AF7: Jason Armstrong vs. Daniel Dela Cruz

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We have ourselves another debutant challenge on Aftershock as two new wrestlers compete in their first WZCW match against each other. Both men have something to prove against each other and a win or an impressive showing is what they'll need to get the attention of the higher-ups if they want to get themselves a slot on the Kingdom Come card.

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
The scene opens up to reveal a rundown neighborhood. The sun is barely creeping up behind the buildings as it’s early in the morning. Trash litters the street and the buildings look as sad as their inhabitants must be to live there. The scene moves through the neighborhood until it reaches a dilapidated-looking gym. It looks as if the owners haven’t kept up with it in decades. There are many chips in the paint and cracks in the windows in the front. The sign across the top crookedly reads “All Star Wrestling.”

Inside, Jason Armstrong is already hard at work training, despite the fact that most of the city is still sleeping. He is wearing a gray All Star Wrestling shirt and black gym shorts as he spars against another member of the gym. His training partner is given dominant position to begin the spar. Armstrong swiftly works his way off his back and flips his partner over. Armstrong moves into side control before quickly pinning his partner’s shoulders to the mat. Armstrong gets up and offers his partner a hand.

Good sparring there, man. You still have a lot to work on, but you’ve come a long way since you’ve started. Keep it up. Let’s take five and we’ll start again.

Armstrong walks over to his gym bag and pulls out a towel and a bottle of water. He takes a swig of water and wipes his sweaty face off with the towel. He puts them back in his bag and grabs his cell phone. He notices that he has an email notification. Armstrong opens it and his face lights up as he realizes he has received the email he has been waiting for. His first match for WZCW has been announced, and it’s at Aftershock against Daniel Dela Cruz.

Armstrong is noticeably excited and calls out to his training partner.

Hey! Let’s actually take 10! My debut match for WZCW was announced! I’ve got a phone call to make. I’ll be back in a minute.

Armstrong steps outside the gym and onto the dirty sidewalk. He paces around while going to the contacts on his phone. He finally finds the name he was looking for: Chelsea. He’s sure his ex-wife will love the news and that this will be the first step to getting his family back. He takes a few deep breaths and gathers his nerves before clicking on her name and hitting call. This is the first time they’ve spoke since the divorce. He paces nervously and is biting on his fingernails as the phone rings. Finally, he hears a voice on the other line. He voice trembles with nerves as he begins to speak.

Hey. Chelsea? It’s me Jason. Don’t hang up! Don’t hang up!

He waits for just a moment to make sure she’s still on the line.

I know you’ve told me not to ever call you. And I know you never want to see me again, but it’s been so hard to live without you. I’m sick of being a failure and I’ve decided to make a change. I know I’ve told you that before, but this time I mean it. I’m really getting my act together.

Armstrong waits as his ex-wife tells him she isn’t going to fall for his lies again. She berates him for calling her so early and waking her up. Over half a decade’s worth of pain etches itself across Armstrong’s face as his ex-wife speaks.

I know I was a terrible husband. I know I was a terrible father to Jeremy. But I want to be back in your life. I want to be back in his life. I want to be the father that Jeremy deserves to have. That’s why I made the change. I’m sober now. I haven’t touched alcohol in months. I’m training now, too. It’s all turning around for me.

He listens as his ex-wife tells him all the times he’s screwed up and asks why she should believe him this time. He leans his head against the wall outside the gym.

It’s the truth. I used to not be able to go a day without drinking. Now I haven’t even looked at alcohol in months. I’m back in the gym training. I’m actually standing outside the gym now. I also have my debut match for WZCW at the next Aftershock.

His wife asks him what he is thinking.

Wrestling is all I know. Wrestling is all I have. You saw what happened to me when I couldn’t wrestle. It ruined my life. Everything I loved was taken away from me when I couldn’t wrestle. Now, I’m fighting to get my life back. I’m fighting for you. I’m fighting for Jeremy. I’m fighting for us. I’m going to WZCW to try to prove to you that I’m not a failure and that I do have some good left in me. I regret everything that’s happened between us, and I am competing in WZCW to try to right all those wrongs. Everyone deserves a second chance and I’m cashing mine in.

He is on the verge of tears as he thinks about everything he has put Chelsea and Jeremy through, and how the only things he’s ever loved were taken away from him. She asks him who he is competing against. He stands up straight and runs his fingers through his short hair and his stubbly beard before he answers.

Daniel Dela Cruz.

Chelsea doesn’t sound impressed and says she’s never heard of him.

He’s also making his debut at Aftershock. He’s a very talented wrestler who’s worked his way up the independent scene. He’s a very impressive high-flyer and will be a good challenge for my first match here. Daniel has a fantastic set of amazing moves that I’m going to have to be on the lookout for. I’m going to have to make sure to use my amateur skills to keep him on the mat. If I keep him grounded, there is now way he can use his death-defying moves. I’ve been working on my cardio and speed to try to be able to keep up with him. I’ve also been working on my mat skills to make sure I can keep him grounded.

Debuting in the same match isn’t the only thing me and him have in common. Daniel and I are both out to prove something. I’m out to show you that I want to have you back. Daniel is out to prove that he can hang with the big boys. He is a tough kid. He’s got a lot of fight in him. He has a bright future in wrestling if he keeps his head on straight.

Chelsea makes a remark about Armstrong not knowing about keeping his head on straight. Armstrong chooses to ignore it and continues talking about Dela Cruz.

The kid has all the heart in the world. But it doesn’t matter how big your heart is when you’re in the ring with me. I’m one of the best amateur wrestlers of all time. I’ve been through too much – Hell, I’ve put us through too much to start my career off with a loss. Dela Cruz does have talent and a bright future, but unfortunately for him, he is going to have to put that bright future on hold for at least one week. There is no way I’m letting him beat me. There is no way I’m going to allow myself to lose. I must win this match. I have too much to lose to not win this match. If Daniel loses, it’s just a bad start to his career. If I lose, it could be the end of my life. It would ruin this chance before it ever begins. I must win this match to prove to you and Jeremy that I am serious about changing. This is just the first stop on getting my life straightened back out.

Armstrong runs his fingers through his beard once again.

Can I talk to Jeremy?

Armstrong looks down to the ground as his wife says no to his request.

I understand. Please let him watch Aftershock this week so he can see his daddy doing the on this he’s good at. He never got the chance to before. How about we make a deal? If I win my match against Daniel, then I can talk to Jeremy.

A big grin creeps across his face as Chelsea says she’ll think about it.

Alright. I’ll take that. It’s a whole lot better than I usually get. I’m going back to training. I want to make sure I’m at the top of my game for Aftershock. I don’t want to let you and Jeremy down. I don’t want to let myself down. I can’t ruin my second chance before it ever gets started.

Armstrong hesitates for a moment as if he’s trying to figure out if he should say what he’s thinking. He decides to go for it.

I love you.

There is silence on the other line. He decides to repeat it.

I said I love –

Chelsea hung the phone up before he had a chance to say it again. It hurts, but he is going to use it as motivation during his match against Dela Cruz, as if he needed anymore. He goes back into the gym and starts sparring with his training partner again. He knows he needs all the training possible if he wants to make a successful debut. He knows his second chance may be his last.
Story Of My Life
As Told By:
Daniel Dela Cruz

The camera opens up to a scene in the locker room as it is zoomed in on what appears to be a Filipino flag design on a wrestling boot. As it zooms out, we see that the boot belongs to none other than “Mr. Manila” Daniel Dela Cruz. The young, Filipino upstart seems to be in a foul mood as he is unlacing his boots and throws it to the wall, looking down in disappointment.

Dela Cruz: I had that match won, I had it!

It seems we know the reason why Dela Cruz is in a foul mood.

Dela Cruz: If I can't cut it with these guys, how can I ever make it to the big time?!

Dela Cruz says this line as if he wanted someone to answer him. He continues unlacing the other boot and packing his stuff, calling it a day. However, we hear the ring of a phone and Dela Cruz goes through his bag to answer it.

Dela Cruz: Hello?

Voice on the other end of the line says something.

Dela Cruz: Yes, this is him.

Dela Cruz's facial expression then turns into one of a jovial one.

Dela Cruz: Are you kidding, I'm in!? You need me there right away?! Yes, ofcourse I can make it!

Dela Cruz hurriedly packs everything he needs and runs out of the arena screaming.

Dela Cruz: I'm going to WZCW!!!


The camera switches to a scene where a rooster audibly shrieks its heart out signaling the dawn of a new day. The camera scans the area as it sees a neighborhood full of run down houses, kids playing outside having fun with the simplest of all games. The laughter can be heard among them and it's great to hear.

Dela Cruz: You see that place, this is where I live, Manila, Philippines. It may not look like much but I've had the best years of my life in this place, even the worse years.

What seems to be happening is a documentary-type of promo that is signaling the arrival of Daniel Dela Cruz in WZCW. The camera rapidly goes through the Filipino flag up close as it is waving in the air ever so gallantly, showing true Filipino pride.

Dela Cruz: I've worked so hard and come so close. Finally, I've arrived in WZCW. You may know me for my work in other smaller promotions but nothing can compare to the WZCW. Here, I plan to be the best I can be. All those years training in the Philippines and in other promotions have led me up to this.

The camera then shows footage of Dela Cruz's opponent, Jason Armstrong, the man who he'll be facing in his debut match.

Dela Cruz: Jason Armstrong, I've seen your work, you can go in that ring man. For that, I applaud you. But you see, I hope you don't take me lightly because I'm no walk in the park man. When we set foot in that ring, it's a fight, a fight to the finish to be exact. I won't take you lightly either despite the age difference, you are still the man with the advantage here actually.

The camera shows footage of Armstrong of when he was in the ring score a victory after an impressive array of moves as the crowd roared in applause for him. A victory from Dela Cruz was seen as well as he performed his patented double jump moonsault which led the crowd to go wild.

Dela Cruz: So Armstrong, you best be ready, cause I'll be ready. You and I are alike in many ways, but one thing that sets me apart from you is that I have this opportunity right now, and I won't let anyone down, especially you dad.

Dela Cruz gets a bit emotional after mentioning his own father.

Dela Cruz: Now let's go out there and give the fans a helluva match!

However, the video ends as Dela Cruz can be seen smiling with his bare teeth out and about like a kid who was just given the best present of his life.
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