stardom as both men make their debut on Aftershock 7. With Kingdom Come already getting closer and closer, they'll need to act fast if they want to get themselves a spot on the prestigious card. A win will help their cause but if they showcase excellent skills during their match to impress management, they might be able to elevate themselves quite quickly in WZCW.

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
Life in Australia Part 1 - Habitat
Presented by Joseph Greaves
Brought to you by the High Society

We open up to a scene of a dusty plain of dirt where a number of kangaroos hop innocently along, a couple of joeys strapped tightly in their pouches. A few feet along past an overgrown bush, a crocodile lies menacingly along the bank of a dirty creek, its eyes lifeless and its snout set in an evil smile as it watches the marsupials. A man, his head held high and an akubra covering his golden blonde hair, stands just a couple of steps from the docile ‘roos and eyes off the reptile behind the scrub. Without daring to take an eye off the staring reptile, as if the moment he does it will charge straight at him, the man speaks.

Joseph Greaves: G’day WZCW, ma’ name’s Joey Greaves. Very soon I get to show the world just what I’m made of. I get to show all of ‘ya what makes us Aussies so famous; our toughness, our strength and most importantly, our sense of mateship. But first all of, let me show 'ya our landscape, let me show 'ya my home.

However, Greaves suddenly takes his eyes off the crocodile and stares at the camera, his broad grin quickly turning into a cold smirk. As Greaves turns around and walks away from his stare down with the ‘croc and away from the grazing kangaroos, he hurls the akubra hat from his head. It is then that it is revealed, as he walks through a gate, Greaves was merely standing in a petting zoo and the crocodile was safely behind a fence concealed by overgrown foliage. After pushing a few eager school kids to the side, Greaves emerges onto a path and quickly makes his way to the exit, departing the zoo and heading out onto a main street.

Joseph Greaves: I’m sure to all of you watching right now, I look, I sound – I am Australian. But you’re wrong, oh so very wrong, because that is the reality that you, as citizens of the United States of American have created. This is not fact, it could it not be any further from the truth. I am a part of the future of this world, it won’t be long before Australia ascends to its rightful place at the head of the globe. Unlike America, Australia is not despised by every person outside of its borders. Unlike America, Australia has not lost its standings, it has not lost its power. Unlike America, Australia has bred the best damn superstar the world has yet to see – me.

Greaves continues to walk down the sidewalk, a steely grin set on his face and nods in greeting to each person that passes by.

Joseph Greaves: The streets I walk down belong to Melbourne, my home city. Although the vast majority of you have probably never heard of it, it has been voted as the most liveable city in the entire world. It is the heart of the greatest country in the world and it saddens me, hell it sickens me that throughout the fifty states of the good old US of A it is practically a ghost.

Greaves looks annoyed as he spits out that last sentence and stumbles towards a barrier, one which overlooks the sparkling sea in front of him.

Joseph Greaves: And so this is where I step in.

However, as he pauses for a number of seconds his arrogant smirk returns.

Joseph Greaves: Re-education.

After running a hand through his slick, blonde hair Greaves looks across the water at the setting sun.

Joseph Greaves: WZCW, and you can trust me when I say this, is not going to know what hit it. And I get my shot very, very soon, so soon I can barely continue my excitement, so soon that I can taste the chance of a life time on the tip of my tongue. But how was I told of my try-out for WZCW? Surely a personal phone call from Ty Burna, or perhaps even a lengthy email when he got the time would have been the right thing to do. No, all I received was a text message from his assistant in the middle of the night telling me what time I had to arrive, where the arena was and who my opponent was.

Greaves sighs deeply as he leans on the barrier and continues to look out at the ocean.

Joseph Greaves: But at the very least my first opponent wasn’t an American. But then again, isn’t an Englishman, one by the name of Robbie Blooze no less, just as bad. A chap that’s brutish, illiterate and downright unattractive and one who is desperately trying to regain what little glory he once held. Blooze will be the first member of my re-education programme, whether he likes it or not.

The sun drops lower and the street lamps standing above Greaves switch on, spraying him with artificial light.

Joseph Greaves: And for the rest of you who may be watching, make sure you take notice, make sure you pay attention. Because I will not stop until every single member of WZCW is aware of whom I and the rest of my countryman am. There won’t be a moment of rest until American realizes how powerful we can be.

Greaves turns around and faces the camera full on, his arms outstretched and his face full of focus. His eyes light up with determination as he takes a step forward.

Joseph Greaves: Be warned WZCW, I will be arriving oh so soon to re-educate the entire companu. Whether it happens the easy way or the hard way, the outcome will be no different – you WILL regret what you have done to Australia and you will never forget the name, Joseph Greaves.

With a final cold grin at the camera, Greaves turns his back on the camera. The camera can just view Greaves in the twilight walking slowly away from the scene, his head held high before the picture cuts to black.
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