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AF23: Sandy Deserts vs. Amber Warren vs. Isabel Stone

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

For the first time ever in WZCW, three female superstars face off in a triple threat match. The veteran Sandy Deserts will look to re-establish herself, as will Isabel Stone, who went off-the-grid over the Lethal Lottery weekend. Meanwhile, the debuting Amber Warren will try to make a name for herself by taking down two of WZCW's best female stars!

Deadline is Tuesday, May 28th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
The crowd is on fire, roaring in appreciation after each move is performed. My ears are boxed in causing me to retreat backwards. I can’t quite make out who just boxed my ears in but I continue taking the punishment as the figure again boxes in my ears. I hear bells ringing and start to lose sight on the figure but then I see another dark figure. The second figure seems to have saved me from the first one. However, I am wrong about this as the second figure has taken me, snapmares me over and lands a low dropkick right on the kisser. I see them now, it’s Isabel Stone and Sandy Deserts! But where am I? THUD! I drop to the floor after rolling out of the ring. It finally came to me, I’m in a triple threat against two of WZCW’s finest female superstars. Am I dreaming? Is this real?

I struggle at first to come to terms with what’s happening but I feel the pain, this has to be real. I look up from the ring apron to see Isabel Stone deliver a back hand to Sandy Deserts. Sandy is infuriated at the disrespect just shown by Isabel to which she retaliates by bitch-slapping Isabel as well! For a moment, I felt like a fan with the best seat in the house. But then I realize that I’m part of this match too. I get back to my senses, making sure I’m ready for battle. I enter the fray with no strategy whatsoever, but I’m doing good so far as I’m the only one standing after connecting on a springboard crossbody on Sandy. Am I dreaming, is this real, are the questions that I still have going on in my head but I can’t worry about that now, I’m in a match for Christ’s sake!

It seems I did have a strategy as the plan just came to me after gaining the advantage in the match. I took the veteran, Sandy out by throwing her over the top rope. Not long after, Isabel was in my sight. She has absolutely no idea where she is, that’s where I strike. As she gets up, spaghetti-legged, I springboard from the rope and as she turns around, BOOM! Dropkick right to the kisser! This is over, it has to be. I go for the pin while the referee slides in position, 1 – 2 – KICKOUT! What’s this? How did this happen? I’m now picked up by the hair and flung away by it as well, OUCH! It’s Sandy! “Oh, that bitch. I’m gonna get you Sandy!” I thought. I immediately went after her but to my surprise, I was blinded by a mist, green mist that seems to have come from her mouth. Moments later, her back fist connected right on my chin and boy, did that hurt. I did the only thing I thought would help me at the moment, roll out of the way.

My chin felt like it was ten times bigger after that hard hit from Sandy but that’s not what was disturbing me. What was disturbing me was the green mist still caught in my eyes. I try my hardest to get it out of my eyes but to no avail. “AMBER! AMBER! AMBER!” is what I hear from the section where I’m closest to. The chants get louder as I begin to stand but this god damn green mist is a pain. I can barely see anything that’s happening in the ring. With the help of the barricade and the swarming fans cheering me on, I manage to make my way to the ring. However, I see Isabel stirring, almost at her feet. But the fans are roaring in anticipation of what happens next. Sandy is on Isabel’s blind side looking to hit something. When I realize what the hell is going on, I’m too late! Sandy connects with her reverse roundhouse kick to Isabel who falls down like a sack of potatoes. She goes for the cover and the referee follows suit, with the crowd counting along, 1 – 2 –


THUUUUUD! As if the mist felt like a bitch, this hurts almost as much. “Hahahaha. You alright sis? Seems like you were in deep sleep after all the things you said.” My older brother, Nate, comes into the living room laughing at me after I just fell off the couch. Geez, thanks for the help bro. “Wait, I said something? What’d I say?” I asked anxiously, scared that I may have revealed something no one was supposed to know. “Well you said and I quote, Oh, that bitch. I’m gonna get you Sandy! Sandy…hmmm, are you dreaming about your opponent on Aftershock, Sandy Deserts?” So it was a dream, thank God. “Yeah, I guess. It all seemed too real. It was like I was seeing into the future. God, I hope not.”

After that dream, I hope and pray that isn’t the result of my actual match. The look of concern on my face worried my brother. But that’s just him being my brother. I looked down to the floor, just waiting for one of his motivational speeches; he was always good at that. “I take it you lost in your dream?” Yes, the speech is coming, or so I hope it is. “Well, I didn’t win Nate. Is this a sign of things to come?” There I go again, being negative, that’s what I was good at. “Sis, it was a dream after all. I mean, we’ve been doing a lot of homework on both your opponents after we got word that you’d be facing them on Aftershock. You gotta believe you’ll win, you’re gonna have to want it. It’s not like this is the biggest obstacle you’ve ever had to go through. In fact, this should be a walk in the park compared to what you’ve had to overcome in the past.” He’s right, I hate it when my brother’s right. I did need this speech though. He was right about this not being the hardest thing I’ve had to overcome. My early years, especially my teenage years were the worst. I can do this, I can. “I see that look on your face sis. You’re either really worried about your match or extremely confident. Which is it?” I wonder what he’s talking about. This face? I don’t think my face gives out an emotion right now, was this part of his speech? Hmm.

Still looking unsure, my brother continues, “Please tell me you have been paying attention while we were watching clips of your opponents. Tell me, how exactly are you going to win sis?” I knew this question was coming. I was in fact, paying attention to every video clip session we had. I had formulated an idea on how I’d win but I haven’t exactly said it out loud. I guess it’s always different when you think about it than when you actually say it out loud. I just sat there, contemplating this question in my head even if I’ve thought about it a million times a day. My pondering worried my brother and I always hated that. I hate the fact that he always has to worry about me, but what can you do, that’s what big brothers do. “From the clips that we’ve seen from them, I know that I’ll be in a hard fought match because Sandy and Isabel are both pretty skilled. But what separates me from them is that I’ve been through some pretty rough things in the past.” I said in a determined voice, remembering those times in my life that weren’t pleasant. “I mean, Sandy and Isabel are no pushovers. Isabel has gone under the tutelage of the great Steven Kurtesy before and I’m sure she has picked up a few tricks from him. Sandy is a seasoned veteran and knows just about every trick in the book. But that won’t stop me from throwing everything I have at her. I've dealt with people much worse than these two, I'm sure I'll be able to handle it.” My brother looked at me in a way that I wasn’t sure what he was feeling. I looked pretty nervous after my spiel that I just blurted out to him. “Good answer sis. Seems like you’re all fired up.” He grabbed me by the head and started messing with my hair just like he did when we were kids. "You win your debut match, this could really make people take notice of you. Those people that have wronged you in the past may see you on TV. They'll be so surprised to see how far you've come. Not only that, but you'll definitely show them who's boss." "Yeah well, even if I don't win my match, just being in WZCW shows that I've changed, even if it's just a little. But hell, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want to win. So the plan on Aftershock is...to win! These ladies won't know what hit them." The sudden burst of adrenaline might've gotten the best of me there, but it felt good to say that.

“Hey, what do you say we go hit the old training grounds? I’m in the mood after what you just said. Plus, you know I won’t go easy on you, just like how Isabel and Sandy won’t go easy on you.” It was good to see that not only had I motivated myself, but kept my brother from worrying about me. He worries too much, but that’s what brothers do. “Yeah, you better not go easy on me.” I nudge pass him and run out the door to the car, ever so ready to start training for my debut match on Aftershock.
The Streets of San Francisco

Bright; sunny; warm - these were the words that accurately described the day that Sandy Deserts decided to venture through the hilly streets of San Francisco and enjoy the fresh air, eventually finding herself relaxing in a cast-iron chair outside her favourite local coffee shop as she drinks her custom-made double vanilla latte. Through her dark shades, she watched blissfully as the world passed by; different customers walked in and out of the doors; businessmen talking into their mobile phones whilst those who had the day off leisurely strolled past... but one of these people caught her eye and caused her to stand, looking at this person.

"Michelle!" Sandy called out to the female walking by, who turned around at the calling of her voice.

They both smiled as they recognised each other: it was Sandy's psychiatrist and new friend Michelle Frost, who headed over to her. The two hugged and exchanged greetings before Sandy offered Michelle a seat.

"I didn't know you liked coffee Sandy." Michelle proclaimed with curiosity, "I would not have picked you for the type."

Sandy laughed for a second at the statement before she responded: "That's what many others have said before like the Professor and Celeste - we often sat here and conversed for hours without once mentioning our problems or WZCW. This place held great memories and I thought I should revisit; get the positive energy flowing as Kurtesy used to say."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Michelle asked, even more intrigued by her reasons by sitting at this coffee shop.

"Why, because you suspect that this would be a trigger to delve back into bad memories?" Michelle nodded to Sandy, confirming her question. "Well, I thought so too to be honest but I can't hold onto the past any more Michelle - what's done is done - and Lord knows that I haven't had one of these for a while." Sandy taps her latte as the two girls giggle.

"I know what you mean: my mind is constantly thinking about my patients and the clinic that getting coffee would be counter-productive." Michelle admits. "I'm just still a little surprised that this hasn't affected you in any way, unless you are holding what you truly feel inside."

Sandy smiles at Michelle, realising that she is indirectly grilling her for answers since Sandy cancelled her upcoming appointments with Michelle. Sandy takes off her shades, places them on the table and looks Michelle directly in the eyes.

"I won't lie to you Michelle: I'm still not over the fact that Celeste Crimson turned her back on our relationship and with her recent development with Steven Holmes, a man whose had a long history with the Professor, it only makes me angrier... but I have to move on Michelle otherwise it is going to drag me deep down into the abyss. I've seen people spiral down during my tenure as a doctor and I'm afraid to imagine what I would become if I ever went there again. I went through hell to re-surface and I just don't think I could ever recover by myself. I'm going to let everything that has happened to me go - it's the only way."

A small smile appears on the face of Michelle as Sandy pauses for a moment.

"So what are you going to do now? What are your plans for the future."

The pause from continues for a few more seconds before answering: "I didn't win the Lethal Lottery nor am I top contender for any championship. Since moving on from Celeste, I don't have any issues with anyone on the roster neither despite one of my upcoming opponents being responsible for taking away the Professor's voice."

"Isabel Stone?" asks Michelle, familiar with the name.

Sandy nods. "Its been so long since that incident happened. What kind of person would I be if I held a grudge for this long? Stone suffered a career-threatening neck injury and she was determined enough to come back to fight, good on her. I admire that in people: being able to get right back on that horse right after they fell off. That doesn't mean I will be going easy on her when it comes time to wrestle each other in the squared circle. I am a veteran female wrestler; I've got to show these two newbies that they've got a long way ahead if they want to be successful."


"That's right, you don't pay much attention." Sandy realises, "There's a new girl joining the company and she's got her debut against myself and Isabel: Amber Warren I believe her name is. Apparently, she wrestles similarly as to how I used to wrestle when I was her age: high-risk and reckless. It's going to be interesting to see what she can bring to the table."

"Do you think you'll see yourself in her?" Michelle ponders.

The nature of the questions stunned Sandy for a moment as she herself did not know the answer. Sandy goes to open her mouth and answer the question but nothing comes out: she is speechless. Michelle leans in and puts her hand on Sandy's hand.

"Just remember: don't get too attached to Amber should you take an interest. Every time you've gotten attached to somebody, something happens with that relationship."

As quick as a hawk, Sandy responds: "Can you say the same thing about ours?"

This time, it is Michelle who is unable to answer that question. The reaction is different however as Michelle nods and leans back, looking to get up from her seat. Sandy stands up as well along with Michelle, with Michelle hugging Sandy and saying goodbye to her. As Michelle looks to head off, she stops and looks at Sandy.

"Take care of yourself Sandy. Make sure to always watch your back as you never know who is out there, waiting to take you down."

Sandy sits back down as Michelle walks away and down the street before disappearing from sight. Sandy picks up her shades, puts them back on and leans back, continuing to watch as the world passes by.​
Chapter Five: Reboot

I guess I should be finding it funny that I'm in a triple threat match that includes the woman scorned herself, Sandy Deserts. I should find it funny that I had an oppertunity to get into the Lethal Lottery and not only get revenge on Runn, but win a title.

But I really don't.

Flashback: Last Week.

I lost. I failed. And Runn is still walking.

I continued to pummle the punching bag, my anger making the ceiling vibrate and spit out bits onto my head. I ignored my hair getting dirty and just kept punching.

I had been eliminated first out of our match, meaning I didn't beat Runn. And that made me pissed. Look what he had done to me anyway.


I jumped and turned around, shooting my fist thru the air. A woman with long red hair dived out of the way and then back up, her hands balling into fists on her hips.

Nice to see you too bitch.

... Sam?

Sam laughed and tossed her long red hair over her shoulder and grinned. Her Scottish accent drew out her sentence, even tho she was talking at nintey words a minute.

Yeah it's me!Who did you think it was, Amy Pond from Doctor Who? What other Scot do you know anyway?

I had been so focussed I had missed her awesome accent. Oops.

You do realize that you're shaking the ceiling so hard we can feel it in the aerobics center?

Sorry... Lot of built up stress.

Sam rolled her eyes and swung her kilt bag- named so because it's made of three kilts stitched together to form a bag- over her shoulder and grabbed mine.

Come on Red Stripe. Let's go get some coffee down at the cafe.

Two years since we last saw each other and I'm not shocked that she hasn't changed a bit. I hear a voice whisper in my ear to ditch her but she's holding my bag.

And I still haven't figured out how to say no to her.
Or for that matter anyone in her family...

Fifteen minutes later we're sitting in a coffee shop sipping big cappachino's. So many calories... So little fucks given.

So how ya been? I know yer in WZCW now and you've won a few times, but honestly, since that accident... Is everything okay now?

I consider my answer and think of my anger, my father's ghost chasing me and driving me on.

Juuust fine.

Sam rolls her eyes and says before sipping her drink:

Your lying needs a lot of work girly.

I sighed and sipped my drink. The silence lasted, oh, maybe a minute when we heard it.

Izzy! Izzy!

I don't even have to look to see Becky Serra clopping towards us, waving her arms. I really just want to be back at that gym.

Izzy, hey, can we talk?

Becky, I don't have time-

I talked to your ex, Justin? He said I should check on you. Is everything okay?


What do you mean ex? Justin and I didn't break up...

He said he walked out a while ago and that you didn't look good when he saw you last.

Sam is looking at us both now, her face strewn with confusion and curiosity. And a dash of worry.

Look, Lethal Lottery is coming up soon and he wanted to make sure you were okay before going in-

We're not broken up! Now go away!!

Becky looks at me and decides I'm not worth the risk. Shaking her head she leaves. But what the hell did she mean, my ex? Justin has been at home the whole time, taking care of me.


Isabel, what's going on? Who's Justin?

He's my boyfriend. NOT my ex.

Sam nods and shifts like she doesn't know whether to leave or not.

I guess not. I show her a picture on my phone and explain who he is, how we met and how long we've been dating.

He's a looker Iz. No question about that. Have you two texted lately?

Of course I do.

I search my phone for our recent texts and come up short.

Not right.

I search again.


He hasn't texted me in a long time.

I mean LONG.

That's... But...

Isabel, why don't we go to your house and finish our Caps there, you looked a bit spooked.

Sam gets me up and we somehow make it to my house. When we go in the first thing I see are the walls.

Every wall has a bloody fist print indented into it. Sam gasps and I just stare at them, then at my hands. My knuckles are raw and bandages, little cuts poking out, even some dried blood running between my fingers.

Oh my god. Iz, what have ya done?

I can't even answer. If Justin left a while ago, then have I been imagining him? I must have, none of his stuff is here. There's no sign that two people have been living in this house.

Just one.



I think you should go now.


Sam. Please. I really need you to go.

Sam looks at me a moment then leaves, like she really doesn't want to go.

But knows she has to.

I wait until the door closes to sit on the floor and hug my knees.

An hour passes.



See what you've become?

I jump at the sound of my father's voice.

You're weak and pathetic.

I'm kind of scared.

Of course you are. You're weak. Always ready to give up. Pathetic.

I'm not...

You stood up against everyone, but me.

I look up and he's standing there. He looks like how he did when I was a child. Afraid, terrified of this giant. Bitter of his failure and determined to make me succeed. He glares.

That's why you were never strong. You did what I told you to do. You are a follower Isabel. You could never do things for yourself. And now look at you. Weeping. Like a child.

I'm not a child...

I slowly get to my feet to stare him in the eye. He looks back.

You took my childhood away and traded it for the life of a boy who loved wrestling too much to bear. You destroyed Isabel and turned me into Ryan Jr.

I made you tough.

You abused me verbally my entire life! And then had the gaul to say you loved me! Because of you I hate everyone except for two people. Both are gone and never coming back.

Then why did you listen to me? You were strong enough to get rid of me.

You're all I had!!!

Tears burn my eyes. But then, an epitome.

But not anymore. I have a man who's waiting for me to come back to him, I have a Scottish best friend who outsasses my bitchiness and I have the job you could never get. And you know what else? I'm alive. You're dead and gone. SO GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!

I fall onto the floor and find myself by the couch. How did I get here? Either way, the door opens and there is standing the only two people I could ever love. My Amy and Rory. Justin and Sam look at me a moment then run over and set me on the couch.

When I speak, my voice is weirdly tired and weak.

It's okay now. Dad's gone. He won't come back.

Present Time:

Sam has demanded Justin and I stop our lovey-doveness so she can sleep in peace. The walls are all freshly painted and the bloody fists are gone. My hands are forever scared, but it's supposed to be normal with bare-knuckle fighters.

Justin sets down his phone and strokes my hair.

Remember Sandy Deserts?

Woman scorned. Hates my guts. In love with my old trainer. Yeah, sounds familiar.

You have a triple threat match with her in three days.

Smiling, I peck his lips and bounce up, ready to get my anger in gear. I yell up the stairs for Sam to get ready and come down for practice. Justin shakes his head and stands.

This is our normal. Mocking the innocent and glorifying the guilty. Not to mention becoming bad ass wrestlers at the same time.

All ghosts have gone.

Sandy's ass needs beating, and maybe that Amber bitch needs whacked too.

Oh yeah.

I pick up a dart and throw it bullseye onto a picture of Ricky Runn.

Revenge is far from finished.
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