AF24: Dr. Zeus vs. Blade

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The enigmatic Dr. Zeus rolled over Thrash in his first WZCW match ever, putting the wrestling world on notice. As all of WZCW begins to feel uneasy with this man in the locker room, one man is courageous enough to face him - Blade, who, since returning at Lethal Lottery, has sworn to uphold righteousness in WZCW and protect the weak. While some are questioning his commitment, he'll have to be unwavering if he intends to defeat the new hot commodity in Dr. Zeus.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
Before there was Dr. Zeus, there was Dorian Geigel...​

The young, bright eyed Dr. Dorian Geigel sat at the table with some of the most brilliant minds in the medical world, wondering how he got here. This was one of the most exclusive of medical conferences in the world, held in Switzerland every April, and this was Dorian's first appearance at the conference. It was sure not to be his last though; in fact, Dorian was asked to give a presentation later in the night on a new drug that was to revolutionize the medical world. For now, though, here Dr. Geigel was, sitting at the head of a very small table of colleagues, all of which were men at least fifteen years older than Dorian. All of these men had graying hair that was quickly getting wispier, bags under their eyes from countless 18 hour shifts, and paunches around their bodies to announce that these men had passed their physical prime. Yet, what his peers lacked in physical stature, they more than made up for in mental alertness. Age had refined their minds, molding them into doctors of dazzling intellect, capable of saving lives in a split decision. Dorian knew that all of these men were considered the best of his field, renown by all as beacons of the medical field. What Dorian didn't know was that these same men also held him with the same esteem.

All his life, Dorian's dream was to become a doctor, and help give hope to those who were hopeless. A boy who didn't grow up with much, Dorian wanted to help those that were just like him. He pushed himself through medical school, all the while knowing that he didn't just want to be a doctor, he needed to be a doctor. It was one of two jobs that Dorian wanted, and the only job Dorian could feasibly hold in this society. Dorian chased after his dream relentlessly, almost relishing the sleepless nights studying for exams, the night long residencies at run down hospitals, and the exhausting dissertation. But it all proved worth it for Dorian, as he could not only fulfill his dream of being a doctor, but obtain his real goal in life.

Dorian excelled in psychology courses at his undergraduate school, but his favorite course was actually an English course, examining the impact Catcher in the Rye had on society. Dorian found Holden Caulfield to be a contemptible wretch; someone who came off more like a spoiled baby than the voice of a generation. The farther Dorian got into the book, the more he resented Holden, until Dorian read this passage-

“Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff – I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be.”

Dr. Geigel never bothered to finish the book. He never read the first twenty two chapters again, he never read the last four chapters, and he never found out what Holden became. Instead, every night, before he went to bed, he would read that passage five times. He never wanted to finish the book, because he wanted to believe that Holden did become the catcher in the rye. Dorian wanted to believe that he could become a catcher in the rye, too. He believed that he could save everyone from going over the cliff, catching every child before they could stumble and spiral to their death. Dorian wanted... No, he knew, that this was what he supposed to do. It wasn't just a desire... This was a message, sent by God.

Dorian had never learned that he, just like Holden, misinterpreted the original meaning of the poem.

"Dr. Geigel," bellowed one of the paunchier, wispier haired men, Dr. Collie. This shook Dorian from his idle day dreams, and finally brought him back to the table and his peers. He blinked a few times and shook his head, to fully get his surroundings. "I have a colleague of mine who's been eager to meet you." The pudgy doctor looked around the table, almost as if to give a signal. "Would you all mind if Dorian and I were excused from the table for a minute?" The other doctors shook their head politely, offering kind smiles and accepting nods that Dorian and Dr. Collie could leave the table. The two slowly got up from the table, sure to shake the hands of the men they were leaving, and extend their gratitude at meeting these men.

Dr. Collie offered meekly to Dorian as they were walking around round tables filled with doctors,"Shall I assume that this is a welcome distraction, given how bored you appeared?" Dr. Geigel was shocked that he let slip that he was daydreaming, and blushed out of embarrassment. Dorian was here to make a good impression, and already he was probably going to be considered the space case of the conference. Dr. Collie looked to Dorian, and noticed how ashamed he must have felt. "Oh, don't worry yourself too much. I'm lucky I haven't fallen asleep at this conference yet." Dorian giggled, and felt a little better. Dr. Collie was an easygoing doctor, who liked to lighten the mood with a joke or two. It was a tactic Dr. Geigel would use with his patients, and something that he appreciated. As they got a little further out of earshot from their table guests, Dr. Collie leaned closer to whisper, "They can be a little long winded. It comes with age."

Dr. Collie and Dr. Geigel only walked a short distance over to a table seating four men, and two women. As they neared the table, Dr. Collie held out an extended index finger, the universal signal to wait, and whispered into the ear of a fairly large, bald man. This seemed like a scene right out of the Godfather... Which meant that Dorian was possibly the one to get whacked. Well, they did say the medical world was corrupt. Dorian noticed the rippling back muscles of the man, and how much younger he seemed than the rest of his peers. Finally, someone who wouldn't want to go to breakfast tomorrow at Country Kitchen Buffet. As he looked at his back, he also noticed a mask tied around the man's neck, and realized who Dr. Collie had taken him to. As the man turned around, Geigel spotted the unmistakable scar through the eye. Dorian Geigel was about to meet a man he revered very much, Dr. Kurtesy.

Dr. Kurtesy swiftly excused himself from the rest of the table, as did his neighbor, a pretty woman with a radiant smile. Kurtesy had a presence to him that captured your attention, and Dorian had read of the exploits of Dr. Kurtesy and his partner, someone named Sandy Deserts. He revered the man, and quickly realized that this man that Dorian respected very much had actually asked to specifically see Dorian.

"Dr. Geigel," began Dr. Collie, "I'd like to introduce you to Professor-"

"Dr. Collie-" interrupted Dr. Kurtesy, "Please, you know how I feel about that title. Dr. Geigel, pleased to meet you. I am Dr. Steven Kurtesy." Dr. Kurtesy offered a massive hand to Dr. Geigel, and smiled a smile that made you feel like he had known you a thousand years. Dorian knew the smile very well; he had been giving it to patients for years. Dr. Collie went back to his table, to let these three speak.

Dr. Geigel smiled at Kurtesy, and looked him right in the eyes, to offer the same smile. "A pleasure, Dr. Kurtesy."

"Likewise," replied Dr. Kurtesy. He looked over to his friend, about to introduce her to Dorian. "And this is my...My ..."

"Partner," interjected Sandy. "I am Dr. Kurtesy's partner, Dr. Sandy Deserts."

"Well, someone's parents loved wordplay," Dr. Geigel teased. Kurtesy snickered, as Sandy feigned annoyance. She rolled her eyes, but offered a tiny smile, to let him know it was clichéd, but that it didn't bother her that much.

"Listen, if you ever have kids, don't try to be cute with their names." Sandy offered a wink to Dorian, to show all was kosher.

"I'll be sure to tell my wife. We're expecting very soon." Dr. Geigel was clearly beaming. He and his wife had wanted children for years, and due to past miscarriages within his wife's family, Dorian was frightened they would never have kids. Now that she had made it thirty weeks without an incident, Dr. Geigel was counting the days until he could bring his son home from the hospital, and he and his wife could have the family they always dreamed of.

"Really? That's great, congratulations. I'm sure she must be ecstatic."

"You'd think, wouldn't you? I was supposed to help paint the nursery this weekend. She may make me sleep in there when /I get back; I may not be lucky enough to get the couch." Dr. Geigel offered a quick laugh over this idea.

"It won't be your last time; from what I hear, you might as well buy an extra bed in the nursery. You'll probably sleep more in that room than your own. So is she painting it alone, then?"

"No, she's waiting for me to come back. But, now she gets to decide the design. She chose a Dr. Seuss theme, so I guess it's going to be pretty colorful."

"Perfect for kids. Well, Sandy and I didn't ask you here for no reason, we wanted to ask about this wonder medicine you're working on."

"We hear it's going to change the way we treat mental illnesses." Sandy looked intently at the stranger; it was evident that Dr. Deserts was just as eager to help others as both Kurtesy and Geigel. Word had been spreading about Dr. Geigel's new drug, a gas that was meant to reverse possible side effects and addiction that comes with prescription pills. It was actually why Geigel was at the conference.

"Ah, I'd love to talk about it now," Geigel offered to Kurtesy, almost apologetically, "but I really can't say much until my presentation. Besides, the drug's still in the prototype stages; even if I told you any fine details now, we have to tinker with it more to make sure it will actually work."

Dr. Kurtesy looked over to Dr. Deserts, sure that they would get an answer like this. It wasn't as though Dr. Geigel was trying to be a jerk; medicine was just something that was very temperamental. Just because this wonder drug was tangible now, doesn't mean it's feasible."Understood; I'm sure this drug will change things up. We were just wondering what you could tell us about this drug, if anything." Dr. Kurtesy chose his words diplomatically, pausing after every sentence. "Sandy and I, we really feel like this drug could bring inner peace to patients. We're very interested to see how this medicine works."

Dr. Geigel breathed in, trying to settle the butterflies in his stomach. He really didn't want to jinx this, as he was so close to making this medicine a reality. "Well, I'm sure during my presentation, I can show you better how this drug will work. Maybe after this conference, we could all do dinner, to discuss this more... Discretely, perhaps?" Dr. Geigel looked around at his surroundings, to see if anyone could hear their conversation. This was proprietary information; were it anyone but Kurtesy and Desert, he'd deflect the issue even more.

"That would be nice,"Dr. Kurtesy said with a smile. "You work at John Hopkins, right? Sandy and I will be visiting in a month or so."

"Great, give me a call when you're in town. If you'd like, I could show you around."

They exchanged numbers and contact information, and shook hands. Dr. Kurtesy and Dr. Deserts sat back down at their table, whispering to one another. This was the apex of Dr. Geigel's career. He got to speak to two doctors he held in high regard, and was now about to present his findings on a wonder drug that could change the world of therapy. At the end of this conference, he would come to his loving (but pissed off) wife, his comfortable job, and his inevitable family life that he had always craved.

It was also the beginning of the end of Dr. Geigel. Soon, Dr. Geigel would die, and Dr. Zeus would take his place. And this was where Dr. Zeus considered himself born, out of the conversation that he felt Dr. Kurtesy and Dr. Deserts had cursed.

Leon Kensworth wandered down the darker halls of the arena for the Aftershock episode, determined to get the interview that WZCW fans have been looking for all week. Ever since people watched this monstrosity of a man known as Dr. Zeus decimate Thrash on Aftershock, there was an unnerving feeling that surrounded this man. It wasn't just how severely he'd beaten Thrash; it was the cold, distant manner in which he did it. The normally brash Johnny Klamor was rendered speechless, spooked by a man who could be so disturbingly fixated with the throat and neck. Klamor was a man who had seen it all in wrestling, but something about Dr.Zeus made him feel a way he never had before. Kensworth had a chance to speak with Zeus after his match, but it was also with the benefit of witnesses and spectators around him. Now, he walked down to a dark crevice of the arena, where it was said Dr. Zeus stayed until he was ready for his appointments. People didn't see much of Zeus backstage, but it wasn't as though people made an effort to find an obviously perverse man. Kensworth demanded to have this interview, though; he wasn’t going to let this aura ruin his ability to work in WZCW. He knew he had to find out what made this wrestler tick. As Kensworth walked into a secluded area of the arena, he heard disturbing, muffled noises, coming from behind a door. Everything was dark, save for cracks of light that escaped from openings in the door. As Kensworth grew closer to the dim light, the cacophonous sounds started to form some sense of a rhythm. Kensworth recognized it to be the rhythm to “It’s A Small World”, but it wasn’t happy. It was haunting, almost mocking Leon Kensworth in how small the world actually was. Leon knew the melody, but it didn’t have any whimsy of the original; only darkness.


Kensworth refused to let his judgment get the better of him, and pressed on to what must be Dr. Zeus' lair. As Leon got closer, he saw a sign over the door, which read: "The Doctor Is In?"

"The Doctor is in, indeed," Kensworth muttered. He knocked on the door, waiting to see if anyone was "home". He could hear the faint sounds of movement from behind the door, but waited for permission to enter. Leon pressed on, asking, "Dr.... Dr. Zeus? May we have a word?" Leon waited, but found no answer. "Dr. Zeus, we're looking for an interview. Could you-"

The door opened, and the light, as dim as it was, blinded Leon Kensworth. Leon blinked a few times, before stepping into the room, sure to keep his head on a swivel at all times. After scouring the room, he finally found Dr. Zeus, with his back turned to Kensworth, working at a desk. Zeus stood over his desk, tinkering as though no one was there. Leon waited a few seconds, curious to what Dr. Zeus was working on. Throughout all of this, the disturbing music played on loop, sending a chill up Leon's spine. "Dr. Zeus, I came for an interview, about your opponent for this week's Aftershock, Blade. He's a man who's become a voice for the voiceless... What do you have to say about your upcoming match with Blade?". Dr. Zeus didn't offer a word. Instead, he continued working at his desk, not even acknowledging Leon's presence. Kensworth couldn't decide if it was a good or bad thing to be ignored by Zeus. He cleared his throat, and spoke up more, declaring, "Dr. Zeus, the WZCW fans want to know-"

"Please, have a seat; I'll be with you yet.
Have a seat on the floor and get set."

Dr. Zeus spoke with a certain whimsy, a sing song manner that made him all the more disturbing. But, he never thought to give Leon a passing glance. He continued working at his desk. So, Leon decided to take a seat on the floor, and wait to see what this man had to say. What must have been a few moments seemed like hours, as Leon waited to see what this man had been devising. Aside from the music and Leon clearing his throat, there wasn't a sound. Finally, Dr. Zeus turned around, and looked at Kensworth with a smile. He was carrying a book under his right arm, and walked over to an unoccupied rocking chair, never taking his eyes off Kensworth. Kensworth looked to the book that Zeus held, and read the title, The Sneetches' Voice. Dr. Zeus looked down on this book with pride, and opened the first page, beginning to read in a sing song manner;

"The Sneetches were proud to be who they were
From the tops of their heads, to their toe fur.
Sneetches were all really such wondrous things.
Their entire day they would brag and sing.
Of course, some Sneetches felt better than most.
Some Sneetches loved to do nothing but boast.
Some would sing, 'I am so much better than all'.
And that was the typical Sneetches call.
But some poor Sneetches were not like the rest.
Some Sneetches were simply never the best.
Some Sneetches were poor, some Sneetches were ill.
Some Sneetches would never fit in God's will.
And those poor, poor Sneetches thought it unfair.
No matter what they did, God didn’t care.
They’d always be sick, they’d always be poor.
They’d never amount to anything more.
Well, one day, one brave Sneetch chose to speak up.
Blade was the name of this rambunctious pup.”

At the mention of Blade’s name, Dr. Zeus grew noticeably angrier. He clutched into his book harder, digging his fingernails into the hardback cover. He voice lowered to a deep bass at the sheer mention Blade’s name. The same sing song rhythm would stay in Zeus’ voice, but with far more contempt attached to every word.
"Blade thought his mission was to help the damned.
Blade's cry for justice became a demand.
And as Blade preached, he became, you'll agree,
Just a megalomaniac, you see.
He thought he could change what couldn't be changed.
And poor Blade simply became more deranged.
While saving the world would fill up Blade's dreams.
The world would still crumble right at the seams.
Millions of Sneetches would starve late at night.
Billions of Sneetches would pass away from fright."

At saying the words "pass away", a calmness filled Dr. Zeus; a decent amount of the rage that existed exited his body, and he continued to read his book.

"Still, other Sneetches wanted their own say.
They wouldn't have it any other way.
Some tried to speak for the sake of the weak,
Even if the outcome was largely bleak.
It shouldn't be hard for you all to see.
The ill just don't think like you or like me.
Sandy Deserts didn't see it like this.
This poor, naive Sneetch thought something amiss.
She thought she could help those that were unwell,
To keep them away from the fires of Hell.

At the mention of "Hell", the same rage reappeared. Dr. Zeus could barely contain his contempt, as he continued his reading. His breaths became labored, and his teeth grit more after every word.

"But it's not Sandy's fault, that I should say.
She sure had a lot of help on the way.
A doctor far, far more foolish than she.
A doctor that's named Steven Kurtesy!"

At the mention of Steven Kurtesy, Dr. Zeus threw the book over Kensworth's head, and started to punch walls. He destroyed everything in the room, breaking his desk and lights. In what became perhaps the most frightening thought Kensworth had in months, he realized that he was alone with Dr. Zeus in a pitch black room. Kensworth heard a click, and jumped to his feet, before he saw that Dr. Zeus had turned on a flashlight. Now, all Kensworth would see was the seething face of the doctor.

"These Sneetches claim to be agents of God.
But the world should know these Sneetches are frauds.
Their words amount to nothing but heresy.
Their souls won't be saved, even if they pray.
God sent me to strike down these Heretics.
And though you may feel this a tad drastic,
I'll cut out their tongues, so that they can't speak.
They won't make a sound; they won't shriek or squeak.
Take the voice from the voiceless, and it dies.
So it's my mission to see Blade's demise."

After saying this, Dr. Zeus looks as though he has just thought the most brilliant thing in his life, and sits back in his rocking chair. He isn't able to contain his mirth, as he lets out a little chuckle. Kensworth backs away, and thinks a little better about accepting jobs like this.
Vance Bateman walks through the halls of the arena hosting Aftershock, towards his office for the week. His attractive assistant strides up to him, looking a tad dishevelled. "Um, Mr. Bateman?" she asks him timidly. He looks at her apprehensively.

"What is it, Sarah?" he asks urgently.

She hesitates, her fear of Bateman and his temper freezing her in place. "There’s something happening in the lobby… It’s… Well, come see for yourself."

The anxiety begins to set in on Bateman as his assistant leads him through the grey halls of the building. With the show only a few hours away, producers, cameraman and trainers bustle to and fro to get everything ready. A young intern accidentally gets in Bateman’s way. "Move!" The young man shivers in his boots before sidestepping and Bateman marches forwards. They reach the lobby to find a crowd of audience members gathered around the merchandise table.

Standing on it is Blade. "Are you ready?" The crowd gives a hearty cheer and Blade shoves his hand into the box. He pulls out several crumpled up t-shirts and throws them out into the crowd. Hands fly in the air, trying desperately to catch one of the free shirts. Blade chuckles to himself. "Calm down, everyone, there’s plenty to go around!"

Bateman is frozen in place as his assistant looks nervously from him to Blade. Meanwhile, Blade grabs another box off the table.

"How about some…"

He pulls out the top shirt.

"Holmes shirts?"

The crowd boos.

"Yeah, I feel dirty just touching them."

Blade throws the box over the crowd to the other side of the lobby. The box lands on its side and the t-shirts fall out, unfolding and becoming creased. Blade grabs another box and looks inside. "Oh, Grizzly Bob shirts! Who wants one?" Again, cheers erupt from the crowd and hands fly into the air. A man picks up his son and puts him on his shoulders. Blade throws the kid a top.

"You get one for determination!" he says with a quick wink.

Bateman is bright purple, looking like a wrinkled plum with a grey wig. He grabs the arm of his assistant. "Go pick up those Holmes t-shirts! I’ll deal with this." He starts to push his way through the crowd. There’s a mixture of boos and disbelief as the fans realise that one of the WZCW brass is among them. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Hey Vance! Just spreading the wealth. This company has plenty to spare, right?"

"Get down from there now! Tell this people to leave!"

The crowd boo loudly, drowning out Bateman’s demands. Blade smirks and shrugs. "I’m sorry, Vance. I’m not you, I’m not under the illusion that I can control these people. They are free!" The crowd erupts into applause and cheers. He picks up another box and pulls out a foam finger. "Foam fingers? They still make these? Whatever, who wants a foam finger!"

The crowd start shoving Bateman out of the way as they clamour for another free piece of merch. Bateman is furious as he adjusts his tie and fixes his hair before stomping away from the scene.


Inside Bateman’s office, an hour later. An awkward silence fills the room as Bateman is weighing his words as Blade sits across from him. Bateman is desperately trying to contain his rage. "You’re back barely a fortnight and already I find you in my office."

"You make it sound like I came here voluntarily," Blade quips.

Bateman shakes his head, keeping his cool. Barely. "You… Threw out hundreds of dollars’ worth of merchandise. We sell those t-shirts, we don’t give them out for free. We need to make a profit. Do you understand that? That is the whole aim of this company!"

"I thought the aim of this company was to entertain the fans. Am I wrong?"

"We are here to make money off those people, nothing more. We just happen to do that by entertaining them. If we thought we could make money off them by selling washing machines, we’d do that too! This is the wrestling business! Do you understand? Business!"

Blade looks disappointed as he pulls out a rollie and lights it up. In Bateman’s distracted rage, he doesn’t even tell Blade to pull it out.

"You’re pathetic, you know that?"

"How dare--"

I throw out some free t-shirts to those diehard fans who were queuing hours before the show starts, I get them excited and happy and you vilify me for that?

"You lost us money! And if you don’t watch your tongue, I will suspend you!"

Listen to me. You know about business, but you know nothing about our fans. You have to give them a break. Because if you keep ripping them off the way you do, they will eventually turn, biting back like an abused dog who just can’t take it anymore. You’ve done such a good job hypnotising these people. They don’t realise yet that you need them more than they need you. I can shed light on this fact, so I would be very careful what you threaten me with, Vance.

Vance is speechless. Believing the conversation is over, Blade gets up and walks out, leaving a thin trail of smoke behind him.


Blade sits in his locker room reflecting on his conversation with Bateman, glass of whiskey in his hand. There’s a knock at the door. "Come in."

The door opens and Stacey Madison pops her head in. Blade grimaces at the site of her as she opens the door fully and walks through."Damn. The only reason I agreed to this interview is because I thought you still had the nice couches."

"I’m afraid they’re long gone."

Stacey slumps into one of the metal chairs and limply holds up the microphone. "I’ll have you know that I don’t have my purse with me."

Blade smirks as he puts the empty glass down on the third chair as he takes a seat across from her. "Understood."

"Fine, let’s get this over with. Dr. Zeus. What’s the deal with him?"

"We’ve had a lot of freaks and misfits roam these halls. But this guy… He’s different."

Stacey is barely listening, staring at her feet. Blade lights up a cigarette and takes a drag, blowing the smoke towards Stacey. That gets her attention. "Jerk!" she snaps at him.

"As I was saying… In some ways, I actually kind of respect Zeus," he says thoughtfully.

"You? The self-appointed Mr. Justice?"

"I respect that he lives by some kind of code. He’s found a purpose for himself. I didn’t have that until a few months ago. All I had before that was my hollow pursuit of the WZCW World title. And even that was only instilled in me through the brainwashing of my father. But that’s where the respect for Zeus ends. Because, quite frankly, I think the man is a monster."

"If you say so."

You’re telling me he doesn’t disgust you?

"I’m paid to make sure he doesn’t disgust me, Blade."

"Oh, yeah. Paid to think what you’re told to think. Paid to say what you’re told to say. Paid to feel what you’re told to feel. "

"There’s nothing wrong with being unbiased."

"There’s something wrong with being unbiased towards a cold-blooded killer. Especially for money."

"That’s funny, coming from a thief."

Blade’s eyes narrow towards her as he takes a drag. "Can you really compare pickpocketing to murder? Pickpocketing is an art. Murder is murder."

She shrugs in response, "Did you really just say stealing is an art?"

Blade grins as he puts out his cigarette. This was clearly the invitation he was looking for. "If you want to not get caught, you don’t just grab someone’s wallet and run for your life. It’s about timing, the lightest of touches and psychology. Here, let me show you." He picks up the extinguished cigarette butt from the ashtray. He holds it up in front of a cautious Stacey.

"If you’ll just humour me for a moment, keep your eyes on this cigarette butt for a few seconds."

Stacey immediately shakes her head and turns away, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why did you look away?" he asks, trying to hold back a smirk.

Still facing away from her interviewee, a sly smile spreads across her face. "Because I’m smarter than Klamour. I’m not going to fall for your tricks. If you tell me to look at something, I won’t do it because I’m not going to let you mess with my head like you do to everyone else."

Blade lets out a chortle and puts the cigarette butt back in the ashtray.That’s fine. By the way, I have to be somewhere at four. Can you tell me what time it is? Stacey sighs and turns her head back around. She looks down to see a bare wrist. Blade watches her expressions with great amusement, her face going to shock followed by confusion followed by anger. He holds up the Rolex before her eyes.

"You little…"

"See, I know you, Stacey and I know how unlikely you were to co-operate when I asked you to look at the cigarette. I knew you would likely look as far away as possible. In doing so, you would take the only thing of value you have, this watch, out of your eye-line. You did exactly what I thought you would. And now I have this."

Blade admires the beautiful watch before glancing back up at his interviewer.


She puts out her hand. "Give that back! Now!" Blade throws it back to her and she clutches it tightly in her hand, eyes fixed firmly on Blade. But he is done toying with her as he gets up and walks over to where his bag is opened.

"Understand your mark, and they become your puppets. And I understand Zeus. The problem with Zeus’ methods is that he treats every one of his “patients” the same way. He doesn’t discriminate with who needs his supposed help. If he feels you’d be better off dead, then you will die." He pulls out his favourite trench coat and starts to put it on. "But when I was helping people on the streets, I met a lot of people who were sick. I met the families of those who had succumbed to illness as well. Do you what all the survivors had in common?"

"You gave them money that they didn’t earn?"

Blade ignores Stacey’s snide comment as he pulls out his sunglasses. "They had help. Whether from their loved ones or something else worth living for, they found strength and the will to survive. And then, they felt human again. It’s so easy to end it all when it seems darkest. But what Zeus doesn’t understand is that with help, a sick person can come through at the other side as a stronger person."

He crosses the room, walking towards his door. "It’s not a sign of weakness to need help. It’s a sign of weakness to deny someone help. And on Aftershock, for all the darkness he has caused, I’m going to make Doctor Zeus see the light." He leaves the locker room.
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