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AF24: Isabel Stone vs. Ricky Runn

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Legendary lumberjack Moose McCanada, known for his legendary flapjacks and his disturbing tendency to draw faces on them and pretend they were little flapjack families, once said: "Hell hath no fury like a pancake's mom." Well, Moose McCanada never met the raging Isabel Stone, who successfully returned to WZCW with a victory over fellow femme fatales Sandy Deserts and Amber Warren. She'll take on the man who put her out of commission with a legendary incident of bad luck, Ricky Runn, who brought his signature brand of disaster to Grand Mystique last week. Runn had best come prepared for an absolutely furious Stone, next time on WZCW Aftershock.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
Chapter Seven: REVENGE (Part 2)
Seven Is The Ultimate Lucky Number

You messed up your roll up! See how easy I'm getting out?

With a snap, I had been knocked to the floor with Sam clammering to her feet. I groaned and pouted up to her. Sam takes training easy on no one.

Try it again. Justin! Mark it down as another bag of chips!

This was how training went. Your failed pin ups and assults were marked down as little food items you now owed whoever you were practicing with. For now, it was an even tie between the two of us, with Justin watching and keeping score on his white board. I growled and stood up, spearing Sam to the floor. She groaned and landed with a thud as I rolled her up for a full four seconds.

Ha! Another bag of M&M's to me!

Dream on!

This continues for the next hour until Justin's hand cramps up and he fills a bucket with ice water which he proceeds to dump on us. Sam and I sputter and scramble to our feet, soaking wet.

Oh Izzy,I'll let you have the honors on this one.

I grin and tackle Justin flat onto his back, which results in a loud THUD.

Ow, Izzy...

That is what you get. Jerk.


The phone starts ringing just as Justin flips me over and pins my hands down. Sam decides to leave me helpless and goes to answer the phone. I struggle with Justin and end up kneeing him in the gut to get him off. Justin groans in actual pain and holds his stomach.

Iz, come on! Why'd you have to do that?

Because the only person crazy enough to call me at this time of day is Becky Serra. She probably put me in some stupid match up again. Besides, I need to beat up a teeny-bopper.

I jump up and run to where Sam is. She's on the phone, a hand perched on her hip. Oh this will be a good sass.

Listen Becky. You're lucky Isabel hasn't beaten the crap out of you with that tongue. I'll tell her the news but I warn ya now: Watch your back. You best be scared of the Scot who's now going to hunt your size 2 ass.

She hangs up without waiting for a reply and high fives me. Sam may seem nice and sassy, but to see her in the ring is downright scary. She is not a Scot you want to mess with.

What'd she want?

Says you have a match against some Run guy... I don't know, she tried to command me to get you.

I stare at Sam in shock.

I'm finally facing Ricky Runn.

Justin has come into the room and hears me say that. I feel his expression change and he and Sam exchange glances. I feel myself begin to smile. I finally get Runn.

Night Before AfterShock

Justin and I cuddle together under the sheets in our bed. Sam is already asleep in her room, the two of them having gone thru my epic training techniques for tomorrow. Justin fingers my red lock of hair as I lay on his strong chest, enjoying a bit of peace. Maybe this is what normal people do. Sit around all day and cuddle someone they love.

Ricky Runn is dangerous you know. I mean, every time some one gets into the ring with him, they end up getting hurt. The last time you two were in a ring alone, you got your neck busted and I almost lost you. Maybe this is a bad idea, facing him.

Justin, for months I have been training and driving myself insane trying to find a way to face this guy. You saw how I was. I need to do this. I need to face him.

Isabel, look at the facts. You're still not 100%, and his luck gets everyone else hurt. What if he puts you out of commission again?

He won't.

Isabel I don't want to see you broken again. I saw what happened when you were and I hated every second of it. It scared me senseless. He could get you hurt even worse next time.

I sigh and look at Justin, his deep green eyes worried. I love staring into his eyes. They always sparkle when he sees me lowering the self-confidence of some dumb-blonde cheerleader.

I'm not going back to that state of mind Justin. My dad put me thru a lot and I finally fought him out. You should've seen how bad I was before I met Sam. Even if I do get hurt, I'll bounce back quick and just kick his ass backstage for the hell of it. But tomorrow I have my chance to publicly humiliate him. To beat his ass in front of all his stupid fans who love and praise him on a daily basis.

Justin sighs and pushes his hair back from his face.

Just be careful tomorrow. But for now, sleep. Or I'll make you.

I grin and climb up his chest.

I'd love to see you try.

Justin growls and flips me over, proceeding to wear us both out into sleep.

When I open my eyes I'm in an empty wrestling ring. The spotlight is on me and the rest of the room is completely black. All I can see on either side is the ring. I'm afraid to leave the ring for fear I'll get lost in the dark.

Am I dreaming?

What do you think Isabel?

Oh SHIT. Not again.

I turn to my father and glare at him.

I thought I got rid of you.

You did try. I'm your father. Did you really think I would leave that easily?

He shoves me into the ring post and drags my hair back. I cry out and feel tears leak out of my eyes.

You're pathetic. You don't deserve a man like Justin. Or a friend like Sam. And they know it too.

I turn and see a part of the outside ring has been lit up. Justin and Sam stand together, him holding her in his arms. The way he holds me when he knows I've had a bad day. He strokes a piece of red hair from her face and she leans up towards him. Like old lovers tieing the knot, they kiss tenderly, which turns quickly into passion. Before I can puke, they disappear back into the darkness. Ryan drags my head forward again.

You're a failure Isabel. You'll never amount to anything and you know it. You'll never have adoring fans, never have a title, never have anything other than a jobber's position in the back, waiting for the call that will never come.

My ears pound with the sound of my coworkers laughing horrendously, endlessly. I start to cry, my ears ready to explode. It cuts off and Ryan's voice comes thru again.

That's right cry. Cry like the little girl you have always been. I beat the little girl out of you years ago but it just keeps coming back. You think you can love but how can you when I never even loved you? Your mother left because she hated you. She never wanted to see your pathetic face again after you began to wrestle. You're nothing Isabel. And you'll fail!

He throws me into the middle of the ring and I whimper and try to get away. It's like I'm six again, trying to run when I know he'll just catch me in the end. He flips me onto my back, grabs my neck and-


I wake up with a scream caught in my throat. It's 2:47 AM. Justin groans and turns over in his sleep, his arm now laying on my lap. I'm sweating like a pig. It feels like my neck should be hurting but there's nothing. Just the reminants of a really bad nightmare. Realization occurs.

I really need to beat Ricky Runn. Or it starts all over again.

Laying next to Justin in the dark, I close my eyes and pray for a bit of peace.
The Museum seemed to go on for hours, or at least for the hot head, Ricky Runn. Who was stuck inside the Smithsonian with his friend Rob. At the moment, the two were in a small group that was being directed by a tour guide. A rather unsubtle groan escapes Ricky and says to the tour guard.

Ricky:"Ugh, I'm bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored bored, boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"

Ricky was then hit with an elbow from Rob who said frustrated to the Daredevil.

Rob:"Shut up Ricky, you know we're not the only ones here, right?"

Ricky:"Oh god I know, and that is what is so boring about it. Can't we just hide out and wait for the place to close. I really want to see if it is true that all the artifacts come to life at night when no one is watching."

Rob:"For the last time Ricky, just because it was in a Ben Stiller movie, doesn't make it true."

Ricky:"Says you, has Ben Stiller ever lied to you? Yeah, thought so!."


Ricky and Rob were then shushed by a old later who gave the two a dirty look, to which Ricky responded justly by sticking out his tongue and narrowing his eyes. pulling Rob out of the group he said a bit more silently.

Ricky:"Come on, this is boring the hell out of me, let's go have some fun."

Rob:"You better not be heading back to the dinosaur exhibit."

Sure enough, Ricky and Rob found themselves at the dinosaur exhibit. Once they made it into the room Rob sighed and looked down.

Rob:"Oh god, what are you, 12?"

Ricky grinned from ear to ear when he hopped over the ropes to raptor where the bones of the long deceased Velociraptor. Ricky smiled and began moving the jaw of the dinosaur and spoke in a high pitched voice.

Ricky:"Look Rob! I'm Isabel Stone, and I'm one giant stupid head. I like to eat doody and I like having a stupid grudge over something that was like a billion years old and have no idea how to accept a apology."

Rob:"Oh my god."


Rob:"You are 12."

Ricky chuckled and then spoke again with the same high pitched voice, shaking the jaw around to imitate the dinosaur speaking.

Ricky:"Listen Rob, you just don't get me, okay? How would you have liked it if the only thing you have ever accomplished in the fed was turning your neck into mashed potatoes? See Rob, if Izzy had any bit of sturdiness and durability as this dinosaur, than Izzy wouldn't have been hurt in the--"SNAP "Oh hamburgers."

Now in Ricky's hand, and dislocated from the skull of the dinosaur, was the jaw. Ricky had snapped the jaw right off the bone.

Ricky:"Okay, no. I can fix this... actually come to think about it, this dinosaur is a lot more like Izzy stone. She can't shut up, or stop moving her mouth. Sheesh lady, I tried saying sorry about the match. Can't she just get over it?"

Rob:"Ricky, fix it now before we end up paying for it!"

Ricky:"Okay, okay, dang dude. I got it. Relax."

Spoiler alert: Ricky doesn't get it.

With the jaw, Ricky did his best to put it back in place, which was mainly him trying to jam the jaw back into place so he can run out of there without any trouble. Luck was once again not on Ricky's side, when one jab to place the jaw back on caused the model with all the bones to fall backward. Causing the neck of it get split in half against a pillar.

Ricky:"Oh snap!"

Rob:"Good lord, Ricky. Get the hell out of there!"

Unfortunately, the pillar that the dinosaur hit, was holding up the spine for the larger, more impressive collection of the T-Rex. The metal pillar lost its placing and caused the spine of the T-rex to fall to the ground. With the bones falling all over the place and the exhibit it was pure and utter madness. Ricky and Rob were lucky to get out of the exhibit alive. However, once they were safe, they were met with Security who had a rather displeased look upon their faces.

Hours later, after going through several amounts of paperwork, both Ricky and Rob were thrown out on their asses from the Smithsonian.

Rob:"Banned. Banned, from the Smithsonian. You know what you have to do to get a permanent ban from the Smithsonian Ricky?"

Ricky:"Successfully cause a domino affect that broke the necks of every dinosaur in their museum?"

The answer caused Rob to groan before rubbing his forehead.

Ricky:"Hey man, it could have been worse. Thankfully a set of tickets to the next WZCW show, and a couple thousands buck prevented us from seeing any jail time. You gotta look at the positives dude. That's something people like Stone can't see man. You just see what's happened, and what's wrong, and never see ahead. It could have been worse, it could have been worse, we could have died. I get that, and I know that. I just don't linger on it. When I got spiked into the canvas and missed time all thanks to Showtime, I didn't let that rattle me, and I certainly didn't go after Showtime's neck like a fat kid goes after sugar free cake. Izzy isn't gonna quit, and I ain't gonna hold back this time. Even if it means I have to snap her neck again. Know what man? We need to stop hanging out, because I'm sick and tired of constantly trying to get you to embrace life the way I do, and I'm tired of you trying to tie me down to the way you wanna see life."

On that note, Ricky sighs and walks away from his friend, who was left standing there at the front doors in surprise.
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