AF7: Hiro Kota Koji vs. Hollywood Jameson

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
After the attack by Justin Cooper last week, Hiro has been still cleared to compete but will go against someone who will be making their WZCW debut in Hollywood Jameson. He is in great position to show the rest of the roster he means business as the "A-list" star gets to take out a current WZCW competitor: who has been warned that if he doesn't perform to his best tonight after recently spending more time in catering than the GYM, he may be kicked out the door without Jameson's help.

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
A pink sun marks the twilight of a humid day. A sparking white private jet is landing on a runway. A jet black limousine is parked on the runway, waiting for the jet to land. As it lands, it's door slowly opens. A man in black sunglasses & a suit the same shade of white as the jet walks out to a smirk. He is followed by 5 towering men, all of them wearing black t-shirts with the words "Hollywood Jameson". The doors of the limousine open, & a man in the back of it wearing a dark beige suit, carrying a jet black briefcase runs out hollering & celebrating as if he's won the lottery. The man in the beige suits wildly starts shaking hands with the man in the white suit.

Chuck Myles: My god, it's you! The A-List himself! I still can't believe i'm seeing you in the flesh & blood, man!

Hollywood Jameson: Well, believe it my friend. It took a while to get everything settled, but you are now the first to witness your next big thing of WZCW, Hollywood Jameson.

Chuck Myles: Well, not just yet. The contract hasn't been signed yet.

Hollywood Jameson:Well then son, bring it to me!

Chuck Myles:Alright, here it is, Mr. Jameson. And don't call me son ever again.

A smirk appears on the face of Hollywood Jameson

Hollywood Jameson: Whatever you say, "boss". What the hell do you do anyway?

Chuck Myles: I'm the general manager of WZCW AfterShock, & I don't have to sign you to a damn thing if you keep up that attitude with me, A-Lister or not.

One of the hulking brutes surrounding Hollywood Jameson walks up the Chuck Myles, looking to pick a fight

Hollywood Jameson: Tyrus, get the hell back here!

Tyrus steps back, staring at Chuck Myles with a scwol on his face.

Hollywood Jameson: Please, excuse my boy Tyrus. He get riled up pretty quickly, i should've warned you about that. Now anyway, show me that contract.

Chuck Myles unlocks the briefcase & takes a pen out of his pocket, handing over to Hollywood Jameson. Jameson stares at the contract for a few second, & signs his name on the dotted line.

Hollywood Jameson: And there you go. Now, one of the biggest stars in all of entertainment, HOLLYWOOD JAMESON, is yo' newest WZCW superstars. Chuckie boy, you just performed what will be one the biggest damn moments in WZCW history! And lemme tell you something, I promise you, you or anyone else ain't ever gonna regret this! I promise ya!"

Hollywood Jameson runs inside the limo, a Cheshire grin forming on his face. The five men of his entourage follow him. Tyrus stares back at Chuck Myles before entering the limo. Chuck stares at the limo, a grimace now covering his, he now looks opposite of the celebrating man he was at the beginning of his "meeting" with Hollywood Jameson.

Chuck Myles: My god, what have I done?

Chuck walks into the limousine finally. The black limo drives off with Chuck, the entourage, & most importantly, Hollywood Jameson, all now wondering what the futures of WZCW & themselves shall look because of this day.
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